What a maroon. The Pro-Tip on Sapphiron is not only does he cast curses that have to be removed, he ALWAYS does the curses at the same times. He ALWAYS curses people the a few seconds after he lands and he always does it again in the middle of the ground phase. As a moonkin myself, I know that I have enough time to throw some DoTs on Sapphiron when he lands and then get ready to decurse, which only takes a few seconds to clear up the raid*, and badda bing, it's DPS on for a bit.Minischoles wrote:I never reached him at 60, got stuck on Four Horsemen and just never got past it, ended up rerolling Horde before ever managing it.
As for now, you really can't rely on people not being stupid in this fight, its almost as bad as asking people to run in straight lines on Archimonde, you'll get a few who manage it perfectly, but the majority just can't manage it. Take for example the kill the other day, the stupidest thing I saw was right next to our moonkin raider a warlock had the curse, out of range of any other decurser, and not once but twice he just stood there DPSing and letting her die as I screamed down TS for him to decurse.
*of course, I have the Decursive addon, which largely makes decursing completely retard proof an affair because it gongs when a curse lands and let's me click them off people as fast as the GCD will let me. Like I said, you should chastise that moonkin, because decursing on Sapphiron is just one of those things that you do if you have a decurse, because if everyone who has a decurse does it, it takes less than five seconds on a 25 man to completely clean the raid.
Of course, there are e-peen Hardcore types he can't be arses to do the raid utility stuff, but as a moonkin, what actually makes us indispensable is the variety of support shit we can do. For example, take the Kel'thuzad fight. Healing naturally starts to get pretty hairy toward the end of the fight once the Icecrown Guardians are up and occasionally, a healer is going to get ice cubed. Effectively losing a healer when healing is spread thin and that person needing focus healing is on the ways that that fight can go south. Enter the Boomkin. It doesn't hurt when gets frozen to stop pumping out the rotation and slap some emergency heals on them. 9/10 the other healers are on the ball enough that it won't be clutch, but there have been times when it's just enough to let them live through the affair. And you'd be surprised how useful Cyclone is when Chains of Kel'thuzad hits and the possessed Blood Death Knight declares open season on healers. It's those things, not our wicked DPS, that makes us worthwhile.
But that doesn't make the big numbers on the Damage Meters.