Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
Moderator: Thanas
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Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
A mysterious meeting
Decim, newly appointed expedition leader of Dangerfound stared at him.
"You're the outpost liason officer."
"You know damn well I am."
"The caravan is..... meager. Isn't it?"
"YOUR bloody outpost ain't worth me hauling.... "
The leader looked over the request.
"Plants. Powders. Splints and crutches..... The hall is failing, isn't it?"
"What? No!"
"My clan..... they were wiped out. Weren't they?"
"I. I don't know?What are you talking about."
Decim looked out over the river. His home had fallen earlier to an enterprising gremlin alliance with the gobbos. Abandoning part of the fortress, he had had no place to go except this, new outpost.
"Something gone wrong hasn't it. And if the gobbos have gone that far..."
"Nonsense. Our alliance with them humans has smashed the elves, securing our ally."
"And our 'immortal' king is safe, isn't he? No more dragons, hydras or minotaurs coming to kill him recently? Our borders are safe? The gobbos aren't sneaking in?"
"Our armies are ETERNAL. We are the strongest dwarven civilisation on this continent. The searing orbs bow to us for protection!"
"But the gobbos persist."
"They got lucky."
"I have had 5 globlin thieving parties and kobold show up. Snatchers, thieves...... we killed only one of them. The globlins are taking interest in this fort."
"My. Condolences" The liason drawled." You'all ready?"
Decim stared at the bridge. Placed to allow stranded migrants unable to cross the pass, it had been a source of bitter conflict between the "civilian" and "military" afficiandoes. Hence. His rise to power. A compromise between both the military needs and the civilian demands of a growing outpost. A city in fact.
If this was known, another round of bread vs axes argument would be launched. And he would lose...
"We will be. "
"Ahhh.... This is the life Reg. You work all day and sleep all night. The rest of them dorfs stay inside the sietch in safety. Us? We're out here fending for ourselves.... Yup. Out here in the sun. And snow. And wet......"
The two gigantic wardogs looked up at Athel the woodcutter, wet noses flaring as they panted. The deprivations of winter has begun to show on their frame. Both dogs were showing ribs and bones on their gigantic frames. Dumat smiled a doggy smile, attemptingto cage another doggy treat. Athel laughed and his tummy wobbled, as he bent down to give Dumat a pat. Just as he reached into his pocket, Reg began to bark.
An ambush. Curse them!
He spun around, head frantically scanning the treeline. Where were they? Could he make it back to the distant walls. There were haulers due up here any minute now. Wait. He had to do something. Oh yes.
The horn blew. It blew long and loud. Amongst the trees, shrubs and snowy grass, silent shapes rose. Evil ones. Athel scratched his nose furiously. Where to next? He was caught right in the middle of them.There was only one thing to do.
It was said that a fat dwarf running was ludricious. Surely nothing that short and rotound could run that fast. It must be comic to watch fists pumping in the air, flailing arms struggling to gain greater speed. The goblin spearmen had no such thoughts though. Raising their spears, they thrust at Athel!
Reg and Dumat charged. Their master was surrounded by foes. Only one thing could break him loose.
Blood. Spoiler
He turned and ran away from the walls.
Versace was startled at the appearence of the Giant War cheetah in front of him. wasn't this creature assigned to the defence of a miner? What was it... oh yes,Zuglar.. He was supposed to be mining out this area, for some.... oh, military purpose or another. Nice man, great fashion sense but god awful body. And that voice....
Clang! The sound of distant fighting reached Versace. Was it now truly safe to come out? Had the goblin wandered off?
Over at his side, the Cheetah flicked its ears. It too had heard something. And it was on the hunt. Spoiler
It turned out to be a massacre. There was precious time to gather soldiers to rescue the civilians trapped outside.
One wisely chose to avoid the goblins on the hilltops, crouching his way through the valley and the river pass. Another cowered beneath the shadow of the cliff, hoping for rescue and sanctuary against the goblin. The last ran away from all possible aid,foolish, yet giving time for those trapped outside to gain the safety of the walls.
Logem was desperately trying to rescue Athel. The staunch Hammerlord had sequentially engaged three goblins,wounding them to delay their pursuit. He delivered another blow to a goblin leg, fracturing the bone. Now, if only reinforcements could step up and...
Forcelord rushed in to attack! A swift series of shield strikes rang against the goblin armour, crippling the goblin ability to defend himself.Logem stepped up to deliver the finishing blow, a mighty strike against the lower body, leaving behind a huge reddish/purple bruise that left the goblin dying on the ground.
"What the hell, Athel is thataway!"
Visibly panting, ForceLord drew her sword and got up heaving.
"He's.. too fast."
The snow held other hidden dangers. Vortex, running through the snow was surprised by the sudden softness in the ground. Had he stepped into a half frozen pool? A squeak? Vortex lifted his steel axe! A sudden thrust and swing betrayed the kobold cowering in the snow, leaving the ground splattered with blood as his hideout was bretrayed. As Forcelord reached Logem, Decue and a wardog had begun to catch up to the rapidly retreating woodcutter. A sudden lunge caused the goblin spearman to pause to defend itself. Decue seized the oppurtinity, stabbing upwards and severed the goblin fractured weapon hand. In pain, the goblin kneeled over. A desperate attempt to raise his shield was forestalled as Vortex ran in behind him, lifting his axe and severed his remaining hand, sending the shield spinning into the distance. A combo of strikes parted his lower body from his remmants and removed his ability to stand.
The remainding goblin looked around in panic. The cry of a cheetah was intermixed with screams that could only come from a goblin mouth. A triumphant cry!Khazad Ai Menu! A fountain of blood in the air. It was all alone now. His party was broken.
He ran. Forcelord stood in his path. Raising his spear, he prepared to attack, only to be surprised as Decue rushed up and swung his sword. A quick volley of strikes and he found his leg hacked away. He fell, bleeding. He died.
In the distance, another scavenger emerged from the snow. She skittered. It was useless. The fumbling goblins had alerted the guards and a roaming dog had now found her scent. Better to run away and try again. Those bumbling fools, they couldn't have struck at a worse .. SPLAT!
What was this? A bolt through her abdomen? She was alone. What had those goblins done? Whack!
Another twang and an arrow? In her leg? She tumbled to the ground. There were goblins here? All around her? How?
The last thing she knew was something impacting her skull as the bolt tore apart the head and penetrated her fragile brain underneath.
"BACK!BACK!" Vortex shouted. He was not going to risk a hastily assembled militia against archers. Back at the fort, he could be reinforced by his own archers and more protection than... a scream rang out through the air!
The wardog that had been chasing the thief had not scrambled back at the sight of the ambush party. It rushed in to attack instead. It was fruitless. An arrow struck it. bringing it to the ground. And another one. Wave after wave of arrows slammed into its fragile body. Refusing to give up, it attempts to get up and press the attack. Then another arrow hit him. Exhausted, it sank to the ground. By now, the scream had dwindled to whine as another wave of arrows impacted against the leg and body. 33 bolts in total sank against its flesh before one pierced its skull and finished its life.
Rage. Red blood everywhere. Charge! Spoiler
She looked on in stunned horror as the first wave of arrows launched. Ast, trained in a spear phalanx had stuck close to her captain, as a good spearman should. She was not in a phalanx. "Arrgh!" A bolt went through her right arm, sending her in the welcoming embrace of unconsciousness. ForceLord rushed back and readied her shield, ready to protect her against more attacks. As she did so, she spared a glance at Vortex, expecting him to die in a volley of arrows. She was wrong.
Vortex had evaded the first attack by leaping straight into a cliff wall. Even as he rose up, his axe arm was swinging into a blow. As it jumped away, Vortex shook off the stunning effects of the leap and spun around. He hacked into its eye, dragging the gobbo body to the ground in his fury. A hasty shot from its compatriots was blocked by his spinning shield, shattering it against steel. Twisting his axe, Vortex dug it out from the goblin head and launched another volley of attacks. Gearing up into a charge, he rushed at the remainding goblins above him. As bolt after bolt shattered against his shield, Vortex axe sang. A massive orgy of blood began to soak the area around him.
Beside him, Decue stepped up. Attacking from the front, he had absorbed a combined volley of arrows from 3 archers. His arm aching from the impacts, he stood up from the wall that had hit him as he jumped towards the cliff,reaching the paltry shelter of dead ground. The crossbowman that had just unleashed a bolt at Vortex looked up in surprise, its face turning into shock as two strikes removed his arm and leg. With another flourish, Decue stabbed him in the head, sinking to the ground as he posed. Spoiler
"It is done."
Back at the fort wall, the dwarves prepared to stand down. As Ast raised her spear, Decue noted something. She was pale. Her arm was soaked and shaking. The spear dropped.
"MEDIC!!!!" Spoiler

Parts that flew 4 z levels.

Bleached image of rotting skeletons.

Two z level worth of carnage. The first wave of bodies was soon joined by falling body parts.
Sadly. My capture of the body part spinning in the air was BLOCKED by my cursor.
OOC: I breached the cavern and spent the remainder of spring going in to get silk to heal my spearman. Unfortunately, I can't seem to seal off the cavern..... some blocked doors and stuff that prevent a hatch from being built. Oddly enough, this is the second time I attempted to breach it. An earlier attempt was met by zombies and etc that eventually sent Decue into serious unhappiness as he was engaged by undead and for being on too long patrol duty. I lost that save though as my com lost power, this second attempt had no zombies or anything. It probably will wait until I can seal it off then.
Next goal/objective: Seal off cavern with hatches. Begin to secure the outdoors via more walls to form a courtyard and then outer walls. trap the area so that ambushes would be more easily hit or at least hit by outer layer of traps.
"Ok, you got me out here, crossing a river in the midst of a rainstorm. Is THIS BLOODY SECURE enough?"
Decim, newly appointed expedition leader of Dangerfound stared at him.
"You're the outpost liason officer."
"You know damn well I am."
"The caravan is..... meager. Isn't it?"
"YOUR bloody outpost ain't worth me hauling.... "
The leader looked over the request.
"Plants. Powders. Splints and crutches..... The hall is failing, isn't it?"
"What? No!"
"My clan..... they were wiped out. Weren't they?"
"I. I don't know?What are you talking about."
Decim looked out over the river. His home had fallen earlier to an enterprising gremlin alliance with the gobbos. Abandoning part of the fortress, he had had no place to go except this, new outpost.
"Something gone wrong hasn't it. And if the gobbos have gone that far..."
"Nonsense. Our alliance with them humans has smashed the elves, securing our ally."
"And our 'immortal' king is safe, isn't he? No more dragons, hydras or minotaurs coming to kill him recently? Our borders are safe? The gobbos aren't sneaking in?"
"Our armies are ETERNAL. We are the strongest dwarven civilisation on this continent. The searing orbs bow to us for protection!"
"But the gobbos persist."
"They got lucky."
"I have had 5 globlin thieving parties and kobold show up. Snatchers, thieves...... we killed only one of them. The globlins are taking interest in this fort."
"My. Condolences" The liason drawled." You'all ready?"
Decim stared at the bridge. Placed to allow stranded migrants unable to cross the pass, it had been a source of bitter conflict between the "civilian" and "military" afficiandoes. Hence. His rise to power. A compromise between both the military needs and the civilian demands of a growing outpost. A city in fact.
If this was known, another round of bread vs axes argument would be launched. And he would lose...
"We will be. "
"Ahhh.... This is the life Reg. You work all day and sleep all night. The rest of them dorfs stay inside the sietch in safety. Us? We're out here fending for ourselves.... Yup. Out here in the sun. And snow. And wet......"
The two gigantic wardogs looked up at Athel the woodcutter, wet noses flaring as they panted. The deprivations of winter has begun to show on their frame. Both dogs were showing ribs and bones on their gigantic frames. Dumat smiled a doggy smile, attemptingto cage another doggy treat. Athel laughed and his tummy wobbled, as he bent down to give Dumat a pat. Just as he reached into his pocket, Reg began to bark.
An ambush. Curse them!
He spun around, head frantically scanning the treeline. Where were they? Could he make it back to the distant walls. There were haulers due up here any minute now. Wait. He had to do something. Oh yes.
The horn blew. It blew long and loud. Amongst the trees, shrubs and snowy grass, silent shapes rose. Evil ones. Athel scratched his nose furiously. Where to next? He was caught right in the middle of them.There was only one thing to do.
It was said that a fat dwarf running was ludricious. Surely nothing that short and rotound could run that fast. It must be comic to watch fists pumping in the air, flailing arms struggling to gain greater speed. The goblin spearmen had no such thoughts though. Raising their spears, they thrust at Athel!
Reg and Dumat charged. Their master was surrounded by foes. Only one thing could break him loose.
Blood. Spoiler
He couldn't run back to the fort now. Over the hill, he saw Versace. A mere clothing designer. He was useless. Athel was much tougher. More agile. It was his duty to save as many dwarves as he could. If he continued on his path, more would die.
He turned and ran away from the walls.
"It must have been over an hour since the alarm was raised! Where was the military? Those strong, tough, muscular, so dwarvenly men in their tight trousers and dress covering their..... oooh my. "
Versace was startled at the appearence of the Giant War cheetah in front of him. wasn't this creature assigned to the defence of a miner? What was it... oh yes,Zuglar.. He was supposed to be mining out this area, for some.... oh, military purpose or another. Nice man, great fashion sense but god awful body. And that voice....
Clang! The sound of distant fighting reached Versace. Was it now truly safe to come out? Had the goblin wandered off?
Over at his side, the Cheetah flicked its ears. It too had heard something. And it was on the hunt. Spoiler
It turned out to be a massacre. There was precious time to gather soldiers to rescue the civilians trapped outside.
One wisely chose to avoid the goblins on the hilltops, crouching his way through the valley and the river pass. Another cowered beneath the shadow of the cliff, hoping for rescue and sanctuary against the goblin. The last ran away from all possible aid,foolish, yet giving time for those trapped outside to gain the safety of the walls.
Logem was desperately trying to rescue Athel. The staunch Hammerlord had sequentially engaged three goblins,wounding them to delay their pursuit. He delivered another blow to a goblin leg, fracturing the bone. Now, if only reinforcements could step up and...
Forcelord rushed in to attack! A swift series of shield strikes rang against the goblin armour, crippling the goblin ability to defend himself.Logem stepped up to deliver the finishing blow, a mighty strike against the lower body, leaving behind a huge reddish/purple bruise that left the goblin dying on the ground.
"What the hell, Athel is thataway!"
Visibly panting, ForceLord drew her sword and got up heaving.
"He's.. too fast."
The snow held other hidden dangers. Vortex, running through the snow was surprised by the sudden softness in the ground. Had he stepped into a half frozen pool? A squeak? Vortex lifted his steel axe! A sudden thrust and swing betrayed the kobold cowering in the snow, leaving the ground splattered with blood as his hideout was bretrayed. As Forcelord reached Logem, Decue and a wardog had begun to catch up to the rapidly retreating woodcutter. A sudden lunge caused the goblin spearman to pause to defend itself. Decue seized the oppurtinity, stabbing upwards and severed the goblin fractured weapon hand. In pain, the goblin kneeled over. A desperate attempt to raise his shield was forestalled as Vortex ran in behind him, lifting his axe and severed his remaining hand, sending the shield spinning into the distance. A combo of strikes parted his lower body from his remmants and removed his ability to stand.
The remainding goblin looked around in panic. The cry of a cheetah was intermixed with screams that could only come from a goblin mouth. A triumphant cry!Khazad Ai Menu! A fountain of blood in the air. It was all alone now. His party was broken.
He ran. Forcelord stood in his path. Raising his spear, he prepared to attack, only to be surprised as Decue rushed up and swung his sword. A quick volley of strikes and he found his leg hacked away. He fell, bleeding. He died.
In the distance, another scavenger emerged from the snow. She skittered. It was useless. The fumbling goblins had alerted the guards and a roaming dog had now found her scent. Better to run away and try again. Those bumbling fools, they couldn't have struck at a worse .. SPLAT!
What was this? A bolt through her abdomen? She was alone. What had those goblins done? Whack!
Another twang and an arrow? In her leg? She tumbled to the ground. There were goblins here? All around her? How?
The last thing she knew was something impacting her skull as the bolt tore apart the head and penetrated her fragile brain underneath.
"BACK!BACK!" Vortex shouted. He was not going to risk a hastily assembled militia against archers. Back at the fort, he could be reinforced by his own archers and more protection than... a scream rang out through the air!
The wardog that had been chasing the thief had not scrambled back at the sight of the ambush party. It rushed in to attack instead. It was fruitless. An arrow struck it. bringing it to the ground. And another one. Wave after wave of arrows slammed into its fragile body. Refusing to give up, it attempts to get up and press the attack. Then another arrow hit him. Exhausted, it sank to the ground. By now, the scream had dwindled to whine as another wave of arrows impacted against the leg and body. 33 bolts in total sank against its flesh before one pierced its skull and finished its life.
Rage. Red blood everywhere. Charge! Spoiler
Forcelord looked back. "Commander? Commander, aren't we supposed to be..." She looked on in surprise as Vortex rushed off towards the cliff. An incoherent screamed escaped his lips."Commander!"
She looked on in stunned horror as the first wave of arrows launched. Ast, trained in a spear phalanx had stuck close to her captain, as a good spearman should. She was not in a phalanx. "Arrgh!" A bolt went through her right arm, sending her in the welcoming embrace of unconsciousness. ForceLord rushed back and readied her shield, ready to protect her against more attacks. As she did so, she spared a glance at Vortex, expecting him to die in a volley of arrows. She was wrong.
Vortex had evaded the first attack by leaping straight into a cliff wall. Even as he rose up, his axe arm was swinging into a blow. As it jumped away, Vortex shook off the stunning effects of the leap and spun around. He hacked into its eye, dragging the gobbo body to the ground in his fury. A hasty shot from its compatriots was blocked by his spinning shield, shattering it against steel. Twisting his axe, Vortex dug it out from the goblin head and launched another volley of attacks. Gearing up into a charge, he rushed at the remainding goblins above him. As bolt after bolt shattered against his shield, Vortex axe sang. A massive orgy of blood began to soak the area around him.
Beside him, Decue stepped up. Attacking from the front, he had absorbed a combined volley of arrows from 3 archers. His arm aching from the impacts, he stood up from the wall that had hit him as he jumped towards the cliff,reaching the paltry shelter of dead ground. The crossbowman that had just unleashed a bolt at Vortex looked up in surprise, its face turning into shock as two strikes removed his arm and leg. With another flourish, Decue stabbed him in the head, sinking to the ground as he posed. Spoiler
Up ahead,Vortex was no longer present. A fury instead was unleashed on te bowmen. Biting, scratching, his axe forgotten as it lay embedded in a bowman hand, In the wild meelee, Decue and Vortex swung, hacked and scratched. Teeth flew. Limbs spun. Until only two dwarves emerged, soaked in blood, weapons lying forgotten. A stack of body parts lay around them.
"It is done."
Back at the fort wall, the dwarves prepared to stand down. As Ast raised her spear, Decue noted something. She was pale. Her arm was soaked and shaking. The spear dropped.
"MEDIC!!!!" Spoiler

Parts that flew 4 z levels.

Bleached image of rotting skeletons.

Two z level worth of carnage. The first wave of bodies was soon joined by falling body parts.
Sadly. My capture of the body part spinning in the air was BLOCKED by my cursor.
OOC: I breached the cavern and spent the remainder of spring going in to get silk to heal my spearman. Unfortunately, I can't seem to seal off the cavern..... some blocked doors and stuff that prevent a hatch from being built. Oddly enough, this is the second time I attempted to breach it. An earlier attempt was met by zombies and etc that eventually sent Decue into serious unhappiness as he was engaged by undead and for being on too long patrol duty. I lost that save though as my com lost power, this second attempt had no zombies or anything. It probably will wait until I can seal it off then.
Next goal/objective: Seal off cavern with hatches. Begin to secure the outdoors via more walls to form a courtyard and then outer walls. trap the area so that ambushes would be more easily hit or at least hit by outer layer of traps.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
Oops. Forgot to post. Vortex now has a new title.
Walled Paper of Bowing.
And I misread the combat report.... It should have been Vortex who kill stealed Forcelord:D
Walled Paper of Bowing.
And I misread the combat report.... It should have been Vortex who kill stealed Forcelord:D
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
Shall I build my keep wall out of wood or stick to asethetics and build stone? The first would be... easier in terms of labour, as my carpenters have been freed up. The second, well, it looks nice and its better:D
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
- Force Lord
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- Posts: 1562
- Joined: 2008-10-12 05:36pm
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Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
Build with stone, if you need more, just dig deeper!
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
"Things will be better Vodok... I promise."
Angua woudn't cry. She can't. She will never cry.
Tun the axedwarf watched her run down the hallway. Vodok the wardog looked up at him and whined. She had been a brave fighter, worthy companion. Chasing after a kobold thief, she had not hesistated to rush in to finish the killing blow even as the thief triggered another damn goblin ambush. And only half of them had been slaughtered. Looking at Vodok, Tun felt that he would have better abandoned the praise of Vortex in favour of having chosen an axe. Summoned by the noise, he had rushed into battle with only a shield, but managed to kill two bowmen via a flurry of shield strikes,kicking and biting. The Hammerlord had been similarly inspired, charging into close quarters with his hammer to bite and hamstring a goblin lasher.
If he had only brought an axe, perhaps, he might have gotten revenge for Vodok. Now, there was only one thing left that he could do for the pitiful creature.
"STOP! What are you doing?!"
"Providing comfort to the afflicted."
"In a butcher shop?!"
"The Sietch should not waste resources."
"Ok, but why are you handling my DOG! Vodok's over there!"
"Oh. Master Colon........"
Despite his stupidity, he was still intelligent enough to run away from Decue raising his fist in anger.
OOC: After a goblin ambush triggered by the elves, Angua wardog is now sick and dying. For some..... odd reason, after they went back to the fort, the game triggered a slaughter animal task for it. And Decue wardog...........
So, SHOULD I go ahead with euthanasia? I save scummed back to just before the dogs were killed. So Vodok be put down or not? Or should I go ahead and see whether the dog can survive:D
Angua woudn't cry. She can't. She will never cry.
Tun the axedwarf watched her run down the hallway. Vodok the wardog looked up at him and whined. She had been a brave fighter, worthy companion. Chasing after a kobold thief, she had not hesistated to rush in to finish the killing blow even as the thief triggered another damn goblin ambush. And only half of them had been slaughtered. Looking at Vodok, Tun felt that he would have better abandoned the praise of Vortex in favour of having chosen an axe. Summoned by the noise, he had rushed into battle with only a shield, but managed to kill two bowmen via a flurry of shield strikes,kicking and biting. The Hammerlord had been similarly inspired, charging into close quarters with his hammer to bite and hamstring a goblin lasher.
If he had only brought an axe, perhaps, he might have gotten revenge for Vodok. Now, there was only one thing left that he could do for the pitiful creature.
"STOP! What are you doing?!"
"Providing comfort to the afflicted."
"In a butcher shop?!"
"The Sietch should not waste resources."
"Ok, but why are you handling my DOG! Vodok's over there!"
"Oh. Master Colon........"
Despite his stupidity, he was still intelligent enough to run away from Decue raising his fist in anger.
OOC: After a goblin ambush triggered by the elves, Angua wardog is now sick and dying. For some..... odd reason, after they went back to the fort, the game triggered a slaughter animal task for it. And Decue wardog...........
So, SHOULD I go ahead with euthanasia? I save scummed back to just before the dogs were killed. So Vodok be put down or not? Or should I go ahead and see whether the dog can survive:D
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
Unhappiness all around
Winter, 252.
"This is their settlement!" General Risen roared.
"Yes General," Linrod answered calmly. Rhys, sensing a potential conflagaration quickly hustled her out as General Risen fumed.
How could this be? He had sent them many trained warriors. Militia from the now abandoned eastern front, as the Scales of Waving has been wounded by the humans. Their dwarven allies had abandoned the mountain halls that could not be salvaged. Repeated onslaughts by elves, humans and the Rampart army has crippled the goblins which should had brought peace. Instead, more conflicts raged across the continent as the goblins shifted away from elven and human pressure. Towards the dwarven holds.
The Hall of guards were supposed to secure the swamp against any goblin incursion. The Rumoured Lies in particular, as elves and the Rampart human allies, the Unswerving Confederacies rampaged across their dark fortresses. At times when he looked up at the sky above, Risen feared the humans. Pirates on the western coast ravaging dwarven and elven caravans, elven settlements destroyed by humans groups. What was to prevent them from turning their attention to the weakening dwarven civilisation? What was to prevent them from seizing their ancestral treasures?
Spring 253
"I say, I say this is unacceptable!" The clamour rose in volume. " We been promised if we work hard through the winter, there would be a break. I mean, look. We're not asking for much, but things here are untolerable!"
"Yeah! Its too crowded! I had to squeeze past .."
"And most of us are sharing beds while certain elites get..."
"We had to use the HOSPITAL to sleep! And share their hospital cafeteria for our...."
"We want change, we want change, we want change!"
Moments later, in a spotaneous election, Ducim was deposed, replaced by a mayor with Nomal, the hunter. The crowd grew silent as Nomal stood up for his first speech. "Friends, Itonians, dwarves. I am honoured. As the goblins show, we are under threat. More and more gobbos will threaten us every day. I can promise you nothing but blood, sweat and tears, as we mobilise to meet the goblin threat. We will ......"
Another uproar had just pushed Ducim, with a plaque up on the makeshift stage as the mob swiftly overthrew the election result.
" Citizens. To meet our new prosperity measures, I say, we make Querns. Mill more dye and flour to sell to the filthy humans. More crafts for their needs. Thank you"
Mayor mandate: Make two querns.
Galena 253
"Its not fair." Decue moaned. " He doesn't train like the rest of us. I been out here in the cold, in the rain, on the longest patrol duty stretch bar Logem. If Logem had been the one, I won't mind. He's the most skilled with a hammer amongst all of us, he trains and fights the most and the hardest. Vortex? He's just another sonnabitch."
"Come on Decue, that's not.." Tun was cut off by Decue roaring
"I MEAN IT! Shit. Look at that! He just waded in there, smashed the goblin ambush by the gates, and he's now off again in the halls for another break! Do you see him out here sweating it out with us? When was the last time he weilded that axe and trained with us? You! You train hard. You fight hard. You killing 3 goblins, that's fine. Your skill was marvelous. Hell, its better than him. Vortex snooze, booze, all months long, and he still got a kill list longer than mine and he just extended it by another 2! TWO! He wasn't even here first. I WAS. He been smooching off Logem abilities for way"
"Enough Decue. Use your anger, lest your anger use you. Come, my Hammer thirst." Glaring at Logem, decue raised his sword. "If its another fight you want, its a fight you get old fool!"
With a blur, Decue, Tun and Logem flashed into another sparring session.
"Paperwork my ass" Decue panted, as he avoided another strike from Logem steel hammer.
OOC: Forcelord was temporarily drafted into another squad to fill out "her" dangeroom training.They haven't actually finished yet........ some mysterious bruises are popping up, suggesting that apparently, my stockpile of gloves and etc are being used by civlians. That and apparently leather leggings/armor doesn't protect the arms.
Another goblin ambush after the humans came saw a quick battle. Decue and Tun guarded the mobilising crossbowmen as the goblins walked in through the gates single file. Logem and Vortex rushed in, desp the first macemen, moved on to the second with a dog which died as the dog bled it to death in the gates. My archers went to close quarters, displaying the utter worthless of mule bone vs goblin armour, luckily, Tun rescued the xbowdwarf and scored the most kills in this ambush. Total fatality: One goblin thief escaped, One maceman caged, another thief caged, 1 thief killed, 3 gobbos died. Tun has 3 kills, Vortex 1, a wardog got the last.
Decue stuck to cutting off limbs such as arms and legs, Vortex to groin hits, Logem and Tun to bashing out teeth.
Winter, 252.
"This is their settlement!" General Risen roared.
"Yes General," Linrod answered calmly. Rhys, sensing a potential conflagaration quickly hustled her out as General Risen fumed.
How could this be? He had sent them many trained warriors. Militia from the now abandoned eastern front, as the Scales of Waving has been wounded by the humans. Their dwarven allies had abandoned the mountain halls that could not be salvaged. Repeated onslaughts by elves, humans and the Rampart army has crippled the goblins which should had brought peace. Instead, more conflicts raged across the continent as the goblins shifted away from elven and human pressure. Towards the dwarven holds.
The Hall of guards were supposed to secure the swamp against any goblin incursion. The Rumoured Lies in particular, as elves and the Rampart human allies, the Unswerving Confederacies rampaged across their dark fortresses. At times when he looked up at the sky above, Risen feared the humans. Pirates on the western coast ravaging dwarven and elven caravans, elven settlements destroyed by humans groups. What was to prevent them from turning their attention to the weakening dwarven civilisation? What was to prevent them from seizing their ancestral treasures?
Spring 253
"I say, I say this is unacceptable!" The clamour rose in volume. " We been promised if we work hard through the winter, there would be a break. I mean, look. We're not asking for much, but things here are untolerable!"
"Yeah! Its too crowded! I had to squeeze past .."
"And most of us are sharing beds while certain elites get..."
"We had to use the HOSPITAL to sleep! And share their hospital cafeteria for our...."
"We want change, we want change, we want change!"
Moments later, in a spotaneous election, Ducim was deposed, replaced by a mayor with Nomal, the hunter. The crowd grew silent as Nomal stood up for his first speech. "Friends, Itonians, dwarves. I am honoured. As the goblins show, we are under threat. More and more gobbos will threaten us every day. I can promise you nothing but blood, sweat and tears, as we mobilise to meet the goblin threat. We will ......"
Another uproar had just pushed Ducim, with a plaque up on the makeshift stage as the mob swiftly overthrew the election result.
" Citizens. To meet our new prosperity measures, I say, we make Querns. Mill more dye and flour to sell to the filthy humans. More crafts for their needs. Thank you"
Mayor mandate: Make two querns.
Galena 253
"Its not fair." Decue moaned. " He doesn't train like the rest of us. I been out here in the cold, in the rain, on the longest patrol duty stretch bar Logem. If Logem had been the one, I won't mind. He's the most skilled with a hammer amongst all of us, he trains and fights the most and the hardest. Vortex? He's just another sonnabitch."
"Come on Decue, that's not.." Tun was cut off by Decue roaring
"I MEAN IT! Shit. Look at that! He just waded in there, smashed the goblin ambush by the gates, and he's now off again in the halls for another break! Do you see him out here sweating it out with us? When was the last time he weilded that axe and trained with us? You! You train hard. You fight hard. You killing 3 goblins, that's fine. Your skill was marvelous. Hell, its better than him. Vortex snooze, booze, all months long, and he still got a kill list longer than mine and he just extended it by another 2! TWO! He wasn't even here first. I WAS. He been smooching off Logem abilities for way"
"Enough Decue. Use your anger, lest your anger use you. Come, my Hammer thirst." Glaring at Logem, decue raised his sword. "If its another fight you want, its a fight you get old fool!"
With a blur, Decue, Tun and Logem flashed into another sparring session.
"Paperwork my ass" Decue panted, as he avoided another strike from Logem steel hammer.
OOC: Forcelord was temporarily drafted into another squad to fill out "her" dangeroom training.They haven't actually finished yet........ some mysterious bruises are popping up, suggesting that apparently, my stockpile of gloves and etc are being used by civlians. That and apparently leather leggings/armor doesn't protect the arms.
Another goblin ambush after the humans came saw a quick battle. Decue and Tun guarded the mobilising crossbowmen as the goblins walked in through the gates single file. Logem and Vortex rushed in, desp the first macemen, moved on to the second with a dog which died as the dog bled it to death in the gates. My archers went to close quarters, displaying the utter worthless of mule bone vs goblin armour, luckily, Tun rescued the xbowdwarf and scored the most kills in this ambush. Total fatality: One goblin thief escaped, One maceman caged, another thief caged, 1 thief killed, 3 gobbos died. Tun has 3 kills, Vortex 1, a wardog got the last.
Decue stuck to cutting off limbs such as arms and legs, Vortex to groin hits, Logem and Tun to bashing out teeth.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
OMG. Forcelord just gave birth to a baby boy.................And to make matters more interesting, apparently, there's an older brother. How the hell did I miss that?
Err........... You wanna upgrade yourself to Tun?:D He's an Axedwarf, but let's face it, he's cool. That or Logem, the most elite hammerlord in my army.
Err........... You wanna upgrade yourself to Tun?:D He's an Axedwarf, but let's face it, he's cool. That or Logem, the most elite hammerlord in my army.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
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Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
I dunno. Whatever fits best.
An inhabitant from the Island of Cars.
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound

The army sally forth.

A tooth flies out, courtesy of our militia.
The fort pictures

fort25304 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The Inner keep so as to speak, where our military trains.

Fort25305 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The inner keep walls, along with what will be our "outdoor" arena.

Fort25306 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The fortress entrance room. There's two exposed staircases leading to the farms, which I can't secure anymore. And there's a bridge that's meant to act as a "wall" to cover the entrance tunnel. Thinking of replacing it with a porticulis.
The "chair" is where our bookkeeper office is... fitting, since his job should be to record every new migrant details. To the east, there's a temporary forge and the trading depot/stockpile.

Our textile/dye industry. There's a windmill powered millstones there.
Fort25307 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The Food industry.

Hospital along with our "stockpiles" and cafeteria.
Fort25308 by avenger01t, on Flickr
Begining of our bedrooms. There's a noble bedroom that isn't shown.

Fort25309 by avenger01t, on Flickr
Food and furniture stockpile.

Fort25310 by avenger01t, on Flickr

Fort25311 by avenger01t, on Flickr
For the earlier pics, they are on my facebook acc here.http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... aid=249638
Clicking on them gives you a much... bigger picture that's more clearer.
Any advice on fort development, goals, or how to actually take better pictures will be appreciated.

The army sally forth.

A tooth flies out, courtesy of our militia.
The fort pictures

fort25304 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The Inner keep so as to speak, where our military trains.

Fort25305 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The inner keep walls, along with what will be our "outdoor" arena.

Fort25306 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The fortress entrance room. There's two exposed staircases leading to the farms, which I can't secure anymore. And there's a bridge that's meant to act as a "wall" to cover the entrance tunnel. Thinking of replacing it with a porticulis.
The "chair" is where our bookkeeper office is... fitting, since his job should be to record every new migrant details. To the east, there's a temporary forge and the trading depot/stockpile.

Our textile/dye industry. There's a windmill powered millstones there.
Fort25307 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The Food industry.

Hospital along with our "stockpiles" and cafeteria.
Fort25308 by avenger01t, on Flickr
Begining of our bedrooms. There's a noble bedroom that isn't shown.

Fort25309 by avenger01t, on Flickr
Food and furniture stockpile.

Fort25310 by avenger01t, on Flickr

Fort25311 by avenger01t, on Flickr
For the earlier pics, they are on my facebook acc here.http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... aid=249638
Clicking on them gives you a much... bigger picture that's more clearer.
Any advice on fort development, goals, or how to actually take better pictures will be appreciated.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
OOC: I'm speechless. I been planning to upgrade my military and finally add Enigma and Yosemite Bear. But with Decue around...........
IG:253 Galena

253wealth by avenger01t, on Flickr
"Saalam, Risen. How goes the front?"
"Saalam my lord. All quiet on the Eastern front."
"Ah, yes. Wonderful. Did you notice this report on our latest fort?
I see you're interested. You were right you know, that area strategic importance is immense."
Both dwarves looked at each other across the banquet table. The Hame of Rampart was a contradiction of sorts. Sandwiched between two dwarven civilisations, the hall occupied an odd dichotomy. It occupied the vital passes that allows for trade between the three other dwarven civilisations on the continent. Guarding the pass, the Hall had grown immensely wealthy as it secured the trade routes under the passes. Inversely, as it expanded to acquire more wealth, it found itself facing more and more threats that needed a larger army to defend her interests. Prosperous due to her security. Secure because of her prosperity.
In recent years, the Hame had found itself in increasingly dire straits. As her dwarven allies military might dwindled, the Hame had needed to commit ever larger armies to secure her borders and her allies to repay her own debts of honour. As the economic and populace of the dwarves dwindled, her foes multiplied. Until the world changed.
Humans. The Scales of Waving triumphant assault on the Rampart army in the marsh had been ultimately beaten back due to the Unswerving Confederacies. Propaganda amongst the dwarves played up the final assaults by the Rampartian army on the elves but it was the humans large numbers, their numerous armies that won the war. As an Rampartian ally, their armies had fought in the south in a losing campaign to prevent the elves from ravaging the increasingly empty settlements of the Impervious mountain.
In the new era of peace, everyone was attempting to rebuild and recover. Unfortunately, that included the goblins.
"Majesty, it would have been impossible to build a port. The saltwater, the elves..... it would had been just too dangerous."
"But building a fortress in the middle of nowhere and just in the outskirts of an evil swamp wasn't."
"Its hardly nowhere your majesty. Its almost right on the Searing Orb doorstep and a day travel from our own trade stations."
"But neccesary?"
"Oh yes my majesty. The elves shown us how an army can move through the swamp to hit us , And cutting off the twin links aboveground or pushing into the underground rails between the two passes will destroy our homes. Too much of a threat. We need a new army there, one that can move about to help protect our routes and prevent the goblins from escaping further north."
"Its really too wealthy you know, to be just a mere army outpost."
"The better majesty, more enemies will be drawn towards it."
"And our allies." What had been a casual conversation between lord and servant suddenly changed.
"I think I'm going to promote them to be a baroncy. We need the space afterall." The king smiled as General Risen sputtered on his wine. " Yes. More trade with our human allies should be welcome. They really don't like coming up the mountains afterall."
Risen could not muster his reply, that no humans would move across an entire haunted swamp just to trade. And no reason to trade with the Ramparts when the Searing Orbs were just on the other side of the mountainface on their lands... then he paused. The humans were pushing south into elven lands. They needed supplies of all sorts if they were to survive. His fort was intended to watch and monitor the humans if neccesary, even as it guarded against a potential goblin horde.
And the King had sent more spies west.
It would no longer be a simple dinner.

baron by avenger01t, on Flickr
253 Opal
Vortex looked around.
"Alright me lads. We got ourselves more weapons now. Its time to cast aside any iron armour you still got and shift to our new plate armour."
Tun looked at Vortex new costume.
"That's heavy."
"But it gives us maximum protection against our enemies. Our dwarven skills will allow us to be just as agile against our foes in this than in lesser armour."
"was that a short joke?" Decue glared at Vortex. Months of hostility flared.
"I show you skill. YEAARRGHH!" Decue charged Vortex. Partially armoured and weaponless, Decue rushed in to shield smash Vortex. Despite being weaponless, Decue scored multiple hits against Vortex and blocked all of his wild swings.

vortexdecue by avenger01t, on Flickr
Panting, they broke apart.
"Tun, you're right. These things are heavy."
Obsidian 253.
"Brethren. A vile force of darkness approach us." Vortex looked upon his army. Embellished by 3 squads, the Hall of Guards could now muster over 20 soldiers. Strong walls form a courtyard and a smattering of traps guard their exposed north. A more elaborate bridge/wall and trap system guard the cliffwalls.Earlier, archers had demonstrated their skill by blasting zombie buzzards from the courtyard before they even hit the walls.
"They appear to be mostly comprised of crossbowmen, so they're going to be vulnerable to close range meelee. I'm going to close off all the auxillary gates for now, they should head through the bridge to our south. Then we trip the bridge and cut them off from reinforcements, splintering them. Any questions?"
"How many dwarves do you think we need to fight them?"
"Esteemed Lantern, go to the tower. You should be protected from bolts in there as you blast them. We keep a reserve in the keep, the rest of us, assemble in the statury and prepare to rush them."
It would have been a perfect plan. If Vortex had not neglected to remember that the cliffwall allowed the enemy to shoot straight into the courtyard, something the defences had neglected. Modification and re-modification of the plans as labour shortages, difficulties and other problems distracted the planners. Inexperience played a role. There should had been fatalaties. If not for Decue.
"Eh, see them stunties there? Shootz them!"
A rain of bolts flew through the air. Caught by surprise, the dwarves faltered and fell back towards the keep door. Except for one.
Despite his heavy armour, Decue ran forward. No archers would cover the Post in the archery tower. The keep door was jammed wide open. Too many dwarves and animals will die if they were not stopped at the bridge.
Decue had once ran through over 16 bolts, using cliffs for cover. There was no such cover now. True, two to three bolts were aimed at the wardog behind him, but that was no comfort. There was enough time for 4 salvoes aimed at him, over 40 bolts aimed at him alone. Even as half of them missed, that meant 10 struck at him. He visibily stopped as an entire volley of bolt shafts splintered against his shield.
Time stopped. A cage shut close on the massive jaws of a jabberer. Decue saw the goblin turn in surprise. Two wounded goblins slowly aimed new bolts. They fired.Somehow, Decue was aware that there was only a dog far behind him. Decue reached the goblin on the bridge just as it turned back to face him. He swung. Then he slashed. He blocked another bolt.He scratched against a helmet before he found the proper angle to send the sword smashing down. A retreating goblin tried to avoid the weapon trap behind him, falling into another cage. There was more above the cliff. He moved up, starting to pant. A hammer joined his sword, as he stabbed the brains out from another goblin. Before the goblin died, it vomited from the multiple hammer strikes.
There was more above the cliff. Panting, he rushed upwards.
It was enough.
"Gitz it lads! Them stunties are crazy!" The goblins broke. They had just saw a single dwarf survive every single shot they threw at him. There were more dwarves behind which had blocked further shots. A dog shrugged off an attack with no problem. Their monster was captured, the only member crazy enough to weild a meelee weapon against a fully armoured dwarf dead. They ran.
Logem chased them to the end of the map, stopping to catch his breath only after the last goblin had scampered away into marshy hideouts. Behind him, Decue was dazedly running towards him. It was obvious what had happened.
"You did good Decue."
"I.. did?"
"Yeah. You did." Logem struck up a cigar as he looked down on the courtyard.

Sparta by avenger01t, on Flickr
"Yes indeed."
To sum up the game: Crossroads is now no longer brewer/cook extraordinarie. He's a legendary stonecrafter........ don't ask me why, apparently, a single dabbling in a craftskill was enough to qualify him to make a bone figurine. P.S Bone is still bugged. He took a steel bar, multiple cloth,a gem and wood.... and I only got just the bone figurine with no deco. Come on Cross, cough it up. I know you stole them for your own fort:D
IG:253 Galena

253wealth by avenger01t, on Flickr
"Saalam, Risen. How goes the front?"
"Saalam my lord. All quiet on the Eastern front."
"Ah, yes. Wonderful. Did you notice this report on our latest fort?
I see you're interested. You were right you know, that area strategic importance is immense."
Both dwarves looked at each other across the banquet table. The Hame of Rampart was a contradiction of sorts. Sandwiched between two dwarven civilisations, the hall occupied an odd dichotomy. It occupied the vital passes that allows for trade between the three other dwarven civilisations on the continent. Guarding the pass, the Hall had grown immensely wealthy as it secured the trade routes under the passes. Inversely, as it expanded to acquire more wealth, it found itself facing more and more threats that needed a larger army to defend her interests. Prosperous due to her security. Secure because of her prosperity.
In recent years, the Hame had found itself in increasingly dire straits. As her dwarven allies military might dwindled, the Hame had needed to commit ever larger armies to secure her borders and her allies to repay her own debts of honour. As the economic and populace of the dwarves dwindled, her foes multiplied. Until the world changed.
Humans. The Scales of Waving triumphant assault on the Rampart army in the marsh had been ultimately beaten back due to the Unswerving Confederacies. Propaganda amongst the dwarves played up the final assaults by the Rampartian army on the elves but it was the humans large numbers, their numerous armies that won the war. As an Rampartian ally, their armies had fought in the south in a losing campaign to prevent the elves from ravaging the increasingly empty settlements of the Impervious mountain.
In the new era of peace, everyone was attempting to rebuild and recover. Unfortunately, that included the goblins.
"Majesty, it would have been impossible to build a port. The saltwater, the elves..... it would had been just too dangerous."
"But building a fortress in the middle of nowhere and just in the outskirts of an evil swamp wasn't."
"Its hardly nowhere your majesty. Its almost right on the Searing Orb doorstep and a day travel from our own trade stations."
"But neccesary?"
"Oh yes my majesty. The elves shown us how an army can move through the swamp to hit us , And cutting off the twin links aboveground or pushing into the underground rails between the two passes will destroy our homes. Too much of a threat. We need a new army there, one that can move about to help protect our routes and prevent the goblins from escaping further north."
"Its really too wealthy you know, to be just a mere army outpost."
"The better majesty, more enemies will be drawn towards it."
"And our allies." What had been a casual conversation between lord and servant suddenly changed.
"I think I'm going to promote them to be a baroncy. We need the space afterall." The king smiled as General Risen sputtered on his wine. " Yes. More trade with our human allies should be welcome. They really don't like coming up the mountains afterall."
Risen could not muster his reply, that no humans would move across an entire haunted swamp just to trade. And no reason to trade with the Ramparts when the Searing Orbs were just on the other side of the mountainface on their lands... then he paused. The humans were pushing south into elven lands. They needed supplies of all sorts if they were to survive. His fort was intended to watch and monitor the humans if neccesary, even as it guarded against a potential goblin horde.
And the King had sent more spies west.
It would no longer be a simple dinner.

baron by avenger01t, on Flickr
253 Opal
Vortex looked around.
"Alright me lads. We got ourselves more weapons now. Its time to cast aside any iron armour you still got and shift to our new plate armour."
Tun looked at Vortex new costume.
"That's heavy."
"But it gives us maximum protection against our enemies. Our dwarven skills will allow us to be just as agile against our foes in this than in lesser armour."
"was that a short joke?" Decue glared at Vortex. Months of hostility flared.
"I show you skill. YEAARRGHH!" Decue charged Vortex. Partially armoured and weaponless, Decue rushed in to shield smash Vortex. Despite being weaponless, Decue scored multiple hits against Vortex and blocked all of his wild swings.

vortexdecue by avenger01t, on Flickr
Panting, they broke apart.
"Tun, you're right. These things are heavy."
Obsidian 253.
"Brethren. A vile force of darkness approach us." Vortex looked upon his army. Embellished by 3 squads, the Hall of Guards could now muster over 20 soldiers. Strong walls form a courtyard and a smattering of traps guard their exposed north. A more elaborate bridge/wall and trap system guard the cliffwalls.Earlier, archers had demonstrated their skill by blasting zombie buzzards from the courtyard before they even hit the walls.
"They appear to be mostly comprised of crossbowmen, so they're going to be vulnerable to close range meelee. I'm going to close off all the auxillary gates for now, they should head through the bridge to our south. Then we trip the bridge and cut them off from reinforcements, splintering them. Any questions?"
"How many dwarves do you think we need to fight them?"
"Esteemed Lantern, go to the tower. You should be protected from bolts in there as you blast them. We keep a reserve in the keep, the rest of us, assemble in the statury and prepare to rush them."
It would have been a perfect plan. If Vortex had not neglected to remember that the cliffwall allowed the enemy to shoot straight into the courtyard, something the defences had neglected. Modification and re-modification of the plans as labour shortages, difficulties and other problems distracted the planners. Inexperience played a role. There should had been fatalaties. If not for Decue.
"Eh, see them stunties there? Shootz them!"
A rain of bolts flew through the air. Caught by surprise, the dwarves faltered and fell back towards the keep door. Except for one.
Despite his heavy armour, Decue ran forward. No archers would cover the Post in the archery tower. The keep door was jammed wide open. Too many dwarves and animals will die if they were not stopped at the bridge.
Decue had once ran through over 16 bolts, using cliffs for cover. There was no such cover now. True, two to three bolts were aimed at the wardog behind him, but that was no comfort. There was enough time for 4 salvoes aimed at him, over 40 bolts aimed at him alone. Even as half of them missed, that meant 10 struck at him. He visibily stopped as an entire volley of bolt shafts splintered against his shield.
Time stopped. A cage shut close on the massive jaws of a jabberer. Decue saw the goblin turn in surprise. Two wounded goblins slowly aimed new bolts. They fired.Somehow, Decue was aware that there was only a dog far behind him. Decue reached the goblin on the bridge just as it turned back to face him. He swung. Then he slashed. He blocked another bolt.He scratched against a helmet before he found the proper angle to send the sword smashing down. A retreating goblin tried to avoid the weapon trap behind him, falling into another cage. There was more above the cliff. He moved up, starting to pant. A hammer joined his sword, as he stabbed the brains out from another goblin. Before the goblin died, it vomited from the multiple hammer strikes.
There was more above the cliff. Panting, he rushed upwards.
It was enough.
"Gitz it lads! Them stunties are crazy!" The goblins broke. They had just saw a single dwarf survive every single shot they threw at him. There were more dwarves behind which had blocked further shots. A dog shrugged off an attack with no problem. Their monster was captured, the only member crazy enough to weild a meelee weapon against a fully armoured dwarf dead. They ran.
Logem chased them to the end of the map, stopping to catch his breath only after the last goblin had scampered away into marshy hideouts. Behind him, Decue was dazedly running towards him. It was obvious what had happened.
"You did good Decue."
"I.. did?"
"Yeah. You did." Logem struck up a cigar as he looked down on the courtyard.

Sparta by avenger01t, on Flickr
"Yes indeed."
To sum up the game: Crossroads is now no longer brewer/cook extraordinarie. He's a legendary stonecrafter........ don't ask me why, apparently, a single dabbling in a craftskill was enough to qualify him to make a bone figurine. P.S Bone is still bugged. He took a steel bar, multiple cloth,a gem and wood.... and I only got just the bone figurine with no deco. Come on Cross, cough it up. I know you stole them for your own fort:D
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
To commenorate the next badass Decue, he got a new title. The turmoils of boredom, Bukith Edod.
Seriously. He blocked/dodged 27 bolts.
Apparently, Decue feels the need, the need for speed.
Seriously. He blocked/dodged 27 bolts.
Apparently, Decue feels the need, the need for speed.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
To anyone who's still reading, any suggestions for the next project?
A zoo that has an undead section?
An indoor arena?
Shifting my fortress deeper underground to reach the magma sea?
A zoo that has an undead section?
An indoor arena?
Shifting my fortress deeper underground to reach the magma sea?
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
dig deeper and trap and zoo a Balrog....

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
Aren't balrogs trapavoid?:D:D:D:D:D:D
I do have a giant, skeletal toad, two skeletal buzzards that were wiped and I'm trying damn as hell to cage that skeletal cave crocodile... No zombies though, wouldn't want miasma.
So caverns it is then. I accidently breached the top layer of the third cavern(missing the second layer utterly....)
So for the possibility of !fun!, I'm going to send down an explorer then. Looks like Enigma has volunteered:D Don't worry, I start on breaching the second cavern and preparing the "flood the underground project" then... I'm sure nothing will go wrong and drown you. To make things doubly sure, I assign.... damn, no bears yet, I assign a majestic Giant Lion, named Yosemite to accompany you:D
Summer 254 update:
Dear diary:
Things are simply wonderful. For all this talk of dire and imminent threat, the war simply couldn't go better. Life as part of the nobility simply couldn't be better. Sure, I have been forced to endure countless meetings and even scolded several of my fellow dwarves but I'm sure these are normal. Yes, its true, there's always a silver lining behind any cloud.. And I'm going to assure that it stay this way by prohibiting the export of any sterling silver.
Still, as mayor, I have been receiving some disturbing reports. First of course was the goblin. I'm not sure what to make of it but Vortex assure me that things are under control. Apparently, we were put under siege during the winter after we first became a barony. Still, by Ohhat, such is expected from a fortress I suppose. Decue looks more happier anyway, perhaps its has something to do with that medal.
Zuglar the miner on the other hand wasn't. Yes, I know it was difficult to constantly keep expanding my room but it just didn't fit. And I needed a tomb right?I'm a baroness now, not some mayor of some isolated outpost in the swamp. And the geomancy of Id predict that setting the gems in that corner was the right way to ensure things get better.
Osram has blessed this outpost though.We're now a CITY! 124 dwarves to be sure, but a city nonetheless. Osram has given us so much wealth, my prayers have been surely answered. Those gem windows in my tomb/office must had done the trick, afterall, Osram the dwarf of wealth isn't called the Fortune of Pearl for nothing. Of course, that bring us to our second problem. Normally, I been told this would be Colon fault, but apparently, there have been some stuff that's been misplaced. Crossroad requisition of steel and cloth has disappeared in the workshop. This isn't the first loss. We had lost rope reed seeds and plants befire, jeopardising our cloth industry. I still have Versace and Fath petition on our table screeching for more cloth. The symbol of the Hame of Rampart is afterall thread. And Dangerfound has found a new place in the runways of fashion, apparently, our robes and dresses have been sold as far north as the Orbs of Roaring. The humans are attempting to reach the frozen wastes of the north, the Gilded Book for more trade oppurtinities. Who know what will happen next?'
Of course, that means that the threat of crime is something that we should take note of. I'm not sure what to do about this. I have never found need for a sheriff or a captain of the guard, those pesky rules they set up. Yes, we need a strong militia. We can never forget what happen in the mountainhome. But a watch? What is there to watch for? I'm not going to abuse my power and
"Yes, what is it Nomal? I'm sure you can see I'm VERY busy here."
"Oooh. Very intimidating. We could sure use a noble like you all right."
" So? Why are you here?"
" There's been another election. Oooh yes. You guessed it. I won. Again. In case you're thinking of another coup de tat.... " Nomal leaned over, the smell of ale strong on his breath. A crossbow was slung over his back, iron tipped bolts shining in the light of the lamp. "Goden of the Decisive Crypts thought that might be a handy reminder. That there was a reason why you were drummed out of the squad."
"So, its the mayor you want?"
"No. But I'm elected."
"Sure. You may have it. Now, please, take your leave."
Nomal stared at him. Was that a threat? Or an invitation to do his job? Nomal looked at his shirt, he was still mayor. The badge of office, carved in the image of a saguaros was still there. He was getting used to anything in his job. Too many zombies and skeletons. Yes, Dangerfound was getting prosperous, but money brought danger. That was the truth of things. Somewhere in his distant past, he recalled an argument that money softens anything. The Hall was a military culture. Like Ducim, he too worshipped wealth. But he knew the importance of might too. Ber Silvergorge, the disciple of Ohhat, the god of war and fortress knew that it was metal which ensured wealth and security. Hence, his edicts regarding metal ,just in case in the pursuit of wealth, dwarves grew soft.
Ducim couldn't really threaten him. And by Osram, he knew how to handle him. With wealth. And under his rule, Dangerfound will display its wealth to the masses.
So that more war might come.

decuebath by avenger01t, on Flickr
Decue is now hardcore enough that he trains in the bath... Somehow, I have this mental image of him doing some aqua kungfu.
I do have a giant, skeletal toad, two skeletal buzzards that were wiped and I'm trying damn as hell to cage that skeletal cave crocodile... No zombies though, wouldn't want miasma.
So caverns it is then. I accidently breached the top layer of the third cavern(missing the second layer utterly....)
So for the possibility of !fun!, I'm going to send down an explorer then. Looks like Enigma has volunteered:D Don't worry, I start on breaching the second cavern and preparing the "flood the underground project" then... I'm sure nothing will go wrong and drown you. To make things doubly sure, I assign.... damn, no bears yet, I assign a majestic Giant Lion, named Yosemite to accompany you:D
Summer 254 update:
Dear diary:
Things are simply wonderful. For all this talk of dire and imminent threat, the war simply couldn't go better. Life as part of the nobility simply couldn't be better. Sure, I have been forced to endure countless meetings and even scolded several of my fellow dwarves but I'm sure these are normal. Yes, its true, there's always a silver lining behind any cloud.. And I'm going to assure that it stay this way by prohibiting the export of any sterling silver.
Still, as mayor, I have been receiving some disturbing reports. First of course was the goblin. I'm not sure what to make of it but Vortex assure me that things are under control. Apparently, we were put under siege during the winter after we first became a barony. Still, by Ohhat, such is expected from a fortress I suppose. Decue looks more happier anyway, perhaps its has something to do with that medal.
Zuglar the miner on the other hand wasn't. Yes, I know it was difficult to constantly keep expanding my room but it just didn't fit. And I needed a tomb right?I'm a baroness now, not some mayor of some isolated outpost in the swamp. And the geomancy of Id predict that setting the gems in that corner was the right way to ensure things get better.
Osram has blessed this outpost though.We're now a CITY! 124 dwarves to be sure, but a city nonetheless. Osram has given us so much wealth, my prayers have been surely answered. Those gem windows in my tomb/office must had done the trick, afterall, Osram the dwarf of wealth isn't called the Fortune of Pearl for nothing. Of course, that bring us to our second problem. Normally, I been told this would be Colon fault, but apparently, there have been some stuff that's been misplaced. Crossroad requisition of steel and cloth has disappeared in the workshop. This isn't the first loss. We had lost rope reed seeds and plants befire, jeopardising our cloth industry. I still have Versace and Fath petition on our table screeching for more cloth. The symbol of the Hame of Rampart is afterall thread. And Dangerfound has found a new place in the runways of fashion, apparently, our robes and dresses have been sold as far north as the Orbs of Roaring. The humans are attempting to reach the frozen wastes of the north, the Gilded Book for more trade oppurtinities. Who know what will happen next?'
Of course, that means that the threat of crime is something that we should take note of. I'm not sure what to do about this. I have never found need for a sheriff or a captain of the guard, those pesky rules they set up. Yes, we need a strong militia. We can never forget what happen in the mountainhome. But a watch? What is there to watch for? I'm not going to abuse my power and
"Yes, what is it Nomal? I'm sure you can see I'm VERY busy here."
"Oooh. Very intimidating. We could sure use a noble like you all right."
" So? Why are you here?"
" There's been another election. Oooh yes. You guessed it. I won. Again. In case you're thinking of another coup de tat.... " Nomal leaned over, the smell of ale strong on his breath. A crossbow was slung over his back, iron tipped bolts shining in the light of the lamp. "Goden of the Decisive Crypts thought that might be a handy reminder. That there was a reason why you were drummed out of the squad."
"So, its the mayor you want?"
"No. But I'm elected."
"Sure. You may have it. Now, please, take your leave."
Nomal stared at him. Was that a threat? Or an invitation to do his job? Nomal looked at his shirt, he was still mayor. The badge of office, carved in the image of a saguaros was still there. He was getting used to anything in his job. Too many zombies and skeletons. Yes, Dangerfound was getting prosperous, but money brought danger. That was the truth of things. Somewhere in his distant past, he recalled an argument that money softens anything. The Hall was a military culture. Like Ducim, he too worshipped wealth. But he knew the importance of might too. Ber Silvergorge, the disciple of Ohhat, the god of war and fortress knew that it was metal which ensured wealth and security. Hence, his edicts regarding metal ,just in case in the pursuit of wealth, dwarves grew soft.
Ducim couldn't really threaten him. And by Osram, he knew how to handle him. With wealth. And under his rule, Dangerfound will display its wealth to the masses.
So that more war might come.

decuebath by avenger01t, on Flickr
Decue is now hardcore enough that he trains in the bath... Somehow, I have this mental image of him doing some aqua kungfu.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
Oh... For some odd reason, Decue is stuck in my bath.............
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
"And so begins Operation Cleansing Sweep! See ya!"
And with those last words, Enigma saw Vortex wave her goodbye at the staircase. The clank of plate armour echoed through the stairway as the Tatooed Posts headed off into the caverns. According to reports, miasma was pouring out of the first cavern, heading towards the staircase. Zeds. Other dwarves had warned him of them. Dangerous freaks that sent chills down your beard. Still, they were apparently much weaker than the days of yore....
What could be down there? Enigma reviewed her notes. In the flickering light of his torch, she read that the first cavern was generally known to be benign by previous dwarven explorers. The Hall had not extensively explored the depths, any information as was known was spread by others through the oral records of the storytellers, news from merchants and runic engravings.
Enigma could not help feeling disturbed, as she read the runes regarding the caverns. Numerous zombies from the first caverns had popped up. Not much of a threat sure, indeed, a lively discussion had railed that normal beings of flesh and blood was much more deadly than the half rotten dead. At least living creatures had tendons to protect them.
Somehow, her hand refused to release his tight grip over his spear.

Enigma by avenger01t, on Flickr
Landfall. Enigma peeked around the corner nervously. There was supposed to be a dog with him for this exploration. She was a militia captain! She oculd certainly handle the stress of exploring this dark, mysterious cavern. Striking a match, she shook the container and threw! Something ignited and flared into bright light, beating back the dark. Having equipped herself with more light, she moved forth.
Somehow, she could not help feeling that she had made herself into a better lit target.
"Decue smash!"

Decuesweep by avenger01t, on Flickr
Vortex glared at Decue.
"That's disgusting."
"You bit a freaking skeleton. On his tentacled beak."
"And you punched it with your guantlet. So what?"
"That's sick Decue. Just sick."
"Well, is there anything else left down here? TUN!"
"Clear! Well. What little we know."
Vortex turned to glare at the churning underground lake. Moans were audible over the gentle swishing of the waves. There were more foul creatures out there in the depths.
" We sweep the shores one more time. Then, we head on down to the third cavern."
"Yes sir."
The wealth! It was immense!

enigma2 by avenger01t, on Flickr
It was impossible. Gems glittering in the shadow as her torch flickered across it. A thin, bright beam of light shone forth from her lamp, exposing something else. A passage.... leading downwards.
Should she explore it?
It was pointless. She was tired. Exhausted. The mud had stuck deeply to her leather shoes as she travelled the cavern. She could not guess how many slopes she had climbed, or the ground she had covered. To make things worse, she suspected she was lost.
The voice of that nice dwarf Decue! No, or was it Vortex?
"I'm here!"
Her ordeal was over.

sleep by avenger01t, on Flickr
Decue glanced through the record. Enigma eye was twitching in some sort of nervous wink, stress? Of what? There had been nothing here.Enigma failure to grasp the beauty and majesty of the cavern was obvious. Here was adventure! Exploring the deeps, looking at the way the walls were structured. What else could be better?
Decue walked up to Enigma in the dining hall
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, now. Its been weeks. We completed an entire series of digging projects now. The accessway is much bigger, there's an emergency stockpile of food and booze, come on, complete your expedition already."
"I... I could use some more time..." Enigma crumpled together as her fingers crossed each other...
As a reply, Decue grabbed her hand and begun to drag her towards the stairway.

Enigma3 by avenger01t, on Flickr
One of the larger cave in the third cavern.
Three z level higher and its the highest point.

Enigma4 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The underwater sea.

Enigma6 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The lowest z level.
OOC: I think I managed to map the bulk of the cavern.... Shouldn't be anything left exposed for 3 to 4 small areas... Unless the northeast of the map had a cavern that's unconnected or connected through the seas. Shrugs, I been denied access to the bulk of the first and the entire second due to the underwater lake.
So, how do we begin to trap more creatures? I'm thinking of a small wooden storehouse of meat/prepared meals near the stairway, lined with cage traps.

humans by avenger01t, on Flickr
A human law giver! So, what did he want?
To watch Ducim sleep. And then say hi to our baroness. Then he left.... A human spy? Or, the continued evolution of Dangerfound?
P.S I know I keep conscripting females SDNners..... Its not my fault, serious. For some odd reason, I keep getting "important" skilled dwarves who just happen to be female. Even when I do a random conscription...... well, female. Miner? Female.
And with those last words, Enigma saw Vortex wave her goodbye at the staircase. The clank of plate armour echoed through the stairway as the Tatooed Posts headed off into the caverns. According to reports, miasma was pouring out of the first cavern, heading towards the staircase. Zeds. Other dwarves had warned him of them. Dangerous freaks that sent chills down your beard. Still, they were apparently much weaker than the days of yore....
What could be down there? Enigma reviewed her notes. In the flickering light of his torch, she read that the first cavern was generally known to be benign by previous dwarven explorers. The Hall had not extensively explored the depths, any information as was known was spread by others through the oral records of the storytellers, news from merchants and runic engravings.
Enigma could not help feeling disturbed, as she read the runes regarding the caverns. Numerous zombies from the first caverns had popped up. Not much of a threat sure, indeed, a lively discussion had railed that normal beings of flesh and blood was much more deadly than the half rotten dead. At least living creatures had tendons to protect them.
Somehow, her hand refused to release his tight grip over his spear.

Enigma by avenger01t, on Flickr
Landfall. Enigma peeked around the corner nervously. There was supposed to be a dog with him for this exploration. She was a militia captain! She oculd certainly handle the stress of exploring this dark, mysterious cavern. Striking a match, she shook the container and threw! Something ignited and flared into bright light, beating back the dark. Having equipped herself with more light, she moved forth.
Somehow, she could not help feeling that she had made herself into a better lit target.
"Decue smash!"

Decuesweep by avenger01t, on Flickr
Vortex glared at Decue.
"That's disgusting."
"You bit a freaking skeleton. On his tentacled beak."
"And you punched it with your guantlet. So what?"
"That's sick Decue. Just sick."
"Well, is there anything else left down here? TUN!"
"Clear! Well. What little we know."
Vortex turned to glare at the churning underground lake. Moans were audible over the gentle swishing of the waves. There were more foul creatures out there in the depths.
" We sweep the shores one more time. Then, we head on down to the third cavern."
"Yes sir."
The wealth! It was immense!

enigma2 by avenger01t, on Flickr
It was impossible. Gems glittering in the shadow as her torch flickered across it. A thin, bright beam of light shone forth from her lamp, exposing something else. A passage.... leading downwards.
Should she explore it?
It was pointless. She was tired. Exhausted. The mud had stuck deeply to her leather shoes as she travelled the cavern. She could not guess how many slopes she had climbed, or the ground she had covered. To make things worse, she suspected she was lost.
The voice of that nice dwarf Decue! No, or was it Vortex?
"I'm here!"
Her ordeal was over.

sleep by avenger01t, on Flickr
Decue glanced through the record. Enigma eye was twitching in some sort of nervous wink, stress? Of what? There had been nothing here.Enigma failure to grasp the beauty and majesty of the cavern was obvious. Here was adventure! Exploring the deeps, looking at the way the walls were structured. What else could be better?
Decue walked up to Enigma in the dining hall
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, now. Its been weeks. We completed an entire series of digging projects now. The accessway is much bigger, there's an emergency stockpile of food and booze, come on, complete your expedition already."
"I... I could use some more time..." Enigma crumpled together as her fingers crossed each other...
As a reply, Decue grabbed her hand and begun to drag her towards the stairway.

Enigma3 by avenger01t, on Flickr
One of the larger cave in the third cavern.
Three z level higher and its the highest point.

Enigma4 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The underwater sea.

Enigma6 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The lowest z level.
OOC: I think I managed to map the bulk of the cavern.... Shouldn't be anything left exposed for 3 to 4 small areas... Unless the northeast of the map had a cavern that's unconnected or connected through the seas. Shrugs, I been denied access to the bulk of the first and the entire second due to the underwater lake.
So, how do we begin to trap more creatures? I'm thinking of a small wooden storehouse of meat/prepared meals near the stairway, lined with cage traps.

humans by avenger01t, on Flickr
A human law giver! So, what did he want?
To watch Ducim sleep. And then say hi to our baroness. Then he left.... A human spy? Or, the continued evolution of Dangerfound?
P.S I know I keep conscripting females SDNners..... Its not my fault, serious. For some odd reason, I keep getting "important" skilled dwarves who just happen to be female. Even when I do a random conscription...... well, female. Miner? Female.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
Cavern Battle.
Operation Cleansing Sweep soon met with difficulties. Missing weapons, mismatched gear was the order of the day. Without an Arsenal Dwarf, the Hall faced great difficulty in arming their growing military and soldiers went into battle without arms. The inept adminstration of the fort was compounded by its growing GDP and the bookeepers simply couldn't keep up with any efficient administration of the workload.
While new civics measures was taken(the appointment of Dwarf Vimes as both fortress manager and Captain of the Guard), the military assembled. New exploration of the caverns was followed by proper Rampart security measures. In Sandstone 254, the dwarves launched another major sweep of the caverns that resulted in several climatic battles.
The militia and secondary squads assembled in the first cavern, eager to face off against the undead. Missing weapons and even genuine shortages meant dwarves went into battle unarmed, but not unarmoured. Unarmed dwarves served to distract and wrestle the abonimation, exposing it to vulnerable axe or spear strikes by their compatriots. As they followed up to engage another cavern denizen(records indicate it was a Giant Toad), the Tattooed Post swung into action. Deep in the bowels of the earth, they met up with frightful mass of rotting matter. Flesh balls were supposed scavengers of the deep, examination of living,... captured specimens reveal that some form of rot and impossible miasma was coming forth. The appropiate contact measures were taken for such fantastical creatures, but I urge you king, to send a decree to kill all such monsters and seal off the deeps. The surface is terrifying enough as you know.
It was the final battle that nearly doomed the Hall existing guards. The Tattooed Post, im constrast to norm waited for their fellow dwarves to catch up before launching an assault. Although undermanned, they were able to tag and eliminate 3 undead cave ogres. However, the miasma covered up the presence of several skeletal rudderers, who rushed in through a previously unseen hole in the caves. Rapidly dispatching the last of the ogres. a gruelling duel was fought between dwarf and monster. As miasma overwhelmed dwarven sensibilities, dwarves were seen exiting the meelee to sleep. The foul stench parched their throats. Yet,amidst the gloom of cavern and the spectre of death, the militia triumped with injuries to yet another war dog.
Changes were made on this day. Changes that would have reverbations on the fortress. I will report on this, by and by. Your humble servant, Nomal.
Operation Cleansing Sweep soon met with difficulties. Missing weapons, mismatched gear was the order of the day. Without an Arsenal Dwarf, the Hall faced great difficulty in arming their growing military and soldiers went into battle without arms. The inept adminstration of the fort was compounded by its growing GDP and the bookeepers simply couldn't keep up with any efficient administration of the workload.
While new civics measures was taken(the appointment of Dwarf Vimes as both fortress manager and Captain of the Guard), the military assembled. New exploration of the caverns was followed by proper Rampart security measures. In Sandstone 254, the dwarves launched another major sweep of the caverns that resulted in several climatic battles.
The militia and secondary squads assembled in the first cavern, eager to face off against the undead. Missing weapons and even genuine shortages meant dwarves went into battle unarmed, but not unarmoured. Unarmed dwarves served to distract and wrestle the abonimation, exposing it to vulnerable axe or spear strikes by their compatriots. As they followed up to engage another cavern denizen(records indicate it was a Giant Toad), the Tattooed Post swung into action. Deep in the bowels of the earth, they met up with frightful mass of rotting matter. Flesh balls were supposed scavengers of the deep, examination of living,... captured specimens reveal that some form of rot and impossible miasma was coming forth. The appropiate contact measures were taken for such fantastical creatures, but I urge you king, to send a decree to kill all such monsters and seal off the deeps. The surface is terrifying enough as you know.
It was the final battle that nearly doomed the Hall existing guards. The Tattooed Post, im constrast to norm waited for their fellow dwarves to catch up before launching an assault. Although undermanned, they were able to tag and eliminate 3 undead cave ogres. However, the miasma covered up the presence of several skeletal rudderers, who rushed in through a previously unseen hole in the caves. Rapidly dispatching the last of the ogres. a gruelling duel was fought between dwarf and monster. As miasma overwhelmed dwarven sensibilities, dwarves were seen exiting the meelee to sleep. The foul stench parched their throats. Yet,amidst the gloom of cavern and the spectre of death, the militia triumped with injuries to yet another war dog.
Changes were made on this day. Changes that would have reverbations on the fortress. I will report on this, by and by. Your humble servant, Nomal.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
Up next: Our first death, Forcelord goes to war in a shirt and trousers and too many zeds.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
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Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
You hacked and slashed your enemies with a sword:D Dressed only in a free flowing shirt...
Don't ask me why. Apparently, you decided not to wear the full plate armour set you came with.
And....................................... Unfortunately, the current save file seems to be corrupted...... So, I think I have to revert to the winter save.......
So, no Forcelord duelling ala Romantic pirate style, armed with a steel sword, shirt opened halfway to expose himself to the claws of Jabberers
It means no first death, it means no wave of undead Jabberers, and no crundles.. I managed to trap 3 live crundles and IIRC, one skeletal crundle.
Just a short blurb before I restart.
Operation Cleansing Sweep continued during the winter months. Everyone worked like a slave in these winter months, it seems that the city had grown more prosperous but the dwarves were not. The dwarves only knew their lives were the same, they lived in drab conditions and they worked as hard as they did under Ducim rule.
But they fought on for dwarven pride. The path to the magma sea was finally opened.... exposing something precious. Praise the miners! Raw adamntine was found......... hanging over the magma sea........ on the far side of the map. surrounded by magma and "warm" to the touch. Great......
Back to the magma forge...... Well.... would be magma forge. If my mechanics will finally build said iron mechanisms so that I can link my iron floodgate to my level. Or build an iron cage so I can cage trap the channel. Then link it......... You know what miners? stop hanging around the depths of the earth and go back up. I'm sure my blacksmiths, mechanics and other workers of metal will get around to this and the count mandate for gauntlets........ for two whole months........ Yup... produced two iron mechanisms, link the gate...... failed to link the lever...........................
Operation Cleansing sweep then... Fort up the caverns. A series of cage traps, some stockpiles that refuse to accept meat, a wardog in the first cavern, and of course, some wooden doors.. Yes, finally, the first cavern is secure so that I can exploit it for web and....
What's that lassie? Jabberers in the deeps? Back in the hole where we got swarmed by additional reinforcements of ogres? To the Dwarfmobile! What, no, there isn't time for fancy mancy armour. I just sail off in a rope reed shirt and trousers........ shoes? What's that? cave blob fluid? Bah...... And with that, Forcelord descend to the deeps of the Earth, armed only with a steel sword and an iron shield.
Of course, his remainding dwarf mate choose to go down fully armoured, but one of them goes without an axe.... Right. Against 3 skeletal/zombie jabberers.....
Still, my brave dwarfs seized the day. They smashed the jabberers to bits and pieces along with my new city watch..... and promptly choose to sleep in the mud. Oops....... my cavern bath was at 4/7..... And while I'm flitting around solving this problem, my woodhauler decides to attract the attention of a skeletal cave croc. He displays his extreme dwarfiness, showing his suitability for admission to the dwarven military once I solve the weapons/armour problem by kicking the croc apart even though he had only one foot and one arm left.... then he died before Vortex could rush in to kill the croc...........
Cue in serious speech. Cue in talk about scarifice, but for a noble ideal. Last, great hope for peace.........
Then cue in more military members sulking about long patrol duty, being attacked by undead, a singular squad going down to be swarmed by undead crundles( I dared only to send in the Tatooed Posts due to their "Used to tragedy" or "ectastic" thoughts)...... only for my deactivated squad to be caught unawares by live crundles at the staircase( I KNEW I shouldn't have breached the cavern at the edge map.) A series of cage traps caught more crundle for dwarf experimentation in my arena before Decue and Vortex killed the remainding 3 crundles.. Losing a war dog in a single blow....... Vortex seems to be a curse on dogs.
Don't ask me why. Apparently, you decided not to wear the full plate armour set you came with.
And....................................... Unfortunately, the current save file seems to be corrupted...... So, I think I have to revert to the winter save.......
So, no Forcelord duelling ala Romantic pirate style, armed with a steel sword, shirt opened halfway to expose himself to the claws of Jabberers
It means no first death, it means no wave of undead Jabberers, and no crundles.. I managed to trap 3 live crundles and IIRC, one skeletal crundle.
Just a short blurb before I restart.
Operation Cleansing Sweep continued during the winter months. Everyone worked like a slave in these winter months, it seems that the city had grown more prosperous but the dwarves were not. The dwarves only knew their lives were the same, they lived in drab conditions and they worked as hard as they did under Ducim rule.
But they fought on for dwarven pride. The path to the magma sea was finally opened.... exposing something precious. Praise the miners! Raw adamntine was found......... hanging over the magma sea........ on the far side of the map. surrounded by magma and "warm" to the touch. Great......
Back to the magma forge...... Well.... would be magma forge. If my mechanics will finally build said iron mechanisms so that I can link my iron floodgate to my level. Or build an iron cage so I can cage trap the channel. Then link it......... You know what miners? stop hanging around the depths of the earth and go back up. I'm sure my blacksmiths, mechanics and other workers of metal will get around to this and the count mandate for gauntlets........ for two whole months........ Yup... produced two iron mechanisms, link the gate...... failed to link the lever...........................
Operation Cleansing sweep then... Fort up the caverns. A series of cage traps, some stockpiles that refuse to accept meat, a wardog in the first cavern, and of course, some wooden doors.. Yes, finally, the first cavern is secure so that I can exploit it for web and....
What's that lassie? Jabberers in the deeps? Back in the hole where we got swarmed by additional reinforcements of ogres? To the Dwarfmobile! What, no, there isn't time for fancy mancy armour. I just sail off in a rope reed shirt and trousers........ shoes? What's that? cave blob fluid? Bah...... And with that, Forcelord descend to the deeps of the Earth, armed only with a steel sword and an iron shield.
Of course, his remainding dwarf mate choose to go down fully armoured, but one of them goes without an axe.... Right. Against 3 skeletal/zombie jabberers.....
Still, my brave dwarfs seized the day. They smashed the jabberers to bits and pieces along with my new city watch..... and promptly choose to sleep in the mud. Oops....... my cavern bath was at 4/7..... And while I'm flitting around solving this problem, my woodhauler decides to attract the attention of a skeletal cave croc. He displays his extreme dwarfiness, showing his suitability for admission to the dwarven military once I solve the weapons/armour problem by kicking the croc apart even though he had only one foot and one arm left.... then he died before Vortex could rush in to kill the croc...........
Cue in serious speech. Cue in talk about scarifice, but for a noble ideal. Last, great hope for peace.........
Then cue in more military members sulking about long patrol duty, being attacked by undead, a singular squad going down to be swarmed by undead crundles( I dared only to send in the Tatooed Posts due to their "Used to tragedy" or "ectastic" thoughts)...... only for my deactivated squad to be caught unawares by live crundles at the staircase( I KNEW I shouldn't have breached the cavern at the edge map.) A series of cage traps caught more crundle for dwarf experimentation in my arena before Decue and Vortex killed the remainding 3 crundles.. Losing a war dog in a single blow....... Vortex seems to be a curse on dogs.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
Oooh. There's a spring save!
So, all events are still canon, including the last post...
I just has to decide how to dress up ForceLord action and then post pics..........
So, all events are still canon, including the last post...
I just has to decide how to dress up ForceLord action and then post pics..........
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
From the archives, the first phase of Operation Cleansing sweep lasted months, from the summer season to the climatic battle in spring 255.
In reality, what happened was a series of short, sharp skirmishes which saw what would become the IronBreakers to be sorely tested. The difficulties of equipping the dwarven soldiers continued. The rapid expansion of her military saw ill trained militia combined with trained reservists. As a result, battles with the undead horde sent morale in the Barricaded Deification and Esteemed Lanterns plunging. This was not aided by the inefficient weapons and armour distribution. A reluctance to use goblin helmets, equipped with their runic symbol led to the ironbreakers using less effective iron caps. This problem would not be solved for years, as shortage of fuel drove the Hall of Guard to proverty. Until Cleansing Sweep was completed, the dwarven city would remain chronically short of wood and access to the magma forge cut off from marauding undead.
The implementation of civic reforms to improve the adminstration soon saw rapid gains. The rescue of Reg the Butcher was a noticeable one. Investigation of a missing dwarf, unseen for over a month was soon linked to the "zombie" threat. Moans, groans and howl was routinely heard in the Hall as zombie buzzards, dead vermin and other unseen dangers roamed the outside walls. In this case however, it was a dwarf which had accidently entombed herself within the fortress wall, and a much delayed rescue by the City Watch was mounted. The Royal Busts tore down the wall and freed the dwarf to head rapidly towards the booze pile. A hearty drink was soon sufficient to restore the hearty gratitude of her citizen and restored Reg mood to ectastic joy at her rescue.
Dwarven production was quickly ramped up, and even the Hall faltering metal industry was able to meet royal mandates of producing steel gauntlets and other neccessary iron items. Questions regarding the self sufficiency of the Hall metal foundries, the location in a swamp full of undead was raised but soon dismissed. The growing number of metalsmiths combined with the small mechanic guild promised that dwarven ingeunnity would provide..... once Operation Cleansing Sweep was successful.
And so it was. 6 months of constant patrol saw the Hall military embroiled in constant battle in the caverns. Routine sweeps rapidly removed skeletal pond grabbers and zombie cave crocodiles.

dee[s by avenger01t, on Flickr
As the undead threat diminished, fresh creatures swarmed into the caverns. The Tattooed Posts were arguably caught off guard, and ForceLord earned kudos for his bravery by mounting an attack on the zombie threat in nothing but cloth clothes.

cavernfight by avenger01t, on Flickr

cavernfight2 by avenger01t, on Flickr
Eventually, Forcelord would be forced to stay off the sideline until fresh armour could be procured, as the rapidly vanishing steel plate armour was grabbed up by other squads. As royal favour for his bravery, the newly elevated Ducim mandated a new steel gauntlet, which was soon assigned to him.

Count! by avenger01t, on Flickr
The exhausted dwarven squads were quickly rotated off for rest.

cavernfight3 by avenger01t, on Flickr

cavernfight4 by avenger01t, on Flickr
But the battle continued.

cavernfight5 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The sweep was not for naught though. The way was soon open for the autumn cavaran to leave through the deeps.

cavern by avenger01t, on Flickr
This would prove fortunate, as human reports show that the goblins were once again massing in the foothills and the marsh, marshalling their strength after the Elven assault on their last fortress. Their departure was not unnoticed however.

cavernfight8 by avenger01t, on Flickr
Fresh supplies of meat from toads and crocodiles, even demonic creatures like crundles was soon processed after the initial skirmishes. A massive dose of flour, fried oil and dwarven sugar soon made even this palpatable. This would climax in the entry of Dangerfound first major threat.
A Forgotten Beast.

FB by avenger01t, on Flickr
In the lull period, dwarven engineers has made a massive prepatory effort against cavern intrustion. Gates, traps, even a sentry war dog. This proved of no avail to such a beast.

FB3 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The dwarves were saved a routine massacre by the gates. Displaying a fury against dwarven engineering, the monster chose to concentrate its energies on smashing the various doors built to hinder entry to the dwarvenhold. Rallying to the cause, the Tattooed Post swung into action. Forcelord was out of comission and did not arrive, but Vortex, Decue, Tun proved up to the cause. The three dwarves charged the monster, attacking it from behind. As the monster swung to face one foe, the other dwarf charged at its unprotected rear, biting and holding on for dear life.

FB4 by avenger01t, on Flickr
Vortex. Decue. The miasma from the rotting wardog obscured all vision. Combat was fought at close quarters, even for the Decisive Crypts, crossbows to a man.
And in such close quarters, the most desperate of defence would prove the best offence.

FB2 by avenger01t, on Flickr
And so Vortex ended the battle. It was over.
As spring ended, the Hall summed up the Operation.
Meat and wood were the immediate bounties. The caverns opened up netherwood and blood thorns, although many dwarves would soon come to hate the later. Tower cap however was more common and this soon relieved the drastic bed and barrel shortage that had begun to plague the Hall. The miners were also freed to dig up more bedrooms, finally meeting everyone housing need before the spring expansion led to more shortages again.
The maturing dwarven military had proven up to the demands of combat. While morale problems plagued the newer squads and recruits, harder training would hopefully resolve this issue. The Tattooed Post would help train the new Ironbreakers into combat, and more recruits were sourced. It is telling that even as the military was engaged in long patrols in the caverns, surface security was not neglected. An incursion by kobold thief was sent packing, although the distance and acccuracy, useful cover by the kobold thief of the fortress walls allowed it to escape.
There were costs however. During the recovery of wood, a potential Ironbreaker fell.

cavern2 by avenger01t, on Flickr

cavern3 by avenger01t, on Flickr
"Slotted to become an iron breaker, Inod Ablelesdor initially detailed to hauling and other logistic tasks . He fell in combat today as a cave crocodile evaded our defences ambushed him. His tenacity in combat is praised by our militia commander Vortex, who witnessed him kicking apart the croc rotting leg even as his foot was being torn apart by the zed. We honour his scarifice, and know that every other dwarf here stands ready to do the same when he is called upon duty. And as we return him to the arms of Enrod and Ohhat, we shall not falter. A new grudge had been entered into our book. We will prevail."
While the baron speech was then dismissed, it would find new favour after the death of gongrith. The Forgotten Beast had been fell! The Dwarves were victorious! The failed defences had held together, and the caverns were safe!
The Mayor nomal was noted to say, Safety is a freedom ensured by the eternal vigilance of dwarves and bought by the blood of patriots. Events will prove him right.
In reality, what happened was a series of short, sharp skirmishes which saw what would become the IronBreakers to be sorely tested. The difficulties of equipping the dwarven soldiers continued. The rapid expansion of her military saw ill trained militia combined with trained reservists. As a result, battles with the undead horde sent morale in the Barricaded Deification and Esteemed Lanterns plunging. This was not aided by the inefficient weapons and armour distribution. A reluctance to use goblin helmets, equipped with their runic symbol led to the ironbreakers using less effective iron caps. This problem would not be solved for years, as shortage of fuel drove the Hall of Guard to proverty. Until Cleansing Sweep was completed, the dwarven city would remain chronically short of wood and access to the magma forge cut off from marauding undead.
The implementation of civic reforms to improve the adminstration soon saw rapid gains. The rescue of Reg the Butcher was a noticeable one. Investigation of a missing dwarf, unseen for over a month was soon linked to the "zombie" threat. Moans, groans and howl was routinely heard in the Hall as zombie buzzards, dead vermin and other unseen dangers roamed the outside walls. In this case however, it was a dwarf which had accidently entombed herself within the fortress wall, and a much delayed rescue by the City Watch was mounted. The Royal Busts tore down the wall and freed the dwarf to head rapidly towards the booze pile. A hearty drink was soon sufficient to restore the hearty gratitude of her citizen and restored Reg mood to ectastic joy at her rescue.
Dwarven production was quickly ramped up, and even the Hall faltering metal industry was able to meet royal mandates of producing steel gauntlets and other neccessary iron items. Questions regarding the self sufficiency of the Hall metal foundries, the location in a swamp full of undead was raised but soon dismissed. The growing number of metalsmiths combined with the small mechanic guild promised that dwarven ingeunnity would provide..... once Operation Cleansing Sweep was successful.
And so it was. 6 months of constant patrol saw the Hall military embroiled in constant battle in the caverns. Routine sweeps rapidly removed skeletal pond grabbers and zombie cave crocodiles.

dee[s by avenger01t, on Flickr
As the undead threat diminished, fresh creatures swarmed into the caverns. The Tattooed Posts were arguably caught off guard, and ForceLord earned kudos for his bravery by mounting an attack on the zombie threat in nothing but cloth clothes.

cavernfight by avenger01t, on Flickr

cavernfight2 by avenger01t, on Flickr
Eventually, Forcelord would be forced to stay off the sideline until fresh armour could be procured, as the rapidly vanishing steel plate armour was grabbed up by other squads. As royal favour for his bravery, the newly elevated Ducim mandated a new steel gauntlet, which was soon assigned to him.

Count! by avenger01t, on Flickr
The exhausted dwarven squads were quickly rotated off for rest.

cavernfight3 by avenger01t, on Flickr

cavernfight4 by avenger01t, on Flickr
But the battle continued.

cavernfight5 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The sweep was not for naught though. The way was soon open for the autumn cavaran to leave through the deeps.

cavern by avenger01t, on Flickr
This would prove fortunate, as human reports show that the goblins were once again massing in the foothills and the marsh, marshalling their strength after the Elven assault on their last fortress. Their departure was not unnoticed however.

cavernfight8 by avenger01t, on Flickr
Fresh supplies of meat from toads and crocodiles, even demonic creatures like crundles was soon processed after the initial skirmishes. A massive dose of flour, fried oil and dwarven sugar soon made even this palpatable. This would climax in the entry of Dangerfound first major threat.
A Forgotten Beast.

FB by avenger01t, on Flickr
In the lull period, dwarven engineers has made a massive prepatory effort against cavern intrustion. Gates, traps, even a sentry war dog. This proved of no avail to such a beast.

FB3 by avenger01t, on Flickr
The dwarves were saved a routine massacre by the gates. Displaying a fury against dwarven engineering, the monster chose to concentrate its energies on smashing the various doors built to hinder entry to the dwarvenhold. Rallying to the cause, the Tattooed Post swung into action. Forcelord was out of comission and did not arrive, but Vortex, Decue, Tun proved up to the cause. The three dwarves charged the monster, attacking it from behind. As the monster swung to face one foe, the other dwarf charged at its unprotected rear, biting and holding on for dear life.

FB4 by avenger01t, on Flickr
Vortex. Decue. The miasma from the rotting wardog obscured all vision. Combat was fought at close quarters, even for the Decisive Crypts, crossbows to a man.
And in such close quarters, the most desperate of defence would prove the best offence.

FB2 by avenger01t, on Flickr
And so Vortex ended the battle. It was over.
As spring ended, the Hall summed up the Operation.
Meat and wood were the immediate bounties. The caverns opened up netherwood and blood thorns, although many dwarves would soon come to hate the later. Tower cap however was more common and this soon relieved the drastic bed and barrel shortage that had begun to plague the Hall. The miners were also freed to dig up more bedrooms, finally meeting everyone housing need before the spring expansion led to more shortages again.
The maturing dwarven military had proven up to the demands of combat. While morale problems plagued the newer squads and recruits, harder training would hopefully resolve this issue. The Tattooed Post would help train the new Ironbreakers into combat, and more recruits were sourced. It is telling that even as the military was engaged in long patrols in the caverns, surface security was not neglected. An incursion by kobold thief was sent packing, although the distance and acccuracy, useful cover by the kobold thief of the fortress walls allowed it to escape.
There were costs however. During the recovery of wood, a potential Ironbreaker fell.

cavern2 by avenger01t, on Flickr

cavern3 by avenger01t, on Flickr
"Slotted to become an iron breaker, Inod Ablelesdor initially detailed to hauling and other logistic tasks . He fell in combat today as a cave crocodile evaded our defences ambushed him. His tenacity in combat is praised by our militia commander Vortex, who witnessed him kicking apart the croc rotting leg even as his foot was being torn apart by the zed. We honour his scarifice, and know that every other dwarf here stands ready to do the same when he is called upon duty. And as we return him to the arms of Enrod and Ohhat, we shall not falter. A new grudge had been entered into our book. We will prevail."
While the baron speech was then dismissed, it would find new favour after the death of gongrith. The Forgotten Beast had been fell! The Dwarves were victorious! The failed defences had held together, and the caverns were safe!
The Mayor nomal was noted to say, Safety is a freedom ensured by the eternal vigilance of dwarves and bought by the blood of patriots. Events will prove him right.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner
Re: Dwarf fortress AAR Dangerfound
And inspired by the victory, my Legendary weaver decides to become a Legendary Clothier by weaving a Giant Cave Silk cap...................

honor by avenger01t, on Flickr
Let see what its made of...

honor by avenger01t, on Flickr
Hanging rings of demonic bone, paried with spikes of forgotten beast bone,platinium and silk........
And another image of the king that become a undead , although the image of my first artificat is strangely appropiate.
I'm... just imaging my dwarves trying to release some form of carthasis. Their kings constantly dying to monsters, their current king having been attacked by so many monsters/giants/ettins that he earned the name of Immortalitycrafted, that once this forgotten beast was vanquished, they started on this grand project that's the second most expensive artifact I have(the first is a platnium armor stand).
Forgettfulness through spending/wealth.
My artifacts names are all.... morose sounding. Calamitious Enchanter, Cyclopean spear, The friendly shield slaughterer, Moroseford, Erasedstabbed... the only friendly name is the Inky Braid, an artifiact mechanism.

honor by avenger01t, on Flickr
Let see what its made of...

honor by avenger01t, on Flickr
Hanging rings of demonic bone, paried with spikes of forgotten beast bone,platinium and silk........
And another image of the king that become a undead , although the image of my first artificat is strangely appropiate.
I'm... just imaging my dwarves trying to release some form of carthasis. Their kings constantly dying to monsters, their current king having been attacked by so many monsters/giants/ettins that he earned the name of Immortalitycrafted, that once this forgotten beast was vanquished, they started on this grand project that's the second most expensive artifact I have(the first is a platnium armor stand).
Forgettfulness through spending/wealth.
My artifacts names are all.... morose sounding. Calamitious Enchanter, Cyclopean spear, The friendly shield slaughterer, Moroseford, Erasedstabbed... the only friendly name is the Inky Braid, an artifiact mechanism.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner