World of Tanks

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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Alkaloid »

As a guy who just bought a KV I'm kind of curious, what is actually going on with the KV change up. As far as I know, it's andybody this the KV-2 suspension and turret plus a crew at 100% gets a KV with the standard turret, and a KV-2 which is now a separate tank, both with different upgrade paths. Is that right?

Also, whats up with the matchmaker, last couple of days tooling around in tier 5 and 6 tanks and I've got into matches with a loltraktor and a cunningham. That just isn't right.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by The Vortex Empire »

Those are likely just from people bringing them into platoons with them, since MM only goes by the highest tank in the platoon.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Alkaloid »

Well they shouldn't do that. I feel cruel shooting at them.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Nephtys »

In a T6 and above, I always vow publically at the start of the game, that I swear to destroy the Loltraktor by ramming and ramming alone. Once, everyone did that and it was kinda funny, as we jammed on each other trying to kill the Loltraktor, when it was clear we were winning big.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Zinegata »

I try to spare the loltraktor, if I can.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Thunderfire »

Alkaloid wrote:Well they shouldn't do that. I feel cruel shooting at them.
Their tank has a MM Value of 2. The MM tries to balance out the MM value of both teams. This mean their team gets an extra high tier sometimes. So no mercy for players who fuck up the MM.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Simon_Jester »

My stock comment in those battles is:

"Someone brought an MS-1/T1/Leichttraktor in here? Call child protective services!"
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by White Haven »

The last time I drove an MS-1 into a vastly inappropriate game, I immediately opened the scoreboard, looked at the highest-tier tank on the enemy team, and called him out for a duel. He honored it. I exploded.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Marko Dash »

down to 10k xp needed for the T29. i think once i have it unlocked i'm going to sell my M6 and use the slot to elite low tier tanks until i have the 1.4 mil built up.

on the Russian front the valentine's day free premium helped me get the tracks to mount the 107, and that gave me enough punch to further unlock the upgraded turret of the KV-3, and i got the engine today. as this tank is going to stick around for a while, and i'm planing on using it for TC matches, i'm probably going to throw some equipment on it. rammer is a must, and since the biggest threat to a KV-3 in TC is Arty a spall liner looks promising. after those two i'm not sure what to do for the third, but that's a long way off as it'll take be a week or so to build the cash back up after i buy a T29.

once the second Russian heavy line comes out i'll have a few more slots to play with, i'm already getting tempted to sell the tetrarch. i'd rather not as it's a fun little tank that can be counted on to pen things, but it's using up one of my rare garage slots for a tank which isn't helping me progress. i'll give it another few weeks and see how long 7.2 gets held back, at this rate 7.3 wont hit till this summer.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by The Vortex Empire »

I'm not really a fan of the KV-3. It's be a good tank if it had enough armor to make up for it's atrocious speed and maneuverability, but it really doesn't feel very heavily armored. Once the update rolls around I'll probably sell it for a KV-1S.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Simon_Jester »

It's extremely heavily armored in matches where it's top tank; very few guns on Tier 5 and below vehicles can penetrate it, and even a fair number of the Tier 6 guns can't crack it reliably.

But it's right on the cusp of having meaningful armor against the big 88mm/90mm/100mm+ weapons that show up on Tier 7 and higher tanks, so it doesn't bounce a lot of fire from those things.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by PhilosopherOfSorts »

Alkaloid wrote:Well they shouldn't do that. I feel cruel shooting at them.

I will murder a tier one without hesitation, and that's what I would expect if our positions were reversed.

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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Zor »

Ah fuck. For some reason WoT won't run on my laptop.

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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Nephtys »

My god.

Battle: Prokhorovka Wednesday, February 22, 2012 7:21:12 PM
Vehicle: T29
Experience received: 1,627
Credits received: 66,972

Solo'ed from full health an E-75, a T32, a Lowe, and a KV-3. Also killed a Panther that was low, and fired 32 105mm Shells.


and the team LOST.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by The Vortex Empire »

That's WoT for you. Some teams just refuse to be dragged to victory.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Marko Dash »

decided to keep the tetrarch. sold the B1 instead, the grind for the BDR was getting to me anyway. I've used the slot to go down the other side of the french tree. that lasted until the AMX 38, in which i unlocked the AMX 40 (rubber duckie) and sold the tank to try a new tree. i sat through the first Russian SPG and it's horrible gun limits to get the SU-26s turreted goodness, about halve way through upgrading the SU-26 the boredom of the point and click SPG style gameplay got to me and i needed a new tree to try, i decided on the soviet TD line and have started up to the SU-76.

i may keep this tree going till i hit the S-85 (I've heard great things about the 107 on this), or i may swap over to the German TDs and try the hetzer out. if i don't like either of those, or after i get to tier 5 or so with them, i'll but back my M4 and train up a crew on it to go for the Easy 8. the KV has unseated the M4 as my most played tank, so I've got to fix that.

while i was building money for the T29 i did bring back the M4 just to grind out the last bit of xp needed for the easy eight which elited the M4, so training up a crew should go rather fast on it. on that note, !i finally got the T29! many people have said how excellent this tank is and it's one that from my experience with it in the test servers lends it's self well to my playstyle (i go hulldown in everything). it is however probably going to be my stopping point in the US heavy line, as the xp and credit costs are a little too much in tier 8+ without premium.

in the soviet section of my garage other than the TD line iv'e mentioned earlier, the KV-3 has come together well. it's just got the IS, and 100mm D10T left and i care little for either. it's mainly staying in my garage fore Tank Company battles and for 7.3 where it will get kicked to tier 7 and a free tank and extra garage slot will be given to those who have one. i'm not sure which one i'll keep, or if i'll sell one at all. the KV-3 with the 122mm is expensive to run, even if you personally do well (with 4-6 100%-0% kills) it will lose money on a loss due to 1,000 credit rounds.

my M10 is slowly building up xp, i'm only at about 10k atm but i'm going to let it build till it hits about 35k, once the public test for 7.2 finally starts i'll see which of the TD lines i want to go down. the slugger is a safe bet, seeing that it's about how far i get down the TD line before the previous test servers have ended. but the Hellcat is a fairly unknown quantity, it's one of the tanks (like the M4, the E8, and maybe the Pershing) that i want for it's history. however, there's a lot of fear on the WoT forums that balancing it's performance for tier 6 and with the game engine unable to handle it's top on road speed, that it will emerge as a unrealistically slow and sluggish TD while retaining it's historically thin (1in/25mm) armor.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Vejut »

I dunno, I mean, wiki has it as 340 hp vs. 18T for the historical. Even if it's just T-50-2 speed due to engine limitations and the treads and engine don't pan out for turning, it's T-50-2 speed...with a wolverine or slugger class gun, since they went with the ahistorical 90mm as an upgrade option. Doesn't seem like that bad a deal to me, I'd think it'd probably at least end up in the same class as the AMX 12t/13, just with a better one-shot and DPS instead of the autoloader.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by PeZook »

So, the next update will introduce a dozen or so crew skills that give pretty substantial bonuses in some cases (like knowing which modules are damaged etc.)

But they will only work when trained up to 100%.

Uh, yay for more grind?
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by LaCroix »

5x Xp day. - First battle - get killed by a lucky arty opening shot while still at base. Team wins. total xp 250.
Same for every other of my 6 tanks. Whenever I had a good run, I suddenly realize that my team is gone. But whenever I come across the enemy main group and one of the top-tiers one-shots me - my team wins. even with 5x bonus, I made no more than 600x in ANY of these battles. I won more XP in the following battles that were awarded normally.

Victory day and I seem to be in an abusive relationship.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by PeZook »

Wait, it's another 5x XP event?
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Marko Dash »

was yesterday, just for 24hrs
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by PeZook »

Jeebus...and yesterday i figured eh no reason to keep grinding :)
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

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MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: World of Tanks

Post by Rekkon »

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Re: World of Tanks

Post by LaCroix »

I can't log in. I know for sure my data is corrrect, as I use it in WOT, and it says I should use it. Still, the login always claims, that it's incorrect. And the "Create unified" id wants to create a new accout for WOT...
A minute's thought suggests that the very idea of this is stupid. A more detailed examination raises the possibility that it might be an answer to the question "how could the Germans win the war after the US gets involved?" - Captain Seafort, in a thread proposing a 1942 'D-Day' in Quiberon Bay

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