His Stuart was harassing my medium, pinging rounds off me from various angles. I chased him some distance, tracked him as he turned broadside to circle, and said "KNOCK IT OFF."
He did.

Moderator: Thanas
The thing was, in real-life the KV-1 and KV-2 were very early-period tanks, so the initial low-tier ranking does make sense. Early in the war, it was often literally Panzer-IIs against KV-1s and T-34s. The Germans wouldn't have done anywhere near as well as they did if not for horrible Russian tactics and training. But in the decades since WW2, this mythology has grown up about German tanks always being generally superior to everyone else in every way, and today the World of Tanks player community seems to think that any German weakness must be a sign of "anti-German bias". I don't see anyone whining on the WoT forums the way the goddamned German fanboys do. And they keep citing "historical accuracy" when convenient and ignoring it when it gets in their way.Simon_Jester wrote:Personally, I think making the KV-2 a Tier 5 tank (in effect) did more to create the "Russian tanks are OP" belief than any other single thing the game designers did. Because everyone fought them in that thing, and everyone saw what a bad joke the idea of the KV-2 being 'balanced' with, say, a T1 Heavy was.
Nahh, my best in that regard is how with excellent use of hulldown and dead on shooting I managed to take one down and only lose half my health. Only seems a strange word to use but it's appropriate.Simon_Jester wrote:Skywalker_T-65 wrote:(xthetenth will probably now break in with a story about how he soloed four KV-107mm tanks with his T1 Heavy by creative use of the four-dimensional Möbius strip terrain on Ohgodno map. Because I just know he has such a story. Somehow)
Well, tier doesn't just reflect vintage, it reflects some kind of firepower and balance. The French Tier 6 Heavy wasn't built until 1945, while the American and Russian ones both date to 1941-42... because what matters for tiers is quality, not age.Darth Wong wrote:The thing was, in real-life the KV-1 and KV-2 were very early-period tanks, so the initial low-tier ranking does make sense. Early in the war, it was often literally Panzer-IIs against KV-1s and T-34s...Simon_Jester wrote:Personally, I think making the KV-2 a Tier 5 tank (in effect) did more to create the "Russian tanks are OP" belief than any other single thing the game designers did. Because everyone fought them in that thing, and everyone saw what a bad joke the idea of the KV-2 being 'balanced' with, say, a T1 Heavy was.
Personally I have no interest in anti-German bias. I myself suggested a fun 'realistic' game mode featuring one Tiger and a couple of Panzer IVs or Hetzers plus maybe a Grille if they're lucky... against ten Shermans or T-34s, with 3 or 4 SPGs in support.The Germans wouldn't have done anywhere near as well as they did if not for horrible Russian tactics and training. But in the decades since WW2, this mythology has grown up about German tanks always being generally superior to everyone else in every way, and today the World of Tanks player community seems to think that any German weakness must be a sign of "anti-German bias". I don't see anyone whining on the WoT forums the way the goddamned German fanboys do. And they keep citing "historical accuracy" when convenient and ignoring it when it gets in their way.
The thing that saves the French tanks is that they're hard to play well. Their heavies have fragile flanks, their lights have a very different method of operation from most people's tanks.And of course, since the game has Russians developers, the "Russian bias" complaint is inevitable. I don't see anyone whining about the ARL-44's long 90mm gun with its absurdly high 212mm penetration at tier-6. It's one of the most overpowered guns in the game for its tier, and no one says a word about it because it's French, so it doesn't fit into their "Russian dev have pro-Russian anti-German bias" expectations.
The ARL-44's a terrible tank, even with it's absurdly high pen gun. It has bad RoF, bad Aimtime, bad dispersion, bad everything EXCEPT Penetration. The ARL-44 has the worst soft stats in the game, and soft stats are as important as anything else.And of course, since the game has Russians developers, the "Russian bias" complaint is inevitable. I don't see anyone whining about the ARL-44's long 90mm gun with its absurdly high 212mm penetration at tier-6. It's one of the most overpowered guns in the game for its tier, and no one says a word about it because it's French, so it doesn't fit into their "Russian dev have pro-Russian anti-German bias" expectations.
Aaron MkII wrote:Woot! Bt2! I forgot to buy ammo though, so I hid behind a hill and tried to spot.
Much faster then the MS-1 as well.
Well. That stuff was how it WAS. Each of those cases got changed. And back then, the Russian tanks all had high winrates on all servers.Darth Wong wrote:Ah yes, another objective analysis of "Russian bias" which goes on at length about the nature of the bias, but inexplicably fails to explain why competent players do as well in German or US tanks as they do in Russian tanks, or for that matter, why players who become skillful enough to overcome the Russian bias in their nerfed US or German tanks don't become Gods and pwn everyone if they go to the Russian tank line.
In competent hands, the Churchill is a monster, especially considering it never even faces tier 7s. I run mine with improved ventilation, a gun laying drive, and a gun rammer, so it basically has a giant machine gun. The key when facing a Churchill is to ALWAYS aim for the turret, the armor on it is far weaker than the hull armor.Skywalker_T-65 wrote:I'm starting to REALLY HATE the Churchill now. Keeps killing my KV!
US tanks actually have the second best win rate; next to the French tanks (although that may have changed since the patch that moved up all the AMX-13s a tier). They didn't really need that much "help" to be awesome. Only the T32 has major gunpower issues.Simon_Jester wrote:The analysis I saw seems to be complaining more about the US tanks being under-equipped than about the Germans.
WoT's pace is considerably slower than FPSs. Blazing away with your gun is generally a bad idea.Imperial528 wrote:Right now, I have an M2 light tank. However, I keep derping out and hitting reload (Damn you Mass Effect 2/3!) practically every shot I fire, only to be helpless for five (10? 20? I didn't count just how long) seconds, that feel like an eternity.
Yeah that was me. I pop in and out and don't play for days at a times, but it's Sorchus here and there.Aaron MkII wrote:Yeah, Corporal_Duderino is me, to whoever it was that asked in the chat.
All my better names were taken.
I laugh. It isn't like many of the American high Level TD's weren't made up wholesale. The T28 prototype is based on naught but a random doodle that was in some tank design memo. This is just an idiotic argument, especially since the Russian stuff was built even if it never was deployed while we have doodles in the American tree.Nephtys wrote:Another reason for russian bias is that WoT is full of magical prototypes and one-off experiments. ... Instead, nearly every US Vehicle has historical equipment as it's final gear.
Oh yeah, I get that. It's just that after I played through ME2/3 in a row, I got a reflex for hitting whichever key is reload the instant I stop firing. Which in WoT is just a source of endless frustration, well, when you have a semi-auto gun.Zinegata wrote:WoT's pace is considerably slower than FPSs. Blazing away with your gun is generally a bad idea.
It really pays to learn concealment, positioning, and knowing when to shoot and and when to know you're overmatched and should run away.