My first SW game was X Wing. I never got TIE Fighter....which, now that i look back on it, sucks ass. But still, Xwing was tight.
I have to list XWvTF, because that was the first game I ever played online (well, besides an unknown game called netrek, which RULED) and got me started in online fleets and clans about 7 years ago.
I'll always have a special place for the original Rogue Squadron for N64. I played that game so many times trying to get all gold medals. I don't know why, but the Columbine Massacre and that game are kinda linked together in my mind. I lived in Jefferson County about 20 miles from Columbine (before I moved to Indiana), and after hours and hours of watching Columbine coverage for a week straight I would always escape to my basement to play Rogue Squadron to get away from it all. Kinda weird but...ya
Jump to Lightspeed and Star Wars Galaxies too
I know that these games aren't very...err...popular around here, but I'm having a lot of fun with em. JTL is *very* sweet, reminds me of XWvTF