Moderator: Thanas
Haha, that was brilliantExonerate wrote:I witnessed the most ridiculous ending to a round yesterday.
Yeah, turns out most of them not only talk, we regularly get on voice coms to coordinate when we run in platoons with each other. It's really is just him and one other guy that never talk.Stark wrote:I hate to say this but there are probably many people who post here playing the game who have no interest in talking to anyone in the SDN channel.
Turns out I'm asking people to share their thoughts about the game's issues and how the devs are reacting to them, especially regarding what style of play they intend to aim for. Your attitude problem is, sadly, irrelevant, and after pages of 'xyz imba' and 'wow abc is a bit of a problem' to turn around and say its okay because its a beta is to totally miss the point of asking how the beta is progressing and what the goals are.I don't dare the forums but do they ever plan to make this game either balanced or realistic? At the moment it's laughably unrealistic and is full of broken balance, which is really the worst of both worlds.
I've seen a lot of this stuff too. Hitting pretty much any early-war light tank in the rear with a 45mm and doing 30-40hp damage and no system failure is just crazy, and the randomness on damage effects is probably why at the low end people go for things like the 20mm, since each shot has an xyz chance of procing a fuel fire or whatever. Given the numbers, I expected light tanks with 45mm to be competitve (and they are at extreme range), but lethality seems quite random.Mr Bean wrote:Except... it's again what happens after that seems to be dice rolled. For example I know where the T-34 ammo storage box is. Going point blank with a German 50mm I should be able to get a easy kill shot by putting a shell into that exact spot on the tank. However conducting any kind of test is hard, this being a massive PVP game with no offline lan play. So what tests I can run (Keep it in mind whenever I run into a T-34 and then suicide charge for the point blank shot) it seems it penetrates just fine but starting a fire or making the tank go kaboom are a total crap shoot. I've destroyed enemy tanks with extreme long range shots in one hit (Side shot from a Russian 45mm VS a Panzer IIIM at roughly 500-600 meters) yet preformed that same feat at 50 meters and it takes seven shells to kill them.
Not to mention the various shells should have greater and lesser chances for the secondary damage. HEAT for example should be a good tank ammo choice if you want the option to murder the entire tank crew yet leave the tank alive. Tank loss by crew death does not apply. It's one thing to shoot the tank so full of holes as to be totally dead. It's another thing that some shell types (HEAT, APBC) stand a great chance of penetrating and then gibing the entire crew. In that fine balance between going through out both sides of a tank, and going through a tank and taking a tumble tossing shrapnel everywhere inside.Stark wrote: I've seen a lot of this stuff too. Hitting pretty much any early-war light tank in the rear with a 45mm and doing 30-40hp damage and no system failure is just crazy, and the randomness on damage effects is probably why at the low end people go for things like the 20mm, since each shot has an xyz chance of procing a fuel fire or whatever. Given the numbers, I expected light tanks with 45mm to be competitve (and they are at extreme range), but lethality seems quite random.
Not sure what you mean by play style here. Are you talking about how the game is to be played or how the players themselves actual play the game? If your talking about the former, you're the tank commander/driver/gunner/radioman/loader all at once and the basic concept really is "drive tank/shoot tank" and the objectives are either "kill everyone on the other team" or "capture their control point". If you're expecting an actual tank simulator then you're going to be disappointed. If you're looking for something that's more like a third person shooter with tanks instead of Beef McHardslab vs Generic Terrorists/Aliens then this game's more your speed.Stark wrote:Turns out I'm asking people to share their thoughts about the game's issues and how the devs are reacting to them, especially regarding what style of play they intend to aim for.
Only thing I can figure for why they have hit points is as some sort of measure of hull integrity. The damage system is pretty neat though. Things like the difference in armor between front, side, and rear and even some modeling of shot deflection off of sloped armor make the combat a bit more than just point-click-boom (unless you're in a light tank some something like a VK-45 or a JagdTiger looks in your general direction). Hell, sometimes having the biggest gun or largest tank doesn't mean shit. I've killed Tiger IIs with a fucking PzIV using a 75mm gun. I've also been in matches where I've gone against top tier super heavies like the Maus in my Vk3601 and my 88's shells couldn't penetrate at all, but using HE shells I could blow off his tracks to pin him down long enough for my teams heavies to wear him down.Stark wrote:I'd particularly like to hear why they have hitpoints, since the system damage is good and interesting, and all hitpoints do is devalue it.