Agent Fisher wrote:
"After the capture of the Pirate Nav database, we determined three main area that the pirates had been. They were listed as the Nashtar Repulic, the Asgard Empire, and Draconis Republic. From observation flights from Prowler ships, we discovered a massive communications network. We were able to snag bits of data from the network and it seemed to indicate a war had either just finished or was going on. That is pretty much all we know about current events."
"A war has just began, but to understand it you have to go back a ways. About a year ago, a nation, the covenant of god, run by Religious leaders went through a coup, and a more fundamentalist group took over. They, thinking that god would give them victory over whatever odds, declared war on a few nations, namely the Nashtari Republic, the Arcane Empire, the Jardanian Empire, and the United Protectorates. The response was swift, and went against the Covenant. Then a counter-coup, inside the Covenant, took place and a much more moderate group took over. They, in turn, surrendered unilaterally and completley to all the nations in the hopes of getting through the aftermath relativley unharmed.
"A group of nations, the Nashtari, the UP, and the Arcanists, in turn took over certain planets, and allied with a fourth nation, the Krytosian Empire, in a mutual defense pact. The garrisoning of the worlds, however, did not go well. The Arcanists were met with hostility so they mind controlled a large section of the populace, the populace overcame that and revolted openly, the Arcanists then replied that they were being inconsiderate and ungrateful and started killing people with attacks of chain lighting, I did mention they were wizards, right?
"The story continues that while this was going on a new nation emerged, the Krynor, run by Goa'ould. They started trying to perform special ops raids on the former covenant worlds, and screwed up badly. Soon the entire international community was pissed at them. That brings us to the Rape.
"We, traditionally, held a grand meeting of all the national leaders, during that time two very critical things happened. Firstly, the Krynori finally pushed to far by trying to oppose the Diaspora, and brought the entire international community, including us, down apon them. And, the machines attacked. The Arcanists had contacted these machines, and had guided them to the Grand Ball, the machines in turned attacked Earth with a force far greater than any other nation. They set about irradiating Earth, making it uninhabitable, and radioactive. They almost succeded completly, other nations showed up with their fleets, and destroyed the machines here, with massive casulties. The result was a unification of sorts, we all joined together to destroy the machine threat. However, first the Arcane complacency was discovered, and the nations outside of the UP's Alliance, who were now bolstered by the Istil and the White Suns confederation, gathered to destroy them, while the alliance stood at their side, not backing down untill they too were faced with destruction. Meanwhile the Arcanists ran like the dirty cowards and traitors they were.
"Then the hunt for the machines began, and sooner than expected, it was over. The machine's controller, the Overseer, was destroyed, and humanity was safe again. From this unification, an actuall Unification was born, a joining of us the Asgard, the Krytos who left the UPA in over the Arcanist issue, the Manticore, and a close bond between us and the Diaspora.
"During the hunt for the Machines three more nations were found, the Draconis Republic, the Etern, and the Shi. The Shi and Draconis both joined the UPA, the Etern stayed roughly neutral untill they joined the Unification recently, partly because they too had fought a long, harsh, and brutal war against the machines.
"The Draconis started the next chapter of the history of the galaxy by assaulting the nation of Tortuga unilaterally and without cause. The Nation of Tortuga, but one planet mind you, dealt a stunning serious of grevious defeats to the Draconis, while the international community, both the Unification and the Veithan accord, the nations of the Ravenlocke, Gladshiem, and Veithan Empire good honorable nations and friendly ones too, gave their support to the Tortugans and told the Draconis to leave the planet, or face the consequences of our wrath. Once again the UPA stood by the party in the wrong, untill finally the Draconis backed down and left the planet.
"What happened next, was painful to all of us who saw it. The White Suns, itself already a genocidal nation which has killed millions of humans before, destroyed a massive Diasporan Floating City with a terrorist attack. The destruction not only ravaged the planet of hudson, but killed millions of people in space. When proof was brought against the White Suns by the Diaspora, the UPA repeated its mistakes of the past and moved to protect the murderers, while the Diaspora demanded revenge. War began and soon Unification space was closed to the UPA. But they ignored that and sent a massive fleet through our space, declaring war on us in essence, and we, following law and our hearts, declared war against them. Now war boils around us, and we fight to finally rid the galaxy of the genocidal monsters that would seek to destroy it.
"It's not pretty... if you'd like I could have our archivists brief you in a much more detailed manner, but that will come later. Here, I've talked on for far too long, tell me more about you and your nations, we know so little of you, yet we hope this will spring to a great amount."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan