Stark wrote:Stas Bush wrote:Apparently you take no damage when in VATS. Hardly rectifies the problem, but still.
Really? Maybe all the times I've died I've just been 1-shot after I regained control; I tend to spend the entire game at 30% health. Still, annoying.

Having been able to play it this weekend--and doing a marathon run that got me until the beginning of the Rivet City storyline part, but no further sadly--I would agree. I made a character who was primarily into Unarmed and Energy weapons, and my first quest in the game supplied me with both. Outside Super Duper Mart I got a deathclaw gauntlet schematic and inside I got two laser pistols. Being as the pistols were sucky and low on ammo, I went with the unarmed, to great success. During VATS you are either invincible or very less prone to damage than out of it, but once you come back out badguys have had a lot of time to line up a shot, so it can be dangerous. However, I'm fighting minigun users with my fists and I'm playing on Very Hard, so if I can do it I assume others can do. It gets more troublesome with whole squads of raiders though.
I would also echo the skill issues. Along with that goes the problem of capped skills and a proliferation of skill boosts, and of perks. Ending up at endgame with 20-40 more skillpoints is like having an entire other functional skill, since the skill tops out at 100 and you're able to get a +10 skill bobblehead and probably take a Perk to boost it too. For Big Guns, for example, there is somewhere a Big Guns bobblehead along with a "Size Matters" perk, making your effective maximum investment into Big Guns somewhere less than 75, depending on the amount of big gun books you find. Boosting it to 90, grabbing the bobblehead and "Size Matters" will only end up wasting your points. It's an issue which has a very simple solution--max your imput into a skill to 100, and add bonuses atop that. Lowering the effective level of the skill by 20 or more points, like most are, means that those extra 20, 40, or 60 points you end up with are basically going to add up to an entire other 100 max skill, or several mid-range skills. Considering how many things are barred to minimum skill users, this opens up vast swaths of the game to higher int players while also assuring them of greater combat potential at the same time. No other stat has such a dramatic effect on everything else, and with so many stat-boosting items, you can really do without in a lot of ways aside from int.
-Strength should directly modify gun wobble on all guns, and boost melee AND unarmed damage much more noticably. Guns no longer have a minimum strength requirement, and with ammo, chems and a variety of doo-dads being weightless, strength is pretty useless. The carryweight bonus is laughable too, just get strong back and save yourself an intense training on another stat.
-Perception adding the red lines is fine, but I'm suprised how little it has to do with your Perk choice and VATS accuracy, or other things. Raising the Perk requirements for perception would have been fine enough. Not much else you can do without making manual aiming a joke, though I would have made it alter critical chances, similar to luck, due to good aim.
-Endurance is much handier than people give it credit for, but aside from the huge starting HP boost, not so much, and it's pointless to raise it later since HP's aren't retroactive and don't affect how many you get per level. You should get 10+endurance per level, not just 10, and a minor DR boost would be nice as well, maybe half END.
-Charisma I have no idea about. I assume charisma is a useful stat for something, I just don't have it. Charisma has always been kinda useless though, in every game. A simple fix would be to make Charisma alter the aggressiveness of badguys to you, so that a high charisma lets you walk amongst raiders and slavers and a low charisma makes the brotherhood fire warning shots as you approach. Oblivion did this, and let you 'yield' when a guard would accost you with a sword, you should be able to do the same thing to raiders in a "White Flag" maneuver.
-Intelligence is way too potent. Skillpoints being based of intelligence is fine, but the max skill limits need to be somewhat higher and less hard limits on doors and computers. It should be less easy for a smart character to throw 2 levels into a skill and be godlike at it. Or you should make the +3 skillpoints per level perk require an intelligence of 3 or less.
-Agility is, and has always been, total wank. In every game. The AP boost is minor but important here, but I don't really see that much wrong with it. You have to put quite a few points into agility to get more than one extra shot in VATS, so it provides little overall. I don't use VATS that much, but I did put 7 into it to get 3 Deathclaw Gauntlet strikes per use. Agility is only potent because all the other stats seem so irrelevent.
-Luck does goofy stuff, all behind the scenes. The crit boost and minor skill boost is fun, but it has always seemed somewhat odd to me to have a stat that does almost nothing be in the same catagory as Intelligence or Agility. If luck doesn't alter what encounters you run into, it should. It should also alter what kind of stuff you find in boxes.