Bredith system
The fighters and bombers of the 32nd Strategic Bomber Wing, the 109th Tactical Fighter Wing, the 71st Strike Wing, and Renegade Wing dropped out of hyperspace near Bredith, having left with parts of the Fourth Main Battle Fleet, but outstripping the capital ships in an effort to provide immediate aid.
1st Squadron of the 109th
Colonel Henry Mason checked his weapon racks and status before switching on his encrypted comm, selecting the frequency for his wing. "All right, 109th, run 'em up. We've got to clear those drones out of the way for the strikers." Several acknowledgements came back over the comm as the F/A-210s increased engine power and rocketed towards the Krell fighter screen. The drones were inferior to the manned fighters in every way, and the pilots knew it. They weren't about to let this get to them.
1st Squadron of the 71st
"Push it up, we hammer in right behind the fighters. Arm antiship missiles."
"Got it, Boss." The A-127Hs pushed their engines to their limits as well, though the fighters ahead of them were faster. Missiles hung heavy from their wing and body pylons. Not for long.
32nd Bomber Wing
"Give the fighters a minute to clear the drones, then we go in. Ready rockets."
Renegade Wing
"Squadron leaders, report in."
"Maverick Leader, standing by."
"Rogue Leader, standing by."
"Renegade Leader, standing by."
"Bandit Leader, standing by."
"Sheriff Leader, standing by."
"Talon Leader, standing by."
"All right, Renegades, you know what to do." The fighters and bombers of the NAF's (sometimes practically SOCOM's) elite wing rocketed forward to engage, Bandit and Sheriff Squadrons hanging back a little as the fighters, fighter/bombers, and interceptors of the wing moved ahead in precise formation.
Force Declaration:
32nd Bomber Wing: Six squadrons of B-95s
109th Fighter Wing: Six squadrons of F/A-210s, most of them with antifighter loadouts.
71st Strike Wing: Six squadrons of A-127Hs
Renegade Wing: Two squadrons (Rogue and Talon) of F/A-210s, one squadron (Bandit) A-127Hs, one squadron (Sheriff) B-95s, one squadron (Maverick) hyperspace-capable F-235Hs, one squadron (Renegade) hyperspace-capable F-250Hs.
Four E-50 AWACS from 302nd Electronic Warfare Squadron
Three E-45 jammers from 303rd EWS
[OOC: 7,000th post!