Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by Samuel »

If we do use the Krynn tech tree, I think our victory over the aliens will be less nuclear blasts and more "and suddenly the planet revolted".

I claim command of our first starbase- Common Ground through Unrestrained Decadence- or CogUD for short. May our enemies bow to our superior culture... or weaken them with spies and then invade. Either works.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by OmegaChief »

I only pretended to be a blood thirsty mainiac to get this posting! I'm actually quite a reasonable Thrawn-esq commander.

I still want to purge the Xenos though, that goes without saying.
This odyssey, this, exodus. Do we journey toward the promised land, or into the valley of the kings? Three decades ago I envisioned a new future for our species, and now that we are on the brink of realizing my dream, I feel only solitude, and regret. Has my entire life's work been a fool's crusade? Have I led my people into this desert, only to die?
-Admiral Aken Bosch, Supreme Commander of the Neo-Terran Front, NTF Iceni, 2367
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by doom3607 »

Read the second review I linked to earlier in this post. To make its contents short and sweet, the guy started with Krynn TT and the goal of winning without firing a shot. Some statistics of his accomplishments he gave at the very end:
Tom Francis wrote:Galaxy size: Immense
Races: 12 major, 8 minor
AI difficulty: Random
Game time elapsed: 16 years
Playing time elapsed: 35 hours (approx.)
Spacecraft destroyed: 1,300 (approx.)
People killed: 650,000,000,000 (approx.)
Suns destroyed: 21 (exact)
Peace Achieved: 1 week
So yeah, I think the Krynn TT is perfectly capable of conquering the universe with nuclear fire and all that. :twisted:

And sure, I'll make sure to use your chosen personalities in a funny manner. Those being a religious zealot who wants to nuke them all and let god sort it out, and a xenocidal Thrawn. :twisted: Run for your lives, poor xenos! RUUUUUUUUN!
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by SirNitram »

I will require living xenos.

To find the very very best ways to murder them all.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by FaxModem1 »

Hello, this is Captain Fax Modem of the colony transport ship Sacred Harvest. We've petitioned for a ship to go out into the frontier of space and establish a colony to further ensure our race's survival.

As a note, most of the potential colonists are riffraff and religious outcasts who are being excommunicated anyway and its better for the entire world if they're not stinking up the homeworld.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by doom3607 »

Uh, you do realize that you'll only have the colony ship for the couple of weeks it takes to get to where it's going, at which point they break it down and turn it into the planetary capitol, right?

EDIT: Okay, SirNitram, army or ship, and what name?
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by doom3607 »

New update!
Year: 2227
Personal Journal of His Voice, D'Oom the Thirty-Sixth

Twelve weeks since my last entry into this log- the time does fly by when not much happens.

A new industrial region, more massive than ever before but essentially the same thing we've been using since the Unification Wars, was completed on the homeworld, and the new colony ship there and another such industrial region are both approaching completion. We're trying to choose a name for the colony ship, and the current favorite is Sacred Harvest.


Not much else hap- can't you see I'm in the middle of something? Do you need to report now? Fine, let's hear it...

How do I use these 'smily' things... Ah, here it is! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Kursk did it again, but even bigger. He was out exploring, and he found, in addition to a few more marginal worlds, these.


For reference, our colony is a class 8 world, and our homeworld is class 10. The two thick rings, nearly circles, that you see, are a class 9 and a class 11. That's right, Kursk found a world even better to live on than Home. Goddamn rabid son of a bitch, at least he didn't make a speech about it...

What do you mean, he's making one now?

Holy fuck, he is frothing at the mouth this time!
From doom: Warship tech is going to be in development. Soon. Count on it. :twisted: Also, I deliberately turned off an optional minimap setting that lets you see everyone's territory on the minimap because I don't want you guys knowing where everyone is. I'll just say this, we're closer to the unholy purge-worthy xenos than you might think... :twisted:
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by FaxModem1 »

Well, in that case, make my guy a pilot who is just on temporary assignment to deliver some colonists and then will be flying transports or whatever.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by doom3607 »

Uh, transports go away after use too. :mrgreen: Besides, I have army commanders for them, who I just give new transports to after they use them.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by SylasGaunt »

I'll get in on this. Hopefully as the captain of some manner of scout/stealth ship. How does Eye of Judgement sound for a name?
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by doom3607 »

Perfect! I was going to build another scout soon anyway. Name and some sort of personality?
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by doom3607 »

By the way, what's everyone think of how the stars are distributed across the galaxy, and the size of the galaxy? Nice, eh? This'll take a while...

Also, one thing you should know. The AI is at the highest non-cheating difficulty setting. And this game is known for very very smart AI. As in, they literally programmed it to know and recognize and use every trick in the book. So, there's a good chance my incompetence may get us killified. I look on this as a learning experience. :mrgreen:
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by FaxModem1 »

Okay, if its all right with you, my guy is supposed to be on a survey ship, but got assigned as babysitter to the outcasts for a new colony while he was waiting in line for a survey ship to open up.

Personality: Pacifistic. He just prefers to explore and see what the world has to offer, and since survey ships don't have any weapons and is meant for exploration, its the perfect job for him.

He's Jean Luc Picard working for the Imperium.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by doom3607 »

Oh, good! A pacifist! I'll make sure to have him and.. well, all the other xenocidal wackos at odds. :twisted: Internal purge time, maybe? :mrgreen:

EDIT: And you assume 'survey' is not a polite euphemism for 'xenocidal first strike fleet'. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

EDIT, AGAIN: Should I even bother to get translation tech, or should we just killify everyone without even demanding their surrender? We will do it that way to the two closest nations, of course, but after that.
Last edited by doom3607 on 2011-05-10 10:10am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

[vader]Captain Omega, I find you lack of insanity concerning....[/vader]

Behold my brothers! A new and even more fertile world. Proof that we alone are the Chosen of the Great One!

And I welcome to the fleet the new ships and captains.
Captain Vortex, Captain Omega, Captain Fax Modem and Captain SylasGaunt. Welcome my friends. You have joined our holy crusade, and together, with out mighty ships and unstoppable weapons, we shall rend apart anything that stands in our way!

You must never fear death, for even in deathwe may serve the Order and the Cosmos! Remain ever vigilant, the Xeno scum must be nearby! I can feel it in my soul...
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about other...it's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by doom3607 »

Oh, they're nearby. You'll be meeting the *CENSORED* shortly. Suffice it to say, you're on a course to First Contact.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by doom3607 »

Edit time was up. A literal course, I have you heading into the middle of *CENSORED* space. The censor is so you don't know that it's the *CENSORED*'s space you're going to.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Then the cleansing can begin all the sooner
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about other...it's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by doom3607 »

We don't even have guns. Yet. But don't worry, in a few months we'll be launching our attack on the *CENSORED*'s worlds. But still no generals yet... :shock:
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

Who wants to fight in the mud when an Admiral can level a world from space?
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about other...it's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by OmegaChief »

Perhaps it would be wise if some of the Captials/Admirals pulled double duty until we get more specialised army commanders?

I mean, how different can cmmending men be from commanding ships?
This odyssey, this, exodus. Do we journey toward the promised land, or into the valley of the kings? Three decades ago I envisioned a new future for our species, and now that we are on the brink of realizing my dream, I feel only solitude, and regret. Has my entire life's work been a fool's crusade? Have I led my people into this desert, only to die?
-Admiral Aken Bosch, Supreme Commander of the Neo-Terran Front, NTF Iceni, 2367
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by Eternal_Freedom »

I stand corrected, you are indeed insane...

Welcome to the Fleet Brother!
Baltar: "I don't want to miss a moment of the last Battlestar's destruction!"
Centurion: "Sir, I really think you should look at the other Battlestar."
Baltar: "What are you babbling about other...it's impossible!"
Centurion: "No. It is a Battlestar."

Corrax Entry 7:17: So you walk eternally through the shadow realms, standing against evil where all others falter. May your thirst for retribution never quench, may the blood on your sword never dry, and may we never need you again.
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by HMS Sophia »

I'll jump in as an army commander... I like blowing people up :D
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by SylasGaunt »

doom3607 wrote:Perfect! I was going to build another scout soon anyway. Name and some sort of personality?
Captain Krank.. personality.. Rambling and thinks he hears the voice of god.

For some reason I'm thinking of basically a ship captain who sends his reports in.. only they come out like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oclf74WhkR8
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Re: Let's Play GalCiv2: ToTA

Post by Darkevilme »

Prophet Kadrass steps out of the shadows: "The darkness has beckoned me attend. A legion of our finest disciples stand by my side to minister* to the unclean."

*bring death.
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