I remember reading a few years ago about console-exclusive 3rd party games. Like Metal Gear Solid that ended up on the Gamecube? Yeah, they noted significantly that (paraphrasing) "nothing's gonna be truely exclusive, most titles will make it to other systems, just later and perhaps with additional modes and unlockables."
That's only good news although at the risk of busting out Wii hatorade, I'm not buying one till my shoulder's unfucked anyway.
I guess i would say i'm unimpressed by the new consoles. TO higlight:
When the PS1, Saturn, N64 came out:
Holy shit! I gotta get me one of those!
When the PS2, X-Box and Gamecube came out:
Holy Shit! I gotta get me one of those!
When PS3, Wii and 360 came out:
Maybe it's because i'm more intersted in PC gaming now then i was back then?
Ph34r teh eyebrow!!11!Writers GuildSluggitePawn of ChaosWYGIWYGAINGW so now i have to put ACPATHNTDWATGODW in my sigEBC-Honorary Geordie Hammerman! Hammer!
It's probably just age. When I was a teenager shit like the Megadrive and SNES were OMFG teh AWESOME. Now consoles are just a way to waste time, and they're just not as important.
2000AD wrote:Maybe it's because i'm more intersted in PC gaming now then i was back then?
You're older. They never seem to make them like they used to, even if they did.
A lot of people who bitch and whine about sequels aren't bitching about sequels, they're bitching that video games don't make them feel as excited as they did when they were younger and it was brand spanking new to them. Now they have standards (a funky word for 'less easily impressed and more jaded), but technology and ingenuity only goes so far so fast and there's always that fresh, newly excited generation to appeal to who get enthusiastic about gaming in a way that the well-informed internet fan might not.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
Lagmonster wrote:You're older. They never seem to make them like they used to, even if they did.
A lot of people who bitch and whine about sequels aren't bitching about sequels, they're bitching that video games don't make them feel as excited as they did when they were younger and it was brand spanking new to them. Now they have standards (a funky word for 'less easily impressed and more jaded), but technology and ingenuity only goes so far so fast and there's always that fresh, newly excited generation to appeal to who get enthusiastic about gaming in a way that the well-informed internet fan might not.
So that makes me a... grognard? Yikes.
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong
SPC Brungardt wrote:
Still, that was PS2, I'm just worrying: PS3 may never recover, X360 may never woo over Japanese, and if Wii wins by default I hope to God developers don't kowtow to real or perceived biases [kiddy game system, Nintendo] and not innovate or port the good games on the other, potentially flagging systems. Then there's the sad fact that PS3 and X360 may have but a handful of gems that're exclusive to their systems. THAT'S the console-driven market screwing the customer over, the underlying point of my worries.
Mecha wise the Super Robot Wars series of games have always been mostly on Sony consoles ever since the PS1 came out. Nintendo still gets the best handheld versions, but all the big important SRW games have gone to Sony.
It might change with the Wii, but I'm slightly sceptical. The Gamecube SRW game was hardly Banpresto's greatest hit.
Well, mecha-wise, I think the Wii as a platform would definately benefit from action and sim-oriented first and third-person view games rather than fighters. Otherwise it's not really taking very much advantage.
Now if only developers and studios would get out of their rut and put some damn inovation into their mecha games...
I believe in a sign of Zeta.
[BOTM|WG|JL|Mecha Maniacs|Pax Cybertronia|Veteran of the Psychic Wars|Eva Expert]
"And besides, who cares if a monster destroys Australia?"
It's possible that the recent performance of tactical third person shooters might rub off on mecha games.
After all, if it's fun to run around hiding behind blocks of concrete in ruined cities with Marcus Fenix and co, surely it must be more fun to do it with a giant robot hiding behind the actual cities.
When everyone's finished pointing and laughing at Gundam: Crossfire, and more to the point, leaving it on the shelf to do so, they might start looking for ideas...
When you get older, you start eating a wider variety of food, because you just can't take the narrow range of foods any more (unless you're a redneck; for some reason rednecks can eat the same damned shitty "homefried" crap for their entire lives and never want to try anything else).
Similarly, movie critics, who have seen countless films, become much more impatient with cliched and unoriginal material than people who rarely get out to the movies.
I think the same is true for videogames. The more experience you've had with games (a factor that tends to be correlated with age), the less patience you have with rehashes of the same material. One of the reasons I seized upon Rome Total War and its sequel was that it was a different playstyle from the FPS and RTS games that I'd pretty much played to death and lost all interest in. Oh wow, the latest FPS and RTS games have cooler graphics! Wake me up when it's over.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing
"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC
"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness
"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
Vendetta wrote:When everyone's finished pointing and laughing at Gundam: Crossfire, and more to the point, leaving it on the shelf to do so, they might start looking for ideas...
Comedy Gold! X-Play's review on that game. "Gundam: Crossfire gets a ONE out of five for being shovelware of the highest order -- and if you buy it, you're part of the problem."
Darth Wong wrote:I think the same is true for videogames. The more experience you've had with games (a factor that tends to be correlated with age), the less patience you have with rehashes of the same material. One of the reasons I seized upon Rome Total War and its sequel was that it was a different playstyle from the FPS and RTS games that I'd pretty much played to death and lost all interest in. Oh wow, the latest FPS and RTS games have cooler graphics! Wake me up when it's over.
I agree, Wong, and if you've ever played Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo, this is exactly what it is, just updated graphics and two new MS (I think GM Striker and Dom Cannon).
Gameplay footage from Gundam Blue Destiny 1. Since I'm probably the only person on this board who ever played (and owns) a Blue Destiny game, I'm posting this video to give you guys my idea of a good Gundam. Despite it being somewhat simplistic, the gameplay is fast and fun. I figure if more Gundam games were made like this one then maybe they'd all be more enjoyable as a whole. Rise from the Ashes came close. It certainly improved on the limited controls of Blue Destiny.
Except nobody who isn't a Gundam freak is even going to pick one up. They don't even come out in AU, and the county's full of anime zombies. Branding can work for you when your brand is staggeringly niche, opaque and reviled or ignored.
Back in the day, each successive generation of consoles represented not only a tremendous jump in graphics, but also allowed completely new forms of gameplay that would have been unthinkable previously.
The Atari 2600 could never have supported something as complex as Legend of Zelda, for example. The NES had to come along before that level of gameplay could exist. Nor could the SNES ever hope to support something like GoldenEye.
A new generation of consoles used to mean a quantum leap forward in gameplay and performance. Now it just means slightly better graphics. What PS3 or 360 game is out there that you couldn't do on the previous generation of machines, with somewhat fewer polygons?
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
Yeah, but much of the advancement was pure CPU and controller geometry. The Atari was as limited by it's one-button controller than it's appalling graphics. There is a limit to that progression: PS2/360 controllers are about as many buttons as you're going to get.