Funny. CA managed to keep to historical facts in M:TW and VI, but then I guess there wasn't an audience for those either and the efforts made there were unreasonable as well, right?
You're still missing my point. I
know that you think that the effort made for realism in ETW is unreasonably low, what I'm saying is that CA should not have to take your view into account as the average player of a TW game since you clearly have higher standards than average.
As for whether MTW was more accurate, I find this hard to believe given that the game works on standardisation and every unit of a type looking identical, when in reality Medieval armies had little in the way of uniforms. In a comparison of 100 identical knights vs 100 identical line infantry, the latter is obviously more realistic.
Please list them.
The names are Russian and I can't be bothered running the game then exiting it to list them, but there's russian melee militia, russian cavalry militia, russian musketeers, plus i'm told cossacks of several forms. At the very least 5 specific units.
That is a joke, right?
Please note my use of the word 'enough', i.e enough so that any average gamer's SOD isn't breached.
Newsflash - neither get the Spanish. Continue.
Neither get the Spanish? What?
And I find it funny that you, with your very limited knowledge based largely on fiction which is not even about the 17th century (alright, the very last years are included) try to declare yourself any kind of authority on the accuracy of the game.
You're clearly not paying any attention to what I'm actually saying because this is the exact
opposite of what I've just said. I'm
not any kind of authority, that's my point, the vast majority of the audience aren't either and will be perfectly satisfied with the level of realism attained. I don't doubt that you are very well-read on the period, and
it is exactly this which negates your view as that of the average gamer. I'm sure the realism of ETW isn't high enough to satisfy 18th century buffs, but that's really not much of a criticism given such people make up a tiny percentage of the game's audience. Call of Duty 5 is pretty unrealistic and won't reach the standards of WWII experts, is that a reasonable criticism? Like bollocks it is.
Are you telling me that reading an 80-page book is too much of an effort?
Oh yeah cos yano, that's all it would take to implement realistic sailing mechanics, accurately model the armies to your standards etc.
How do you justify steamships, btw?
Yeah fair enough even I raised an eyebrow at that.
So media exposure makes them the best? That is a very poor argument.
Yeah it is, hence why I didn't make it. Next time try to suppress your indignant rage and read the post properly.
I'm saying that the media exposure focusing on the British Army in the 18th century is massively greater than that of the nations which have received fewer units, such as Sweden. Thus, there is a much greater demand for effort on the British Army than, say, the Swedish army. CA have a finite amount of resources, and have allocated them according to demand. The demand for an accurately represented Swedish Army simply isn't there to anything like the same degree as the British Army. The developers have to have regard to the demands of their audience, and not expend time and money on putting in features that only a tiny proportion of customers care about. It's called good business practice.
I guess that from now on, any game about World War II should always claim the US Army was the be-all end-all of all armies in all theaters of the conflict, because hey, Americans always get 90% of the media exposure. Anybody criticizing that approach would obviously be unreasonable, right?
Yeah sure, cos yano there's like zero exposure of the other armies right? There's just NO films, tv series', books and games about armies other than the US Army? Most people don't know what German soldiers look like huh?
Your analogy is pathetic.
Yep. How dare you question Lazarus? He has seen TV shows on the subject.
Hey, yeah, here's an idea, why don't I just be sarcastic and ignore his point? That's an awesome plan, and it'll make me look dead smart too. Genius.