Also, just saw this little gem from Mac Walters:
Mac Walters on the Star Child/Reapers
"Originally, with the catalyst, the star child at the end of the game, I had written that much more in the guise of a investigative style conversation, where there is something he tells you but then, you get to ask a bunch of questions and you get your questions answered. But then me and Casey talked and decided, lets keep the conversation "High level". Give you the details that you need to know, but don't get into the stuff that you don't need to know. Like "How long have they been reaping?" You don't need to know the answers to the mass effect universe. So we intentionally left those out"
Mac Walters and Casey Hudson are both officially on my black list now. Seriously? These two idiots thought a softball interview with Little Hitler was a compelling ending?!
<Shep> So, Little Hitler, how many civiliations have you actually destroyed?
<Catalyst/Star Child/Little Hitler> We have been reaping for 2,000,000 years, and the cycle happens every 50,000 years. Do the math.
<Shep> How many people died?
<Catalyst/Star Child/Little Hitler> We call this process Ascension, not death. And we object to calling your kind "people". You are Chaos.
<Shep> I see. Very compelling argument Mr. Star Child!
And to make it "more compelling" they changed it so you can't even question Little Hitler?!