Ships, Fighters and Defenses
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Name [Cost][Specialty][Tag]
Thor Class Carrier [8][CARRIER]
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Name [Cost]
Grand Army of the Republic [1000]
Deduction from available points
Available Specialties / type of craft effected:
[Fighter] Strikecraft
[Warship] Escorts, Cruisers, Carriers
[Stationary] Stationary defenses, planetary guns, space stations, satellites ect
Available Tags / Used by / Effect:
[Carrier] / Warships / Carrier capacity can be declared at any value, ship worth half vs warships
[Bomber] / Fighters / Fighters are worth double vs warships and stationary targets, worth zero vs other fighters
[Defense] / Stationary Defenses / Worth double their value in any situation, can't move, [Defense] tag is implied on any defensive structure that is stationary or anything declared under "Stationary Defenses".
Warship Size Guide:
1-5 Escorts.
6-20 Cruiser
21+ Capital
User Documentation:
Each empire will have a pool of points that reflects overall assets that ships, defenses, weapons, ground troops ect. Each declared asset will be worth a certain number of points, the total of which must be equal or less then the total available points for that empire.
Ship Declarations:
Ship sizes will be based on their point values. There are four categories:
Fighters (includes strike craft)
Ships declared at 1-5 points will be regarded as escorts.
Ships declared at 6-20 points will be regarded as cruisers
Ships declared at 21 points and up will be regarded as capital ships.
Fighters will be declared as fighter groups and can be declared at any value. Normal warships can only carry up to twice their point value in fighter groups. For example, a 20 point fighter group needs at least a 10 point cruiser to carry them. This restriction does not apply to dedicated carriers. (Can be any point value, must be flagged CARRIER)
Notes on ship sizes:
Although the rules will classify ships into a certain class, the player is not required to stick to the naming convention. A 3 point vessel can be named and deployed as a cruiser and a 25 point vessel can be deployed as a line frigate if the player so chooses. However, a 25 point frigate will be treated as a capital ship as far as the rules are concerned.
Ships can be declared as being especially effective against certain target, when this happens they gain a bonus value when fighting that target, however they receive a penalty when fighting anything that isn't their specialty.
Specializations can be against:
Fighters (most forms of carrier borne strike craft including fighters and bombers)
Warships (Escorts, cruisers, capitals)
Stationary (Planetary defenses, Space Stations, Satellites)
Thor class frigate [4][+2 vs Warships]
Declaring this would mean that you have a frigate that costs 4 points but is worth 6 when fighting against an escort, cruiser or capital size ship but only worth 2 against fighters or stationary objects such as planetary defenses and stations. These little frigates would be dangerous to Capital vessels in large numbers but would only be worth 2 points vs everything else, easy prey for swarms of 2 point fighter groups, especially those of type "bomber."
Ships that specialise against warships can also specialise against stationary targets, but not fighters. Specialties must not total more then half the value of the ship.
The following are allowed:
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Thor class fleet defender [4][+2 vs Fighters]
Thor class frigate [4][+2 vs Warships]
Thor class bombarder [4][+2 vs Stationary]
Thor class superiority frigate [4][+1 vs Warships][+1 vs Stationary]
Fighters can specialize against the same things warships can, however, fighters can also use the [Bomber] tag.
Rapier class fighters [2]
Broadsword class bombers [2][Bomber]
The difference between the broadsword group and the rapier group is that the broadsword's value is doubled against anything not a fighter (ie are now worth 4, however are worth 0 against other fighters.)
Satellites, platforms, planetary guns ect, declared much like ships except using the tag [defense] which gives them twice the value of their cost.
Titan Planetary gun [50][Defense]
The Titan gun is worth 100 points against attacking ships
(note: Locations are also required when delcaring defenses)
Ground Forces:
Individual units do not have to be declared, ground force delcaration is simply the amount of points the empire has devoted to them.
The grand army of the republic [100]
If someone invades a planet they then just specify the total number of points of ground forces they're attacking with. Individual details about the units will just be written up the way they always have been.
Landing craft will be assumed to be present when ground forces are declared, they require no declaration.