Re: Price and the nukes, a hilarious answer I saw at the "Just Bugs Me" page (TVTropes) for the "how" question: When an angry screaming British man points his weapon at you and orders you to do what you've been trained and prepared for, at a relatively plausible target, are you gonna question it
that much?
CaptHawkeye wrote:Especially when you consider that many video game developers are also fanboys.
This... yep, definitely a problem at times. Comics and TV have already seen what happens when you give writing influence to the wrong fans, or rather, people who're fans of the wrong elements/see something in it that you never intended. And then when those fans end up being the ones most devoted enough to get into the driver's seat...
Re: the whole power trip thing... it's amusing to read on the Call of Duty wiki that the Youtube "no scope" videos tend to be picked out from scores of failures.

It's not enough to
feel that you're "pwning n00bs," there's also the need to "show everyone"...
Minischoles wrote:And I agree with Stark, K/D as a measure of how good you are is fucking awful. Take a game type like Demolition, or Domination. You might absolutely suck, get something like 5-20. But if those 5 kills were all defence kills, with you saving a point, or stopping a bomb being planted, you've done just as much if not more than the guy camping his ass off with a 35-1.
See, this
should be true, but the ability to have a high kill/death ratio
does correlate somewhat with your ability to be successful at objective matches, at least while in service to those objectives. It's frustrating as hell being on a team that just can't find its way around the shield-wielder crouching in the corner next to a Headquarters... maybe I just have no luck with which teams matchmaking forces me into?
I admit, I didn't follow MW1 multiplayer or WaW's, so I wasn't clued in to all the supposed drama regarding "game balance" (yeah right) and IW picking/choosing which to listen to.
Kingmaker wrote:They'd start whining about how all the skill had been removed from the game because you didn't have to aim anymore, and how any corner camping noob could sneak up on you and kill you. Because tactics are t3h h4xx.
I confess that I
may be guilty re: "tactics are t3h h4xx".

Ironic, as when I thought this of a team I was playing 3rd Person Tactical against (all three "offenders," had Panda in their name), I ended up being teamed with them in the subsequent match, only for us to lose that by a hair.

They claimed they're just a team who use tactics; in retrospect I don't know.
An interesting solution that MAG had to the whole k/d thing is that while the Suppression match mode
is team deathmatch, it doesn't count towards the Shadow War (in-universe it's combat training within the faction), whereas the "true" matches (that do count towards the Shadow War) are all objective-based matches. That doesn't explain the other balance issues with the game, though I'm hearing that that's starting to even out.
KhyronTheBackstabber wrote:I find it funny that knifers complain and say snipers, campers, and tubers are pussies with no "skillz". I made a knife class and went 27-4 the first time I used it. No skill needed.
Ironic for them to call snipers, campers, and tubers "pussies with no 'skillz'". I've read (on TVTropes) that the M203 is actually
more devastating in real-life than in-game, and in real-life you get to aim down the sight!

(I'm pretty sure that the Thumper iron sight's range markings don't actually correlate to actual point of impact, so I just use it as a backup "tube" while I'm farming kills for Danger Close.) The acceptable target for me among them is camping, and just because it can drag a game out longer than players are willing/able to stay connected. But otherwise? I like this quote (not mine, wish I had a source), for both sides of "knifers vs. snipers, campers, and tubers":
The only real fighting is the style and distance I'm good at. Anyone who takes me out of my comfort zone is not really fighting and is also a pussy. Strategy is for wimps.
The quote's regarding MMA, but...