Praxis wrote:1) Minigames. 'nuff said.
Well, they alway suck regardless, so I guess using a stylus for them wont make them any worse.
2) Wirelessly sending drawings to friends. Side bonus.
I thought people bought game systems for playing games. That seems to be one of the main complaints against the PSP, that it has too much non-game-playing functionality (because, for some reaseon, having more features in a game system is a
bad thing.)
3) Switching items in game. This is rather useful.
So you'd rather take your hand off the controls, take the stylus out of its holder, click and drag the appropriate item to the appropriate place, put the stylus back in its holder and return your hand to the crontrols instead of just pushing a button or two the traditional way? And thats assuming that you don't accidentally drop the stylus, the system, or both when going through that ptocess (something that happens all too frequently with PDAs.)
4) Dragging stuff around the screen, say, to reorganize your inventory.
See above.
You also said the second screen won't be useful. Ha. I'm imagining Zelda with a map on one screen and the actual game on the other.
And that would me more useful than just putting the map in the corner of the screen how?
OR, say, Ocarina of Time with the inventory screen on the touchscreen and the actual game on the other. You can switch weapons without pausing, by tapping on the weapon and pressing the button to assign it to, for example. Or pressing and dragging it to the button to assign it to.
You'd still have to pause in order to perform the juggling act described above. The only difference is that, with the DS, you won't stop being pummelled by enemies while you do so.