Technically WoW is now F2P (limited to the "vanilla" content essentially from what I understand). It's just that nobody cares - I don't think WoW is getting much in the way of new players as opposed to returning previous players when they give out a major content update. And they're bleeding subscriptions like mad - over 1.5 million net subs lost in the first three quarters of 2011 as I recall, with the 4th quarter set to be announces in early Feb (likely a low loss or possibly even a small gain, as a major content patch occurred; the same happened in Q2, and they lost significantly fewer total subscriptions in that period than the other quarters). Granted, when you have 11 million subscribers, a loss of 1.5 million isn't going to destroy your business, but that's still over $22 million per month less revenue. Ouch.White Haven wrote:SWTOR and WoW say that no, the sub model isn't dead. It's just inferior for low-budget games.. Nobody's yet tried a real AAA-title on the F2P model yet, so there's no real way of telling how it'd work or not work. I'm quite curious to see how it ends up working once someone works up the guts to try...but it's not hard to see why people are reluctant to do so given the astronomical outlay of a content-heavy AAA title. Nobody wants to be first out the gate only to discover that no, it doesn't scale well enough.
The model nowadays seems to be "subscription-only at launch, keep it that way as long as you can, and convert to F2P when you've reached maximum market penetration for subscribers." When you start to get burned out on a long-time MMO (like WoW) and want to find something else, F2P games start to look good because of the low barrier to play. Paying $60 just to decide a game sucks in less than a month isn't particularly attractive. Off the top of my head Rift, SW:TOR and EVE are the only remaining MMOs that still use a subscription-only model, and SW is at least new enough that it's understandable. If EVE went F2P I'd sign back on in a heartbeat - that game would be significantly more fun if I could pay a little real cash for some "skill download" or something to lower the time-based barrier to PVP viability and not have to pay a monthly sub for a game I'd only play occasionally.
I still occasionally play Cryptic's other F2P game, Champions Online, so I'll probably at least download STO and check it out.