Stark wrote:
It's hilarious that anyone would claim people don't know who you are, when you're AMBUSHED BY JOURNALISTS and have that junkie/govt worker guy accost you BY NAME on purpose. Average idiots on planets UNDER SIEGE BY PLANT ZOMBIES might not know who you are, but the press and military sure as fuck do. Even your old GANG BANGER MATES know, for fuck's sake.
Missing the point:-
I've noticed this a lot - the assumption that everyone knows what you're like. Errr - how? Some people in the game don't even know you're a fucking Spectre (the guy on Feros, for example) until you tell them, what makes anyone think that everyone who fronts up to you knows every single thing you've ever done? That's retarded. You're not a pro-wrestler.
Just because you're recognized (on the Citadel, and the Citadel alone) as the first human Spectre does
not mean that everyone knows every thing you've done in the whole game, which is the main retarded assumption. In fact, the only people to know what you do on each planet are your ship's crew, the Alliance military, the Citadel council, and whoever you interact with on the respective planets. That's it.
I wouldn't expect the queen itself to have much of an impact, but I would expect you to get more than a stern lecture for releasing it. (and really, the fact that aside from a few words, the differences between the "I just killed a potential threat to the galaxy" quest resolution, and the "I just let a potential threat to the galaxy loose" resolution are nearly identical is ridiculous when supposedly "The role you choose to play in Mass Effect will have tremendous consequences on the galaxy around you. You will face moral dilemmas in which the decision you ultimately make will significantly alter the fate of civilized life in the galaxy.")
You do know that it's the first game in a trilogy, right, and your character and his decisions are going to be carried over into the sequels? I'll hold Bioware to that, but as it is, the Rachni Queen being loosed and saying that she'd remake the Rachni race (kinder, gentler, yadda yadda) should have no reasonable bearing on the immediate timeframe of the game at all apart from what happens.
I'm not talking about random joe crim. or jane police officer, I'm talking about the people who seriously come up to you and say "Oh hey! I've heard a lot about you Specter Sheppard. I'm a crime lord/asari diplomat and need you to yadda yadda." when you've either been a massive tool or dickhead (whichever they don't want).
When does this happen? There's one crimelord who you encounter before you've even left the Citadel for the first time - what kind of rep would you have built up then, and
how would they know about it? The asari diplomat is the exact same story.
The specific paragon/renegade quest option is from Adm Hackett, who is pretty much the only guy in a position to know what you're actually like most of the time, apart from the Council - hence his sending you to "negotiate" with the bandit lord, fully expecting you to simply kill him (i.e. the renegade quest).