My normal response to crybabies like that on my team isGeneral Schatten wrote:I've always found the cries about campers not playing the game hilarious, especially since I play Ground War Domination primarily.
So when I'm a sniper I'm supposed to run about willy-nilly when my rifle sucks at close range or I'm not supposed to protect my objective when given predictable avenues of approach? I wish I'd have known that in BCT, then I could tell my Drill Sergeants to not worry about defensive positions when defending an objective (like a downed battlebuddy whom you're calling a Medevac for), just run around and kill them.
"Stop whining, ya big baby.
It's called defense. If you morons understood that concept,
we wouldn't be losing right now."
There are a lot of people out there who have no clue how to play Domination,
and for some reason, 8 out of 10 times, the computer puts me on their team.