Hideo Kojima - Genius or Bore?

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Poll ended at 2007-09-14 01:15am

Goddamn, shut the fuck up already, I was bored a decade ago.
Total votes: 36

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Post by NeoGoomba »

Sadly, I find myself echoing Shep. I loved MGS1, thought it was a great game all around. It had a somewhat realistic feel to it, with a few fanciful leaps like Mantis, and while the codec conversations were rather long at times, it still flowed very well.

Then came MGS2.

Nothing like hearing the bullshit about Otacon banging his stepmom, or Rose "just calling to talk" during a fucking firefight to make me want to break the disc. Or a fucking invicible vampire who can fly. Or Doctor Octopus, er Solidus on his LOLRSKATES.

When I rented the re-release of Sons of Liberty, the only part of the game that I found fun was the skateboarding mini-game...and I hate skateboarding

After that I never bothered to play MGS3, and still don't plan on it.
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Post by Andrew_Fireborn »

The repack of MG:S3 (Subsistance) comes with the two NES games (Or more accurately, their Japanese Cell Phone remakes) and a minigame based around shooting monkeys. (Albeit the Ape Escape models... It nets you two "humourous" unlocks for the main game, banana camo and an ape mask.)

It also featured Metal Gear: Online... which was about as bad as you would imagine it to be. (The controls are really not suited for it, and it had pretty bad net code.) But has since been taken off-line. Wouldn't have been so bad if they'd have made the First Person controls a little more FPSey... But it is still the same basic interface as offline.
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Post by Vendetta »

General Zod wrote: MGS2 had far more plot twists than I liked personally. The AI crap at the end felt really cheap and tacked on. At least with MGS3's plot twists they kept it to characters that had been in the game throughout the entire thing instead of introducing some random villain at the last minute.
That's part of the problem I had with it.

It just feels like the story is being arcane and confusing just for the sake of it, as if manifold twists and revelations can be substituted for depth of plot. None of the twists and turns seem to have any impact on the story so far though, you don't immediately think back through the game and consider previous scenes in light of your new information when one of them happens, you just coast along oblivious to any meaningful change.
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Post by weemadando »

Lets look at the most recent MGS4 trailer.

"Grr! I'm an allegedly sexy robot dog! I demonstrate completely inconsistant abilities within a short cutscene! Look at my sweet metal toosh and hear me do a sexy growl!"


"I'm invisible! With ROBO-ARMS! ROBO-ARMS YOU HEAR! I'll crushinate you! And then turn invisible again!"

"I too have a jetpack. And puppets. I like puppets. Look at me use a person as a meat puppet. Haha! Jetpacks are awesome! Up, up and AWAAAAY!"


"HOOOOWL. Look at me shake my booty! HOOOOOOOOOWL!"


"Puppets are cool! But only marionettes, not that stick puppet, Henson shit. Meat marionettes!"

"We out bitches!"


"I'm a gruff old bastard philosophising on the dehumanising effects of war. Metaphor metaphor simile metaphor analogy poorly translated proverb."

WHAT THE FUCK! Who the fuck thinks that could possibly be construed at good writing/story/ANYTHING?

Hideo Kojima needs the George Lucas treatment (the man with a baseball bat and a strong narrative/editorial background standing next to him hitting him any time he says a word like Jar Jar) more than Lucas ever has.
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

NeoGoomba wrote:Or a fucking invicible vampire who can fly. Or Doctor Octopus, er Solidus on his LOLRSKATES.
Right because the first game didn't have a bad guy with an irritating habit of coming back from the dead, or a psychic capable of mind-fucking people and throwing around furniture with the power of his mind. And it definitely didn't have a man so superhumanly strong he can can carry around a fucking vulcan cannon, a few ammo drums, and its power source. :roll:

Oh and Vamp can't fly, he can walk on water, he can't fly.

chitoryu12 wrote:My one problem? Ocelot doing the finger thing.
No way, that was a hilarious subplot all on its own. It first started as Ocelot mocking Snake's fighting stance, then he kinda kept doing it because he thought it was cool, then other people do it to mock him.

My opinion of MGS? All three rock my socks.

I played through MGS2 five or six times, I never skipped a cut scene and didn't start skipping codec calls until the third or fourth play through. The game play was fun, especially if you turned-off the radar. Nothing like spending a few minutes carefully stalking the guards until one is alone, dragging him into a room, murdering him, and heading out to hunt again. I can just picture the last guard in the room suddenly wondering "Where did everyone go?" right before Raiden comes up from behind and snaps his neck. After five to ten minutes the room is empty and you can grab all the shinies lying around. Oh and the whole scene where Raiden and Solid Snake fight side to side is one of the best gaming moments ever, fighting beside Snake surpasses in awesome any time where you fight as Snake.

MGS3 had a way better story, but the gameplay isn't quite so good. I remember one of the early trailers had Snake carefully stalking a four man patrol over an open jungle, slowly killing them one by one. That would have totally owned, but instead you wind-up hiding in the bushes and head-shoting people as they pass by. Still, it's an extremely fun game, especially if you're patient enough to line-up the perfect kill. I do like that it gives you far more chances to be mean to the guards. You can throw them off cliffs, electrocute them, drown them, bury them in mud, etc. Too bad you can't feed them to the crocodiles though.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Weemadando, I fucking hate the newly revealled villians to. Simply becuase they share names with the FOXHOUND. People have been moaning to me that it make sense Liquid would name his new freaks after his old fallen comrade freaks but i'm still not impressed. Especially with those prefixs that seem to indicate what they do in battle, laugh, rage, cry. Kinda of like the emotions they carry into battle? Where have I heard that before?
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Post by Battlehymn Republic »

I was all ready to defend MGS, until I saw the newest boss trailer. Apparently the series has become Silent Hill. Or possibly Neon Genesis Evangelion. Either way, wow.

Either way we'll all be won over whence cyborg Raiden ninja-chops up more enemies.
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Post by salm »

These bosses surely have something of Zone of the Enders. I´m not quite sure if that´s a good or a bad thing. I think i´ll just rely on these guys to turn out a good result like they always do.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Battlehymn Republic wrote:I was all ready to defend MGS, until I saw the newest boss trailer. Apparently the series has become Silent Hill. Or possibly Neon Genesis Evangelion. Either way, wow.

Either way we'll all be won over whence cyborg Raiden ninja-chops up more enemies.
And still think Raiden's lame to. Even when slicing mini-metal gears to bits. The idea that Raiden could be badass is just not acceptable input for my brain.

Unless you were being sarcastic...
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Post by Xisiqomelir »

I pick "nutcase". If any of you haven't seen Snake vs Zombie, the roundtable featuring Kojima, Resident Evil/Biohazard's Mikami and Suda 51, go watch it now on the 1UP site (episode of 7/20/2007). Boggle in wonderment at Kojima's explanation of how he was annoyed at his programmers for only including a farting noise during the guard urination sequence in MGS2, instead of the whole trouser-dropping he envisioned.
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Post by Adrian Laguna »

Crazedwraith wrote:And still think Raiden's lame to. Even when slicing mini-metal gears to bits. The idea that Raiden could be badass is just not acceptable input for my brain.
Raiden started being badass when he started killing people with his bare hands, which is a few minutes after he is introduced.
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Post by Andrew_Fireborn »

Xisiqomelir wrote:Boggle in wonderment at Kojima's explanation of how he was annoyed at his programmers for only including a farting noise during the guard urination sequence in MGS2, instead of the whole trouser-dropping he envisioned.
That certainly explains the 'guard with the runs' running joke...

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