Moderator: Thanas
- Dalton
- For Those About to Rock We Salute You
- Posts: 22639
- Joined: 2002-07-03 06:16pm
- Location: New York, the Fuck You State
- Contact:
"So what of the Dilgar offer?"
"Utter trash. I decided to ignore it. I'm not going to sacrifice a world to those monsters."
" war?"
"We're taking the fight to them. We will have our world back."
"Utter trash. I decided to ignore it. I'm not going to sacrifice a world to those monsters."
" war?"
"We're taking the fight to them. We will have our world back."

To Absent Friends
"y = mx + bro" - Surlethe
"You try THAT shit again, kid, and I will mod you. I will
mod you so hard, you'll wish I were Dalton." - Lagmonster
May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce.
CIS Stiller, Malevolence "Raider" Class
Nocalo System
"Closing on the alien vessel."
"Ready grappling hooks."
"It's taking evasive action..."
A dozen grappling cannons fire, aimed by computer to bracket the Anla'shok vessel. Boom, boom, boom, boom. But it dodges the attack and dives towards the jumpgate.
"After it!"
"That jumpgate leads to Hurr space."
"We were ordered to go after it at all costs, we can't let it escape!"
Quadrant 27
Sovereign Territory of the Hurr Republic
The iris opens and out jumps the Minbari vessel. The Hurr ships close, their turreted guns tracking, and for a split second an armada's worth of firepower is concentrated on the harmless scout.
Then the Stiller appears through the wormhole. The turrets rotate to the new threat. The new ship sprints towards the Minbari vessel, through the midst of the Hurr formation. For a moment it seems as if the Hurr will let the hunter hunt, and the barrels of their weapons are cool.
But then, all at once, a dozen missiles and laser beams surround the Stiller and trap it. The Stiller attempts evasive maneuvers, but there is nowhere to go. It lets out one last anguish with a token shot at the nearest Hurr vessel, but the Hurr's armor easily absorbs and radiates the pulses.
Then the nearest Hurr frigate with its main battery catches the Stiller, freezing the frigate with a laser beam and slicing through its armor millimeter by millimeter until the frigate breaks apart. Thermonuclear missiles impact in proximity and detonate, removing any doubt as the Stiller becomes finely ground space dust.
Marxis Corporate Headquarters
"I thought he was your best man. You named a goddamn ship after him," says Marxis to Vera.
"I thought he was too."
"So the aliens escaped with detailed scans of our battleships."
"We can't be sure, but we think so."
"Doesn't matter. The first Iowa class battleships are launching today with skeleton crews. Once we go public we'll rehire all the spacers laid off from the Liberators, and finally we'll have enough firepower to deal with these aliens." Marxis pauses. "I'm running out of States to name them after."
"You could always name them like the British do. Or Earthforce."
Nocalo System
"Closing on the alien vessel."
"Ready grappling hooks."
"It's taking evasive action..."
A dozen grappling cannons fire, aimed by computer to bracket the Anla'shok vessel. Boom, boom, boom, boom. But it dodges the attack and dives towards the jumpgate.
"After it!"
"That jumpgate leads to Hurr space."
"We were ordered to go after it at all costs, we can't let it escape!"
Quadrant 27
Sovereign Territory of the Hurr Republic
The iris opens and out jumps the Minbari vessel. The Hurr ships close, their turreted guns tracking, and for a split second an armada's worth of firepower is concentrated on the harmless scout.
Then the Stiller appears through the wormhole. The turrets rotate to the new threat. The new ship sprints towards the Minbari vessel, through the midst of the Hurr formation. For a moment it seems as if the Hurr will let the hunter hunt, and the barrels of their weapons are cool.
But then, all at once, a dozen missiles and laser beams surround the Stiller and trap it. The Stiller attempts evasive maneuvers, but there is nowhere to go. It lets out one last anguish with a token shot at the nearest Hurr vessel, but the Hurr's armor easily absorbs and radiates the pulses.
Then the nearest Hurr frigate with its main battery catches the Stiller, freezing the frigate with a laser beam and slicing through its armor millimeter by millimeter until the frigate breaks apart. Thermonuclear missiles impact in proximity and detonate, removing any doubt as the Stiller becomes finely ground space dust.
Marxis Corporate Headquarters
"I thought he was your best man. You named a goddamn ship after him," says Marxis to Vera.
"I thought he was too."
"So the aliens escaped with detailed scans of our battleships."
"We can't be sure, but we think so."
"Doesn't matter. The first Iowa class battleships are launching today with skeleton crews. Once we go public we'll rehire all the spacers laid off from the Liberators, and finally we'll have enough firepower to deal with these aliens." Marxis pauses. "I'm running out of States to name them after."
"You could always name them like the British do. Or Earthforce."
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
Ranger 435, Escaping Nocalo System
The sleek scoutship cruised past the yards, scanning nearly two hundred battleships coming out of their berths. With a brief turn, it dodges pulse cannon fire, and streaks into the darkness.
Slipping through the jumpgate and easilly outrunning the crude starships deployed by the humans, the scout breaks into neutral space. Her captain quickly issues an order. "Transmit these schematics to Minbar. They are preparing a warfleet..." he remarked. Grave news, but surely the mighty Minbari Federation would be prepared for this.
Valen'tha, Grey Council Chambers
"Satai Dukhat, we have captured another Dilgar spy." remarked Narool, one of the three Warriors that composed the council. "We believe they intend to act against us, despite how foolish such an action would be.."
The hooded members stood silent for a moment, as Narool continued.
"They have already captured one of the inner planets of the race called 'Narns', and press forward with their attack there. Their plight is not ours, but such matters concern the Warrior Caste. We request permission to intervene."
"Master, if I may..." began a hooded female, stepping forward amongst the religious caste.
"It is not appropriate for her to speak!" interuppted Narool. "Delenn is not yet an official member of this council. To do so would be..." he was cut off by a swift wave of Dukhat's hand, as he rested on the ceremonial staff of the Council.
"And I have not known Delenn to speak only when appropriate. Please, what do you wish to say, Sataii Delenn?"
"We cannot intervene now. Although... we must reach out to their plight, the worlds of the Narn are too distant." she begins slowly, then up. "Them and the Centauri are besieged by the Darkness, and our ships withdraw now, by your order. So what can we do? The Anla'shok have sent distressing news of a military buildup within the Humans. We must move carefully..." she ends, before stepping back, and lifting the grey hood once more over her head.
The council stood silent in contemplation for many uneasy moments, before one by one, the light illuminating each member dimmed and faded. The meeting was over. No action was to be taken.
The sleek scoutship cruised past the yards, scanning nearly two hundred battleships coming out of their berths. With a brief turn, it dodges pulse cannon fire, and streaks into the darkness.
Slipping through the jumpgate and easilly outrunning the crude starships deployed by the humans, the scout breaks into neutral space. Her captain quickly issues an order. "Transmit these schematics to Minbar. They are preparing a warfleet..." he remarked. Grave news, but surely the mighty Minbari Federation would be prepared for this.
Valen'tha, Grey Council Chambers
"Satai Dukhat, we have captured another Dilgar spy." remarked Narool, one of the three Warriors that composed the council. "We believe they intend to act against us, despite how foolish such an action would be.."
The hooded members stood silent for a moment, as Narool continued.
"They have already captured one of the inner planets of the race called 'Narns', and press forward with their attack there. Their plight is not ours, but such matters concern the Warrior Caste. We request permission to intervene."
"Master, if I may..." began a hooded female, stepping forward amongst the religious caste.
"It is not appropriate for her to speak!" interuppted Narool. "Delenn is not yet an official member of this council. To do so would be..." he was cut off by a swift wave of Dukhat's hand, as he rested on the ceremonial staff of the Council.
"And I have not known Delenn to speak only when appropriate. Please, what do you wish to say, Sataii Delenn?"
"We cannot intervene now. Although... we must reach out to their plight, the worlds of the Narn are too distant." she begins slowly, then up. "Them and the Centauri are besieged by the Darkness, and our ships withdraw now, by your order. So what can we do? The Anla'shok have sent distressing news of a military buildup within the Humans. We must move carefully..." she ends, before stepping back, and lifting the grey hood once more over her head.
The council stood silent in contemplation for many uneasy moments, before one by one, the light illuminating each member dimmed and faded. The meeting was over. No action was to be taken.
ISN Feed
“Now tonight for the Galaxy’s network update on current affairs. But first these important messages from our sponsors, and don’t forget to stay tuned for the Galaxy’s favourite news on ISN.”
“Coming to a planet near you, the new and updated show by that pair of loveable pranksters, magicians and congressmen - REBO AND ZUTI”
“Zuti, Zut Zut!!!”
Sponsored by the Earth Gov. department for entertainment and re-education.
“Now Bringing you the evening news with our anchors, five time ISN globe winner John Kryton and the beautiful Ms. Vivica Senzafine.”
“Thank you, Ralph for that stellar introduction and I must say you are looking beautiful tonight Vivica.”
“Thank you John but I must say I’m not the only thing that turned heads this evening what with the Dilgar and Corporate sector openly declaring a full military alliance earlier this week. We have more on that story soon as well as the possible ramifications and lead up factors that may have helped attribute this major shift in policy to a race that over fifty years ago threatened to annihilate many of the old league races. Our board tonight will include a member from the faculty of MIT, a representative from Earth gov and finally our guest attendant General Macintyre who has the distinction of being one of the few men left alive to have fought in the first Dilgar war, the Minbari war and the insurrection that resulted in the re-unification of earth some twenty years ago.”
“Thank you Vivica, we go now to some footage of the actual declaration that happened earlier on today. This is shot on one of the Home worlds that Marxis corps annexed, excuse me (glances nervously to Vivica) bought from the local population almost six years ago now. As you will see things get start smoothly but get pretty heated up when the two delegates start fielding questions. We should point out at this moment that the role of ISN isn’t to spin the news, we merely present the truth.”
Astute viewers at this point, and with the right level of technological interference may be able to pick out the following psychically embedded message. “The Corps is mother, the Corps is father. Trust the Corps”
A video is shown of the delegations aboard a space station. It is neat and well presented the Marxis corps logo is shot very obviously and always manages to stay in the picture despite the angles. The footage is very clean and whoever edited it was definitely a master of his art. A reporter is speaking to the camera as she walks towards the conference hall. She is citing all the reasons that this alliance is doomed to fail and how if Earth Gov. had tighter controls on the corporate sector they would never allow for such an alliance to occur. The reporters sit and watch as the process occurs. The delegates are all smiles and then after going over everything (which at this stage is surely just a formality for the circus) turn to each other and shake hands co-signing the document. At this point the Dilgar ambassador a young attractive Dilgar by the name of Jai’Lo turns to address the press.
“This treaty represents the best elements of both our species in our ability to come together at this time of crisis.”
Pausing slightly for effect she continues
“Progressive thinking, adaptability and resourcefulness. These things are harnessed between our two races by this ‘Military’ alliance. Any one who might threaten to coerce, undermine, or attack one of us should be aware that they are now accosting not just one sovereignty but two! If you attack the free and prosperous inhabitants of the Marxis society then you are also attacking the Dilgar and will be confronted with the utmost of prejudice!”
Smiling the Marxis representative stands and confirms the promise that Jai’Lo has just made public to the universe. He then offers to take any questions regarding the matter at hand.
There is a moment of silence, then one reporter boldly stands and like a plague the rest instantly follow into pandemonium shouting their questions above each other. Dr. Pietr DeVries points to one the reporters at the front, a representative from the “Universe today”, a calm slowly descends upon the room before she begins:
“Dr. DeVries, what do you think the rightful President Alshain will think of your employer trying to meddle in Interstellar Policy?”
“Well, Michelle, as you and I both know, the ISA gave MR. Marxis the right to establish a free and independent colony of Earth Gov. which he did. After Sheridan’s death and the fall of the alliance, Alshain had that edict overturned in Geneva and then tried to take back all the Earth Colonies including Mars, Io, and Proxima.”
A very slight flicker occurs in the transmission.
DeVries turns to face this camera a frenzied look upon his face.
“Well, Marxis corps refuses to cow tow to the corrupt government of earth and will take any steps necessary to distance ourselves from it. Just remember Sheridan Alshain, we’re coming for you!!”
As he says this last part he starts to point at the cameras and his face takes on the appearance of mad glee.
Suddenly Jai’Lo jumps up and kicking over the podium shouts out “DEATH TO ALL EARTH BORNS!!!” She reaches into her outfit and pulls out a small PPG and starts to fire it into the crowd of reporters. They start to scream and then the transmission goes dead….
A moment passes then the picture cuts back to the main news hall.
“Well viewers, unfortunately I think we all know what happens next. We wish to take this time now to lament for our lost brothers and sisters who’s only job, only love was to bring you the truth as it happens!! Join with me now as we take a minute in silence to their memories…”
“Now we have our panel here to discuss how this bodes for the future of the galaxy, a hardened warrior people coupled with the revenge hungry Marxis corporation! Ladies and gentlemen we can expect only chaos…”
“Please allow me to introduce Sharon Zemo from the board of Mars institute for technology, Jason Todd from the ministry for education and General Macintyre who of course needs no introduction. Now What do you all think of the footage you have just witnessed and what do you think is likely to come from it?”
“Well we don’t know what Dr. DeVries was talking about, Earth never tried to take back Mars after the fall of the ISA. Everyone knows that’s just how certain rogue elements made it appear. Anyone who was anyone in the government knew that a peaceful handover occurred because the government of Earth was better equipped to deal with our problems then we were. It’s like a stray lamb returning to the fold”
“Well Sharon, that’s certainly a different picture to the one Dr. DeVries painted, what do you think will happen?”
“Well we at MIT, expect that the Dilgar’s propensity for war will drive them mad and they’ll end up lashing out at the ones closest to them like they did to the Narn. The Marxists are going to feel that aggression and when they do, Earth is going to be the one coming in to clean up like we had to do last time. I mean the Marxists may be spoiled children, but they are Earther’s right !!”
“Do you think that when the Dilgar announced their reasons for the War, they were telling the truth. I mean do you believe that they are retaliating for the Narn attacks on their colony ships?”
Sharon laughs
“John, you know better than to play with me like that. Of course I don’t! We all know that the Dilgar are a blood thirsty race who’s only pursuit is that of destruction. Those ships which if memory serves were destroyed in the Vinzin sector were probably en route to Cooke loaded up with weapons and landing parties to destroy our settlers in that system. If anything the Narn did us a favour and we should give them the credit they deserve rather than listening to some cat faced clap trap!”
“Well, you’ve just heard what one of the brightest young members of the MIT faculty has to say. Now for another intellectual point of view, the petty minister for education Mr. Jason Todd! Tell us Jason where do you see this alliance heading?”
“Well, I’d just like to say hi to all the folks back home (waves) and say how pretty you’re looking tonight Ms. Senzafine. (He straightens up at this point and far from looking like the star struck college grad, appears to have a deep seriousness come over him) It is my view, John, that the Dilgar will use this alliance as well as the newly formed military alliance with the Brakiri to try and form a kind of third Triumviri in order to depose and destroy all legal sovereignties throughout the galaxy. Everyone knows that the Brakiri have been standoffish to all advances yet suddenly out of the blue here they are declaring a military alliance with a race that was a hairs breadth from wiping them out of existence over fifty years ago. No sir, I don’t like it! The Dilgar military might and experience coupled with the financial powerhouses of the Brakiri syndicacy and the Marxist corporation is bad news and Earth should use every method at its disposal to try and sour this alliance before any damage can be done. As Sharon said the sooner the Marxists can be brought back into the fold the better off everyone will be. We here at Earth Gov. are especially keen in seeing that friendly humans don’t get stung by the trap Marxis may have inadvertently stepped into here.”
“Well you’ve heard from both our governmental advisors but what now from the old war horse five star general Macintyre?”
“(Macintyre seems to sneer slightly at John)You know John, I always did like the military, in war you always know who your enemy is! I think that this alliance between the Dilgar and the Marxists, or for that matter the Brakiri is a defensive move. They’ll probably use it to try and reinforce their positions from the threat of some of the more militant aliens going around. (His eyes flutter slightly)But then again John old buddy, the Dilgar could never be trusted and we in the military have an old saying (he looks dead into the camera) the only good alien is on your plate! I see Fire and brimstone and as the other two have said if earth doesn’t take an active hand in this now then we may not live to regret it, or worse our beautiful earth born children may have to go to school with those if… the Dilgar spawn.”
“Well that’s it, you’ve heard what our expert panel has to say on the issue surrounding this new and unexpected military alliance between the Dilgar confederacy and the Marxis corporation. The verdict, death destruction and the bodies of brave Earth soldiers heaped in pyres while the Dilgar rape and murder our children. I will not apologize for the gravity of my language, after all if we the press cannot speak the truth then by god, who can!!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, good luck, and goodnight.”
The camera goes silent and dead. Sharon and Jason get up enthused by the grand service they have just performed for their glorious earth Gov. Only Mackey, doesn’t stand, he looks old and frail as if he no longer belongs in the world. A mysterious figure in a bland nondescript suit walks in and helps him to his feet, the only distinguishable feature a pair of black gloves neatly tucked into the side pocket.
Vera Delaney sat shocked, she had just finished the telecast with Marxis, they had suspected that Earth Gov was manipulating the press, would try something but never anything of this magnitude. There was silence, a heavy foreboding silence…
Marxis leaped out from behind his desk and grabbed his coat. Vera following frantically behind shouted:
Marxis stormed on, he had now pulled the ppg sidearm from his holster and his face was going red from the pressure of his jaws.
Vera had to think quickly, as his XO it was her responsibility to look out for him, in one graceful motion she slipped past and slammed him abruptly into the wall. His gun arm was pinned and when her fist slammed into his temple he quickly hit the floor. She took his gun and half dragged half carried him back to his ready room.
About four hours later he awoke and immediately went for her. She was the fighter, he was the flyboy; again he went down but this time she merely pinned him to the floor, her weight centred upon his chest.
“Listen to me Marxis, you’re playing right into their hands…”
“You saw Vera, this has gone too far! Alshain is perverting the press, who knows how deep his hooks are?!”
“Listen M, we have to get the Dilgar onside now more than ever. Earth has tipped their hand. They wouldn’t go this far unless they were ready for military intervention. Sure we know their ships, know their weak points but what of the Minbari. Do you think that scout was just a coincidence after this??”
“If Earth has the Minbari on side to try and ‘liberate us’ from your evil dictatorship then we’re fucked. Sure the Dilgar may be caught up in a war with the Narn but lets face it, that conflict is over. The Narn fleet has been spotted and the Dilgar are already moving to destroy it.!
The Dilgar offer a level of security that few other races can, they are mobile they occupy the centre of the universe putting them in strike range of practically anyone and their fleets are battle hardened. Not to mention they are the only race of warriors left. If Alshain tries to move against us then he will have to face a strike from the Dilgar through the back of his systems and the senate would never agree to that kind of risk. I mean the only other thing he could do is have the Minbari break their alliance with the Dilgar and launch a simultaneous strike from the North western galactic arm, and the Minbari from all accounts aren’t the kind to break treaties based on outside influence!”
Marxis had calmed down and was breathing normally again. Vera saw the gleam erupt in his eye and knew that he was thinking something. Her look was all the question she needed. After the time they’d spent together they knew each others moves and tells better than anyone. He simply smiled and said:
“All in good time. You better get Jai’Lo on the horn before the Dilgar Confederacy takes personal offence to this stunt by Alshain and orbitally bombards ISN. They still care about face it would seem!”
Vera flashed him a wicked grin as though she were considering all those forked tongue reporters in a very special hell, then jumped up and went about her task.
Marxis started to scramble a call through to his counterpart in the confederacy. He knew that anything less than a direct explanation would not do for Death Walker. Which is exactly the kind of mood she would be in when she saw this!!
“Now tonight for the Galaxy’s network update on current affairs. But first these important messages from our sponsors, and don’t forget to stay tuned for the Galaxy’s favourite news on ISN.”
“Coming to a planet near you, the new and updated show by that pair of loveable pranksters, magicians and congressmen - REBO AND ZUTI”
“Zuti, Zut Zut!!!”
Sponsored by the Earth Gov. department for entertainment and re-education.
“Now Bringing you the evening news with our anchors, five time ISN globe winner John Kryton and the beautiful Ms. Vivica Senzafine.”
“Thank you, Ralph for that stellar introduction and I must say you are looking beautiful tonight Vivica.”
“Thank you John but I must say I’m not the only thing that turned heads this evening what with the Dilgar and Corporate sector openly declaring a full military alliance earlier this week. We have more on that story soon as well as the possible ramifications and lead up factors that may have helped attribute this major shift in policy to a race that over fifty years ago threatened to annihilate many of the old league races. Our board tonight will include a member from the faculty of MIT, a representative from Earth gov and finally our guest attendant General Macintyre who has the distinction of being one of the few men left alive to have fought in the first Dilgar war, the Minbari war and the insurrection that resulted in the re-unification of earth some twenty years ago.”
“Thank you Vivica, we go now to some footage of the actual declaration that happened earlier on today. This is shot on one of the Home worlds that Marxis corps annexed, excuse me (glances nervously to Vivica) bought from the local population almost six years ago now. As you will see things get start smoothly but get pretty heated up when the two delegates start fielding questions. We should point out at this moment that the role of ISN isn’t to spin the news, we merely present the truth.”
Astute viewers at this point, and with the right level of technological interference may be able to pick out the following psychically embedded message. “The Corps is mother, the Corps is father. Trust the Corps”
A video is shown of the delegations aboard a space station. It is neat and well presented the Marxis corps logo is shot very obviously and always manages to stay in the picture despite the angles. The footage is very clean and whoever edited it was definitely a master of his art. A reporter is speaking to the camera as she walks towards the conference hall. She is citing all the reasons that this alliance is doomed to fail and how if Earth Gov. had tighter controls on the corporate sector they would never allow for such an alliance to occur. The reporters sit and watch as the process occurs. The delegates are all smiles and then after going over everything (which at this stage is surely just a formality for the circus) turn to each other and shake hands co-signing the document. At this point the Dilgar ambassador a young attractive Dilgar by the name of Jai’Lo turns to address the press.
“This treaty represents the best elements of both our species in our ability to come together at this time of crisis.”
Pausing slightly for effect she continues
“Progressive thinking, adaptability and resourcefulness. These things are harnessed between our two races by this ‘Military’ alliance. Any one who might threaten to coerce, undermine, or attack one of us should be aware that they are now accosting not just one sovereignty but two! If you attack the free and prosperous inhabitants of the Marxis society then you are also attacking the Dilgar and will be confronted with the utmost of prejudice!”
Smiling the Marxis representative stands and confirms the promise that Jai’Lo has just made public to the universe. He then offers to take any questions regarding the matter at hand.
There is a moment of silence, then one reporter boldly stands and like a plague the rest instantly follow into pandemonium shouting their questions above each other. Dr. Pietr DeVries points to one the reporters at the front, a representative from the “Universe today”, a calm slowly descends upon the room before she begins:
“Dr. DeVries, what do you think the rightful President Alshain will think of your employer trying to meddle in Interstellar Policy?”
“Well, Michelle, as you and I both know, the ISA gave MR. Marxis the right to establish a free and independent colony of Earth Gov. which he did. After Sheridan’s death and the fall of the alliance, Alshain had that edict overturned in Geneva and then tried to take back all the Earth Colonies including Mars, Io, and Proxima.”
A very slight flicker occurs in the transmission.
DeVries turns to face this camera a frenzied look upon his face.
“Well, Marxis corps refuses to cow tow to the corrupt government of earth and will take any steps necessary to distance ourselves from it. Just remember Sheridan Alshain, we’re coming for you!!”
As he says this last part he starts to point at the cameras and his face takes on the appearance of mad glee.
Suddenly Jai’Lo jumps up and kicking over the podium shouts out “DEATH TO ALL EARTH BORNS!!!” She reaches into her outfit and pulls out a small PPG and starts to fire it into the crowd of reporters. They start to scream and then the transmission goes dead….
A moment passes then the picture cuts back to the main news hall.
“Well viewers, unfortunately I think we all know what happens next. We wish to take this time now to lament for our lost brothers and sisters who’s only job, only love was to bring you the truth as it happens!! Join with me now as we take a minute in silence to their memories…”
“Now we have our panel here to discuss how this bodes for the future of the galaxy, a hardened warrior people coupled with the revenge hungry Marxis corporation! Ladies and gentlemen we can expect only chaos…”
“Please allow me to introduce Sharon Zemo from the board of Mars institute for technology, Jason Todd from the ministry for education and General Macintyre who of course needs no introduction. Now What do you all think of the footage you have just witnessed and what do you think is likely to come from it?”
“Well we don’t know what Dr. DeVries was talking about, Earth never tried to take back Mars after the fall of the ISA. Everyone knows that’s just how certain rogue elements made it appear. Anyone who was anyone in the government knew that a peaceful handover occurred because the government of Earth was better equipped to deal with our problems then we were. It’s like a stray lamb returning to the fold”
“Well Sharon, that’s certainly a different picture to the one Dr. DeVries painted, what do you think will happen?”
“Well we at MIT, expect that the Dilgar’s propensity for war will drive them mad and they’ll end up lashing out at the ones closest to them like they did to the Narn. The Marxists are going to feel that aggression and when they do, Earth is going to be the one coming in to clean up like we had to do last time. I mean the Marxists may be spoiled children, but they are Earther’s right !!”
“Do you think that when the Dilgar announced their reasons for the War, they were telling the truth. I mean do you believe that they are retaliating for the Narn attacks on their colony ships?”
Sharon laughs
“John, you know better than to play with me like that. Of course I don’t! We all know that the Dilgar are a blood thirsty race who’s only pursuit is that of destruction. Those ships which if memory serves were destroyed in the Vinzin sector were probably en route to Cooke loaded up with weapons and landing parties to destroy our settlers in that system. If anything the Narn did us a favour and we should give them the credit they deserve rather than listening to some cat faced clap trap!”
“Well, you’ve just heard what one of the brightest young members of the MIT faculty has to say. Now for another intellectual point of view, the petty minister for education Mr. Jason Todd! Tell us Jason where do you see this alliance heading?”
“Well, I’d just like to say hi to all the folks back home (waves) and say how pretty you’re looking tonight Ms. Senzafine. (He straightens up at this point and far from looking like the star struck college grad, appears to have a deep seriousness come over him) It is my view, John, that the Dilgar will use this alliance as well as the newly formed military alliance with the Brakiri to try and form a kind of third Triumviri in order to depose and destroy all legal sovereignties throughout the galaxy. Everyone knows that the Brakiri have been standoffish to all advances yet suddenly out of the blue here they are declaring a military alliance with a race that was a hairs breadth from wiping them out of existence over fifty years ago. No sir, I don’t like it! The Dilgar military might and experience coupled with the financial powerhouses of the Brakiri syndicacy and the Marxist corporation is bad news and Earth should use every method at its disposal to try and sour this alliance before any damage can be done. As Sharon said the sooner the Marxists can be brought back into the fold the better off everyone will be. We here at Earth Gov. are especially keen in seeing that friendly humans don’t get stung by the trap Marxis may have inadvertently stepped into here.”
“Well you’ve heard from both our governmental advisors but what now from the old war horse five star general Macintyre?”
“(Macintyre seems to sneer slightly at John)You know John, I always did like the military, in war you always know who your enemy is! I think that this alliance between the Dilgar and the Marxists, or for that matter the Brakiri is a defensive move. They’ll probably use it to try and reinforce their positions from the threat of some of the more militant aliens going around. (His eyes flutter slightly)But then again John old buddy, the Dilgar could never be trusted and we in the military have an old saying (he looks dead into the camera) the only good alien is on your plate! I see Fire and brimstone and as the other two have said if earth doesn’t take an active hand in this now then we may not live to regret it, or worse our beautiful earth born children may have to go to school with those if… the Dilgar spawn.”
“Well that’s it, you’ve heard what our expert panel has to say on the issue surrounding this new and unexpected military alliance between the Dilgar confederacy and the Marxis corporation. The verdict, death destruction and the bodies of brave Earth soldiers heaped in pyres while the Dilgar rape and murder our children. I will not apologize for the gravity of my language, after all if we the press cannot speak the truth then by god, who can!!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, good luck, and goodnight.”
The camera goes silent and dead. Sharon and Jason get up enthused by the grand service they have just performed for their glorious earth Gov. Only Mackey, doesn’t stand, he looks old and frail as if he no longer belongs in the world. A mysterious figure in a bland nondescript suit walks in and helps him to his feet, the only distinguishable feature a pair of black gloves neatly tucked into the side pocket.
Vera Delaney sat shocked, she had just finished the telecast with Marxis, they had suspected that Earth Gov was manipulating the press, would try something but never anything of this magnitude. There was silence, a heavy foreboding silence…
Marxis leaped out from behind his desk and grabbed his coat. Vera following frantically behind shouted:
Marxis stormed on, he had now pulled the ppg sidearm from his holster and his face was going red from the pressure of his jaws.
Vera had to think quickly, as his XO it was her responsibility to look out for him, in one graceful motion she slipped past and slammed him abruptly into the wall. His gun arm was pinned and when her fist slammed into his temple he quickly hit the floor. She took his gun and half dragged half carried him back to his ready room.
About four hours later he awoke and immediately went for her. She was the fighter, he was the flyboy; again he went down but this time she merely pinned him to the floor, her weight centred upon his chest.
“Listen to me Marxis, you’re playing right into their hands…”
“You saw Vera, this has gone too far! Alshain is perverting the press, who knows how deep his hooks are?!”
“Listen M, we have to get the Dilgar onside now more than ever. Earth has tipped their hand. They wouldn’t go this far unless they were ready for military intervention. Sure we know their ships, know their weak points but what of the Minbari. Do you think that scout was just a coincidence after this??”
“If Earth has the Minbari on side to try and ‘liberate us’ from your evil dictatorship then we’re fucked. Sure the Dilgar may be caught up in a war with the Narn but lets face it, that conflict is over. The Narn fleet has been spotted and the Dilgar are already moving to destroy it.!
The Dilgar offer a level of security that few other races can, they are mobile they occupy the centre of the universe putting them in strike range of practically anyone and their fleets are battle hardened. Not to mention they are the only race of warriors left. If Alshain tries to move against us then he will have to face a strike from the Dilgar through the back of his systems and the senate would never agree to that kind of risk. I mean the only other thing he could do is have the Minbari break their alliance with the Dilgar and launch a simultaneous strike from the North western galactic arm, and the Minbari from all accounts aren’t the kind to break treaties based on outside influence!”
Marxis had calmed down and was breathing normally again. Vera saw the gleam erupt in his eye and knew that he was thinking something. Her look was all the question she needed. After the time they’d spent together they knew each others moves and tells better than anyone. He simply smiled and said:
“All in good time. You better get Jai’Lo on the horn before the Dilgar Confederacy takes personal offence to this stunt by Alshain and orbitally bombards ISN. They still care about face it would seem!”
Vera flashed him a wicked grin as though she were considering all those forked tongue reporters in a very special hell, then jumped up and went about her task.
Marxis started to scramble a call through to his counterpart in the confederacy. He knew that anything less than a direct explanation would not do for Death Walker. Which is exactly the kind of mood she would be in when she saw this!!
A little energon, and a lot of luck...
Some where in Dilgar space…
The long range scout had been watching the situation thoroughly for the last four months. Watched as the Shadow vessels slid over the fabric of space. Watched as they approached their goal, and finally baited the trap that they were to trigger.
Everything had gone according to plan just as Rai’Jal had assured them it would. His plan was flawless and now the coup de Grace. The charges had been placed and set in hopes of crippling the fleet. Serendipity had surely smiled upon the Dilgar because of the four vessels only one had been destroyed. The remainder crippled floating adrift in space. Now as the scout vessel watched the jump gate roared into life through it the forms of five corvettes could be made out. Two of them were marked with the Marine corps whilst the other three were tug vessels designed to grapple the larger cruisers and tow them back to the heart of Dilgar space. The larger vessels were boarded and their pilots disabled, whilst the smaller was simply paralysed by grafting psychic dampeners to its thought matrix.
The operation was smooth and precise. Before the hour had passed the fleet was preparing to jump back to hyper space, taking the captured vessels to a facility in Vreatan.
The scout watched the departing fleet and the crew collectively breathed a sigh of relief as their task was now officially and more importantly actually over. Their new orders had come in and the assignment was border patrol. The captain readied his ship and set coordinates for the Cascan system.
The long range scout had been watching the situation thoroughly for the last four months. Watched as the Shadow vessels slid over the fabric of space. Watched as they approached their goal, and finally baited the trap that they were to trigger.
Everything had gone according to plan just as Rai’Jal had assured them it would. His plan was flawless and now the coup de Grace. The charges had been placed and set in hopes of crippling the fleet. Serendipity had surely smiled upon the Dilgar because of the four vessels only one had been destroyed. The remainder crippled floating adrift in space. Now as the scout vessel watched the jump gate roared into life through it the forms of five corvettes could be made out. Two of them were marked with the Marine corps whilst the other three were tug vessels designed to grapple the larger cruisers and tow them back to the heart of Dilgar space. The larger vessels were boarded and their pilots disabled, whilst the smaller was simply paralysed by grafting psychic dampeners to its thought matrix.
The operation was smooth and precise. Before the hour had passed the fleet was preparing to jump back to hyper space, taking the captured vessels to a facility in Vreatan.
The scout watched the departing fleet and the crew collectively breathed a sigh of relief as their task was now officially and more importantly actually over. Their new orders had come in and the assignment was border patrol. The captain readied his ship and set coordinates for the Cascan system.
- Dalton
- For Those About to Rock We Salute You
- Posts: 22639
- Joined: 2002-07-03 06:16pm
- Location: New York, the Fuck You State
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"The fleet? What's the status?"
"Almost ready to go. Just a few odds and ends and we're good."
G'Kar considered. "It worries me that this action might escalate the war. I think we're going to need some allies here."
"The Vorlons have already pledged their assistance."
"And they are quite far away. Look at what they were able to send."
"What of the Centauri? Or Earthforce?"
"Centauri? They have problems of their own. Still, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask Londo to spare a cruiser or two. And Earthforce has Marxis to deal with right now; I doubt we'll hear much from him. No, the allies I had in mind we've already seen investigating the situation."
"You mean...Minbari?"
G'Kar nodded. "They've been fairly quiet with us lately, but I am sure they can see our struggle. I am sure they'll help us if we ask."
"Almost ready to go. Just a few odds and ends and we're good."
G'Kar considered. "It worries me that this action might escalate the war. I think we're going to need some allies here."
"The Vorlons have already pledged their assistance."
"And they are quite far away. Look at what they were able to send."
"What of the Centauri? Or Earthforce?"
"Centauri? They have problems of their own. Still, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask Londo to spare a cruiser or two. And Earthforce has Marxis to deal with right now; I doubt we'll hear much from him. No, the allies I had in mind we've already seen investigating the situation."
"You mean...Minbari?"
G'Kar nodded. "They've been fairly quiet with us lately, but I am sure they can see our struggle. I am sure they'll help us if we ask."
Code: Select all
Greetings, our Minbari allies. I am sure you have noticed the buildup of Minbari military hardware above the skies of our stolen world in Quadrant 32. Needless to say, the Narn are planning a counterstrike to this most despicable action, if only to rescue innocent Narn civilians from the merciless slaughter of the Dilgar.
I am not sure we can do this alone, but we are, as always, prepared to go down fighting. However, it does not have to be such; with the help of powerful allies like yourself, we will prevail against our aggressors and liberate Quadrant 32.
I eagerly await your answer.

To Absent Friends
"y = mx + bro" - Surlethe
"You try THAT shit again, kid, and I will mod you. I will
mod you so hard, you'll wish I were Dalton." - Lagmonster
May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce.
- Uraniun235
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 13772
- Joined: 2002-09-12 12:47am
- Location: OREGON
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"Mr. President, we haven't yet heard a response from your office concerning Mr. Marxis' declared intent to run for your office. Do you have any comment regarding this?"
Alshain put on his very best, very most condescending smirk. Marxis tripped up good and he wanted everyone to know it.
"As usual, Marxis seems to believe that he can have his cake and eat it too. However, he's forgotten that by declaring independence for the Corporate Sector and proclaiming himself it's leader, he effectively revoked his Earth Alliance citizenship. Check your regs; foreign nationals are strictly forbidden from holding the office of the Earth Alliance Presidency. Even if he reapplied for citizenship immediately, it would be quite some time before the paperwork went through. And even if he were still an Earth Alliance citizen - regardless of the fact that he hasn't paid EA taxes in over a year - he would have to have lived on an Earth Alliance territory for a period of no less than five years.
No, ladies and gentlemen, Marxis is most certainly not eligible for the office. And this isn't just from me; I have recieved the personal assurance of both the Attorney General and several members of the EA Supreme Court that this is the case."
Alshain put on his very best, very most condescending smirk. Marxis tripped up good and he wanted everyone to know it.
"As usual, Marxis seems to believe that he can have his cake and eat it too. However, he's forgotten that by declaring independence for the Corporate Sector and proclaiming himself it's leader, he effectively revoked his Earth Alliance citizenship. Check your regs; foreign nationals are strictly forbidden from holding the office of the Earth Alliance Presidency. Even if he reapplied for citizenship immediately, it would be quite some time before the paperwork went through. And even if he were still an Earth Alliance citizen - regardless of the fact that he hasn't paid EA taxes in over a year - he would have to have lived on an Earth Alliance territory for a period of no less than five years.
No, ladies and gentlemen, Marxis is most certainly not eligible for the office. And this isn't just from me; I have recieved the personal assurance of both the Attorney General and several members of the EA Supreme Court that this is the case."
- GuppyShark
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2830
- Joined: 2005-03-13 06:52am
- Location: South Australia
The Dilgar transport powered through empty space on its way to the nearest jumpgate. For an escort it could count only on a pair of damaged frigates, veterans of the mighty "Dilgar" War being sent home for rearm, repair and resupply. This did not concern the transport's captain. This was occupied territory, far from the edge of battle.
She was far more concerned about her alien cargo. The prisoners, soon to be tortured for information and sentenced to genetic experimentation, were proving surprisingly difficult to manage. Some were even refusing to eat. She was a perfectionist and did not relish the prospect of losing potentially valuable intelligence. Fate was about to ruin her perfect shipping record.
Shadowy tentacles reached out from hyperspace and a brilliant red beam tore her transport asunder. The primary engines were now drifting in space fifty metres behind the rest of her transport. If she had had external imagery of the attack, she would know she had just been disabled by a surgical strike from an unknown enemy. Without, her first thought was a catastrophic fission failure. Thus, when the bridge viewport exploded, she was not wearing a containment suit. Vacuum stole the breath from her lungs even as the center of the viewport expanded to seal the breach it had created. She fell to the ground, grasping and chilled from the brief exposure to the darkness of space. A viselick grip seized her by the back of her spine and lifted her into the air. She could feel cold blood seeping from the fresh wounds gouged by the sharp talons. She could hear a subhuman howling in her mind. But most terrifying of all, she was looking into empty air - whatever this thing was that had seized her, she could not see it. The howl turned into a psionic dagger lancing in to her psyche.
She had no choice. Her mind immediately divulged the path she took to the prisoner's compartment every day. The dagger exploded in her mind, and she died.
Fluid burst from his throat and he collapsed to the ground. Drake groaned, and vomited again. The room was dark, dank, and smelled of iron. Vertigo assaulted him and he swayed.
"Where?" he croaked between breaths as his body continued to be wracked with nausea.
The shadows shifted, and he saw more Shadows. Two. They screamed in his mind.
They're not done with me yet.
Damn it.
Drake gazed out of the plexiglass floor-to-ceiling windows of the Presidential hotel, largest on the planet. Fires still burned in the distance, transient monuments to the futile deaths of the planet's ground-based defenders. He lifted a glass of wine to his nose, sniffed at it briefly before casting it away in disgust.
This had been a perfect operation. Contact a sympathetic Yolu commander, convince him of powerful support, and turn him loose on his enemies. Pave the way with his associates' firepower. Let the galaxy see Yolu aggression against the defenceless. Let Earth see what viciousness lay behind the Yolu's peaceful rhetoric.
Mankind had a lot of potential. Look how far he'd come! From Dilgar POW to right hand of God...
He could barely speak, occasionally walk, but he could comprehend. Data burned into his conciousness like plasma lances, delivered through Shadow neural enhancements. Worlds burned. The Shadows, without a guide, without a face, had lashed out in anger at the younger races for the loss of their favored child.
He had to end the death. The last chance for salvaging entire species. He sent one message to the Centauri, another to the Narns.
Weeks went by. More died.
Neither race replied.
She was far more concerned about her alien cargo. The prisoners, soon to be tortured for information and sentenced to genetic experimentation, were proving surprisingly difficult to manage. Some were even refusing to eat. She was a perfectionist and did not relish the prospect of losing potentially valuable intelligence. Fate was about to ruin her perfect shipping record.
Shadowy tentacles reached out from hyperspace and a brilliant red beam tore her transport asunder. The primary engines were now drifting in space fifty metres behind the rest of her transport. If she had had external imagery of the attack, she would know she had just been disabled by a surgical strike from an unknown enemy. Without, her first thought was a catastrophic fission failure. Thus, when the bridge viewport exploded, she was not wearing a containment suit. Vacuum stole the breath from her lungs even as the center of the viewport expanded to seal the breach it had created. She fell to the ground, grasping and chilled from the brief exposure to the darkness of space. A viselick grip seized her by the back of her spine and lifted her into the air. She could feel cold blood seeping from the fresh wounds gouged by the sharp talons. She could hear a subhuman howling in her mind. But most terrifying of all, she was looking into empty air - whatever this thing was that had seized her, she could not see it. The howl turned into a psionic dagger lancing in to her psyche.
She had no choice. Her mind immediately divulged the path she took to the prisoner's compartment every day. The dagger exploded in her mind, and she died.
Fluid burst from his throat and he collapsed to the ground. Drake groaned, and vomited again. The room was dark, dank, and smelled of iron. Vertigo assaulted him and he swayed.
"Where?" he croaked between breaths as his body continued to be wracked with nausea.
The shadows shifted, and he saw more Shadows. Two. They screamed in his mind.
They're not done with me yet.
Damn it.
Drake gazed out of the plexiglass floor-to-ceiling windows of the Presidential hotel, largest on the planet. Fires still burned in the distance, transient monuments to the futile deaths of the planet's ground-based defenders. He lifted a glass of wine to his nose, sniffed at it briefly before casting it away in disgust.
This had been a perfect operation. Contact a sympathetic Yolu commander, convince him of powerful support, and turn him loose on his enemies. Pave the way with his associates' firepower. Let the galaxy see Yolu aggression against the defenceless. Let Earth see what viciousness lay behind the Yolu's peaceful rhetoric.
Mankind had a lot of potential. Look how far he'd come! From Dilgar POW to right hand of God...
He could barely speak, occasionally walk, but he could comprehend. Data burned into his conciousness like plasma lances, delivered through Shadow neural enhancements. Worlds burned. The Shadows, without a guide, without a face, had lashed out in anger at the younger races for the loss of their favored child.
He had to end the death. The last chance for salvaging entire species. He sent one message to the Centauri, another to the Narns.
Weeks went by. More died.
Neither race replied.
ISN Documentary - "The Corporate Machine"
"For years the Corporate Sector rhetoric has been climbing. Unarmed scouts were called the vanguard of an alien invasion, and culminated into war with the Yolu last year. But then in an inexplicable turn of events, Benjamin Marxis ceded authority of his warships to the Earth Alliance. Since then, the Corporate Sector has formed an alliance with the Dilgar, ancient enemies of Earth. Has Benjamin Marxis truly had a change of heart?"
"We welcome back Dr. Gunter Haderman from the Interstellar Institute of Strategic Studies, and a newcomer, Mr. Quinn Tarret, a space engineer with Bombardier. We have brought them here today to comment on exclusive footage, documents, blueprints and schematics verified as authentic through numerous leaks from the Marxis Corporation. First we start with you Mr. Tarret. Can you explain the diagram on the screen?"
"Of course. These are detailed computer generated blueprints of a very large space vessel. It is more than twice the size of Earthforce's current destroyer warships. The vessel is no doubt a warship itself. There are three or four particle cannon batteries. What is startling about these weapons is their tracking systems are accurate enough to shoot down even small fighter craft. The weapons are powerful enough to punch through all known forms of armor in a few shots, and have a refire rate thirty percent greater than similar weapons in the Earthforce arsenal. The ships themselves are heavily armored with an advanced heat dissipation technology, so-called ablative or emissive armor."
"So this is no doubt a ship designed for conquest?"
"I would hesitate to call it that. The vessel sacrifices speed for firepower and endurance. There is no question though, that this is the most powerful warship known to exist. We have entered the age of the battleship."
"What are your thoughts Dr. Haderman?"
"Well, such a large force of warships must be incredibly expensive to maintain. We now know why Mr. Marxis gave away his light cruisers a year ago."
"Is the Corporate Sector preparing for war?"
"Hard to tell," says Dr. Haderman. "The warships are very powerful, but as Mr. Tarret has mentioned, slow. The technology on the blueprints is years ahead, if not a decade ahead of anything I've seen. What we have here are the final designs for a future warship."
"But ISN has detected over one hundred of these vessels in Corporate space. They exist."
"Yes, but it is highly unlikely that the technology mentioned in the blueprints is in the hands of the Corporate Sector, at least now. Especially some of the more advanced armor technologies which are based on papers in the theoretical stage released a year ago. More likely the Corporate Sector intends to retrofit its battleships to this final design, stage by stage, adding in electronics and armor plating."
"What happens when the battleships are fully retrofitted Mr. Tarrett?"
"The Corporate Sector will control the most powerful space navy in the galaxy."
"...of course, President Alshain's correct. I cannot run for office, now. But that will change. There is only one mankind, one humanity and I am a human and I intend to lead mankind, with or without the consent of Alshain's liberal cronies. If a constitutional amendment is necessary, I will campaign until an amendment is passed."
"I would like to remind everybody that such laws prohibiting anybody but an Earth Alliance citizen from running for office were solely created with a racist attitude. To protect ourselves from foreign nationals, in this case aliens, gaining control of our government. As anybody in this room can see, I am a human being. Alshain's supporters like to accuse my policies as racist and myself as racist. Actions speak for themselves though. We liberated the Yolu from the oppression of their leaders' rule, and now Alshain's coffers are filling from taxes from the Yolu colony worlds. Meanwhile, we have allied ourselves with the Dilgar. Who is the racist one I ask, the one who believes that aliens cannot run for office, or the one who is able to set aside past differences and work with our former enemies for greater galactic stability?"
"Also it has come to my attention that there are Yolu expatriates in Earth Alliance territory applying for asylum. The Corporate Sector immediately demands that they be handed over to be tried on Yolu Prime for war crimes. Thank you."
"For years the Corporate Sector rhetoric has been climbing. Unarmed scouts were called the vanguard of an alien invasion, and culminated into war with the Yolu last year. But then in an inexplicable turn of events, Benjamin Marxis ceded authority of his warships to the Earth Alliance. Since then, the Corporate Sector has formed an alliance with the Dilgar, ancient enemies of Earth. Has Benjamin Marxis truly had a change of heart?"
"We welcome back Dr. Gunter Haderman from the Interstellar Institute of Strategic Studies, and a newcomer, Mr. Quinn Tarret, a space engineer with Bombardier. We have brought them here today to comment on exclusive footage, documents, blueprints and schematics verified as authentic through numerous leaks from the Marxis Corporation. First we start with you Mr. Tarret. Can you explain the diagram on the screen?"
"Of course. These are detailed computer generated blueprints of a very large space vessel. It is more than twice the size of Earthforce's current destroyer warships. The vessel is no doubt a warship itself. There are three or four particle cannon batteries. What is startling about these weapons is their tracking systems are accurate enough to shoot down even small fighter craft. The weapons are powerful enough to punch through all known forms of armor in a few shots, and have a refire rate thirty percent greater than similar weapons in the Earthforce arsenal. The ships themselves are heavily armored with an advanced heat dissipation technology, so-called ablative or emissive armor."
"So this is no doubt a ship designed for conquest?"
"I would hesitate to call it that. The vessel sacrifices speed for firepower and endurance. There is no question though, that this is the most powerful warship known to exist. We have entered the age of the battleship."
"What are your thoughts Dr. Haderman?"
"Well, such a large force of warships must be incredibly expensive to maintain. We now know why Mr. Marxis gave away his light cruisers a year ago."
"Is the Corporate Sector preparing for war?"
"Hard to tell," says Dr. Haderman. "The warships are very powerful, but as Mr. Tarret has mentioned, slow. The technology on the blueprints is years ahead, if not a decade ahead of anything I've seen. What we have here are the final designs for a future warship."
"But ISN has detected over one hundred of these vessels in Corporate space. They exist."
"Yes, but it is highly unlikely that the technology mentioned in the blueprints is in the hands of the Corporate Sector, at least now. Especially some of the more advanced armor technologies which are based on papers in the theoretical stage released a year ago. More likely the Corporate Sector intends to retrofit its battleships to this final design, stage by stage, adding in electronics and armor plating."
"What happens when the battleships are fully retrofitted Mr. Tarrett?"
"The Corporate Sector will control the most powerful space navy in the galaxy."
"...of course, President Alshain's correct. I cannot run for office, now. But that will change. There is only one mankind, one humanity and I am a human and I intend to lead mankind, with or without the consent of Alshain's liberal cronies. If a constitutional amendment is necessary, I will campaign until an amendment is passed."
"I would like to remind everybody that such laws prohibiting anybody but an Earth Alliance citizen from running for office were solely created with a racist attitude. To protect ourselves from foreign nationals, in this case aliens, gaining control of our government. As anybody in this room can see, I am a human being. Alshain's supporters like to accuse my policies as racist and myself as racist. Actions speak for themselves though. We liberated the Yolu from the oppression of their leaders' rule, and now Alshain's coffers are filling from taxes from the Yolu colony worlds. Meanwhile, we have allied ourselves with the Dilgar. Who is the racist one I ask, the one who believes that aliens cannot run for office, or the one who is able to set aside past differences and work with our former enemies for greater galactic stability?"
"Also it has come to my attention that there are Yolu expatriates in Earth Alliance territory applying for asylum. The Corporate Sector immediately demands that they be handed over to be tried on Yolu Prime for war crimes. Thank you."
Londo had taken to pacing around his office while he made decisons. The nervous energy that came from knowing a bad command could mean that millions more of his people would suffer and die barred him from sitting still. Vir said he'd wear a hole in the floor. Londo said he didn't care.
Too late would the Centauri fleet be entering the Shra-Bal system. Much too late. The Shadows had blown every Centauri colony out of existance well before the Vorlons could arrive.
If only the Vorlons had allowed him more time before calling on him to attack the Shadows! But it was clear that this war was working on the Vorlons' timetable.
"The Anfra shipyards are working on building colony ships," Vir said, pulling Londo from his thoughts. "The process of reconstruction can begin in a few months."
Londo nodded, glaring at the icon that indicated the Shadow colony in Shra-Bal on his holo-map. He was surprised that the Shadows had bothered to build fighters and mines to defend it; he knew that they'd taken it only because of the ancient ruins on that world. Well, hopefully the Vorlons would take of it. If not, Londo could have minesweepers built.
"What of Marxis?" Londo asked.
"He and Alshain are going through the usual political manueverings," Vir answered. "He's still got a distubringly large fleet, but his attention seems to be turned within for now, rather than at the rest of the galaxy."
Londo nodded. Marxis was fortunatly the least of his worries at the moment. Between the location of his worlds and the fact that Corporate Sector/Centauri Republic relations were relatively good, Londo had no reason to expect that they'd be Marxis's first target should the human fancy himself a grand conquerer of empires.
"And the Narn-Dilgar war?" Londo asked.
"As you know, the Dilgar successfully conquered one of the Narns' core worlds in Quadrant 32," Vir said. "They've renamed the planet 'Revenge'--
"How quaint," Londo said.
"--and intelligence reports that they seem to be entrenching themselves, no doubt in preparation for a Narn attempt at retaking the planet. Intelligence also reports that the Dilgar are in possession of at least two vessels of Shadow construction but are unsure as to how they obtained them."
Londo rolled his eyes. With just about any other race it would be a given how they got them, as few were crazy enough to try and steal a Shadow vessel. Unfortunatly, the Dilgar were one of those few.
"What is that doing there?" Londo asked, pointing to an icon on his holomap that represented a Dilgar transport at the extreme edge of the Cascan system.
"Unknown," Vir said.
Londo grimaced. The Dilgar were ultra-aggressive and generally crazy, but they weren't stupid. He'd hate to lose the treaty with them, but if they were in bed with the Shadows, it might be just a matter of time.
He hoped it wasn't.
"What of...the other matter?"
Now he was afraid of speaking plainly in the safety of his own office. Not good.
"Soon," Vir answered, just as cryptically as he'd been questioned.
Too late would the Centauri fleet be entering the Shra-Bal system. Much too late. The Shadows had blown every Centauri colony out of existance well before the Vorlons could arrive.
If only the Vorlons had allowed him more time before calling on him to attack the Shadows! But it was clear that this war was working on the Vorlons' timetable.
"The Anfra shipyards are working on building colony ships," Vir said, pulling Londo from his thoughts. "The process of reconstruction can begin in a few months."
Londo nodded, glaring at the icon that indicated the Shadow colony in Shra-Bal on his holo-map. He was surprised that the Shadows had bothered to build fighters and mines to defend it; he knew that they'd taken it only because of the ancient ruins on that world. Well, hopefully the Vorlons would take of it. If not, Londo could have minesweepers built.
"What of Marxis?" Londo asked.
"He and Alshain are going through the usual political manueverings," Vir answered. "He's still got a distubringly large fleet, but his attention seems to be turned within for now, rather than at the rest of the galaxy."
Londo nodded. Marxis was fortunatly the least of his worries at the moment. Between the location of his worlds and the fact that Corporate Sector/Centauri Republic relations were relatively good, Londo had no reason to expect that they'd be Marxis's first target should the human fancy himself a grand conquerer of empires.
"And the Narn-Dilgar war?" Londo asked.
"As you know, the Dilgar successfully conquered one of the Narns' core worlds in Quadrant 32," Vir said. "They've renamed the planet 'Revenge'--
"How quaint," Londo said.
"--and intelligence reports that they seem to be entrenching themselves, no doubt in preparation for a Narn attempt at retaking the planet. Intelligence also reports that the Dilgar are in possession of at least two vessels of Shadow construction but are unsure as to how they obtained them."
Londo rolled his eyes. With just about any other race it would be a given how they got them, as few were crazy enough to try and steal a Shadow vessel. Unfortunatly, the Dilgar were one of those few.
"What is that doing there?" Londo asked, pointing to an icon on his holomap that represented a Dilgar transport at the extreme edge of the Cascan system.
"Unknown," Vir said.
Londo grimaced. The Dilgar were ultra-aggressive and generally crazy, but they weren't stupid. He'd hate to lose the treaty with them, but if they were in bed with the Shadows, it might be just a matter of time.
He hoped it wasn't.
"What of...the other matter?"
Now he was afraid of speaking plainly in the safety of his own office. Not good.
"Soon," Vir answered, just as cryptically as he'd been questioned.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
Aboard the Black Star, cruising near the edges of Minbari Space
Swift and light footfalls clack along the deck tiles, a cloaked member of the Rangers making his way through the ship. In the hall, he nods briefly before Nimune,
"Fleet Commander, I have much to report. Another Dilgar spy has been apprehended attempting to infiltrate our systems. This is the third attempt of theirs to break our security. This one was equipped with this..." he extended a hand, revealing a black device.
The young commander turned to look at it briefly. "A Changling Net... clearly one belonging to the Enemy." she smirked, the warrior meeting the gaze of her scout. "And what else?"
"They have sent a message. They do not wish us to move through their space. It would seem this would be a pretext to continue expanding their empire, as they have done with the Narn." he says. Nimune gestures, and begins to walk.
"The Narn have also asked us for aid. What will we do?" The Ranger asked deferrently, looking to her. Nimune stops before the door to her chambers, closing her eyes. She descended into thought, knuckles curled under her chin.
"We have just returned victorious from the field of battle and our fleets are in need of rest. I will make my recommendation, but we must wait for the judgment of the Grey Council."
With that, she steps through the open doorway, disappearing into her sanctum.
Swift and light footfalls clack along the deck tiles, a cloaked member of the Rangers making his way through the ship. In the hall, he nods briefly before Nimune,
"Fleet Commander, I have much to report. Another Dilgar spy has been apprehended attempting to infiltrate our systems. This is the third attempt of theirs to break our security. This one was equipped with this..." he extended a hand, revealing a black device.
The young commander turned to look at it briefly. "A Changling Net... clearly one belonging to the Enemy." she smirked, the warrior meeting the gaze of her scout. "And what else?"
"They have sent a message. They do not wish us to move through their space. It would seem this would be a pretext to continue expanding their empire, as they have done with the Narn." he says. Nimune gestures, and begins to walk.
"The Narn have also asked us for aid. What will we do?" The Ranger asked deferrently, looking to her. Nimune stops before the door to her chambers, closing her eyes. She descended into thought, knuckles curled under her chin.
"We have just returned victorious from the field of battle and our fleets are in need of rest. I will make my recommendation, but we must wait for the judgment of the Grey Council."
With that, she steps through the open doorway, disappearing into her sanctum.
- Uraniun235
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 13772
- Joined: 2002-09-12 12:47am
- Location: OREGON
- Contact:
ISN: "Galactic Sunday"
"Gentlemen, what do you think of the latest remarks from Marxis concerning the policy of barring non-citizens from seeking the Presidency? Let's start with you, Matt."
"Thank you. I think it makes perfect sense. Alshain campaigned on the very notion of opening up relations with our galactic neighbors, and now he's cowering behind some archaic notion of citizenship? It's hypocrisy!"
"That's preposterous!"
"Big words from the Presidential Fel-"
"Please! Let's keep things civilized this week. Mary, go ahead."
"John, there's nothing at all ridiculous about expecting that the leader of the Earth Alliance also be a citizen of the very nation that he or she will be expected to lead, as well as a resident. We can track campaign expenditures that way. We can engage in that most urgent of all democratic processes: civilian oversight. We can't do that nearly so well with a man sitting in his ivory tower a dozen light-years away."
"Oh, so you're saying a decorated veteran and a successful businessman is a crook-"
"Oh, so you can't carry on a logical argument without resorting to putting words in my mouth? Because that's not what I'm saying! I'm saying that opening up the election to any foreign national undermines what is otherwise a mostly fair and legitimate election process."
"Let's move on to the next topic: the Yolu worlds of the Nocalo system."
"Immediate withdrawal, John. Let's let these folks get back to governing their own lives."
"They're in no state to govern themselves and you know it, Matt."
"I hardly think racism is called for, Mary."
"I hardly think it's racism to recognize that the brutal invasion led by the Corporate Sector's war fleet-"
"...defense force-"
"WAR FLEET... has left the Nocalo system's governmental infrastructure a shambles. Not to mention the fact that the Corporate Sector has still failed to relinquish control of key facilities."
"The Corporate Sector is merely ensuring that those facilities do not fall to looters and terrorists-"
"Oh, please, Matt, at least I actually believe in what I say. The least you could do is give your employers' their money's worth when you sling lies on public broadcast..."
(the feed cuts to a stock image with overlaid text)
We seem to be experiencing technical difficulties.

Please stand by.
"Gentlemen, what do you think of the latest remarks from Marxis concerning the policy of barring non-citizens from seeking the Presidency? Let's start with you, Matt."
"Thank you. I think it makes perfect sense. Alshain campaigned on the very notion of opening up relations with our galactic neighbors, and now he's cowering behind some archaic notion of citizenship? It's hypocrisy!"
"That's preposterous!"
"Big words from the Presidential Fel-"
"Please! Let's keep things civilized this week. Mary, go ahead."
"John, there's nothing at all ridiculous about expecting that the leader of the Earth Alliance also be a citizen of the very nation that he or she will be expected to lead, as well as a resident. We can track campaign expenditures that way. We can engage in that most urgent of all democratic processes: civilian oversight. We can't do that nearly so well with a man sitting in his ivory tower a dozen light-years away."
"Oh, so you're saying a decorated veteran and a successful businessman is a crook-"
"Oh, so you can't carry on a logical argument without resorting to putting words in my mouth? Because that's not what I'm saying! I'm saying that opening up the election to any foreign national undermines what is otherwise a mostly fair and legitimate election process."
"Let's move on to the next topic: the Yolu worlds of the Nocalo system."
"Immediate withdrawal, John. Let's let these folks get back to governing their own lives."
"They're in no state to govern themselves and you know it, Matt."
"I hardly think racism is called for, Mary."
"I hardly think it's racism to recognize that the brutal invasion led by the Corporate Sector's war fleet-"
"...defense force-"
"WAR FLEET... has left the Nocalo system's governmental infrastructure a shambles. Not to mention the fact that the Corporate Sector has still failed to relinquish control of key facilities."
"The Corporate Sector is merely ensuring that those facilities do not fall to looters and terrorists-"
"Oh, please, Matt, at least I actually believe in what I say. The least you could do is give your employers' their money's worth when you sling lies on public broadcast..."
(the feed cuts to a stock image with overlaid text)
We seem to be experiencing technical difficulties.

Please stand by.
Londo stared at the icon on his map representing a Shadow armada in the Anfra system. Given their current direction, it wasn't hard to guess at their destination: the Llort home world, territory of the Centauri Republic.
Only a few sectors away, a Vorlon fleet was also travelling through real space. He made a mental note to tell the ambassador that he expected help from the Vorlons in defending Anfra. His people had already bleed too much.
But even an issue as important as fighting the Shadows could not be allowed to consume all his time.
"Vir," Londo said. "Why do you suppose the Dilgar want to know what's going on in Cascan?"
Vir shrugged. "Perhaps they just wish to make us nervous."
"Hopefully," Londo said. "Ah, the Dilgar invite lightning from all sides and welcome the fiery bolts with open arms. Were it not for the Shadows distracting the Minbari and Vorlons, already they would be burning. Let's hope that nothing comes of this."
Only a few sectors away, a Vorlon fleet was also travelling through real space. He made a mental note to tell the ambassador that he expected help from the Vorlons in defending Anfra. His people had already bleed too much.
But even an issue as important as fighting the Shadows could not be allowed to consume all his time.
"Vir," Londo said. "Why do you suppose the Dilgar want to know what's going on in Cascan?"
Vir shrugged. "Perhaps they just wish to make us nervous."
"Hopefully," Londo said. "Ah, the Dilgar invite lightning from all sides and welcome the fiery bolts with open arms. Were it not for the Shadows distracting the Minbari and Vorlons, already they would be burning. Let's hope that nothing comes of this."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
Rakanek approached the Centauri Emperor as slowly as ever.
"What does your government intend to do about the Shadow armada in the Anrfra system? It was you who asked us to attack, now we need your support!" Londo dmemanded from the huge red figure.
"They will follow our fleet...they must..."
"Must? What do you mean 'must'?" Londo thought for a moment, then realisation dawned on him. "You're going to hit thier homeworlds aren't you?"
"Perhaps. Send your ships to Troth. They cannot be stopped another way. They would not let us."
Londo ran the thoughts through his head. Sending ships meant more Centauri blood. Perhaps the Vorlons could end this now? He slumped into his chair, so deep in thought he didn't notice the vorlon leave.
"What does your government intend to do about the Shadow armada in the Anrfra system? It was you who asked us to attack, now we need your support!" Londo dmemanded from the huge red figure.
"They will follow our fleet...they must..."
"Must? What do you mean 'must'?" Londo thought for a moment, then realisation dawned on him. "You're going to hit thier homeworlds aren't you?"
"Perhaps. Send your ships to Troth. They cannot be stopped another way. They would not let us."
Londo ran the thoughts through his head. Sending ships meant more Centauri blood. Perhaps the Vorlons could end this now? He slumped into his chair, so deep in thought he didn't notice the vorlon leave.
Dragon Clan Veritech
"Damn them both," Londo whispered, his face in his hands. "Damn them both to hell."
The Llort home planet was now an empty ruin, and Londo didn't know who he was more infuriated at: the Shadows for doing it, the Vorlons for letting them, or himself for believing that that Shadows would stop their attack to rush to defend their own core worlds. His sole comfort was the fact that his fleet couldn't have made it there in time even if he'd ordered them to try.
Londo's consolations always seemed bitter these days. He could, for instance, console himself over the general destruction caused by siding against the Shadows only with the knowledge that the Vorlons and Minbari would be the ones dealing the destruction.
An old human term came to his mind as he parted his fingers enough to look at his ever present holo-map. MAD, mutually assure destruction. His fleet and the Vorlons' were at the Shadows doorstep, but so was the Shadows' fleet at his.
That was the problem, wasn't it? It wasn't the Vorlon's destruction that was assured along with the Shadows, it was the Centauri's. Maybe if the Vorlons and Minbari didn't have the luxery of fighting the Shadows while their homes were safe and lightyears away from the destruction, the war wouldn't have escalated as it had. Londo didn't know. What he did know was that he was sick and tired of being caught in the middle.
The Llort home planet was now an empty ruin, and Londo didn't know who he was more infuriated at: the Shadows for doing it, the Vorlons for letting them, or himself for believing that that Shadows would stop their attack to rush to defend their own core worlds. His sole comfort was the fact that his fleet couldn't have made it there in time even if he'd ordered them to try.
Londo's consolations always seemed bitter these days. He could, for instance, console himself over the general destruction caused by siding against the Shadows only with the knowledge that the Vorlons and Minbari would be the ones dealing the destruction.
An old human term came to his mind as he parted his fingers enough to look at his ever present holo-map. MAD, mutually assure destruction. His fleet and the Vorlons' were at the Shadows doorstep, but so was the Shadows' fleet at his.
That was the problem, wasn't it? It wasn't the Vorlon's destruction that was assured along with the Shadows, it was the Centauri's. Maybe if the Vorlons and Minbari didn't have the luxery of fighting the Shadows while their homes were safe and lightyears away from the destruction, the war wouldn't have escalated as it had. Londo didn't know. What he did know was that he was sick and tired of being caught in the middle.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
Marxis Corporate Headquarters
"Look at those aliens killing each other," said Marxis. He was staring at surveillance stills of the Llort homeworld, deep in Centauri space. "Is there any doubt that aliens are barbaric, need to be civilized? At our worst, did we ever consider annihilating entire planets?"
"Well there was the one accident--" said Vera
"Not like this. Not like this." Marxis flipped the stills to a picture to frozen flames raining on a skyscraper, being cut in half by particle beam. "They're killing each other by the billions."
"I thought you'd be happy at that."
Marxis glared at Vera, then slapped his hand. "Don't be ridiculous. Besides, the Centauri stopped their bulk steel shipments. We were better off before."
"What are you going to do?"
"Maybe we can take advantage of this."
"I don't see how."
"Are the new massive fusion reactors coming online this month."
"Yes. Wait--you're not seriously thinking--"
"I'm dead serious." Marxis paused. "Call in the Centauri Ambassador. It's time we had a chit chat."
"Look at those aliens killing each other," said Marxis. He was staring at surveillance stills of the Llort homeworld, deep in Centauri space. "Is there any doubt that aliens are barbaric, need to be civilized? At our worst, did we ever consider annihilating entire planets?"
"Well there was the one accident--" said Vera
"Not like this. Not like this." Marxis flipped the stills to a picture to frozen flames raining on a skyscraper, being cut in half by particle beam. "They're killing each other by the billions."
"I thought you'd be happy at that."
Marxis glared at Vera, then slapped his hand. "Don't be ridiculous. Besides, the Centauri stopped their bulk steel shipments. We were better off before."
"What are you going to do?"
"Maybe we can take advantage of this."
"I don't see how."
"Are the new massive fusion reactors coming online this month."
"Yes. Wait--you're not seriously thinking--"
"I'm dead serious." Marxis paused. "Call in the Centauri Ambassador. It's time we had a chit chat."
"Reefa will push this," Londo said, rereading Marxis's offer for what must've been the hundreth time.
"Probably," Vir said.
"And I'm not sure whether I should push back or not," Londo said softly.
"He can certainly do as he claims," Vir said. "He has the firepower. But you know who he is."
Londo nodded. It would be a new low for the Centauri if they had to sell out to the likes of Marxis, but better a they lose a bit more of their remaining pride than be destroyed, right?
There was more than just national pride, at stake, of course. After all, Marxis was hardly the most popular man in the galaxy. If Londo accepted his offer, the Centauri Republic would be tied to the Corporate Sector, at least temporarily.
"When will the Centaurum be in session next?" Londo asked.
"A few days," Vir answered. "The Vorlons will have launched their attack upon the Shadows by then."
Londo rolled his eyes. "One would hope so anyway. But yes, the outcome of that battle may very well prove to be the deciding factor."
"Probably," Vir said.
"And I'm not sure whether I should push back or not," Londo said softly.
"He can certainly do as he claims," Vir said. "He has the firepower. But you know who he is."
Londo nodded. It would be a new low for the Centauri if they had to sell out to the likes of Marxis, but better a they lose a bit more of their remaining pride than be destroyed, right?
There was more than just national pride, at stake, of course. After all, Marxis was hardly the most popular man in the galaxy. If Londo accepted his offer, the Centauri Republic would be tied to the Corporate Sector, at least temporarily.
"When will the Centaurum be in session next?" Londo asked.
"A few days," Vir answered. "The Vorlons will have launched their attack upon the Shadows by then."
Londo rolled his eyes. "One would hope so anyway. But yes, the outcome of that battle may very well prove to be the deciding factor."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
A few weeks ago, on Marxis I
The Centauri ambassador enters Marxis's office. Marxis stands up.
"Welcome Ambassador. Let me first convey my condolences on your countrymen's recent losses. But there's a human expression, let's cut the small talk."
"We know your worlds are under siege from unknown aliens. The Vorlons, and the Shadows. My agents have been following your war with the Shadows very closely. And we cannot figure out why the Vorlons and the Shadows are at war. We have no idea what they want. And I don't think you do either."
"So here's the deal. The Corporate Sector has an independent navy. A very large and powerful private navy. My navy. If the Centaurum recognizes my government, and puts diplomatic pressure on all galactic governments to recognize my government, I will immediately order an expedition force. One hundred frigates, to be immediately diverted to the Centauri homeworlds."
"And unlike the Shadows or Vorlons, you know exactly what we want. I'm not a diplomat so I'll be crystal clear. One hundred ships and tens of thousands of men and women are a significant investment on my part, and I expect substantial compensation. For a period of five years, you agree to a protectorate treaty and your worlds will be safe from both the Vorlons and the Shadows. It'll give your people enough time to rebuild and stand on your own feet."
"It's a good deal isn't it. We know you've been working with the Minbari. We also know they broke the deal, let your world burn. There's nobody else in a position to help your people Ambassador. But to us, war is business. And there's an opportunity for this to be profitable for both sides."
"Help us help you. Tell your Emperor that I understand him, and he understands me. That's a helluva lot better than cryptic messages and half assed deals."
The Centauri Ambassador returns to Marxis's office and nods respectfully. "Mr. Marxis, I have conveyed your message to the Emperor and he has responded," the ambassador begins. "Not even he has the authority to agree to what you proposed, of course. The issue must be debated in the Centaurum. However, the Emperor has authorized me to perform some...premliminary negotations. He wants some of the finer details hammered out now. I'm sure that if the Centaurum is open to this deal, there will be haggling over the amount of time the Republic will remain a protectorate, but that's for a later date."
The ambassador stood and looked out the window of Marxis's office. "You were right when you said that the Minbari broke the deal. The Vorlons did, too. The Vorlons called for the attack upon the Shadows and left us to bear the Shadows' retribution while they attacked them. We fear that they've both gone mad, the Vorlons with the desire to destroy the Shadows and the Shadows with the lust for revenge. We still don't know why the hell the Minbari ran off."
He turned to look at Marxis again. "The Emperor wants to know exactly how much autonomy the Republic would have under the proposed deal. Obviously, you wouldn't want us to attack another power without reason or permission. But what if you go to war? Would we have to go with you? You said you want us to help your government gain recognition, but there's only so much we could do. You made some bad first impressions, Mr. Marxis. How willing would you be to listening to our advise on fixing your image?"
Marxis paused for nearly a minute. It was the first time he'd ever stopped to think. "Image is important. Yes. If you do not know, I am attempting to run for the President of the Earth Alliance. The Centauri are quite adept at politics. If you would send political advisors, handlers, propaganda experts, that would fix the image."
"As for war--the Corporate Charter is clear. We do not go to war unless there is an immediate and imminent threat to the interests of our holdings. We defeated the Yolu after they held our colony hostage. This has been amended to include an imminent and immediate threat to the Earth Aliance ever since our separation from Alshain. But I understand your concern. I will make your people a deal. As long as the Corporate Sector is not attacked, nothing happens. If we're attacked--you can't have the cake and eat it too as my opponent likes to say. We will expect help from the Centauri should anybody invade our space. Especially worrisome are the meddling Minbari. We have already captured one of their scouts, and two of them are flying through our space. Last month one stole detailed scans of our new battleships."
"I will send the expedition force today, if the Emperor agrees to a preliminary draft treaty. It will take several months to reach Centauri space."
"No secret motives, no hidden agendas, no betrayals Ambassador. Just business. And we are very good at it."
Present day
Londo sighed in relief as he saw the icon representing the Shadow fleet turn around and head toward the jump gate to the Kapteyn system. The Shadow's withdrawal was the best news he'd had in...what felt like forever.
As expected, with the destruction of Centauri Prime no longer imminent, the Centaurum had killed the treaty, despite Lord Reefa's attempts to have it ratified.
"Vir," Londo said. "I want a token of our appreciation delievered to Mr. Marxis."
"Londo?" Vir asked, surprised.
Londo laughed, the immense relief making him giddy. "Marxis is a buisnessman, Vir! A buisnessman who has moved a fleet worth of ships only to have to move them back. We'll have to pay him for troubles sooner or later. May as well do it now and earn a few goodwill points."
Vir nodded in understanding and went off to arrange it.
Yet, even in such (relatively) auspicious times, there was still work to be done. Londo fingered the golden symbol of the Republic around his neck absently as he studied his map.
A Brakiri scout had just entered the Valusha system from hyperspace. Londo deduced two things. The first was that the Brakiri may be about to end their nearly six year period of isolationism. The other was that the Brakiri scout was very fast to have been able to make it to Valusha without being detected until just now. Londo shrugged it off. He had enough to worry about, and Centauri/Brakiri relations had been as good as could be expected when dealing with a nation that was as silent as the Brakiri had been.
Also, the Vorlon offensive had no happened yet. He'd have to have another talk with his Vorlon ambassador. He had not told his fleet to join with the Vorlons' forces rather than return home so that the Vorlons could change their minds at the last moment. After what the Shadows had done to his Republic, he wanted retribution.
The Centauri ambassador enters Marxis's office. Marxis stands up.
"Welcome Ambassador. Let me first convey my condolences on your countrymen's recent losses. But there's a human expression, let's cut the small talk."
"We know your worlds are under siege from unknown aliens. The Vorlons, and the Shadows. My agents have been following your war with the Shadows very closely. And we cannot figure out why the Vorlons and the Shadows are at war. We have no idea what they want. And I don't think you do either."
"So here's the deal. The Corporate Sector has an independent navy. A very large and powerful private navy. My navy. If the Centaurum recognizes my government, and puts diplomatic pressure on all galactic governments to recognize my government, I will immediately order an expedition force. One hundred frigates, to be immediately diverted to the Centauri homeworlds."
"And unlike the Shadows or Vorlons, you know exactly what we want. I'm not a diplomat so I'll be crystal clear. One hundred ships and tens of thousands of men and women are a significant investment on my part, and I expect substantial compensation. For a period of five years, you agree to a protectorate treaty and your worlds will be safe from both the Vorlons and the Shadows. It'll give your people enough time to rebuild and stand on your own feet."
"It's a good deal isn't it. We know you've been working with the Minbari. We also know they broke the deal, let your world burn. There's nobody else in a position to help your people Ambassador. But to us, war is business. And there's an opportunity for this to be profitable for both sides."
"Help us help you. Tell your Emperor that I understand him, and he understands me. That's a helluva lot better than cryptic messages and half assed deals."
The Centauri Ambassador returns to Marxis's office and nods respectfully. "Mr. Marxis, I have conveyed your message to the Emperor and he has responded," the ambassador begins. "Not even he has the authority to agree to what you proposed, of course. The issue must be debated in the Centaurum. However, the Emperor has authorized me to perform some...premliminary negotations. He wants some of the finer details hammered out now. I'm sure that if the Centaurum is open to this deal, there will be haggling over the amount of time the Republic will remain a protectorate, but that's for a later date."
The ambassador stood and looked out the window of Marxis's office. "You were right when you said that the Minbari broke the deal. The Vorlons did, too. The Vorlons called for the attack upon the Shadows and left us to bear the Shadows' retribution while they attacked them. We fear that they've both gone mad, the Vorlons with the desire to destroy the Shadows and the Shadows with the lust for revenge. We still don't know why the hell the Minbari ran off."
He turned to look at Marxis again. "The Emperor wants to know exactly how much autonomy the Republic would have under the proposed deal. Obviously, you wouldn't want us to attack another power without reason or permission. But what if you go to war? Would we have to go with you? You said you want us to help your government gain recognition, but there's only so much we could do. You made some bad first impressions, Mr. Marxis. How willing would you be to listening to our advise on fixing your image?"
Marxis paused for nearly a minute. It was the first time he'd ever stopped to think. "Image is important. Yes. If you do not know, I am attempting to run for the President of the Earth Alliance. The Centauri are quite adept at politics. If you would send political advisors, handlers, propaganda experts, that would fix the image."
"As for war--the Corporate Charter is clear. We do not go to war unless there is an immediate and imminent threat to the interests of our holdings. We defeated the Yolu after they held our colony hostage. This has been amended to include an imminent and immediate threat to the Earth Aliance ever since our separation from Alshain. But I understand your concern. I will make your people a deal. As long as the Corporate Sector is not attacked, nothing happens. If we're attacked--you can't have the cake and eat it too as my opponent likes to say. We will expect help from the Centauri should anybody invade our space. Especially worrisome are the meddling Minbari. We have already captured one of their scouts, and two of them are flying through our space. Last month one stole detailed scans of our new battleships."
"I will send the expedition force today, if the Emperor agrees to a preliminary draft treaty. It will take several months to reach Centauri space."
"No secret motives, no hidden agendas, no betrayals Ambassador. Just business. And we are very good at it."
Present day
Londo sighed in relief as he saw the icon representing the Shadow fleet turn around and head toward the jump gate to the Kapteyn system. The Shadow's withdrawal was the best news he'd had in...what felt like forever.
As expected, with the destruction of Centauri Prime no longer imminent, the Centaurum had killed the treaty, despite Lord Reefa's attempts to have it ratified.
"Vir," Londo said. "I want a token of our appreciation delievered to Mr. Marxis."
"Londo?" Vir asked, surprised.
Londo laughed, the immense relief making him giddy. "Marxis is a buisnessman, Vir! A buisnessman who has moved a fleet worth of ships only to have to move them back. We'll have to pay him for troubles sooner or later. May as well do it now and earn a few goodwill points."
Vir nodded in understanding and went off to arrange it.
Yet, even in such (relatively) auspicious times, there was still work to be done. Londo fingered the golden symbol of the Republic around his neck absently as he studied his map.
A Brakiri scout had just entered the Valusha system from hyperspace. Londo deduced two things. The first was that the Brakiri may be about to end their nearly six year period of isolationism. The other was that the Brakiri scout was very fast to have been able to make it to Valusha without being detected until just now. Londo shrugged it off. He had enough to worry about, and Centauri/Brakiri relations had been as good as could be expected when dealing with a nation that was as silent as the Brakiri had been.
Also, the Vorlon offensive had no happened yet. He'd have to have another talk with his Vorlon ambassador. He had not told his fleet to join with the Vorlons' forces rather than return home so that the Vorlons could change their minds at the last moment. After what the Shadows had done to his Republic, he wanted retribution.
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
Space, an orange sun pulses brightly at the centre of the system. A little further away a Large planet dances her slow and unrelenting turn of the system.
Above, caught in the wake of her orbit hang nearly a dozen ships and space stations, all buzzing around with anticipation.
Below, a haze of smog engulfs the major population centres on the planet. Testament to the heightened industrial alert that is currently happening. Beneath the smog the multi level city sits, like a spore nestled close to the otherwise agrarian world.
Deep on the lower levels, down in the muck and the grime, permeated by a heavy film of grease and oil, one Narn rushes quickly through the streets. He gets to a corner and catching his breath continues on, he reaches his destination and rushing through the portal barely closes it before blurting out his message.
An elder Narn, his father, stands shocked and then calmy thinks of the possiblities before answering:
“You are sure. She is coming to Revenge to oversee the offensive campaign!?!”
The Narn was sceptical but the light of fire gleamed within his black orbs.
“Yes, I heard it as I was serving the governor today. He is pompous and did not even see me.”
The younger Narn looked down for a second then as his gaze returned there was a malicious grin upon his face.
“But soon, soon we shall make them see us. It will be the last thing they know before they tumble to oblivion.”
The elder Narn considered things for mere moments before he stood and preparing to leave, he looked towards his son and said:
“We will begin preparations tonight. Even amongst our own kind we must be careful, the Dilgar have… methods, we must be careful who to trust. Her death may not free this world, but here on revenge, perhaps even our ancestors many shan’khars’ can be put to rest.”
As he left the father remembered the first time he had heard the name ‘Death Walker’. The terror at all the tales that had come down from his parents and the one remaining grandparent from when the Dilgar had ravaged the league almost sixty years ago. To think that now he was in a position to end that accursed life, he mustn’t get drunk on the possibilities. This plot would live or die on how cool the Narn could remain until the hour was at hand.
Quickly he scurried through the streets, lockdown was almost upon him and he didn’t want to face the consequences with so much in the balance…
Above, caught in the wake of her orbit hang nearly a dozen ships and space stations, all buzzing around with anticipation.
Below, a haze of smog engulfs the major population centres on the planet. Testament to the heightened industrial alert that is currently happening. Beneath the smog the multi level city sits, like a spore nestled close to the otherwise agrarian world.
Deep on the lower levels, down in the muck and the grime, permeated by a heavy film of grease and oil, one Narn rushes quickly through the streets. He gets to a corner and catching his breath continues on, he reaches his destination and rushing through the portal barely closes it before blurting out his message.
An elder Narn, his father, stands shocked and then calmy thinks of the possiblities before answering:
“You are sure. She is coming to Revenge to oversee the offensive campaign!?!”
The Narn was sceptical but the light of fire gleamed within his black orbs.
“Yes, I heard it as I was serving the governor today. He is pompous and did not even see me.”
The younger Narn looked down for a second then as his gaze returned there was a malicious grin upon his face.
“But soon, soon we shall make them see us. It will be the last thing they know before they tumble to oblivion.”
The elder Narn considered things for mere moments before he stood and preparing to leave, he looked towards his son and said:
“We will begin preparations tonight. Even amongst our own kind we must be careful, the Dilgar have… methods, we must be careful who to trust. Her death may not free this world, but here on revenge, perhaps even our ancestors many shan’khars’ can be put to rest.”
As he left the father remembered the first time he had heard the name ‘Death Walker’. The terror at all the tales that had come down from his parents and the one remaining grandparent from when the Dilgar had ravaged the league almost sixty years ago. To think that now he was in a position to end that accursed life, he mustn’t get drunk on the possibilities. This plot would live or die on how cool the Narn could remain until the hour was at hand.
Quickly he scurried through the streets, lockdown was almost upon him and he didn’t want to face the consequences with so much in the balance…
- Uraniun235
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 13772
- Joined: 2002-09-12 12:47am
- Location: OREGON
- Contact:
"Mister President! Mister President!"
"What? What is it?!"
"The Babel, sir. She's been completed!"
Babel... it's taken years to develop a starship big enough to construct a deep-range space station, but it's finally here... and the Mesopotamia project may not be far away. And this time, there will be no jealous god to strike down our own Tower of Babel...
"Excellent." Alshain found himself nearly breathless. "Truly excellent. Once the Babel has taken aboard all the construction material she needs, dispatch her at once to begin construction on Project Mesopotamia. And tell R&D to finalize the design!"
Maybe... just maybe, there was a chance at peace yet.
"What? What is it?!"
"The Babel, sir. She's been completed!"
Babel... it's taken years to develop a starship big enough to construct a deep-range space station, but it's finally here... and the Mesopotamia project may not be far away. And this time, there will be no jealous god to strike down our own Tower of Babel...
"Excellent." Alshain found himself nearly breathless. "Truly excellent. Once the Babel has taken aboard all the construction material she needs, dispatch her at once to begin construction on Project Mesopotamia. And tell R&D to finalize the design!"
Maybe... just maybe, there was a chance at peace yet.
- Nephtys
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6227
- Joined: 2005-04-02 10:54pm
- Location: South Cali... where life is cheap!
Valen'tha, War Cruiser of the Grey Council...
"Delenn, we cannot intervene!" snapped Narool. "What are the troubles of others to us? It is their affair and our ships are needed to defend Minbar." remarked the hooded warrior.
"But we must! The Dilgar have occupied one of the Narn worlds for some time... and there's reports of terrible atrocities reported by the Anla'shok." Delenn interjected, standing in the light of the chambers. Standing to the left of her, another Satai lowered his hood.
"The Religious caste does not desire war, but the events are startling. We have sighted Dilgar spy-ships attempting to penetrate our space for some time, and our interrogation of Dilgar agents seem to speak towards what we all know. That they desire only what we do not. Since when did the Warrior Caste cower when battle presented itself?" he remarked, head to one side. Dukhat silenced him with a swift wave of the hand.
"Enough! We have heard enough Bickering. The Vorlons have already engaged the Great Enemy, the Enemy you all fled from upon a most minor of victories!" he scolded. "And now, the Dilgar use the weapons of the Enemy to subjugate other worlds! I say that we should send the fleet to the Narn, and offer them our aid, as they offered us during our Campaign to the East. Our Campaign against the Darkness."
The Council fell to silence for some time, before Narool nodded again. "If it is the judgement of the Council, I will send one group and one alone to investigate the conditions of the Narn planet. My protege Nimune will command this fleet." he nodded. The lights slowly clicked off, hiding one member at a time of the Nine, until none were visible. The meeting had ended.
The Black Star, Flagship of the Elum'ina Fleet...
Nimune nodded to her messenger, head turning away. "So we are to see the conditions of the Narn occupation? Have one of our scout-ships do such in orbit." she folded black-sleeved arms across her chest, angling her head low.
"Set a course... for Dilgar Space."
"Delenn, we cannot intervene!" snapped Narool. "What are the troubles of others to us? It is their affair and our ships are needed to defend Minbar." remarked the hooded warrior.
"But we must! The Dilgar have occupied one of the Narn worlds for some time... and there's reports of terrible atrocities reported by the Anla'shok." Delenn interjected, standing in the light of the chambers. Standing to the left of her, another Satai lowered his hood.
"The Religious caste does not desire war, but the events are startling. We have sighted Dilgar spy-ships attempting to penetrate our space for some time, and our interrogation of Dilgar agents seem to speak towards what we all know. That they desire only what we do not. Since when did the Warrior Caste cower when battle presented itself?" he remarked, head to one side. Dukhat silenced him with a swift wave of the hand.
"Enough! We have heard enough Bickering. The Vorlons have already engaged the Great Enemy, the Enemy you all fled from upon a most minor of victories!" he scolded. "And now, the Dilgar use the weapons of the Enemy to subjugate other worlds! I say that we should send the fleet to the Narn, and offer them our aid, as they offered us during our Campaign to the East. Our Campaign against the Darkness."
The Council fell to silence for some time, before Narool nodded again. "If it is the judgement of the Council, I will send one group and one alone to investigate the conditions of the Narn planet. My protege Nimune will command this fleet." he nodded. The lights slowly clicked off, hiding one member at a time of the Nine, until none were visible. The meeting had ended.
The Black Star, Flagship of the Elum'ina Fleet...
Nimune nodded to her messenger, head turning away. "So we are to see the conditions of the Narn occupation? Have one of our scout-ships do such in orbit." she folded black-sleeved arms across her chest, angling her head low.
"Set a course... for Dilgar Space."
Londo watched with immense satisfaction as the Vorlon fleet rained fire down upon one of the Shadow's core worlds. A holographic recording of the destruction had taken the place of his ever present map for the moment. It was a worthy justification for Shra-Bal and the Llort home world, and if it kept up, the power of Shadows would be broken forever.
He almost wished that the old mass drivers which his people had used on the Narn home world were still in service so the Republic could hurl giant rocks upon the Shadows like the fists of an anrgy god.
Which wasn't to say that Centauri forces weren't getting in a few good shots. Their fleet sat near a jump gate and ambushed Shadow ships rushing back to try and defend their worlds. They'd lost a few ships, but they'd also guaranteed that the Shadow armada which had been menacing Centauri Prime only a few months ago would never be a threat again.
Somewhat reluctantly, Londo switched off the recording, and his holo-map returned.
The threat posed by the Shadows might finally be over.
"Now let's hope that the rest of the galaxy is quiet for awhile," he said to himself. "At least long enough for us to recover from this war."
He almost wished that the old mass drivers which his people had used on the Narn home world were still in service so the Republic could hurl giant rocks upon the Shadows like the fists of an anrgy god.
Which wasn't to say that Centauri forces weren't getting in a few good shots. Their fleet sat near a jump gate and ambushed Shadow ships rushing back to try and defend their worlds. They'd lost a few ships, but they'd also guaranteed that the Shadow armada which had been menacing Centauri Prime only a few months ago would never be a threat again.
Somewhat reluctantly, Londo switched off the recording, and his holo-map returned.
The threat posed by the Shadows might finally be over.
"Now let's hope that the rest of the galaxy is quiet for awhile," he said to himself. "At least long enough for us to recover from this war."
"I want to mow down a bunch of motherfuckers with absurdly large weapons and relative impunity - preferably in and around a skyscraper. Then I want to fight a grim battle against the unlikely duo of the Terminator and Robocop. The last level should involve (but not be limited to) multiple robo-Hitlers and a gorillasaurus rex."--Uraniun235 on his ideal FPS game
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force."--Darth Vader
Rai’Jal swung about in his chair leaving the tac display behind him. Not that the battles were particularly hard, but they victories none the less. The Minbari had been given ample time and more than enough warnings. Their hubris had cost the lives of their crews.
Maybe the Anla’shokk gave their lives heedlessly for ancient riddles, the warrior caste, however, they were made of sterner stuff. They would not look kindly upon this. Perhaps the Grey Councils’ lethargic approach to this situation would fuel the breach that had existed between warrior and religious castes since Valen passed beyond the veil.
It was only a matter of time now, the Minbari would come citing retribution for the loss of their crews. If the Minbari wanted to sue for war, then war is what they would get.
He turned his chair back to the tactical display, and began to assess his options.
Maybe the Anla’shokk gave their lives heedlessly for ancient riddles, the warrior caste, however, they were made of sterner stuff. They would not look kindly upon this. Perhaps the Grey Councils’ lethargic approach to this situation would fuel the breach that had existed between warrior and religious castes since Valen passed beyond the veil.
It was only a matter of time now, the Minbari would come citing retribution for the loss of their crews. If the Minbari wanted to sue for war, then war is what they would get.
He turned his chair back to the tactical display, and began to assess his options.
"If you desire my position, alll you have to do is take it from my cold, dead hands!"
-Sebastian Shaw
-Sebastian Shaw
- Dalton
- For Those About to Rock We Salute You
- Posts: 22639
- Joined: 2002-07-03 06:16pm
- Location: New York, the Fuck You State
- Contact:
"Are we ready?"
"How much sooner?"
"Not long now. I cannot guarantee victory, but I can guarantee at least a bloody nose."
"And our contingency plans?"
"How much sooner?"
"Not long now. I cannot guarantee victory, but I can guarantee at least a bloody nose."
"And our contingency plans?"

To Absent Friends
"y = mx + bro" - Surlethe
"You try THAT shit again, kid, and I will mod you. I will
mod you so hard, you'll wish I were Dalton." - Lagmonster
May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce.
Down in the clay, the lowest part of the primary city cluster, commotion stirred. The dingy complex at the very base of the spire housed one thing of great importance, a tavern. On this level of the city no one cared about the politics of the universe. No one cared whether it was the Narn regime or the Dilgar confederacy that exploited the labour. All people cared about was how they were going to survive the next shift.
The clay was at the bottom of the city, all the dense gas and pollutants eventually settled down here. The only reason anyone stayed down here was because they were desperate, poor, or running! The Dilgar didn’t even see fit to police this zone like they did the other more industrial and affluent zones of the city.
There was just Jo’Kal, the local magistrate. How would one magistrate survive in such a place? Jo’Kal was resourceful, tough, and what’s more he knew how to work with criminals.
Like everyone who ended up in this place he didn’t care whether it was Narn’s killing Dilgar or Narn’s killing Narn’s as long as he got paid! Like everyone at the end of the line he was especially mean.
Tonight he was sitting in this particular tavern as he always did, when the commotion started. He was just about to nod off when through his Bravari induced haze he heard the wild frenzied speech. At first all he could make out were the words ‘Minbari’, ‘freedom’, and ‘0pp-something’. He realised it must be one of the local Narn with delusions of grandeur, or maybe he was on dust or something.
With an agitated snarl he got to his feet knocked back another shot to clear his mind and went over to the commotion.
By the time Jo’Kal had stumbled over there was a crowd drawing, and those near him instinctively parted for this most notorious of men. He watched from the fifth row of people and listened to what this young Narn had to say. Always the young ones he thought to himself, the old ones knew better. Knew the wheel only existed to crush you, not to take you higher.
“I have heard it! The Minbari are coming, coming to free us all from these accursed oppressors. You will see, when they arrive, ships like the very avatars of G’Lan himself descending from the heavens to free us!!”
Jo’Kal started to light up a cigarette, and then he began
“You won’t see shit from down here boy!”
With his cigarette arm he waved it about in front of him gesturing to the black haze that reflected the low lighting back towards them.
“That up there. That cloud of shit from all the space docks. that’s the only thing any of us from down here are ever going to see again.”
The young Narn jumped off his perch and started to make his way towards Jo’Kal.
“If I were you son, I’d keep the hell away. That is if you want to see tomorrow.”
“Why! If this here”
He said pointing in the same manner Jo’Kal had just done.
“If this is all we shall ever know then I would sooner end my life in the pursuit of free…”
The Narn dropped unconscious, the blow to the head coming unexpectedly as he had raced towards magistrate.
“Just so the rest of you know what the score is here, I warned him not to come on. Another thing, if any of you think the Minbari are going to swoop in here like some kind of fictional creature then you got it all wrong. You know what the Minbari think?”
He paused for effect, making sure he had everyone’s attention before continuing.
Jo’Kal put on his most pious, arrogant impression of a Minbari and looked straight towards the prone form of the young Narn.
“The problems of others, are not our concern!!”
He looked around again making sure it had sunk in.
“Look, who the hell cares what fat-cat sits at the top of the spire? Who the hell cares who governs this world? We’re down here, and this is the only place any of us are going to see for the rest of our god damn fucking lives!!”
With that last sentence all of Jo’Kals’ pent up frustration and anger towards this situation came flooding out.
“anyone who thinks that some bone headed messiah is coming to save them, may as well just roll over and die. Because as far as we’re concerned there is no war, there are no Minbari and there sure as fuck are no “Rangers”!”
He stormed towards the young man he’d previously knocked out, and in a show of savagery kicked him repeatedly until his face was a mess.
Satisfied Jo’Kal flicked a credit chip to the bar tender and went to his quarters.
As he opened the door, he called for lights. The room did not respond and just thinking it was one of the many power shorts to this area Jo’Kal stumbled inside. As the door closed he felt a presence to the left of him.
Time seemed to slow and he tried to turn for what seemed like hours.
All he could see was blackness and the only sound was a light metallic “fsh-fsh“. As he completed his turn he was greeted by the solid impact of a large staff impacting against his skull.
Jo’Kal hit the ground in a most unceremonious fashion.
There was a light “blip” and the lights flickered back on. Standing over Jo’Kals prone form was a man dressed all in black. He was just placing a small metallic cylinder back into his belt when he knelt over Jo’Kal. Slowly he placed his head towards the stinking mess that lay before him and with words that had perfect annunciation for the dialect of England he said softly
“We are already amongst you!”
With that he reached into the guards pocket and withdrawing his security beacon the ranger scanned the many frequencies it emitted then placed it back in the correct pocket.
With this he would be able to seamlessly work his way through the spire. Right to the top, right to his target.
With that Markus downed the lights and left the small abode with as much notice as he’d entered.
The clay was at the bottom of the city, all the dense gas and pollutants eventually settled down here. The only reason anyone stayed down here was because they were desperate, poor, or running! The Dilgar didn’t even see fit to police this zone like they did the other more industrial and affluent zones of the city.
There was just Jo’Kal, the local magistrate. How would one magistrate survive in such a place? Jo’Kal was resourceful, tough, and what’s more he knew how to work with criminals.
Like everyone who ended up in this place he didn’t care whether it was Narn’s killing Dilgar or Narn’s killing Narn’s as long as he got paid! Like everyone at the end of the line he was especially mean.
Tonight he was sitting in this particular tavern as he always did, when the commotion started. He was just about to nod off when through his Bravari induced haze he heard the wild frenzied speech. At first all he could make out were the words ‘Minbari’, ‘freedom’, and ‘0pp-something’. He realised it must be one of the local Narn with delusions of grandeur, or maybe he was on dust or something.
With an agitated snarl he got to his feet knocked back another shot to clear his mind and went over to the commotion.
By the time Jo’Kal had stumbled over there was a crowd drawing, and those near him instinctively parted for this most notorious of men. He watched from the fifth row of people and listened to what this young Narn had to say. Always the young ones he thought to himself, the old ones knew better. Knew the wheel only existed to crush you, not to take you higher.
“I have heard it! The Minbari are coming, coming to free us all from these accursed oppressors. You will see, when they arrive, ships like the very avatars of G’Lan himself descending from the heavens to free us!!”
Jo’Kal started to light up a cigarette, and then he began
“You won’t see shit from down here boy!”
With his cigarette arm he waved it about in front of him gesturing to the black haze that reflected the low lighting back towards them.
“That up there. That cloud of shit from all the space docks. that’s the only thing any of us from down here are ever going to see again.”
The young Narn jumped off his perch and started to make his way towards Jo’Kal.
“If I were you son, I’d keep the hell away. That is if you want to see tomorrow.”
“Why! If this here”
He said pointing in the same manner Jo’Kal had just done.
“If this is all we shall ever know then I would sooner end my life in the pursuit of free…”
The Narn dropped unconscious, the blow to the head coming unexpectedly as he had raced towards magistrate.
“Just so the rest of you know what the score is here, I warned him not to come on. Another thing, if any of you think the Minbari are going to swoop in here like some kind of fictional creature then you got it all wrong. You know what the Minbari think?”
He paused for effect, making sure he had everyone’s attention before continuing.
Jo’Kal put on his most pious, arrogant impression of a Minbari and looked straight towards the prone form of the young Narn.
“The problems of others, are not our concern!!”
He looked around again making sure it had sunk in.
“Look, who the hell cares what fat-cat sits at the top of the spire? Who the hell cares who governs this world? We’re down here, and this is the only place any of us are going to see for the rest of our god damn fucking lives!!”
With that last sentence all of Jo’Kals’ pent up frustration and anger towards this situation came flooding out.
“anyone who thinks that some bone headed messiah is coming to save them, may as well just roll over and die. Because as far as we’re concerned there is no war, there are no Minbari and there sure as fuck are no “Rangers”!”
He stormed towards the young man he’d previously knocked out, and in a show of savagery kicked him repeatedly until his face was a mess.
Satisfied Jo’Kal flicked a credit chip to the bar tender and went to his quarters.
As he opened the door, he called for lights. The room did not respond and just thinking it was one of the many power shorts to this area Jo’Kal stumbled inside. As the door closed he felt a presence to the left of him.
Time seemed to slow and he tried to turn for what seemed like hours.
All he could see was blackness and the only sound was a light metallic “fsh-fsh“. As he completed his turn he was greeted by the solid impact of a large staff impacting against his skull.
Jo’Kal hit the ground in a most unceremonious fashion.
There was a light “blip” and the lights flickered back on. Standing over Jo’Kals prone form was a man dressed all in black. He was just placing a small metallic cylinder back into his belt when he knelt over Jo’Kal. Slowly he placed his head towards the stinking mess that lay before him and with words that had perfect annunciation for the dialect of England he said softly
“We are already amongst you!”
With that he reached into the guards pocket and withdrawing his security beacon the ranger scanned the many frequencies it emitted then placed it back in the correct pocket.
With this he would be able to seamlessly work his way through the spire. Right to the top, right to his target.
With that Markus downed the lights and left the small abode with as much notice as he’d entered.
"If you desire my position, alll you have to do is take it from my cold, dead hands!"
-Sebastian Shaw
-Sebastian Shaw