The reactor is a good idea, and I was tempted to get the tech reactor. But I also wanted to try the drop pods. If I play through the campaign again I might go tech reactor instead.Thanas wrote:To be honest, I always went for the tech reactor. Hallo, three spaceports building six units at once.....Really, you do not even need to have a second factory anymore.Stofsk wrote:Well I just finished playing the campaign. I felt the story was a bit bog standard to be honest, didn't take any chances, and even had a nice happy ending. Other than that, the campaign structure was quite clever. I liked how you had a finite number of credits which meant you could only make a certain number of armoury/merc purchases. The science upgrades were different, you get them all, and you still have left over points to cash in. Maybe that could have been better balanced? But some of those science upgrades were fuuuuuuuuucking good. Orbital drop pods for marines? Sweet.
What do you put in your bunkers? I had a marauder and four marines as my standard, but I'm wondering if two marauders are better. I got the bunker guns as an upgrade instead of increasing its hitpoints. Two marauders would have more damage (can't stim marines when they're bunkered up... for some reason) I would think, but their most useful attribute is the concussive blast that slows enemies, allowing the tanks to blast them to smithereens.Heheh. You really only need the shift key to queue up kill orders. Other than that, two bunkers and four siegetanks at each entrance plus 6 vikings are enough to defend the base against anything, really.I played on Hard on at least 10 missions (apparently I got that as an achievement), but some missions were just an exercise in frustration on anything other than normal. The Dig was a pain in the ass on Hard, because that stupid laser cannon would always start rotating back to firing on the doors rather than on the army of archons/immortals/giant protoss warbot thingies that were approaching my bases. (I figured out you can queue up multiple targets with it) But the most frustrating aspect to it was trying to get the achievement - using the laser to burn down a number of protoss buildings. The challenge was getting a spotter to get onto the high ground. I ended up building a massive army which tended to get massacred quite regularly to the protoss defenders.
(does anyone use firebats lol)
Normal is really easy, hard punishes you if you're not paying close attention. I liked to do some of the missions on hard for the challenge and for getting the achievements (which of course, make things harder, as you're not just focused on completing the mission but also fucking around whilst doing it to get that worthless achievement picture). It got to the point where I was shouting at my computer monitor in frustration because I'm not adept at micromanagment.Thanks. I played the first campaign on hard and didn't have any real trouble with it (except with the do not lose a building part on The Evacuation and Zero Hour). That one I had to restart.Thanas you magnificent sonofabitch, if you clocked this game on brutal, I salute you.