Thirdfain wrote:Er, by original do you mean STGOD-1, (the one with the Floaters, the OA, and the feared New Beijing Alliance,) or some ancient STGOD from before my time?
The Original STGOD, of course, with the Star Kingdom of Serenity, the Boyd Collective, the United Terran Republic, the Southern California Evacuation Force, the Second Galactic Empire, the Mars Pact, the Sixth Imperium, the GPF, the notorious "Vengeful Hegemony of Romulan Wrath," the tin-pot dictatorship of the New O'Farrel Republic and the even tin-potter banana republic of ARSE (they drink beer out of those tin pots, you see). Never forget, of course, the Two Republics, the New Republic and the New Republic Military Dictatorship!
But things changed, of course! There was the Robotech Merchantile Empire and the destruction of the VHRW, there was the Vong invasion (which turned into a bit of a farce because they were as outgunned as Arabs trying to take on the USA in T-55s), then we had the Union of Soviet Socialist Star Republics, and its mortal enemy, the Domination of Draka.
Finally the entire thing got slammed by the Planetoid Invasion of Halite, Queen of the Dark Kingdom of Atlantis and former High Inquisitor of Beryl, famed enemy of the Old Queens of the Star Kingdom (Yes, the Star Kingdom is descended from Sailor Moon). Unfortunately, that plot turned into long-duration, and absences and lack of continuance and frustration staggered things to pieces.
My idea is to skip over the plot to a different ending (we took it to a very distant and far removed one for our effort at STGOD II, which still exists, sort of, at ASVS these days), and find ways to integrate some of your nations--except further along in their history so they can stand up to the lunatic exigencies of the STGOD powers. On the plus side, after this war all of them will be hit hard, and several of the greatest were outright destroyed, so more opportunities will be had--especially when you can get your hands on lots of cheap military surplus.
(A T-55 in the STGOD would be, say, an Imperial Star Destroyer.)