"None."There is any formality that we must fulfill during that hour
STGOD 4 Game Thread
Moderator: Thanas
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
Last edited by frigidmagi on 2004-07-08 05:46pm, edited 1 time in total.

- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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The second wave entered atmo, their defense grids active.
The single turret mounted defense grid emplacement on fighters went active,, while the ships sensor suites went on active ECCM mode.
fighters stayed high, providing long range point defense for the landing craft.
This time around, the landing crft would not suffer nearly as many casualities.
OOC: FIghters are fighters/light bombers, similar to x wings in combat roll. However, they also have a bomber-style ball turret in the back. This is a Mark 3 defense grid emlacement. Cuts down on losses from missles.
The single turret mounted defense grid emplacement on fighters went active,, while the ships sensor suites went on active ECCM mode.
fighters stayed high, providing long range point defense for the landing craft.
This time around, the landing crft would not suffer nearly as many casualities.
OOC: FIghters are fighters/light bombers, similar to x wings in combat roll. However, they also have a bomber-style ball turret in the back. This is a Mark 3 defense grid emlacement. Cuts down on losses from missles.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Pirate Base World
The mood was tense in the planetary coordination centers as the second wave of hostile troop transports began to position themselves for entrance into the planet's atmosphere. So far the first wave of attackers had been repulsed, with the usually high casualties. A handful of the troop transports had survived to land on the surface, but they were being dealt with. The fundamental problem was that the enemy was adapting, and this wave would certainly suffer fewer casualties than the first. The Draconis forces would land their forces and then, the battle would be trully joined.
The Draconis had limited their EMP assault to the power plants themselves and through doing so had plunged many of the cities into darkness. However, the infrastructure remained intact and thus, hospitals, and other vital infrastructure with backup power capability remained able to operate. The ECM generator and other military systems within the cities were not harmed, and due to this would continue to operate.
The Draconis commanders had been right, with their new found respect for the planetary defenses of the planet below. The second wave did not suffer as much as the first, however, a new trick was added into the mix. The ECCM of the fighters was less effective than expected against the larger, single function systems located in the cities. As the planetary radar systems went active, the Draconis fleet began to engage those that were too far outside of the ECM envelope of the cities themselves. Once again radar systems suffered beneath the weapons of their orbiting adversaries. Nonetheless, their tasks were completed and those closest to the cities themselves were spared a great deal of the pain.
hundreds of missiles arched upwards as they sought to reach their targets, Draconis point defense struggling to shoot down the incoming ordnance as ECM and ECCM dueled. Well over half of the missiles were destroyed outright, another fifteen percent managed to have mixed effects upon the prepared and aware Draconis fighters. Some missiles were bound to get through however, and these took their toll. The last missiles launched had been the most likely to survive to their targets. It was these missiles larger than normal, that greeted the troop transports. these were armed with omni-directional nukes, capable of causing grievous harm upon their enemies even with only proximity kills.
These weapons could be used, since the Draconis forces had chosen not to land on top of the cities themselves. Over a dozen small suns bloomed to life in the skies of the planet, tearing into the Draconis forces with abandon. It was not enough however to stop the wave cold, Draconis point defense had destroyed too many of the missiles before they reached their targets. Over half of the wave was either destroyed outright or forced into emergency landings, but land they did. Orders were given out, the Draconis ground forces could not be allowed free reign now that they had landed. Pirate forces that had hidden their strength in the tunnels and depots located beneath the ground moved, utilizing underground railways to great effect. Entire divisions of armor and infantry were shifted, and in the surface of the planet steps were taken to insure the annihilation of the Draconis forces in the surface. The forces of the enemy would die within sight of the cities...
The mood was tense in the planetary coordination centers as the second wave of hostile troop transports began to position themselves for entrance into the planet's atmosphere. So far the first wave of attackers had been repulsed, with the usually high casualties. A handful of the troop transports had survived to land on the surface, but they were being dealt with. The fundamental problem was that the enemy was adapting, and this wave would certainly suffer fewer casualties than the first. The Draconis forces would land their forces and then, the battle would be trully joined.
The Draconis had limited their EMP assault to the power plants themselves and through doing so had plunged many of the cities into darkness. However, the infrastructure remained intact and thus, hospitals, and other vital infrastructure with backup power capability remained able to operate. The ECM generator and other military systems within the cities were not harmed, and due to this would continue to operate.
The Draconis commanders had been right, with their new found respect for the planetary defenses of the planet below. The second wave did not suffer as much as the first, however, a new trick was added into the mix. The ECCM of the fighters was less effective than expected against the larger, single function systems located in the cities. As the planetary radar systems went active, the Draconis fleet began to engage those that were too far outside of the ECM envelope of the cities themselves. Once again radar systems suffered beneath the weapons of their orbiting adversaries. Nonetheless, their tasks were completed and those closest to the cities themselves were spared a great deal of the pain.
hundreds of missiles arched upwards as they sought to reach their targets, Draconis point defense struggling to shoot down the incoming ordnance as ECM and ECCM dueled. Well over half of the missiles were destroyed outright, another fifteen percent managed to have mixed effects upon the prepared and aware Draconis fighters. Some missiles were bound to get through however, and these took their toll. The last missiles launched had been the most likely to survive to their targets. It was these missiles larger than normal, that greeted the troop transports. these were armed with omni-directional nukes, capable of causing grievous harm upon their enemies even with only proximity kills.
These weapons could be used, since the Draconis forces had chosen not to land on top of the cities themselves. Over a dozen small suns bloomed to life in the skies of the planet, tearing into the Draconis forces with abandon. It was not enough however to stop the wave cold, Draconis point defense had destroyed too many of the missiles before they reached their targets. Over half of the wave was either destroyed outright or forced into emergency landings, but land they did. Orders were given out, the Draconis ground forces could not be allowed free reign now that they had landed. Pirate forces that had hidden their strength in the tunnels and depots located beneath the ground moved, utilizing underground railways to great effect. Entire divisions of armor and infantry were shifted, and in the surface of the planet steps were taken to insure the annihilation of the Draconis forces in the surface. The forces of the enemy would die within sight of the cities...
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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The fighters and landing craft did their best to avoid the flak-fired nukes, the fighters fairing much better than the the landing craft in that regard.
The hail of missiles however also revealed the loctions of the enemy troops and many were destroyed outright in a hail of laser fire.
When the remaining landing craft made groundfall, the troops disembarked, and set up a theater shield that should protect them from weapons fire as they organized.
SOme landing craft brought down Armor, others troops. Other transports began unloading fixed artillery.
The hail of missiles however also revealed the loctions of the enemy troops and many were destroyed outright in a hail of laser fire.
When the remaining landing craft made groundfall, the troops disembarked, and set up a theater shield that should protect them from weapons fire as they organized.
SOme landing craft brought down Armor, others troops. Other transports began unloading fixed artillery.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Pirate Base World
The exchanges between the defending and attacking forces were by now clearly evident in the surface of the planet. Major cities laid plunged into darkness for the most part, pirate planetary defenses darkening the skies as they burned alongside the crashed hulks of Draconis troop transports and fighters which had been plucked from the skies and scattered over the planetary surface. Deep beneath the planetary surface the planetary command centers analyzed the information presented to them. The fleet was gone, and it was unlikely that they would return for some time. The orders for the fleet in this scenario were well known and understood. The Draconis forces had begun landing, and thus the defense of the world now moved on to its second phase.
Hill 617
The enemy had begun to land, choosing a landing spot exactly one thousand nine hundred and seventy three meters from the hill. The hill was currently occupied by five pirate pathfinders, their light powered armor suits blending in almost flawlessly with the surrounding vegetation. The suits were adequate for the task, masking their IR signatures as well as shielding them from optical sensors. Nonetheless, the suits were only part of their job. Each pathfinder also possessed a compact but powerful spotting and observation equipment system. This particular unit had been outfitted with floater made equipment, which was certainly reliable and capable.
The unit on the hill took great pains to watch the developing situation as the Draconis landing craft made ground fall and the troops began to disembark. All the information was relayed back to the nearest planetary command link through secure and encrypted channels, usually through fiber-optic, laser, or encoded directional bursts. When the theater shield began to be setup, a mutter escaped multiple lips; the information relayed back to command as the air ionized and the shield was brought on line. The armor and troops which were unloaded were noted and reported, the fixed artillery was the biggest concern and was immediately reported. Eventually, command ordered the operation to proceed.
Hills 617, 618, 619, 620
Four different pathfinder squads activated their range finders, the information fed directly to command as the data was passed along to the units that needed them. The spotting equipment revolved around an UV laser which kissed an intended target in order for its precise location to be given over to command. Over twenty different spotters worked their magic, feeding the defenders the necessary information. It took less than forty five seconds for the spotters to work their magic, and the defenders of the world to announce their intentions in a grand fashion.
14th Artillery Brigade
The brigade had been laying in wait since the beginning of hostilities, their visual and thermal signatures masked beneath their camouflage. The entire brigade was composed of exactly one hundred 200mm artillery pieces and twenty five MLRS batteries. They had been kept up to date with information from command and had been tasked with playing a crucial role with the destruction of the enemies landing zone. Targetting data was provided by friendly spotters, the coordinates fed into the brigade wide targeting link. The presence of a theater shield was an unexpected development, but not one that had not been planned against. Everyone hated competent adversaries, and the commanding officer of the 14th was no exception. The 14th coordinated with a handful of more mobile artillery and the 15th brigade based units before a proper attack was formulated.
Draconis Landing Zone
The first rounds aimed towards the Draconis landing zone were fired from two mobile batteries, each composed of ten guns each. These rounds sped towards their targets, sixteen 200mm artillery shells in a ballistic trajectory with four large rocket rounds arching in a similar pattern. Draconis point defense immediately engaged them, but these rounds were not designed to reach the draconis landing zone simply to reach close enough to them to perform their task. Twelve of the inbound artillery shells were kissed by Draconis point defense and vaporized, while two of the rockets met a similar fate. The survivors reached their designated target area and broke apart, releasing clouds of chaff and a handful of sophisticated ECM generators. Before the realization could sink in as to the reasons why the rounds were fired, the 14th and 15th Artillery Brigades greeted the Draconis landing zone with a roar.
Over two hundred 200mm artillery pieces fired as one, a time on target barrage meant to arrive on the Draconis landing zone within milliseconds of the other. The 14th and 15th Brigades were located over sixty kilometers behind the Draconis landing zones, well within the envelope of their weapons. Fifty MLRS vehicles emptied their four rockets into the fray, adding another two hundred inbound signatures to the landing zone. Draconis point defense responded, but it had to deal with a variety of hindrances. The ECM generators from the nearest city located a mere fifteen kilometers away were shifted towards the landing zone, adding its taunting electronic interference to duel with Draconis point defense sensors. The chaff rounds which had heralded the assault hindered the millimeter wave radar of fire finding sensors. In the end, over half of the incoming salvos were still destroyed. That nonetheless, left over one hundred and eighty rounds to assail the shields.
20cm artillery rounds exploded over the theater shields protecting the Draconis beneath, the explosions seeming as one hundred rounds went off as one solid thunder. The eighty surviving rockets were an odd mix of sub-munitions rounds, tactical nuclear rounds in the 1-5 kt range and x-ray laser warheads. The x-ray lasers went of first, the nuclear core within the rockets generating an x-ray laser which was aimed towards the target. The sub-munitions then landed, exploding like hail over the draconis shield each missile held hundreds of sub-munitions ranging from dual purpose anti-powered armor rounds, to anti-vehicular and cratering rounds. The tactical nukes arrived last, adding their hellfire into the mix. The spotters could not see the display, already having moved into nearby fox holes in order to weather the incoming firestorm.
OOC: sorry for the length of the post, but there was a lot being done and a lot that had to be said. ~_~
The exchanges between the defending and attacking forces were by now clearly evident in the surface of the planet. Major cities laid plunged into darkness for the most part, pirate planetary defenses darkening the skies as they burned alongside the crashed hulks of Draconis troop transports and fighters which had been plucked from the skies and scattered over the planetary surface. Deep beneath the planetary surface the planetary command centers analyzed the information presented to them. The fleet was gone, and it was unlikely that they would return for some time. The orders for the fleet in this scenario were well known and understood. The Draconis forces had begun landing, and thus the defense of the world now moved on to its second phase.
Hill 617
The enemy had begun to land, choosing a landing spot exactly one thousand nine hundred and seventy three meters from the hill. The hill was currently occupied by five pirate pathfinders, their light powered armor suits blending in almost flawlessly with the surrounding vegetation. The suits were adequate for the task, masking their IR signatures as well as shielding them from optical sensors. Nonetheless, the suits were only part of their job. Each pathfinder also possessed a compact but powerful spotting and observation equipment system. This particular unit had been outfitted with floater made equipment, which was certainly reliable and capable.
The unit on the hill took great pains to watch the developing situation as the Draconis landing craft made ground fall and the troops began to disembark. All the information was relayed back to the nearest planetary command link through secure and encrypted channels, usually through fiber-optic, laser, or encoded directional bursts. When the theater shield began to be setup, a mutter escaped multiple lips; the information relayed back to command as the air ionized and the shield was brought on line. The armor and troops which were unloaded were noted and reported, the fixed artillery was the biggest concern and was immediately reported. Eventually, command ordered the operation to proceed.
Hills 617, 618, 619, 620
Four different pathfinder squads activated their range finders, the information fed directly to command as the data was passed along to the units that needed them. The spotting equipment revolved around an UV laser which kissed an intended target in order for its precise location to be given over to command. Over twenty different spotters worked their magic, feeding the defenders the necessary information. It took less than forty five seconds for the spotters to work their magic, and the defenders of the world to announce their intentions in a grand fashion.
14th Artillery Brigade
The brigade had been laying in wait since the beginning of hostilities, their visual and thermal signatures masked beneath their camouflage. The entire brigade was composed of exactly one hundred 200mm artillery pieces and twenty five MLRS batteries. They had been kept up to date with information from command and had been tasked with playing a crucial role with the destruction of the enemies landing zone. Targetting data was provided by friendly spotters, the coordinates fed into the brigade wide targeting link. The presence of a theater shield was an unexpected development, but not one that had not been planned against. Everyone hated competent adversaries, and the commanding officer of the 14th was no exception. The 14th coordinated with a handful of more mobile artillery and the 15th brigade based units before a proper attack was formulated.
Draconis Landing Zone
The first rounds aimed towards the Draconis landing zone were fired from two mobile batteries, each composed of ten guns each. These rounds sped towards their targets, sixteen 200mm artillery shells in a ballistic trajectory with four large rocket rounds arching in a similar pattern. Draconis point defense immediately engaged them, but these rounds were not designed to reach the draconis landing zone simply to reach close enough to them to perform their task. Twelve of the inbound artillery shells were kissed by Draconis point defense and vaporized, while two of the rockets met a similar fate. The survivors reached their designated target area and broke apart, releasing clouds of chaff and a handful of sophisticated ECM generators. Before the realization could sink in as to the reasons why the rounds were fired, the 14th and 15th Artillery Brigades greeted the Draconis landing zone with a roar.
Over two hundred 200mm artillery pieces fired as one, a time on target barrage meant to arrive on the Draconis landing zone within milliseconds of the other. The 14th and 15th Brigades were located over sixty kilometers behind the Draconis landing zones, well within the envelope of their weapons. Fifty MLRS vehicles emptied their four rockets into the fray, adding another two hundred inbound signatures to the landing zone. Draconis point defense responded, but it had to deal with a variety of hindrances. The ECM generators from the nearest city located a mere fifteen kilometers away were shifted towards the landing zone, adding its taunting electronic interference to duel with Draconis point defense sensors. The chaff rounds which had heralded the assault hindered the millimeter wave radar of fire finding sensors. In the end, over half of the incoming salvos were still destroyed. That nonetheless, left over one hundred and eighty rounds to assail the shields.
20cm artillery rounds exploded over the theater shields protecting the Draconis beneath, the explosions seeming as one hundred rounds went off as one solid thunder. The eighty surviving rockets were an odd mix of sub-munitions rounds, tactical nuclear rounds in the 1-5 kt range and x-ray laser warheads. The x-ray lasers went of first, the nuclear core within the rockets generating an x-ray laser which was aimed towards the target. The sub-munitions then landed, exploding like hail over the draconis shield each missile held hundreds of sub-munitions ranging from dual purpose anti-powered armor rounds, to anti-vehicular and cratering rounds. The tactical nukes arrived last, adding their hellfire into the mix. The spotters could not see the display, already having moved into nearby fox holes in order to weather the incoming firestorm.
OOC: sorry for the length of the post, but there was a lot being done and a lot that had to be said. ~_~
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
Amarr System: Capital City
The streets were empty, but it wasn't a quiet day. Shots and bomb blast rang out spliting the air. Fires were starting all over the city. It was like this everywhere. The revolt had spread. After making it impossible to transport troops in the country side the slaves and freedmen had begun attacks in the cities.
Last night various enforcer stations in the capital had been firebombed. Gun battles had broke out in the dawn.
Major Franks had led his troops in the capital and made his HQ in a basement of some clothes store. From there he was directing a gurillia war against the enforcers and few remaining military units.
The Amarr navy had begun transfering men down to the surface in large numbers, went meant that soon the UP navy would arrive.
Gathering Point system, UP space
Admiral Tzu had just returned from leave and was going over readiness reports when the order arrived. It sparked a grin. He stood up and hit the call button on his terminal, it flashed to the commodores and flag captains of the fleet.
"As of today 1400 hours we are ordered to proceed to the Amarr system, engage the their navy if it resist and support the rebel facton in that worlds cival war. We move out in 9 hours, that is all."
The streets were empty, but it wasn't a quiet day. Shots and bomb blast rang out spliting the air. Fires were starting all over the city. It was like this everywhere. The revolt had spread. After making it impossible to transport troops in the country side the slaves and freedmen had begun attacks in the cities.
Last night various enforcer stations in the capital had been firebombed. Gun battles had broke out in the dawn.
Major Franks had led his troops in the capital and made his HQ in a basement of some clothes store. From there he was directing a gurillia war against the enforcers and few remaining military units.
The Amarr navy had begun transfering men down to the surface in large numbers, went meant that soon the UP navy would arrive.
Gathering Point system, UP space
Admiral Tzu had just returned from leave and was going over readiness reports when the order arrived. It sparked a grin. He stood up and hit the call button on his terminal, it flashed to the commodores and flag captains of the fleet.
"As of today 1400 hours we are ordered to proceed to the Amarr system, engage the their navy if it resist and support the rebel facton in that worlds cival war. We move out in 9 hours, that is all."

- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
StromHold System, UP space
The last of the ships slated for the new 5th fleet begun their voyage to Lastport, 3 Rebecca class heavy carriers.
However this news did not bring about a slowdown of the yards above StormHold, in fact the opposite has the factories churned at high speed to produce the parts needed to build more ships, fighters, powered armor suits and other weapons of war.
Every citizen of the UP over the age of 6 knew about the Ouster threat and was convinced that war was coming. Every citizen has determined to win that war has well.
The last of the ships slated for the new 5th fleet begun their voyage to Lastport, 3 Rebecca class heavy carriers.
However this news did not bring about a slowdown of the yards above StormHold, in fact the opposite has the factories churned at high speed to produce the parts needed to build more ships, fighters, powered armor suits and other weapons of war.
Every citizen of the UP over the age of 6 knew about the Ouster threat and was convinced that war was coming. Every citizen has determined to win that war has well.

- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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[VNN] Veithan News Network
Unknown task force hunted down and exterminated by accord forces
According to various military sources, Veithan forces in conjunction with Ravenlock and Gladshiem forces engaged and destroyed a task force of unknown ships which had been heading towards Veithan space while seeking to evade accord forces. The unknown task force was sought in conjunction with its presence near the Ravenlock sponsored trade fair. It is alleged that the task force was positioning itself to possibly attack the trade fair, and according to Ravenlock sources a handful of “agents” were discovered within the fair itself.
When the task force was caught in the sensors of the Ravenlock ships tasked with the defense of the trade fair, the task force attempted to fleet the scene. Ships from the Veithan Empire and the Grand Empire moved in to assist and give chase to the unknown forces in conjunction with Ravenlock forces. The task force was eventually pinned down and destroyed with direct assistance from the Veithan sixth fleet. The enemy task force was destroyed outright beneath the numerical superiority of the accord forces. Veithan losses were relatively light, two frigates the VNS Alluring Light and the VNS Praetor were destroyed, while two other frigates, two heavy frigates and a single cruiser were crippled. Ravenlock forces as well suffered minor damage, including one destroyed corvette, with an additional two corvettes, one frigate and one destroyer crippled. The forces of the Grand Empire did not suffer any casualties.
Admiral Zia Valar, commanding officer of the Veithan sixth fleet was quoted as saying the following. “The forces of the accord acted admirably and bravely in seeking out this threat and eliminating it. I can say without hesitation that while the sixth fleet could have defeated the hostile task force by itself, the forces of our allies under the command of Admiral Radim of the Ravenlock and Admiral Tjoehorn of the Gladshiem spared all our forces more significant casualties. It was a pleasure working with accord forces, and I hope that it is a sign of the increasing unity between our nations.” It has been noted that since the destruction of the task force the Veithan diplomatic office has been particularly interested in exchanging information with the KSE embassy. The reasons for these exchanges are as of yet, unclear.
Veithan government purchases U.P mining equipment
The Veithan government has acknowledged its purchase of U.P made mining equipment. Relations between the two powers has been cool over the last half a year or so, the Veithan embassy in Lastport widely known as being the least active diplomatic point in the Empire. Nonetheless, relations seem to be warming between the powers. According to various sources, the purchase of the mining equipment was “substantial”. The U.P is well known as possessing some of the best technology in known space for such matters, the purchase did not surprise many analysts.
A senior interstellar relations professor in the University of Duripant had this to say. ”The U.P and Veithan Empire are both central nations in known space today. Both nations have made efforts to create alliances, and both nations have succeeded. The diplomatic ties were bound to strengthen sooner or later and this purchase seems to indicate that the Veithan Empire is doing what it can to strengthen relations between both nations. The purchase makes economic sense as well, since it would be difficult if not impossible for the Empire to compete with the superior knowledge and expertise of the U.P when it comes to underground exploitation. It is my belief that the ties between both nations will continue to strengthen.”
Piracy down seventy five percent in Veithan sphere
Records obtained from the Miheri Republic, the Manasan Star Nations, The Kalderi Star Nation and the Anasazi along with information provided by the Veithan Empire all show that piracy is down in our local area of space by well over seventy five percent. The dramatic fall of piracy in the so called “Veithan Sphere” can be directly attributed to the increased level of cooperation between all the aforementioned nations and the accord itself. The Miheri Republic and Manasan Star Nation in particular have been making great strides in modernizing their navy, and building new ships to patrol their space. These patrols have been coordinate with the Veithan fourth fleet, the end result being the seizure of over two dozen pirate vessels and the outright destruction, of eighteen over the last two months.
The Veithan sphere has become a bad place for piracy, and the situation seems to show no sign of ending with the recent announcement that the Kalderi Star Nation like the Miheri and Manasan nations has been granted wider access to Veithan military technology.
The future of the Veithan Navy: The VNS Ameretat and VNS Druj
The Veithan navy takes great pride in its role as the first line of defense against the Veithan Empire and the primary instrument of the Empire to exert its influence and power. These warships have served the Empire well since its founding and that tradition shows no signs of stopping. The future of the Veithan Navy rests within two new designs, the VNS Ameretat slated to become, the first dreadnought of the fleet to incorporate a new design in over two decades and the VNS Druj, the first battleship to do the same.
According to many military analysts the current Veithan dreadnoughts and battleships while potent, are no longer utilizing state of the art technology. The latest dreadnought, the VNS Crucible of Fire is slated to be the final ship of her class. In an interview with Arnaud D. Belancan, admiral of the first fleet the predictable questions were touched upon as to why these new warships are to become the future of the Veithan Navy.
Adm. Belancan: “The Ameretat and the Druj along with their sister ships are slated to become the core of the seventh fleet. When finished, these vessels will take their place as some of the most powerful warships in the stars, and certainly the most potent warships ever built by the Veithan Empire.”
VNN: “What is it about the Ameretat and the Druj that make them so appealing?”
Adm. Belancan: “These designs are evolutionary for the most part, that is to say that they incorporate a great deal of existing technology. However, they do possess certain revolutionary aspects. The Ameretat for example will be slightly larger than present Dreadnought designs, but will possess a significant increase in firepower and capability. These ships will incorporate state of the art technology and a few new designs that have only recently been made available. Most of these are classified, but I can tell you this much. The Ameretat may have equals in space, but it will not have superiors.”
VNN: “Are some of these new breakthroughs related to anomalies detected in Sinq Laison?”
Adm. Belancan: “Sinq Laison is one of the primary testing grounds for the Veithan Navy. As such, I can say that yes, some of the systems incorporated in this next generation Veithan ships are certainly related to tests carried out in Sinq Laison among them being a more efficient hyperspace drive, which requires less energy to cross the hyperspace threshold. The civilian markets stand to benefit from this new technology as well. University of Caille scientists are currently working with Zenith technologies in an attempt to produce the first commercially available hyperspace drive utilizing the new technology.”
VNN: “In your estimation, are the costs that are going into these ships and naval expansion of the fleet a necessary investment in the future of the Empire?
Adm. Belancan: “In my own biased opinion? Absolutely. A powerful navy is an absolute necessity in these trying times. I have spent forty years in the navy, and I cannot recall a more troubled time period since the genocide wars. Over the last year, several star nations have seized to be. If the Empire is to endure, it will require potent and capable armed forces. A star navy most of all. The Ameretat and the Druj are being built to insure that our people and our way of life, is protected.”
VNN: “thank you for your time admiral.”
Unknown task force hunted down and exterminated by accord forces
According to various military sources, Veithan forces in conjunction with Ravenlock and Gladshiem forces engaged and destroyed a task force of unknown ships which had been heading towards Veithan space while seeking to evade accord forces. The unknown task force was sought in conjunction with its presence near the Ravenlock sponsored trade fair. It is alleged that the task force was positioning itself to possibly attack the trade fair, and according to Ravenlock sources a handful of “agents” were discovered within the fair itself.
When the task force was caught in the sensors of the Ravenlock ships tasked with the defense of the trade fair, the task force attempted to fleet the scene. Ships from the Veithan Empire and the Grand Empire moved in to assist and give chase to the unknown forces in conjunction with Ravenlock forces. The task force was eventually pinned down and destroyed with direct assistance from the Veithan sixth fleet. The enemy task force was destroyed outright beneath the numerical superiority of the accord forces. Veithan losses were relatively light, two frigates the VNS Alluring Light and the VNS Praetor were destroyed, while two other frigates, two heavy frigates and a single cruiser were crippled. Ravenlock forces as well suffered minor damage, including one destroyed corvette, with an additional two corvettes, one frigate and one destroyer crippled. The forces of the Grand Empire did not suffer any casualties.
Admiral Zia Valar, commanding officer of the Veithan sixth fleet was quoted as saying the following. “The forces of the accord acted admirably and bravely in seeking out this threat and eliminating it. I can say without hesitation that while the sixth fleet could have defeated the hostile task force by itself, the forces of our allies under the command of Admiral Radim of the Ravenlock and Admiral Tjoehorn of the Gladshiem spared all our forces more significant casualties. It was a pleasure working with accord forces, and I hope that it is a sign of the increasing unity between our nations.” It has been noted that since the destruction of the task force the Veithan diplomatic office has been particularly interested in exchanging information with the KSE embassy. The reasons for these exchanges are as of yet, unclear.
Veithan government purchases U.P mining equipment
The Veithan government has acknowledged its purchase of U.P made mining equipment. Relations between the two powers has been cool over the last half a year or so, the Veithan embassy in Lastport widely known as being the least active diplomatic point in the Empire. Nonetheless, relations seem to be warming between the powers. According to various sources, the purchase of the mining equipment was “substantial”. The U.P is well known as possessing some of the best technology in known space for such matters, the purchase did not surprise many analysts.
A senior interstellar relations professor in the University of Duripant had this to say. ”The U.P and Veithan Empire are both central nations in known space today. Both nations have made efforts to create alliances, and both nations have succeeded. The diplomatic ties were bound to strengthen sooner or later and this purchase seems to indicate that the Veithan Empire is doing what it can to strengthen relations between both nations. The purchase makes economic sense as well, since it would be difficult if not impossible for the Empire to compete with the superior knowledge and expertise of the U.P when it comes to underground exploitation. It is my belief that the ties between both nations will continue to strengthen.”
Piracy down seventy five percent in Veithan sphere
Records obtained from the Miheri Republic, the Manasan Star Nations, The Kalderi Star Nation and the Anasazi along with information provided by the Veithan Empire all show that piracy is down in our local area of space by well over seventy five percent. The dramatic fall of piracy in the so called “Veithan Sphere” can be directly attributed to the increased level of cooperation between all the aforementioned nations and the accord itself. The Miheri Republic and Manasan Star Nation in particular have been making great strides in modernizing their navy, and building new ships to patrol their space. These patrols have been coordinate with the Veithan fourth fleet, the end result being the seizure of over two dozen pirate vessels and the outright destruction, of eighteen over the last two months.
The Veithan sphere has become a bad place for piracy, and the situation seems to show no sign of ending with the recent announcement that the Kalderi Star Nation like the Miheri and Manasan nations has been granted wider access to Veithan military technology.
The future of the Veithan Navy: The VNS Ameretat and VNS Druj
The Veithan navy takes great pride in its role as the first line of defense against the Veithan Empire and the primary instrument of the Empire to exert its influence and power. These warships have served the Empire well since its founding and that tradition shows no signs of stopping. The future of the Veithan Navy rests within two new designs, the VNS Ameretat slated to become, the first dreadnought of the fleet to incorporate a new design in over two decades and the VNS Druj, the first battleship to do the same.
According to many military analysts the current Veithan dreadnoughts and battleships while potent, are no longer utilizing state of the art technology. The latest dreadnought, the VNS Crucible of Fire is slated to be the final ship of her class. In an interview with Arnaud D. Belancan, admiral of the first fleet the predictable questions were touched upon as to why these new warships are to become the future of the Veithan Navy.
Adm. Belancan: “The Ameretat and the Druj along with their sister ships are slated to become the core of the seventh fleet. When finished, these vessels will take their place as some of the most powerful warships in the stars, and certainly the most potent warships ever built by the Veithan Empire.”
VNN: “What is it about the Ameretat and the Druj that make them so appealing?”
Adm. Belancan: “These designs are evolutionary for the most part, that is to say that they incorporate a great deal of existing technology. However, they do possess certain revolutionary aspects. The Ameretat for example will be slightly larger than present Dreadnought designs, but will possess a significant increase in firepower and capability. These ships will incorporate state of the art technology and a few new designs that have only recently been made available. Most of these are classified, but I can tell you this much. The Ameretat may have equals in space, but it will not have superiors.”
VNN: “Are some of these new breakthroughs related to anomalies detected in Sinq Laison?”
Adm. Belancan: “Sinq Laison is one of the primary testing grounds for the Veithan Navy. As such, I can say that yes, some of the systems incorporated in this next generation Veithan ships are certainly related to tests carried out in Sinq Laison among them being a more efficient hyperspace drive, which requires less energy to cross the hyperspace threshold. The civilian markets stand to benefit from this new technology as well. University of Caille scientists are currently working with Zenith technologies in an attempt to produce the first commercially available hyperspace drive utilizing the new technology.”
VNN: “In your estimation, are the costs that are going into these ships and naval expansion of the fleet a necessary investment in the future of the Empire?
Adm. Belancan: “In my own biased opinion? Absolutely. A powerful navy is an absolute necessity in these trying times. I have spent forty years in the navy, and I cannot recall a more troubled time period since the genocide wars. Over the last year, several star nations have seized to be. If the Empire is to endure, it will require potent and capable armed forces. A star navy most of all. The Ameretat and the Druj are being built to insure that our people and our way of life, is protected.”
VNN: “thank you for your time admiral.”
- Alyrium Denryle
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"Captain Nevir, Optical scanners are pocking up spotter range finders, they are using UV lasers, thankfully the dust from landing has scattered some of the light allowing us to pick it up(even UV is affected by this, it is still EM radiation)"Hill 617
The enemy had begun to land, choosing a landing spot exactly one thousand nine hundred and seventy three meters from the hill. The hill was currently occupied by five pirate pathfinders, their light powered armor suits blending in almost flawlessly with the surrounding vegetation. The suits were adequate for the task, masking their IR signatures as well as shielding them from optical sensors. Nonetheless, the suits were only part of their job. Each pathfinder also possessed a compact but powerful spotting and observation equipment system. This particular unit had been outfitted with floater made equipment, which was certainly reliable and capable.
The unit on the hill took great pains to watch the developing situation as the Draconis landing craft made ground fall and the troops began to disembark. All the information was relayed back to the nearest planetary command link through secure and encrypted channels, usually through fiber-optic, laser, or encoded directional bursts. When the theater shield began to be setup, a mutter escaped multiple lips; the information relayed back to command as the air ionized and the shield was brought on line. The armor and troops which were unloaded were noted and reported, the fixed artillery was the biggest concern and was immediately reported. Eventually, command ordered the operation to proceed.
Four different pathfinder squads activated their range finders, the information fed directly to command as the data was passed along to the units that needed them. The spotting equipment revolved around an UV laser which kissed an intended target in order for its precise location to be given over to command. Over twenty different spotters worked their magic, feeding the defenders the necessary information. It took less than forty five seconds for the spotters to work their magic, and the defenders of the world to announce their intentions in a grand fashion.
"Brace for impact!"
14th Artillery Brigade
The brigade had been laying in wait since the beginning of hostilities, their visual and thermal signatures masked beneath their camouflage. The entire brigade was composed of exactly one hundred 200mm artillery pieces and twenty five MLRS batteries. They had been kept up to date with information from command and had been tasked with playing a crucial role with the destruction of the enemies landing zone. Targetting data was provided by friendly spotters, the coordinates fed into the brigade wide targeting link. The presence of a theater shield was an unexpected development, but not one that had not been planned against. Everyone hated competent adversaries, and the commanding officer of the 14th was no exception. The 14th coordinated with a handful of more mobile artillery and the 15th brigade based units before a proper attack was formulated.
"Those were balistic missiles, tracing their trajectories(doable with simple trig). Here are the coordinates, give them to the railgun batteries"Draconis Landing Zone
The first rounds aimed towards the Draconis landing zone were fired from two mobile batteries, each composed of ten guns each. These rounds sped towards their targets, sixteen 200mm artillery shells in a ballistic trajectory with four large rocket rounds arching in a similar pattern. Draconis point defense immediately engaged them, but these rounds were not designed to reach the draconis landing zone simply to reach close enough to them to perform their task. Twelve of the inbound artillery shells were kissed by Draconis point defense and vaporized, while two of the rockets met a similar fate. The survivors reached their designated target area and broke apart, releasing clouds of chaff and a handful of sophisticated ECM generators. Before the realization could sink in as to the reasons why the rounds were fired, the 14th and 15th Artillery Brigades greeted the Draconis landing zone with a roar.
The corrdinates were fed to the fixed railguns and they opened fire. The guns not even needing a targeting array merely a set of coordinates. The solid projectiles flew through the air at multiple times the speed of sound and landed on the mobile artillery in a rain of destruction before the could even move from their locations
The shields held for the time being. Point defense set on flak burts, and simple optical sensors providing the Mark 3 defense grid guns with more than enough sensor data. Especially after the ECCM from the landing raft was activated on such short range.Over two hundred 200mm artillery pieces fired as one, a time on target barrage meant to arrive on the Draconis landing zone within milliseconds of the other. The 14th and 15th Brigades were located over sixty kilometers behind the Draconis landing zones, well within the envelope of their weapons. Fifty MLRS vehicles emptied their four rockets into the fray, adding another two hundred inbound signatures to the landing zone. Draconis point defense responded, but it had to deal with a variety of hindrances. The ECM generators from the nearest city located a mere fifteen kilometers away were shifted towards the landing zone, adding its taunting electronic interference to duel with Draconis point defense sensors. The chaff rounds which had heralded the assault hindered the millimeter wave radar of fire finding sensors. In the end, over half of the incoming salvos were still destroyed. That nonetheless, left over one hundred and eighty rounds to assail the shields.
20cm artillery rounds exploded over the theater shields protecting the Draconis beneath, the explosions seeming as one hundred rounds went off as one solid thunder. The eighty surviving rockets were an odd mix of sub-munitions rounds, tactical nuclear rounds in the 1-5 kt range and x-ray laser warheads. The x-ray lasers went of first, the nuclear core within the rockets generating an x-ray laser which was aimed towards the target. The sub-munitions then landed, exploding like hail over the draconis shield each missile held hundreds of sub-munitions ranging from dual purpose anti-powered armor rounds, to anti-vehicular and cratering rounds. The tactical nukes arrived last, adding their hellfire into the mix. The spotters could not see the display, already having moved into nearby fox holes in order to weather the incoming firestorm.
The heat signatures and mathamatically calcuated trajectories of all that artillery made it rather easy to fire upon enemy armor and artillery in counterbattery fire. The rough coordinates were fed up to the ships in orbit, and what amounted wo a sweeping search with multiple megaton directed energy weapons and planet bound artillery fire was begun.
Particle beams fom space rained death upon the helpless artillery brigades corrdinates, just as solid projectile fire brought down metal doom from the heavens.
At about the same time, the spotters met a horrible fate inside their foxholes as the hulls were hit with artillery fire and the holes collapsed on them.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
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Unfortunatly, for some of the less organized units who where just landing, didnt get a shield up on time and peroshed in nuclear fire.
COmmon sense addendum: Orbital fire is reserved for outliers from populated areas for obvious reasons.
COmmon sense addendum: Orbital fire is reserved for outliers from populated areas for obvious reasons.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Marcao
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Pirate Base World
The battle was fully joined, the enemies landing zone sought to be destroyed by the forces of the besieged world. Already the first enemy wave had been smashed, and the second had been mauled before it landing. Nonetheless, sixty or so Draconis troop transports now resided in the landing zone, and sensor data suggested that more awaited in the planet above. Estimates placed the enemy casualties somewhere in the three hundred thousand range but that still left an estimated one hundred and seventy thousand Draconis on the surface of the world. The numbers were not surprising, large amounts of troops were necessary to occupy a world, just like large numbers were needed to properly garrison one. The planet’s information grid was abuzz with information, and while coordination between various pirate factions was adequate, it was still less than hoped. Impending death was a great motivator, as was the realization that if they lost, they would not only lose their lives, but everything they had worked to build in the world.
Hills 617, 618, 619, 620
The Draconis counter fire was horrendous, the hills peppered with a mix of fire that tore asunder the ground in their angry search for those that had called down the fearsome fire upon their landing zone. The fox holes of the scouts were deep, but not deep enough to survive the array of fire leveled against them. The hills were literally torn apart by explosion after explosion, and like ant eater seeking its prey, it would not be denied. All the scouts killed beneath the rage of Draconis guns, the hills falling silent.
14th Artillery Brigade
A duel of artillery depended on many things, speed and information being chief among them. Even with the planetary ECM, the brigade understood that staying still for prolonged periods of time against a modern adversary was suicide. The Brigade began to move immediately after the first salvo was in the air, a secondary position already chosen. When the Draconis shells began to fall, they were for the most part quite incapable of directly affecting the 14th Brigade. Indirectly however, they had their effect and through sheer misfortune, shots that would have been clean misses before the brigade moved, became threatening and at times, deadly.
Twelve mobile artillery pieces were damaged; eight were unlucky enough to be outright destroyed as the Brigade moved towards its new destination. The MLRS vehicles fared much better, since their location had been obfuscated by some of the rounds employed. It was unfortunate, that not only the 14th suffered however. The Draconis rounds landed among various nearby civilian structures, sundering them like eggshells beneath the hands of some unseen god. Hundreds died and thousands were injured beneath the rage of Draconis weapons. The 14th like many of the planetary defenders had sought shelter from the fleet above near major and minor cities. The 14th was currently residing in the edges of such a structure, home to slightly over one hundred thousand souls. It was not fair, but it was what it was. In order to defend the world, sacrifices had to be made.
15th Artillery Brigade
The 15th was not as lucky as its sister and suffered far more damage. Over half of the artillery vehicles were damaged, with a twenty outright destroyed. The MLRS vehicles were once again untouched, but their primary supply depot was pierced by a particle beam and its destruction forced the depleted vehicles, to change course towards a secondary depot.
Defense Command
The loss of the primary spotters was expected, and already secondary squads were moving into position supported by remote scout drones. Nonetheless, they would not be in position immediately, and the data which the spotters had provided should still be accurate. Orders were given out, pirate forces losing themselves in the planetary surface as they emerged in pre-arranged rally points from their underground facilities. The landing zones had to be contained, at any cost. The fact that the Draconis had not engaged cities directly, hinted at their weakness. They wanted to win over the population by not targeting cities directly, but that simply meant that they would have to fight all the forces located there. If the Draconis lacked the stomach to do what was necessary, then the pirate forces were truly fortunate.
Draconis Landing Zone
The second barrage from the 14th and 15th Artillery Brigades was heavier than the first, primarily due to the joining of the 12th and 13th which had maneuvered into extreme range of the landing zone coordinates. Furthermore, various mobile elements usually mounting no more than ten guns, answered the call. The biggest surprise was the intervention of the pirate navy. Half a dozen submarines added over four hundred nap of the earth flying cruise missiles towards the target areas all timed to arrive within seconds of the artillery barrage, two wings of VTOL aircraft (128 in total) rallied towards the target area, ready to add their own firepower to the mix and utilizing the nap of the earth as well as planetary ECM to great effect. The battle for the surface of the planet was only beginning.
The battle was fully joined, the enemies landing zone sought to be destroyed by the forces of the besieged world. Already the first enemy wave had been smashed, and the second had been mauled before it landing. Nonetheless, sixty or so Draconis troop transports now resided in the landing zone, and sensor data suggested that more awaited in the planet above. Estimates placed the enemy casualties somewhere in the three hundred thousand range but that still left an estimated one hundred and seventy thousand Draconis on the surface of the world. The numbers were not surprising, large amounts of troops were necessary to occupy a world, just like large numbers were needed to properly garrison one. The planet’s information grid was abuzz with information, and while coordination between various pirate factions was adequate, it was still less than hoped. Impending death was a great motivator, as was the realization that if they lost, they would not only lose their lives, but everything they had worked to build in the world.
Hills 617, 618, 619, 620
The Draconis counter fire was horrendous, the hills peppered with a mix of fire that tore asunder the ground in their angry search for those that had called down the fearsome fire upon their landing zone. The fox holes of the scouts were deep, but not deep enough to survive the array of fire leveled against them. The hills were literally torn apart by explosion after explosion, and like ant eater seeking its prey, it would not be denied. All the scouts killed beneath the rage of Draconis guns, the hills falling silent.
14th Artillery Brigade
A duel of artillery depended on many things, speed and information being chief among them. Even with the planetary ECM, the brigade understood that staying still for prolonged periods of time against a modern adversary was suicide. The Brigade began to move immediately after the first salvo was in the air, a secondary position already chosen. When the Draconis shells began to fall, they were for the most part quite incapable of directly affecting the 14th Brigade. Indirectly however, they had their effect and through sheer misfortune, shots that would have been clean misses before the brigade moved, became threatening and at times, deadly.
Twelve mobile artillery pieces were damaged; eight were unlucky enough to be outright destroyed as the Brigade moved towards its new destination. The MLRS vehicles fared much better, since their location had been obfuscated by some of the rounds employed. It was unfortunate, that not only the 14th suffered however. The Draconis rounds landed among various nearby civilian structures, sundering them like eggshells beneath the hands of some unseen god. Hundreds died and thousands were injured beneath the rage of Draconis weapons. The 14th like many of the planetary defenders had sought shelter from the fleet above near major and minor cities. The 14th was currently residing in the edges of such a structure, home to slightly over one hundred thousand souls. It was not fair, but it was what it was. In order to defend the world, sacrifices had to be made.
15th Artillery Brigade
The 15th was not as lucky as its sister and suffered far more damage. Over half of the artillery vehicles were damaged, with a twenty outright destroyed. The MLRS vehicles were once again untouched, but their primary supply depot was pierced by a particle beam and its destruction forced the depleted vehicles, to change course towards a secondary depot.
Defense Command
The loss of the primary spotters was expected, and already secondary squads were moving into position supported by remote scout drones. Nonetheless, they would not be in position immediately, and the data which the spotters had provided should still be accurate. Orders were given out, pirate forces losing themselves in the planetary surface as they emerged in pre-arranged rally points from their underground facilities. The landing zones had to be contained, at any cost. The fact that the Draconis had not engaged cities directly, hinted at their weakness. They wanted to win over the population by not targeting cities directly, but that simply meant that they would have to fight all the forces located there. If the Draconis lacked the stomach to do what was necessary, then the pirate forces were truly fortunate.
Draconis Landing Zone
The second barrage from the 14th and 15th Artillery Brigades was heavier than the first, primarily due to the joining of the 12th and 13th which had maneuvered into extreme range of the landing zone coordinates. Furthermore, various mobile elements usually mounting no more than ten guns, answered the call. The biggest surprise was the intervention of the pirate navy. Half a dozen submarines added over four hundred nap of the earth flying cruise missiles towards the target areas all timed to arrive within seconds of the artillery barrage, two wings of VTOL aircraft (128 in total) rallied towards the target area, ready to add their own firepower to the mix and utilizing the nap of the earth as well as planetary ECM to great effect. The battle for the surface of the planet was only beginning.
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-07-11 02:10pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Rogue 9
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NRS Starfire, departing Verling Station
Captain Cranmer took his duties seriously. His last major combat action, against the mysterious cloaked attackers several months ago, had ended in failure, and driving away the occasional pirate corvette and bringing in smugglers just wasn't the same. He'd drilled his crew hard since the mine attack, and his crew had become quite adept at reducing asteroids into multiple smaller asteroids with great efficiency.
Now there was finally something to do. Word had reached Command of a massive attack by the Draconis navy upon the infamous New Tortuga, which had, as NRI analysts had feared, scattered the pirates to the winds without a base. They would need supplies, and the prime nearby targets were Pinnacle, Praetor, Stormhold in the United Protectorates, and Verling Station. The orders had been rapid and precise: Step up all patrols and ready to take part in Operation Justice of the Void. That op had been shelved for some time in the face of the Covenant, Jardanians, and Overseer. Now, with the pirates moving out into the spacelanes in force and no overt war in progress, was the perfect time to initiate the operation, Cranmer thought, and RSC Fleet Command apparently agreed with him. For now, he was riding close guard on this mechanical parts convoy until they could clear his patrol sector and be taken under the protection of the Joyous Gard forces. Soon, though, the action would be real. But that was no excuse to relax now, he thought, as he strode over to the sensor stations to peer over the shoulders of the operators at the readouts. The next few weeks would be busy indeed.
Captain Cranmer took his duties seriously. His last major combat action, against the mysterious cloaked attackers several months ago, had ended in failure, and driving away the occasional pirate corvette and bringing in smugglers just wasn't the same. He'd drilled his crew hard since the mine attack, and his crew had become quite adept at reducing asteroids into multiple smaller asteroids with great efficiency.
Now there was finally something to do. Word had reached Command of a massive attack by the Draconis navy upon the infamous New Tortuga, which had, as NRI analysts had feared, scattered the pirates to the winds without a base. They would need supplies, and the prime nearby targets were Pinnacle, Praetor, Stormhold in the United Protectorates, and Verling Station. The orders had been rapid and precise: Step up all patrols and ready to take part in Operation Justice of the Void. That op had been shelved for some time in the face of the Covenant, Jardanians, and Overseer. Now, with the pirates moving out into the spacelanes in force and no overt war in progress, was the perfect time to initiate the operation, Cranmer thought, and RSC Fleet Command apparently agreed with him. For now, he was riding close guard on this mechanical parts convoy until they could clear his patrol sector and be taken under the protection of the Joyous Gard forces. Soon, though, the action would be real. But that was no excuse to relax now, he thought, as he strode over to the sensor stations to peer over the shoulders of the operators at the readouts. The next few weeks would be busy indeed.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
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- Darksider
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(Phew, that's enough relaxing and 24 hour sleeping for this summer, let's get this bitch movin')Stormbringer wrote:"Such a pact would not be unwelcome. Do you have any particular terms in mind?"Darksider wrote:"Perhaps a mutual defence alliance would be prudent?"Stormbringer wrote:[Valhalla, Trondheim, Foreign Ministry]
"Ambassador Toorth, I understand that your government has recently broken with the Alliance. In this harsh galaxy, perhaps it would be wise to have some friends?"
The reference had been planted, it was a bit subtle but that was because few knew where the KSE now stood. The Krytos withdrawl had suprised many, but the Asgard were willing to make the best of the uppurtunity that had been given to them.
"Only that we watch out for each other, should anyone directly attack any one of our nations."
"Oh, and there may or may not be a Monacoarn representative who wishes to come to these talks, depending on how negotiations have gone with them."
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
- Rogue 9
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"Sir?" Russell was vexed. The Korrigal-trained Marine was not used to being ignored.Rogue 9 wrote:A little while later, two men in Nashtari uniforms came up to the Monacoran booth. One was the captain who had been selected for the demonstration. Surprisingly enough, it was the captain who spoke first.Straha wrote:Trade Conference, Demonstration Ship
The salesman stood up on the podium, surrounding him was a rather large assembly of army officers from various nations. It was the first time that the Monacoran Army had ever sold something at a trade show, ever. The majority of the crowd was looking towards the gun rack he had set up, but there was some confusion over why he had long rectangular boxes standing across from the rack on stage. Finally, just as he began his shpiel, the boxes opened showing suited dummies.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, today on this very fine occassion we present to you the MXC battle suit, Mark II. Today the Monacoran army is on the Mark V, but this one has some of the better features of the suit, including the month-long battery packs, actuators in the arms and legs to help deal with recoil and increase running speed respectivley, and the hydralic power in the suit which allows it to process waste and run even in situations where it has limited to no battery power. Would anyone out there like to help me with a demonstration?"
He already had his mark picked, a captain in what looked to be Nashtari uniform waving him on up he brought him to center stage.
"Here ye go sir, come here. This, this is the finest ground assault weapon you'll ever find, Army standard issue, Marine too, come on over now the dummy over there. Pick the four weakest points and fire a shot into each one of them. Come on, don't be shy!"
The soldier dropped to one knee, took careful aim, shouted out the warning that he was about to fire, and fired.
"Good job, nice work, come on over... see the rounds penetrated the upper layer of the armor, broke through the liquid, and got stopped in the second layer. Long before it would have touched human flesh. And if you wait just a minute the suit heals itself, and look there they go, the suit actually pushes the bullets out of it and then heals itself. If you ever get the chance to repair it out of battle it's simple, you simply cut out the damaged area, recognizable because it is off-colour, and put a patch in its place. After the suit heals it's good as new. The targeting systems inside the...."
The speech went on for ten more minutes, and the suits resilience to both flechette rounds, and its near invulnerability to most hand held laser guns. Finally he drew the pitch to a close, picking up a cylinder, pressing a button on it so the top dropped into four seperate pieces, still attached to the device.
"And finally ladies and gentlemen, whichever or whoever gets one of the four batches of two thousand suits also gets one hundred of these nifty devices thrown in for good measure. This is a 'Thaumoturgical Dampener', don't look at me I didn't pick the name, what it does is supress magic in a selected radius around it. With lower grade enchantments and spells it basically eliminates them, with higher grade enchantments, like a magically locked chest we've got around here which I'll show those who wish to see it after the show, it weakens there effect, making unopenable chests openable, with a little force. We'll also be selling plans for these devices later, though there are only a limited number of plans that we are going to sell. If none of this strikes your fancy, we've also got a T-Shirt stall somewhere in the main ship."
(OOC: Don't know how to plan the auction, if you guys want just PM me about how much you're willing to pay and how many batches at that price you're willing to buy.)
"Hello sir, I'm Captain Russell of the Republican Marines. This is Major Hanover, from the Army General Accounting Office. I liked what I saw in those combat suits you had me help test, and we would like to know more. May we talk about the capabilities of the armor? And if possible, I would like to try one on later if I may. Nothing like experiencing it for yourself."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
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HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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[VNN] Veithan News Network
Excerpts from the Interview with Crown Prince Jorm
Since his arrival upon Veitha III Crown Prince Jorm has been submersed in Veithan politics and lifestyles, the government taking an active step in making sure that their high profile guest has at his disposal all that the planet has to offer. During this time, the activities of the Crown Prince have been well documented by both VNN and a host of other local and interstellar news agencies. Recently, sources representing the Crown Prince contacted VNN and arranged for a private interview. The interview will run in its entirety two days from now. However, we here at VNN are offering a brief glance at pieces of the interview in this segment of VNN.
[Scene: Location is the current Gladsheim embassy, a well decorated room dominated by three chairs. The Crown Prince and his Veithan partner Dachlan are seated side by side, the Veithan reporter opposite them both in a triangular formation. At the edge of the room, by a door stand two Gladsheim guards in a formal posture.]
VNN: Crown Prince Jorm, you have resided in Veitha III for a significant amount of time. In your experiences what have you liked about your stay? What have you not liked? Are you considering establishing a permanent residence here?
Crown Prince Jorm: The Veithan people are very open and warm, and they have taken me in without prejudice or reservations. This is refreshing, from a Gladsheim point of view. We re a bit...reserved. It is just our way, I think. Though it was at first really startling to see people interested in you. At home, we just know everything about us. There is no need for this getting-to-know-each other. And I have to admit, the biggest thing I didn't like at first was being on a planet... It lacks my home's vast open spaces, our freedom... *Looking at Dachlan* I certainly think I will be spending a more permanent residence here. Not only to further tighten our nation’s relationship.
VNN: As a member of the Gladsheim and son of the Empress herself, you are in a unique position to consider where the future of the Veithan-Gladsheim alliance leads. Do you in your opinion see the alliance as being capable of existing even in a time unburdened by the conflicts that seem to present in this current time frame?
Crown Prince Jorm: I see no reason why not. Both our nations are at core peaceful and proceed along non-expansionist ways. We can both benefit from unique perspectives and knowledge. The joint-venture in Al-Quadim is quite successful, and there are many untapped gas giants in your space. We just have to weather through those external conflicts, and don't let ourselves be disturbed by the more reckless and unstable powers in this galaxy.
VNN: What is the extent of your relationship with the Veithan citizen Dachlan? What are your plans for the future?
Crown Prince Jorm: I would have to admit that I am deeply in love, and plan to make this relationship permanent. Today, we will be leaving for Gladsheim, as my mother requested to meet him.
[Dachlan] I was floored to know he's some kind of prince and all, and I'm just from a normal middle-class family. SO this is all a bit much for me. Though I, too, want this to work. We will just have to see how it turns out...
[Jorm] If mother likes you, and I'm sure she will, you will regret saying this. She can be protective. *insert laughter here*
VNN: In your opinion, what are the biggest concerns for the future of galactic stability?
Crown Prince Jorm: I must say that the biggest concern, from what I see, are this constant bickering and distrust between nations that leads to wars. If people were satisfied with what they have, they wouldn't constantly be on the look-out for someone to wage war with. We have no need for this, and are a mature society.
Excerpts from the Interview with Crown Prince Jorm
Since his arrival upon Veitha III Crown Prince Jorm has been submersed in Veithan politics and lifestyles, the government taking an active step in making sure that their high profile guest has at his disposal all that the planet has to offer. During this time, the activities of the Crown Prince have been well documented by both VNN and a host of other local and interstellar news agencies. Recently, sources representing the Crown Prince contacted VNN and arranged for a private interview. The interview will run in its entirety two days from now. However, we here at VNN are offering a brief glance at pieces of the interview in this segment of VNN.
[Scene: Location is the current Gladsheim embassy, a well decorated room dominated by three chairs. The Crown Prince and his Veithan partner Dachlan are seated side by side, the Veithan reporter opposite them both in a triangular formation. At the edge of the room, by a door stand two Gladsheim guards in a formal posture.]
VNN: Crown Prince Jorm, you have resided in Veitha III for a significant amount of time. In your experiences what have you liked about your stay? What have you not liked? Are you considering establishing a permanent residence here?
Crown Prince Jorm: The Veithan people are very open and warm, and they have taken me in without prejudice or reservations. This is refreshing, from a Gladsheim point of view. We re a bit...reserved. It is just our way, I think. Though it was at first really startling to see people interested in you. At home, we just know everything about us. There is no need for this getting-to-know-each other. And I have to admit, the biggest thing I didn't like at first was being on a planet... It lacks my home's vast open spaces, our freedom... *Looking at Dachlan* I certainly think I will be spending a more permanent residence here. Not only to further tighten our nation’s relationship.
VNN: As a member of the Gladsheim and son of the Empress herself, you are in a unique position to consider where the future of the Veithan-Gladsheim alliance leads. Do you in your opinion see the alliance as being capable of existing even in a time unburdened by the conflicts that seem to present in this current time frame?
Crown Prince Jorm: I see no reason why not. Both our nations are at core peaceful and proceed along non-expansionist ways. We can both benefit from unique perspectives and knowledge. The joint-venture in Al-Quadim is quite successful, and there are many untapped gas giants in your space. We just have to weather through those external conflicts, and don't let ourselves be disturbed by the more reckless and unstable powers in this galaxy.
VNN: What is the extent of your relationship with the Veithan citizen Dachlan? What are your plans for the future?
Crown Prince Jorm: I would have to admit that I am deeply in love, and plan to make this relationship permanent. Today, we will be leaving for Gladsheim, as my mother requested to meet him.
[Dachlan] I was floored to know he's some kind of prince and all, and I'm just from a normal middle-class family. SO this is all a bit much for me. Though I, too, want this to work. We will just have to see how it turns out...
[Jorm] If mother likes you, and I'm sure she will, you will regret saying this. She can be protective. *insert laughter here*
VNN: In your opinion, what are the biggest concerns for the future of galactic stability?
Crown Prince Jorm: I must say that the biggest concern, from what I see, are this constant bickering and distrust between nations that leads to wars. If people were satisfied with what they have, they wouldn't constantly be on the look-out for someone to wage war with. We have no need for this, and are a mature society.
- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Spider in the Web
Pirate Fleet
Known Space
The fleet had finally gathered together once more, the four quarters of the fleet that had spread out in order to confound any pursuit once more joining into a singular whole. Their current location was an asteroid belt well outside the jurisdiction of any known power. This was a secondary depot, a hollowed out asteroid that held within only the barest of necessities. The Pirate forces had existed for years before they had all gathered into a cohesive whole. It had been that unity that had allowed them to carve out their own world, and now, that world laid in jeopardy. The command staff which represent the four distinct pirate factions all boarded shuttles and met in person within the asteroid base. The mood was tense, the realization that all that they had worked hard to gain, was in the line fraying some nerves.
Voice 1: “Alright, now that we are all here we have to figure out what our next course of action will be. The good news are that obviously, most of our forces survived the Draconis trap intact. The fleet lost four escorts, but the rest of us got away with only shield damage. The early warning grid saved our ass, but without our world we are a distinct disadvantage. The majority of our secondary outposts do not have the number and depth of resources available. These are depots ladies and gentlemen, not bases. Our ability to repair damaged ships on our own is all but gone. On the plus side, we will not be running out of munitions or basic spare parts for sometime. We will be able to operate for a few months at least, assuming that we use our existing stockpiles of consumables wisely. The problem still remains that any ships that are damaged enough will have to utilize neutral facilities.”
Voice 2: “The Minmatar have never been terribly keen on asking too many questions. We could use their facilities could we not? We also have understanding with various other nations…”
Voice 1: “None of which can be relied upon in the clutch. Yes, the Minmatar are a real possibility but their space may be monitored now more than ever. According to data only recently made available to us by some of our allies, the Nashtar have increased their patrols as of late especially when guarding their spare part convoys. I expect that they will not be the only ones to take such steps.”
Voice 2: “We lost our primary base of operations, they must think that we will be desperate for supplies and parts.”
Voice 3: “Which very well could be the case if the wiser heads had not prevailed in our meetings all those years ago.”
Voice 4: “Point conceded. We move on, what can we do now? I especially want to hurt those Draconis bastards.”
Voice 1: “What we will do is waiting and see. We will utilize our usual means of gathering information and then, we shall see how we will act. The Draconis will live to learn the depth…of their mistake. However, we cannot simply rush blindly into Draconis space and charge their defenses. The Draconis have to take the world first, stop all resistance and turn it into a world that is productive to them. That will take weeks if not months. The Draconis may have the world now, but how long will that last? How much are they willing to suffer? How much are they willing to lose? I assure you gentlemen, we will find out. One way or another…”
Voice 2: “Agreed. We will wait and formulate a proper course of action, all of us shall see what information our information networks can grant us. How many of our depots are in working order?”
Voice 3: “Six.”
Voice 2: “What?! I was under the impression that we had no fewer than thirteen such depots!”
Voice 3: “At one point, yes we all had thirteen depots. However, my information here says that your faction lost one to enemy actions and another to disrepair.”
Voice 2: “…”
Voice 3: “Exactly. Furthermore, our depot in Anasazi space is no longer available to us.”
Voice 4: “Why not?”
Voice 3: “The Anasazi have recently begun to strengthen ties with the Veithan Empire and the Veithan allied nations. As I am certain you are aware of, the so called “Veithan Sphere” has been taking active and aggressive steps to purge pirate activities in their space. The Anasazi feel that revealing the presence of such a depot would be…counter productive to their national interests.”
Voice 4: “Wonderful. Of those six depots what can we expect from them?”
Voice 3: “The usual array of munitions and spare parts, two of them are thankfully our biggest manned and crewed since their construction. Two others are in a dormant stage, but their goods should still be untouched. The final two are buried caches, barely worth calling a depot.”
Voice 1: “We have already dispatched forces to ascertain the status of the last two depots, but even if they are complete losses, the other four should sustain us for at least half a year. Assuming of course, that none of our vessels require significant repairs and that we are prudent with our ordnance. That should be more than enough time. Personally, if we do not recapture the world within two and half months, I do not believe we will be able to do it at all.”
Known Space
The fleet had finally gathered together once more, the four quarters of the fleet that had spread out in order to confound any pursuit once more joining into a singular whole. Their current location was an asteroid belt well outside the jurisdiction of any known power. This was a secondary depot, a hollowed out asteroid that held within only the barest of necessities. The Pirate forces had existed for years before they had all gathered into a cohesive whole. It had been that unity that had allowed them to carve out their own world, and now, that world laid in jeopardy. The command staff which represent the four distinct pirate factions all boarded shuttles and met in person within the asteroid base. The mood was tense, the realization that all that they had worked hard to gain, was in the line fraying some nerves.
Voice 1: “Alright, now that we are all here we have to figure out what our next course of action will be. The good news are that obviously, most of our forces survived the Draconis trap intact. The fleet lost four escorts, but the rest of us got away with only shield damage. The early warning grid saved our ass, but without our world we are a distinct disadvantage. The majority of our secondary outposts do not have the number and depth of resources available. These are depots ladies and gentlemen, not bases. Our ability to repair damaged ships on our own is all but gone. On the plus side, we will not be running out of munitions or basic spare parts for sometime. We will be able to operate for a few months at least, assuming that we use our existing stockpiles of consumables wisely. The problem still remains that any ships that are damaged enough will have to utilize neutral facilities.”
Voice 2: “The Minmatar have never been terribly keen on asking too many questions. We could use their facilities could we not? We also have understanding with various other nations…”
Voice 1: “None of which can be relied upon in the clutch. Yes, the Minmatar are a real possibility but their space may be monitored now more than ever. According to data only recently made available to us by some of our allies, the Nashtar have increased their patrols as of late especially when guarding their spare part convoys. I expect that they will not be the only ones to take such steps.”
Voice 2: “We lost our primary base of operations, they must think that we will be desperate for supplies and parts.”
Voice 3: “Which very well could be the case if the wiser heads had not prevailed in our meetings all those years ago.”
Voice 4: “Point conceded. We move on, what can we do now? I especially want to hurt those Draconis bastards.”
Voice 1: “What we will do is waiting and see. We will utilize our usual means of gathering information and then, we shall see how we will act. The Draconis will live to learn the depth…of their mistake. However, we cannot simply rush blindly into Draconis space and charge their defenses. The Draconis have to take the world first, stop all resistance and turn it into a world that is productive to them. That will take weeks if not months. The Draconis may have the world now, but how long will that last? How much are they willing to suffer? How much are they willing to lose? I assure you gentlemen, we will find out. One way or another…”
Voice 2: “Agreed. We will wait and formulate a proper course of action, all of us shall see what information our information networks can grant us. How many of our depots are in working order?”
Voice 3: “Six.”
Voice 2: “What?! I was under the impression that we had no fewer than thirteen such depots!”
Voice 3: “At one point, yes we all had thirteen depots. However, my information here says that your faction lost one to enemy actions and another to disrepair.”
Voice 2: “…”
Voice 3: “Exactly. Furthermore, our depot in Anasazi space is no longer available to us.”
Voice 4: “Why not?”
Voice 3: “The Anasazi have recently begun to strengthen ties with the Veithan Empire and the Veithan allied nations. As I am certain you are aware of, the so called “Veithan Sphere” has been taking active and aggressive steps to purge pirate activities in their space. The Anasazi feel that revealing the presence of such a depot would be…counter productive to their national interests.”
Voice 4: “Wonderful. Of those six depots what can we expect from them?”
Voice 3: “The usual array of munitions and spare parts, two of them are thankfully our biggest manned and crewed since their construction. Two others are in a dormant stage, but their goods should still be untouched. The final two are buried caches, barely worth calling a depot.”
Voice 1: “We have already dispatched forces to ascertain the status of the last two depots, but even if they are complete losses, the other four should sustain us for at least half a year. Assuming of course, that none of our vessels require significant repairs and that we are prudent with our ordnance. That should be more than enough time. Personally, if we do not recapture the world within two and half months, I do not believe we will be able to do it at all.”
- Rogue 9
- Scrapping TIEs since 1997
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NRS Constitution, BB-313
"Helm, come port to heading 030. Starboard batteries, target Sierras 34 and 36. Fire." Captain Gerard allowed himself a tight smile. The battle was going well for him; thus far his battleship had been opposed only by destroyers. This would be easy, he thought. He thought wrong.
"Conn, Sensors, enemy battlecruisers jumping in on the starboard bow, close aboard! Two of them."
Gerard looked up. Close wasn't the word for it. He could read the hull numbers on the closer one. CC-342. He cursed. "Guns, retarget to meet the new threat. Torpedoes, I want a full spread on..."
"Conn, Sensors, a third battlecruiser and four destroyers also jumping in, starboard this time! Range 2700... Six frigates coming in to the rear, sir!"
Gerard shook his head. "We've been had. Comms, call in the Fermi, get them over here, NOW!"
"Conn, Comms, aye."
"Conn, Damage Control, engines 2 and 4 are hit and cannot function." The ship slowed, and the bridge lights flickered.
"Fermi confirms that they are en route, ETA 45 seconds."
"Comms, Conn, aye. Helm..."
"Sir!" The lieutenant at Sensors stared at his screen in disbelief. "Enemy carrier battle group entering the system, one heavy carrier, one battleship, one heavy cruiser..." A heavy cruiser flashed before the bridge viewscreen. "Two heavy cruisers, sir. One missile cruiser and multiple escorts."
"Conn, Damage Control! We're losing engine 3, and..." The bridge lights went dead. "Sir, we have just suffered a large missile barrage from the enemy CG and DDGs in conjunction with broadsides from the four enemy cruisers. I regret to inform you that the Constitution has been destroyed."
Gerard punched his command chair. "DAMN! Reset the program." The bridge lights came back on and the engines restarted in a few seconds. "Comms, Conn. Put in a call to the Rhonogans, congratulate them on their strategy. I thought they'd send their battlecruisers to engage the carriers while we weren't there."
"Aye, sir."
Gerard strode over to Sensors and looked at the readouts. "Well, looks like this is turning into a grand mopping-up for Blue Team." He watched as the Unity strained her massive engines in a bid to escape the oncoming "rescue" force, the battle group's minelayers desperately trying to lay down cover for the command carrier. The Claymore and Justinian drove in at the Unity, but the Hubble and a small group of frigates delayed them long enough for the carrier to jump into hyperspace.
"Captain, Comms. Admiral Hrothnelar says you were good, but too predictable, sir."
Gerard allowed himself a rueful chuckle. "Duly noted. I'll try to be more random in my planetary bombardments next time." He looked back at the screen to see the remaining ships of the Red Force making an orderly retreat, or as orderly as they could beneath the onrushing battle group and the Rhonogan battlecruisers. The Hubble was administratively "destroyed" before his eyes by the Claymore as her accompanying frigates scattered before the cruiser Justinian. This particular part of the joint exercises was all but over.
"Helm, come port to heading 030. Starboard batteries, target Sierras 34 and 36. Fire." Captain Gerard allowed himself a tight smile. The battle was going well for him; thus far his battleship had been opposed only by destroyers. This would be easy, he thought. He thought wrong.
"Conn, Sensors, enemy battlecruisers jumping in on the starboard bow, close aboard! Two of them."
Gerard looked up. Close wasn't the word for it. He could read the hull numbers on the closer one. CC-342. He cursed. "Guns, retarget to meet the new threat. Torpedoes, I want a full spread on..."
"Conn, Sensors, a third battlecruiser and four destroyers also jumping in, starboard this time! Range 2700... Six frigates coming in to the rear, sir!"
Gerard shook his head. "We've been had. Comms, call in the Fermi, get them over here, NOW!"
"Conn, Comms, aye."
"Conn, Damage Control, engines 2 and 4 are hit and cannot function." The ship slowed, and the bridge lights flickered.
"Fermi confirms that they are en route, ETA 45 seconds."
"Comms, Conn, aye. Helm..."
"Sir!" The lieutenant at Sensors stared at his screen in disbelief. "Enemy carrier battle group entering the system, one heavy carrier, one battleship, one heavy cruiser..." A heavy cruiser flashed before the bridge viewscreen. "Two heavy cruisers, sir. One missile cruiser and multiple escorts."
"Conn, Damage Control! We're losing engine 3, and..." The bridge lights went dead. "Sir, we have just suffered a large missile barrage from the enemy CG and DDGs in conjunction with broadsides from the four enemy cruisers. I regret to inform you that the Constitution has been destroyed."
Gerard punched his command chair. "DAMN! Reset the program." The bridge lights came back on and the engines restarted in a few seconds. "Comms, Conn. Put in a call to the Rhonogans, congratulate them on their strategy. I thought they'd send their battlecruisers to engage the carriers while we weren't there."
"Aye, sir."
Gerard strode over to Sensors and looked at the readouts. "Well, looks like this is turning into a grand mopping-up for Blue Team." He watched as the Unity strained her massive engines in a bid to escape the oncoming "rescue" force, the battle group's minelayers desperately trying to lay down cover for the command carrier. The Claymore and Justinian drove in at the Unity, but the Hubble and a small group of frigates delayed them long enough for the carrier to jump into hyperspace.
"Captain, Comms. Admiral Hrothnelar says you were good, but too predictable, sir."
Gerard allowed himself a rueful chuckle. "Duly noted. I'll try to be more random in my planetary bombardments next time." He looked back at the screen to see the remaining ships of the Red Force making an orderly retreat, or as orderly as they could beneath the onrushing battle group and the Rhonogan battlecruisers. The Hubble was administratively "destroyed" before his eyes by the Claymore as her accompanying frigates scattered before the cruiser Justinian. This particular part of the joint exercises was all but over.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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UP Space:
This is Zeniith Defense Systems Corporate Cruiser Pride off Zenith we are carrying your order of Defense Satelites, awaiting customs inspection[/i]
This is Zeniith Defense Systems Corporate Cruiser Pride off Zenith we are carrying your order of Defense Satelites, awaiting customs inspection[/i]
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
Last Port SpaceThis is Zeniith Defense Systems Corporate Cruiser Pride off Zenith we are carrying your order of Defense Satelites, awaiting customs inspection
"Roger Pride of Zenith, shuttle will be with you momentrly."
Last edited by frigidmagi on 2004-07-13 06:27pm, edited 1 time in total.

- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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"We have some fruits and vegetables that we wish to declare in our supply holds, as well as live prey animals and pharmaceuticals for our own use. Including painkillers and anti-biotics and anti-depressants.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
More weopons fire slammed into the weakening shields. They couldnt take much more of this, and already several of the independant shield domes had collapsed and the trops within vulnerable to the next salvo.The second barrage from the 14th and 15th Artillery Brigades was heavier than the first, primarily due to the joining of the 12th and 13th which had maneuvered into extreme range of the landing zone coordinates. Furthermore, various mobile elements usually mounting no more than ten guns, answered the call. The biggest surprise was the intervention of the pirate navy. Half a dozen submarines added over four hundred nap of the earth flying cruise missiles towards the target areas all timed to arrive within seconds of the artillery barrage, two wings of VTOL aircraft (128 in total) rallied towards the target area, ready to add their own firepower to the mix and utilizing the nap of the earth as well as planetary ECM to great effect. The battle for the surface of the planet was only beginning.
The VTOLs however, stood little chance against a Fighter/bomber. They were manned and could not make the hard maneuvers the droid brained fighters could.
By staying high, they were able to engage the numericaly inferior aircraft with horrible efficicncy as AA fire ripped through the pirate airforce.
Another wing of Fighter-Bombers descended from high orbit on the positions of the 14th and 15th artillery brigades, they stayed high until they plummedted toward their targets in a stoop, evading weapons fire in order to drop their payload at close distance. This payload consisted of a shaped charge high intensity plasma bomb. It would not cause a massive explosion to minimize collateral damage, but whatever it hit would be utterly destroyed. The fighters computer allowed ithem to pull up rapidly in a maneuver impossible for human pilots and get back into high orbit before appreciable resistance could be mounted(you try targeting a fighter moving at mach 8 with a shoulder mounted rocket... common sense says that wont work)
The now pinnd down 12th and 13th brigades suffered a similar fate at the hands of a seperate wing.
In orbit, the fleet had something in store. They dropped drid controlled Sensor arrays from their shuttlebays. These would land at the landing sites, and spew active sensor pulses. They were designed to cut through ECM and would lend a hand to the point defense and help cut down on that artillery bombardment.
Also being placed in orbit were Orbital Sensor Arrays, designed to provide additional targeting data to ground based artillery.
Heavy Medium and Light tanks alsi began to disambark from the Transport ships.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
Amarr System, 30 light minutes from planet
3rd Fleet dropped into real space, slaming into reality with a gut wrenching shudder. The crew ignored it, being used to the transit, the navy spent much time and money to ensure that. The Amarr 'Imperial fleet' was stationed in orbit around their homeworld, they were downloading men and supplies to loyalist factions fighting on the surface. Due to the EMP jamming, surface bombardment had become unfeasible.
Admiral Tzu sat in the command chair on the flag bridge, which was seperate from the ship bridge. It was afterall only fair to ensure that the Ship's Captain ran his own damn ship. The Admiral's job was to run his fleet and Tzu one of only 5 Admirals in the whole of the UP navy did his job well. Coupled with a attack dog mentality it made him and throught him 3rd fleet the UP's offensive officer of choice.
"This is Flagship Secessionist Bane to all ships, perpare to engage Amarr Imperial Fleet on my command. Com open channel to enemy fleet." He ordered. The Com channel took about 10 seconds to open. A small screen on the arm of his chair lit up. On the screen was a old man, his hair and impressively trimmed beard pure white. His ornate uniform was covered in decorations. It made Admiral Tzu void black unifom look plain and strask in comparison.
"I am Grand Admiral Thurson of the Imperial Navy, who are you and why are you in my space?" The overdressed officer roared.
"I am Admiral Tzu, United Protectrates Navy. You are to stand down all ships and cease all operations or be destoried. You have 10 seconds to begin."
"Now see here, this is soverngen space, you have no authority here"
"Your refusal to surrender is noted." Admiral Tzu cut him off. He guestured the Com closed. He griined, he never had any use for slavers.
(OOB) Amarr Imperial fleet:
35 escorts
12 crusiers
1 Battleship
United Protectrates 3rd fleet:
3 Rebecca class carriers
2 Kincad class dreadnoughts
3 Moshe class Battle Cruisers
3 Aaron class Heavy Cruisers
5 David class Light Cruisers
6 Ruth class Light Carriers
31 Luke class Missle Frigates
31 John class Gun Frigates
37 Mark class Destoriers
3rd Fleet dropped into real space, slaming into reality with a gut wrenching shudder. The crew ignored it, being used to the transit, the navy spent much time and money to ensure that. The Amarr 'Imperial fleet' was stationed in orbit around their homeworld, they were downloading men and supplies to loyalist factions fighting on the surface. Due to the EMP jamming, surface bombardment had become unfeasible.
Admiral Tzu sat in the command chair on the flag bridge, which was seperate from the ship bridge. It was afterall only fair to ensure that the Ship's Captain ran his own damn ship. The Admiral's job was to run his fleet and Tzu one of only 5 Admirals in the whole of the UP navy did his job well. Coupled with a attack dog mentality it made him and throught him 3rd fleet the UP's offensive officer of choice.
"This is Flagship Secessionist Bane to all ships, perpare to engage Amarr Imperial Fleet on my command. Com open channel to enemy fleet." He ordered. The Com channel took about 10 seconds to open. A small screen on the arm of his chair lit up. On the screen was a old man, his hair and impressively trimmed beard pure white. His ornate uniform was covered in decorations. It made Admiral Tzu void black unifom look plain and strask in comparison.
"I am Grand Admiral Thurson of the Imperial Navy, who are you and why are you in my space?" The overdressed officer roared.
"I am Admiral Tzu, United Protectrates Navy. You are to stand down all ships and cease all operations or be destoried. You have 10 seconds to begin."
"Now see here, this is soverngen space, you have no authority here"
"Your refusal to surrender is noted." Admiral Tzu cut him off. He guestured the Com closed. He griined, he never had any use for slavers.
(OOB) Amarr Imperial fleet:
35 escorts
12 crusiers
1 Battleship
United Protectrates 3rd fleet:
3 Rebecca class carriers
2 Kincad class dreadnoughts
3 Moshe class Battle Cruisers
3 Aaron class Heavy Cruisers
5 David class Light Cruisers
6 Ruth class Light Carriers
31 Luke class Missle Frigates
31 John class Gun Frigates
37 Mark class Destoriers

- admiral_danielsben
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 336
- Joined: 2004-05-05 05:16pm
- Location: The Vast Right-Wing Trekkie Conspiracy HQ
From: The President of the Union
To: Lord Protector Matthews, United Protecterates
We have heard rumor of the United Protecterates experiencing 'incidents' with one or more powers. As an ally, we respectfully ask that you could clear this up. I am unsure how to word this further, but the Union does not engage in foreign policy decisions on rumors - of which we've heard many, most from rather less than bullet-proof sources.. Could these be cleared up?
(OOC: Frigidmagi, I don't really understand what's going on between you and the Amarr and the various others. Maybe my irregular visits here over the past week have confounded me a bit. Could you explain to the President of the Union).
To: Lord Protector Matthews, United Protecterates
We have heard rumor of the United Protecterates experiencing 'incidents' with one or more powers. As an ally, we respectfully ask that you could clear this up. I am unsure how to word this further, but the Union does not engage in foreign policy decisions on rumors - of which we've heard many, most from rather less than bullet-proof sources.. Could these be cleared up?
(OOC: Frigidmagi, I don't really understand what's going on between you and the Amarr and the various others. Maybe my irregular visits here over the past week have confounded me a bit. Could you explain to the President of the Union).
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
"If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira
"Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (DS9: Duet)
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
"If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira
"Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (DS9: Duet)
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
To:Union President
From: Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews
The single system planet of Amarr has practiced the vile system of slavery for centuries. It has come to the attention of the UP that the slaves are revolting in an attempt to assert their natural rights and freedoms. The UP Navy has been deployed to provide aide to the rebels in their cause and prevent unwarrented bloodshed of civilans.
(OOC: Just like in my eariler post I started a slave revolt to toss down an aristocratic slaveowning system. The system is close enought to UP space and stratgeicly placed between me and the K.S.E that having at the very least a friendly government emplaced is nescessary. If you wish to discuss this via PM feel free)
From: Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews
The single system planet of Amarr has practiced the vile system of slavery for centuries. It has come to the attention of the UP that the slaves are revolting in an attempt to assert their natural rights and freedoms. The UP Navy has been deployed to provide aide to the rebels in their cause and prevent unwarrented bloodshed of civilans.
(OOC: Just like in my eariler post I started a slave revolt to toss down an aristocratic slaveowning system. The system is close enought to UP space and stratgeicly placed between me and the K.S.E that having at the very least a friendly government emplaced is nescessary. If you wish to discuss this via PM feel free)