Games you suck at.

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Re: Games you suck at.

Post by RogueIce »

Quadlok wrote:Does the laughing dog from Duck Hunt still haunt your dreams?
I hate that son of a bitch... :cry:

RTS are bad for me, since I can never tech tree/build as good as the other guys. I remember in WCII when we did a three human vs three AI game. We were going to be smart and each focus on one area: land, sea, and air (we sort of forgot that allied players can't share transports. Oh well). While I was still trying to pump out my first Battleship, my allies come over with the freaking Pacific Fleet, a horde of Gryphons, and a small army of soldiers.

Yeah, I sucked and sucked bad.

Then there's the FPSes. I like to be all realistic damn it! Go slow, edge out the corners, aim, stealth, all that good stuff. Got me nowhere in CS to the Mad Bunnyhopping Sprinting Sniper Rifle of DOOM! though.
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Post by Sharpshooter »

I usually wind up getting in last place in Descent III (which is more or less my only recent MP experience and will be until the Battlefield Collection gets here and if I ever decide to go with Steam and Counter-Strike and such( - of course, I also refrain from Magnum-fusion-whoring and spawn/message-killing, which might explain some of it...
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Post by Trogdor »

For me, playing Halo is an exersize in getting shot. When my friends drag me into a multiplayer game, they'll have trouble balancing the teams because whichever one I'm on almost always loses.
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Post by Macross »

I was never very good at racing or fighting games :?
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Post by SecondToDie »

I'm pretty good at most first person shooters. Except Counter Strike. At every LAN Party I go to, everyone always wants to play CS for a few hours so I usually play it. But I always get killed very quickly and rarely kill anyone. I don't know why I'm so bad at it... I always own most of the people in UT2k4. Fortunately, there's always someone even worse than me. So I'm never the first to die, just the second to die.
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Post by aerius »

Pretty much every game. Most games are way too hard to be fun for me unless I use the cheat codes. The Need for Speed and Command & Conquer series of games are about the only ones where I'm good enough to play without cheating.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

Group me with Aerius as one for whom most games are somewhat difficult to play. I can play some stuff, though, like racing and fighting games, and was pretty good at GoldenEye but can't do Halo worth a damn. FPSs are pretty much impossible, it's like some hand-eye coordination block.

Funny, though, despite my lack of gameplay skill, I stll generally follow the community--news and reviews and the like...
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Post by Exonerate »

SecondToDie wrote:I'm pretty good at most first person shooters. Except Counter Strike. At every LAN Party I go to, everyone always wants to play CS for a few hours so I usually play it. But I always get killed very quickly and rarely kill anyone. I don't know why I'm so bad at it... I always own most of the people in UT2k4. Fortunately, there's always someone even worse than me. So I'm never the first to die, just the second to die.
I think that's a large reason why so many people play it. The recoil compensates for their bad aim.

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Post by Gandalf »

I'm shitty at most games. I can play HALO and CivIII pretty well though.

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Post by General Brock »

Platformers. I could never jump. Cost me a fortune in quarters. It also bars me from a lot of handheld games too. There are a couple of free Samurai Jack games out there, and I can't enjoy 'em.
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Post by President Sharky »

Any sports game. Terrible, terrible, terrible! I can't play any of them for shit. It's a complete embarassment when I try. The worst part is that all my friends are into sports games like NBA Live, NHL 200X, or FIFA. I'm only somewhat decent at racing, RTS, and FPS games.
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Post by Arthur_Tuxedo »

I've always sucked at Counterstrike. Except those small, flat maps that some people like, the very first time I played on one of those stupid pieces of shit I instictively learned where everyone's head was and got headshot after headshot, until I was banned for "cheating". Too bad I hate those maps.

But the games that really kick my ass are serious flight sims like IL2 Sturmovik and Lock On: Modern Air Combat. I played a lot of IL2 multiplayer, and I never seemed to get any better. I enjoyed getting shot down, so I wasn't complaining, but I almost threw a house party when I got my very first online kill after playing obsessively for weeks.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Flight sims take a long time to get good at, believe me. When I first started playing them, I would compulsively go into flat spins and crash. Now I've been playing for a few years, on and off, and I still have some rather embarassing moments. Like taking off a carrier without adequate momentum, or forgetting to set down a tailhook and go flying off the other side. :D
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Post by General Zod »

I'm horribly shitty at FPS games. Fighting games I'm fairly decent with, given a bit of practice. And RPGs nowadays are a cakwalk. . .as are most strategy titles. But FPS games? Fuck that. I'll stick with my RPGs and fighters.
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Post by Rye »

Starcraft-style RTSes and those dull-as-fuck myst-style "games". Anything else I've got a decent learning curve on, with FPS are probably my best genre, I can deal with twitch-shooters pretty well.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

I am terrible at Madden Football. I love to play the game, and I can beat the computer, but I have never beaten one of my friends, ever.

I am also very bad at Counter-strike, but decent with other FPSes.

The two strategy games I suck at are Homeworld, where I have never gotten past the first few levels, and Cossacks, which kicked my ass every time.
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

Fighting games generally, althought Super Smash Bros. & Melee I'm good at, as wel land X-Men Children of the Atom, oh and Tekken 3 simply through half button mashing(I did do some mashing, but I was going for specific moves) the break dancer.

Soldat some times. Some times I'm alright at the game, I get good with the Ruger or the Desert Eagles. But sometimes I can kill a damn thing(I especially hate it when people just bounce back from a direct grenade hit) I'll drop several shots into them with my eagles and they'll pop my head off with a single AK shot.

Magic the Gathering(can't remember if the OP specified Video games) besides being a poor little kid, I had some of the worst luck in draws. I mean me and my friends would play with his decks and we'd swtich them back and forth and I could never draw enough lands(even with extensive distrubtion and shuffling) and never get the cards I needed. I eventually had to design a deck completely arround circumventing this problem(the Rebel deck for those here that use to play on AIM).

Megaman X. As a child I pwned my way through all the Megamans, but the X series would always stop me dead cold.
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Post by Companion Cube »

I just can't play platformers with any degree of skill, and I find most turn-based games a bit dull. (Though that's not a particularly qualified opinion as I've never played Civilization.)
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Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

Captain tycho wrote:Flight sims take a long time to get good at, believe me. When I first started playing them, I would compulsively go into flat spins and crash. Now I've been playing for a few years, on and off, and I still have some rather embarassing moments. Like taking off a carrier without adequate momentum, or forgetting to set down a tailhook and go flying off the other side. :D
I can take off, do a bit of light maneuvering, set my autopilots and shoot AAMs. I can also fire anti-radiation missiles and do some poor strafing. That's about the end of my skill list. If the plane comes with a ICAO III equivalent autolander (the kind that does almost everything), I can even land a plane...

If a missile comes, the only evasive maneuver I can do is Hit Burner, Turn (about) 180 to the launch source, Climb at 30-40 degrees, keep punching chaff and hoping the missile misses. Occasionally it even works, for one SAM...

As you can tell, I suck at games... when I play SPMBT, the only artillery I can use at all is MLRS (because so many rockets are fired at once). I can do OK in a Defence situation by checking the FOVs carefully. In offense, the first turn after actual contact I'd be pinned down and all that... my helicopters take hits and wimp out...

Don't even think about anything requiring fast reflexes.
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Post by Siege »

I always sooner or later got stuck in Starlancer... I'm just not good enough at those fly-around-and-shoot-at-the-target games. Always going too fast, forgetting that I'm carrying missiles, or too far away from whatever I'm supposed to protect only to see it blown up. 3d maneuvering isn't my thing I guess. Although I rocked at Terminal Velocity back in the day.

Racing games too. I dunno, for Q3 and stuff my reflexes are just great... But I can't race even if my life depended on it. I always end up on the verge of throwing the monitor out the window after ramming my car into the boarding for the so-manieth time.
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Post by Ubiquitous »

Homeworld and FPS games. I thought I would be good at HW considering that I am usually good at RTS, but man, I suck so badly.

And FPS games are just not my style. I've never effectively mastered the keyboard/mouse technique needed to be good at FPS games.
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Post by Praxis »

Macross wrote:I was never very good at racing or fighting games :?
I don't enjoy them at all but I usually win anyway at those genre's.

Except some fighting games I really do suck at.
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Post by Siege »

Fighting games I could always win by being a real lame-ass... Which I think should count as sucking at it as well. Any other one-trick-wonders out there? I know that in almost any fighting game it was a matter of time before I managed to find some character with an easy to repeat combo-attack that let me win, whether it was throwing fireballs with Ryu in Street Fighter or freezing people and shattering them with ice as Sub Zero in Mortal Combat 3, or constantly ripping on someone with the same lame kicks as King in Tekken 2... Hehe, I remember my brother used to get really upset when his super fighting skills got beat by some random lame combo attack over and over again...
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Post by Rogue 9 »

First person shooters. Hate 'em. Hate 'em with a burning passion. Let me have my flight sims and RTS games.
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Post by Boyish-Tigerlilly »

Well, the worst game in which I find I have the least skill is half-life, but I like it anyway when I am with friends. I tend to do well cooperatively against AI on RTS's like Empire Earth, but even in that I sometimes lose to extrodinarily pathetic enemies.

My tactics are a bit off, while the overall strategy isn't bad.

For example, I managed to get all the way to the Modern Era, but I was defeated on the shores by a Bronze Age military defense. IE. Modern Era navy was sunk by a hoard of triremes, and my armies got slaughtered on the beaches by spearmen and war elephants. It was like like a Bronze Age Normandy, except I didn't win.
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