brianeyci wrote:What do you expect me to get excited over a game that's going to last possibly well over a year?
Of course. Especially since my evil plan part 1. is already in motion hahaha.

Moderator: Thanas
brianeyci wrote:What do you expect me to get excited over a game that's going to last possibly well over a year?
Of course. Especially since my evil plan part 1. is already in motion hahaha.
Trogdor wrote:Wow, are we in a paradise galaxy or did I just get really lucky? My home systems are loaded with good planets to colonize.
Yes, truly a wonder of nature. I didn't think such perfection existed in nature, but it does. I'm sure whatever kind of abberant species USED to live here loved it, but we Hiigarans prefer something a little more habitable.Nephtys wrote:Covenant's got an awesome world setup, so the scoundrel tells me.
Just promise the Capellan Confederation to your wife and crush it between two space empires! Political marriage for the win!Alan Bolte wrote:I'm seeing something like 3 greens and 5 reds to start with. Not half bad. I notice there's a system named Capella. I guess I'll have to go heavy on the research if I'm ever going to blow that up.
Ha ha, actually I meant blow up as in make the star go supernova. FreeSpace reference. I had to look up the Confederation. All I know of Battletech I learned from Anatomy of a War and related fanfic.GuppyShark wrote:Just promise the Capellan Confederation to your wife and crush it between two space empires! Political marriage for the win!Alan Bolte wrote:I'm seeing something like 3 greens and 5 reds to start with. Not half bad. I notice there's a system named Capella. I guess I'll have to go heavy on the research if I'm ever going to blow that up.
You said it "Luke." But I expected this. Even if I had a great starting place, if I pissed off enough people they would butcher me.Luke Starkiller wrote:Fuck, 1 Green, 4 (small) reds and I'm spread over 3 systems, one of which is at least 4 jumps from the other two (which aren't next to each other anyway).
Diplomacy is clearly going to be critical to survival.
You're the Davion, right? This is what I get, so the problem must be on your end.GuppyShark wrote:EDIT: Well, fuck. Arthur, did you need my empire password from me to make sure the right portrait was chosen? I ended up with the Hierarchy portrait.
Eight reds and two greens, and except for two of the reds, all of them are rich in at least one resource.brianeyci wrote:Trogdor wrote:Wow, are we in a paradise galaxy or did I just get really lucky? My home systems are loaded with good planets to colonize.
Just like before eh.
Imposter! We must destroy you!Guppyshark wrote:Well, fuck. Arthur, did you need my empire password from me to make sure the right portrait was chosen? I ended up with the Hierarchy portrait.