Thirdfain wrote:{-- Commonwealth Armed Forces Military Press Release --}
With the recent incursion of Hive colony vessels into the frontier regions between the Commonwealth and Hive territory, fleets from the provinces of Isis and Harbinger March are being deployed to ensure the safety of Commonwealth colonists also expanding into the border regions.
The message is simple- the Commonwealth will not allow the Hive to devour our rightfully controlled territory, and we will not allow the Hive tp threaten the fledgeling colonies along the frontier. The Hive's isolationist attitudes make it clear they care little for the affairs of other nations, and we mean to ensure that they do not seek to impose their will on the free men and women, citozens of the Three Suns, in the frontier zones.
Picket Fleet Isis, out of Maharashtra, and Picket Fleet Harbinger, out of New Mandalay, will be patrolling the sector and providing defense for colonists there.
"Are you receiving this?"
"They seek to curb the growth of the moving picket ships 5,000ly from the hive cluster...3000ly from any of the fledgeling colonies?"
"Perhaps this is a mistake. We may have overestimated them."
"Or perhaps this is an act of hostility."
"There is only one clear course of action. I will endevor to find out and discover the Hive's intent."
[Days later: Three Suns Commonwealth Frontier]
A single unarmed consular ship emerged from a jump node before one of the picket ships. Immediately the ship was hailed, on screen appeared a man, early thirties with short dark hair and pale skin. There was an implant of some kind partially concealed over his left eyebrow.
"I am Quan. I speak for the Hive."