Who is talking about Steam?
It was only recently (although more than a few years now), that the concept of downloadable retail games (at a ridiculous mark-up compared to physical copies) came to consoles. Well, ok the concept was way back on the Genesis and maybe even before that, but whatever, that sucked on a modem.
The analogy (that I never made) is off because people equate a software platform like Steam or Origin directly to a hardware platform like the Xbone or WiiU. There are multiple ways to acquire PC games. Consoles seemed to be catching up, but now we see that at least one is literally copying the Digital Distribution method and all of it's drawbacks. The difference is that, with the exception of certain publishers/games (like Skyrim/Beth or some of EA's shovelware), that service is optional on PC. I own many games on Steam. I have purchased a few on GoG. I still buy the odd retail hardcopy.
By opting into console hardware, that isn't an option, which was fine to me as a consumer because I always had the option to trade-in or borrow games. This was a god-send for games like Brink which were garbage but I got sucked into buying because "friends." With this option no longer viable and many of my friends using their Xbox's only for Netflix, there's no good reason for me to even bother with a proprietary gaming platform.
My original point, that upon re-reading I did a terrible job of explaining, is the hilarity of Xbox fanboys constantly saying shit like "haha, you don't even
own your PC games, cry while I trade my used games in at Gamestop" but are now turning around and saying shit like "Yea well, PC (Read: Steam/etc) has been doing this forever, so it's no big deal." The hypocrisy is hilarious.
It's the same coping mechanism Sony whores are trotting out now that the
PSN isn't free to game online. "Lol still better than the Xbawks!"