Yet you seem to think that a massive revolution is what is required for a new generation of consoles. An event that happened once, just once, in how many generations of consoles? 5? 6?Drooling Iguana wrote:No idea, but I never implied that I know what should come next.
The double standard here is amazing. "PS1 had crap 3D graphics, PS2 graphics are much better! PS3 isn't as awesome, it sucks!" The fact of the matter is that numerous PS2 games could have been made for the PS1, with longer load times and a graphics hit, which is the same argument you make for why the PS3 sucks. The fact that you want to idealize the PS2 is worthless. The big reason the PS3 is a disappointment is the lying, the delays, the PRICE, etc. But hey, that's okay, not a big boost in graphics. Never mind that you're going from 480 to 1080 in resolution, there's virtually NO change whatsoever, right?The PS1 couldn't do full 3D without some serious trade-offs. I mean, seriously, did you ever play games like Soul Reaver or the original Medal of Honor? Great games, to be sure, but you couldn't see your hand in front of your face the draw distance was so bad. The PS2 allowed full 3D games to be made well enough to easily suspend disbelief. The PS3 just lets people make PS2 games slightly shinier.
...because they don't massively increase graphics like the previous generation did, an opinion, by the way, which is moderately disproven by the facts. While PS3 didn't match the specs Sony promised, they are still considerably higher than the stats for the PS2, and if you look at a HD game on a HD screen, you will notice a considerable increase in graphics.Who's expecting a revolution? I'm just explaining why the current generation really isn't worth the upgrade.
Your biggest point of contention is that if a game could be made for a previous system (if you neuter it), then the new system doesn't deserve to exist. Several of the games that came out in the first year for PS2 fit that bill to the letter. Most of the better looking games didn't come out until much later in the system's lifespan, as the game developers learned how to eke out more juice from the console's hardware.
Now, granted, PS3's creation is a failure on multiple levels, and the lifespan of the PS2 isn't quite that of the PS1, but the specs for the PS3 are significantly improved from the PS2 to justify its existance in some small way. The fact that Sony is full of fucking idiots in marketing, R&D, manufacturing, and of course corperate leadership helps towards destroying whatever coolness the PS3 could have had. Had Sony seen the marketing trends coming and started development on the PS3 sooner, we would have seen a much tighter competition between Microsoft and Sony.
And shock, neither do computers, which almost always lead the way in just about every aspect. Here's a hint: when looking for innovation in consoles, look first to computers. However, as technology advances, new machines must be built. HD systems are the "next big thing", businesses would be stupid not to get things out as quickly as they could. Consoles are no different. Microsoft got a head start. Wii didn't bother and went on to other things. Playstation got caught sleeping and rushed together what they could as fast as they could. It's like that kid who is told the day before a project is due that he HAS a project, and scrambles to finish it before the deadline. Had Sony let the Xbox 360 gain a two or three year lead, they would potentially be dead in the water. I look at this the same way I look at Voodoo graphics when Nvidia came to town. They were so sure of their superiority that when Nvidia started making better cards, they couldn't keep up. They figured they had mastered 3d graphics and were resting on their laurels. The PS3 is a failure, not because it doesn't have the technical power, but because everything leading up to it was so horribly wrong.And none of the new systems bring us any significant distance closer to any of these things.
The cost of developing games went up too. The more shiney a game is, the more art people they had slaving over tablets, and thus, the more they need to be paid. Ever wondered why independent games tend to look shittier than the ones made by big companies? The PS3 was a huge fuckup, mostly caused by the fact that Sony was caught with its pants down.If it means paying $600 for a new console and having the typical price of new games jump up for the first time since the move to optical media, yes.
Well, there is the fact that better graphics tend to sell more games. People can be awfully superficial about such things. It's sad, I know, but what are you going to do? Simpler games also seem to appeal to a larger number of people: it's easier to get someone to play smash brothers than the latest Tekken where the guy who knows the stats for all the characters AND the super-special combos and death moves and cheap tricks will be facing the guy who just picked up the controller. Much as people LOVE games like Operation Flashpoint, there are many, many more people who would rather play Counterstrike. It's also why more people would rather play Starcraft than, say, Medieval 2: Total War. It's why space sims are pretty much a dead genre in the United States while The Sims and WoW rake in more money than god.Why try for another revolution? Why not just let the march of technology allow us to increase the depth and polish of games with their current graphical quality while lowering the prices? Without having to worry about constant graphical one-upmanship game developers would have to start dirrerentiating their offerings based on, horror of horrors, gameplay!
So there you have it, shiny, simple games sell. And while those are selling, the developers have enough money left over to let some of the dev teams make the games they WANT to make. Sometimes. Occasionally.
See that games of 2007 thread? See if you can spot how many games are being made by people who left Blizzard.