Your most badass kill in a game

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Post by chitoryu12 »

I'm divided between three:

1. I used to have a multiplayer demo for Red Faction. I had gotten my hands on the rail gun, and I noticed one player just standing in the middle surveying the area. I snuck up on him and stood right behind him with the barrel right at the back of his head. He slowly turned around and right when he was staring down the barrel, I fired.

2. In Forgotten Hope I was playing on Stalingrad (the original that came with the game, not the FH beach assault) and I was standing in a destroyed building with a Mosin-Nagant. I saw a German run past an alley behind a building. I took a quick guess at when he would appear on the other side back in my view based on his running speed, waited, and fired one shot. It hit him in the side of the head right as he came back out in the open.

3. Not a single kill, but rather survival. I was playing the Galactic Conquest mod for BF1942 before it went dead. We were on a space map where we had to infiltrate an Imperial space station in the middle of the map and destroy some TIE x1 prototypes. While on the station with only a pistol, grenades, and a knife to my name, I teamed up with a few other Rebels and we fought off an escape pod from a Dreadnaught hovering over the station and a shuttle full of stormtroopers and stealing it for our escape (only one guy went with me. The Millenium Falcon swooped in and took the rest).
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Post by Shogoki »

Most awesome kills, don't even think i can remember one that's particularly cool. Recently i did manage to kill all 16 members of the Blu team while defending the first CP in Dustbowl as a lonely heavy inside 20 seconds.

Now i remember another cool one.

If you've played BF1942 you might remember there's a glitch where if you run an APC into a flak gun real slow it shoots straight up like 100 meters into the air.

I got into an APC, and going to a flak gun to fight off some planes that were harassing us , when a far away M10 barely missed me, i jumped out, fired my panzershreck, just as the APC slowly hit the flak, shoot straight up, heard an explosion overhead, noticed the APC had hit a fucking B-17, exploded it, looked back to the tank just in time to notice i actually hit it with my rpg (from barely visible distance, and it was moving), but it didn't die, so i was preparing myself to be blown away as i reloaded my gun, and then the B-17 wreckage landed right on top of it and and finished it off.

I laughed so hard i almost peed myself, but i didn't get points for either kill :(
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Post by Mr Bean »

Speaking of Forgotten Hope, in WaW a fellow under the name Pacifist is famous in that tournment for his Panzershreck(And Bazooka, and Piat and Japanese AT-Grenade, and Rifle Grenade) AA skills. Sure he only has a hundred and twenty meter range(And planes can fly six times that high on most maps) but damn if he can't put a shreck in an engine. He's only a fair infantry player(He's deadly with a pistol but in rifle or SMG matchs he loses to most people) however give him a AT kit and he's his on one man arrmy.

Example, WaW-12 he climbs aboard my Tiger on Nancy, blows it up with a rocket to the engine block and as he's being flung through the air he guns down two soldiers with his pistol before splatting on the ground.

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Post by Solauren »

Pen and Paper RPG:
Dire Wolflord Barbarian / Frenzied Berserker leaps on the back of a Great Wyrm Red Dragon, that was flying low.

The Red Dragon died.

Tie with:
Halfling Monk manages to Stunning Fist, then coup'd'tat a Great Wyrm blue.

When tossed of a ledge playing Jedi Outcast multiplayer, managed to get the guy with a rocket launcher shot behind them, they fell beside me.

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Post by El Moose Monstero »

Mr Bean wrote:Speaking of Forgotten Hope, in WaW a fellow under the name Pacifist is famous in that tournment for his Panzershreck(And Bazooka, and Piat and Japanese AT-Grenade, and Rifle Grenade) AA skills. Sure he only has a hundred and twenty meter range(And planes can fly six times that high on most maps) but damn if he can't put a shreck in an engine. He's only a fair infantry player(He's deadly with a pistol but in rifle or SMG matchs he loses to most people) however give him a AT kit and he's his on one man arrmy.

Example, WaW-12 he climbs aboard my Tiger on Nancy, blows it up with a rocket to the engine block and as he's being flung through the air he guns down two soldiers with his pistol before splatting on the ground.
I'm not really one for online play - is the FH1 mod for BF1942 respectable enough for bot support and single player experience? I downloaded FH2 but was disappointed to find that it was mainly multiplayer and our net connection and my general online wariness wouldn't support it.
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Post by chitoryu12 »

El Moose Monstero wrote:
Mr Bean wrote:Speaking of Forgotten Hope, in WaW a fellow under the name Pacifist is famous in that tournment for his Panzershreck(And Bazooka, and Piat and Japanese AT-Grenade, and Rifle Grenade) AA skills. Sure he only has a hundred and twenty meter range(And planes can fly six times that high on most maps) but damn if he can't put a shreck in an engine. He's only a fair infantry player(He's deadly with a pistol but in rifle or SMG matchs he loses to most people) however give him a AT kit and he's his on one man arrmy.

Example, WaW-12 he climbs aboard my Tiger on Nancy, blows it up with a rocket to the engine block and as he's being flung through the air he guns down two soldiers with his pistol before splatting on the ground.
I'm not really one for online play - is the FH1 mod for BF1942 respectable enough for bot support and single player experience? I downloaded FH2 but was disappointed to find that it was mainly multiplayer and our net connection and my general online wariness wouldn't support it.
Unfortunately, the AI is not changed over from BF1942. One some maps they can be smart enough to totally rape your team depending on which army they play as. On most, though, it's simple to beat them.
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Post by The Vortex Empire »

In Battlefield: Bad Company, I saw an enemy Apache Gunships approaching my base. I was a Sniper at the time, and I noticed that the Apache was smoking. So I pulled out my Revolver and shot it six times, and it blew up.
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Post by TheFeniX »

I picked up BF2 on release day and put it down for a while after some drama on my regular server. My buddy was gaming BF2 competitively with his clan at this time and was pestering me non-stop to join their server. I finally jumped on one day after two phone-calls from him within a 15 minute span. As it turns out, a bunch of his clan-mates were on stomping a bunch of pubs.

After I connected, I was unable to join the USMC, so I ended up on MEC (I think) with nothing but pubs (blah). It was that one map with the aircraft carrier. I think it was the stock map from the demo.

Anyways, no one was playing commander, so I took it upon myself to start dishing out orders. After about 3 minutes of constant bitching, I got over half the team into squads, and managed to the back all the UCBs. These guys had skills, just no coordination until I started commanding.

So, I'm trying to give my team their next orders and I see nothing from the USMC team. So, I do a full map scan and low and behold, over 90% of their team is hanging out on the deck of the carrier waiting for the blackhawk to spawn. I put a UAV on it as well just for the benefit of my team.

So, I go for the obvious artillery. Now, this wouldn't have been too cool unless the following hadn't taken place: I see over voice-chat "GOD DAMN IT! Quit hanging around waiting for the BH!"

My response: "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that for too much longer."

The blackhawk spawned about 5 seconds after I called in my airstrike. It immediately jumps to full and begins to "spin up" right as my artillery begins pounding the deck. Two land right next to the blackhawk, but when it got about 15 feet in the air, it ate a direct shot. After that, the chat que was literally filled with death messages. I think they lost over 30 ticks just on that one strike.

The best part was the one of the players in the chopper getting blasted about 300 feet into the ocean. From what Jason (my buddy) told me, they were all laughing about it for a week.
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Post by Mr Bean »

El Moose Monstero wrote:
I'm not really one for online play - is the FH1 mod for BF1942 respectable enough for bot support and single player experience? I downloaded FH2 but was disappointed to find that it was mainly multiplayer and our net connection and my general online wariness wouldn't support it.
You'll have to hunt around for one of the two main FH bot fixes to show what FH is all about, the base FH bots can handle all tanks and ships of FH but have issue with some planes and transport.

Also FH .7 the final version had a rather large map list, not all of which were bot-reworked.
FH Map List wrote: › WEST FRONT


Battle of Britain




Bombing the Reich


Battle of Foy
Battle of the Bulge
Falaise Pocket
Gold Beach
In the hell of Bocage
Liberation of Caen
Market Garden
Meuse River Line
Omaha Beach Charlie Sector
Operation Goodwood
Operation Nordwind
Pegasus Bridge
Ramelle Neuville
Sector 318


Operation Blackknight



Battle of Orel
Battle of Valirisk
Kharkov Outskirts
Kharkov Winter


The Storm
Zielona Gora


Berlin Streets
Seelow Heights





Desert Rose
El Alamein


Kasserine Pass



Invasion of the Philippines


Coral Sea
Guadal Canal


Adak Island
Battle of Makin

Battle Isle

Iwo Jima
There is also the mod called Forgotten Hope Secret Weapons which adds ten new maps and forty new tanks, planes and other things(The Ratte! The Weapon that Hitler Always wanted, the Land-Battletank)
Toss in the map packs, the Dev blessed and the tournment map packs and your looking at over 120 maps with Bot Support of varying degrees.

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Post by RedImperator »

Duke Nukem 3d: Deathmatch, Freeway level. In one part of the level is a wide open street, above which is a building with a broken window. With a jetpack, I flew into the window, where I found a case of pipebombs and a video monitor with a view of the street below. Collect the pipe bombs, throw them down in a big pile below, in view of the camera. Pipe bombs respawn. Throw more. Repeat until there are a hundred or so pipe bombs in the pile, watch the screen, wait.

My friend comes around the corner and runs into the middle of the field of pipe bombs. He stops, obviously puzzled. At the very last second, he starts to move, realizing what's happening. I hit the trigger, gigantic explosion, he evaporates.
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Post by chitoryu12 »

I got back into The Ship recently, and I was on the Racifu Maru (a bunch of floating barges around a small rice barge in the Orient). I was checking a cabin for supplies after slicing my quarry in the back as he took a shower, and my hunter comes in brandishing a letter opener. I whipped out a tommy gun and just held down the trigger. It had enough force to blow her all the way across the cabin, out the window, and into the water.

Then I was on the Batavier hunting my quarry in the kitchen. I failed to kill her by locking her in the freezer, so instead I waited until there weren't any witnesses. All of a sudden, she tried to push me out of the way. I took a kitchen knife off the table and slit her throat. I looked at her body and said "Don't push".
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Post by montypython »

Once played a BF1942 Secret Weapons game on Norway, was down to one ticket against 101 enemy ones, managed to kill every last one of them, grabbing StG44s whenever I could. Still one of the best plays I've ever had.
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Post by Braedley »

Not really badass, but there was one time that a friend and I were playing Halo, we spawned at the same time a decent distance away but facing each other. We start charging while emptying the clips of our assault riffles, then at the same time do a melee attack, and both of us die. We had a good laugh, and continued to play, him whooping my ass.

EDIT: Actually, more recently, in the second stage of Dustbowl (TF2), I was a pyro to my friend's medic. No uber, just me, him, and my backburner. Actually, maybe there was an uber, but it was still an epic feat that we pulled off. I took out 2 level 3 sentries, 1 or 2 dispensers, at least 1 engineer, pyro, and medic, and probably a couple of other enemies before getting killed. With a third of their team either killed or severely injured by me, and no other defences to speak of, the rest of my team walked in to take the victory.
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Post by loomer »

Solauren wrote:Pen and Paper RPG:
Dire Wolflord Barbarian / Frenzied Berserker leaps on the back of a Great Wyrm Red Dragon, that was flying low.

The Red Dragon died.
I'll one up you. Wood Elf Ranger jumps down the throat of a great wyrm red dragon as it prepares to breathe fire.

Wood Elf Ranger uses his swords to slow his fall by slashing the dragon's throat.

Dragon dies.

Addendum: He jumped off his cohort, a young brass dragon.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I can beat that...

AD&D, Half-Ogre race, Class Bouncer (fighter but really I like to play catch, and throw people out of daddy's bar when they cause trouble). I Threw a rock (Ok, it was a big one), broke a wing, and the dragon died from conservation of momentum. erm can you explain why dragon no good at playing catch?

Also same character: wielding a two handed wooden club, against "Skeletons" that were really some evil gnome's constructs. Techno-undead can't be turned by priests/paladins, strangely my wooden weapon was strongly resistant to the side effect damage from hitting them, I declared that "I was a better Paladin" then the paladin, who had to use his healing powers on himself, after getting electrical shocked for quite a bit of damage...

I wonder what the current rules would do with that guy, I still wonder why our party's half-elven mage/fighter (drow) kept calling me "Lenny"

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Post by Stormin »

When soloing and I get run down by a group of 5 or more and I manage to take one down with me despite the healers dropping everything they have. Single target insta heal, group insta heal, Bunker of Faith, etc.

Edit: Hell, just making a group blow 15 minute reuse abilities when they zerg me down is pretty awesome by itself even if I don't get the kill.
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Post by Alferd Packer »

In college, I was playing Counterstrike over the dorm LAN with a bunch of people, as was our wont, and I was really in the zone. For some reason, was ripping it up like never before and never again. At one point in the Italy map, I killed four guys over the span of a few seconds: three guys playing on my floor and one who lived on other floor. I hear the following from down the hall:


"What the fuck, man?"

"Oh, screw you, dude!"

Then, on the screen, the guy on the other floor types, "Go to Hell!" or something like that. The timing of their responses made me feel all warm and gooshy inside.

The next time I played CS, I think I died sixty times in a row. I'm not an FPS kind of guy.
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Post by Darth Onasi »

Warhawk, a fun little multiplayer game on the PS3. It's a capture the flag type game, about 2 minutes left on the timer and a guy on the other side is racing to his base with the flag on his jeep over the bridge connecting his base to the mainland.
I'm on a plane and in a last ditch effort, I swoop down on afterburners and ram his jeep, sending him flying into the water below which resets the flag to my base. I was pretty chuffed with that, especially when the profuse swearing from the other side started during the post-game screen..
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I do recall the inverse of once in Rise of the Triads I was blasted out of a map by a rocket explosion that missed me, so here I was with pistols 2% health and blind as a bat, discovering that while I couldn't be shot because I was on the other side of the wall, I could shoot blindly through the wall Chow Yun-Fat style....

I killed someone shooting through the wall.

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Post by Fire Fly »

TheFeniX wrote:I picked up BF2 on release day and put it down for a while after some drama on my regular server. My buddy was gaming BF2 competitively with his clan at this time and was pestering me non-stop to join their server. I finally jumped on one day after two phone-calls from him within a 15 minute span. As it turns out, a bunch of his clan-mates were on stomping a bunch of pubs.

After I connected, I was unable to join the USMC, so I ended up on MEC (I think) with nothing but pubs (blah). It was that one map with the aircraft carrier. I think it was the stock map from the demo.

Anyways, no one was playing commander, so I took it upon myself to start dishing out orders. After about 3 minutes of constant bitching, I got over half the team into squads, and managed to the back all the UCBs. These guys had skills, just no coordination until I started commanding.

So, I'm trying to give my team their next orders and I see nothing from the USMC team. So, I do a full map scan and low and behold, over 90% of their team is hanging out on the deck of the carrier waiting for the blackhawk to spawn. I put a UAV on it as well just for the benefit of my team.

So, I go for the obvious artillery. Now, this wouldn't have been too cool unless the following hadn't taken place: I see over voice-chat "GOD DAMN IT! Quit hanging around waiting for the BH!"

My response: "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that for too much longer."

The blackhawk spawned about 5 seconds after I called in my airstrike. It immediately jumps to full and begins to "spin up" right as my artillery begins pounding the deck. Two land right next to the blackhawk, but when it got about 15 feet in the air, it ate a direct shot. After that, the chat que was literally filled with death messages. I think they lost over 30 ticks just on that one strike.

The best part was the one of the players in the chopper getting blasted about 300 feet into the ocean. From what Jason (my buddy) told me, they were all laughing about it for a week.
Heh, the black hawks were the ultimate point whores back then; everyone wanted to be on it, that is until it the mini-guns were nerfed and you could no longer get assisted captured flags unless you were the driver/pilot. Some of my most fun gaming moments in BF2 were as a black hawk crew member, capping flags left and right, getting 200+ scores per round.
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Post by Death from the Sea »

I was playing Call of Duty 4 today in hardcore team deathmatch and I was using the UAV jammer and last stand perks and had silenced weapons. I snuck into the enemy lines and got two of them before I was put into last stand, I then began firing into the nearest doorway and ended up killing 5 more, which earned me a helicopter! of course I never got to use the UAV or airstrike I earned in the process, but 5 kills in last stand is the most I have ever made.
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Post by Medic »

CoD:UO, Hurtgen forest. (the 1st version of the map with almost no fog)
A guy jumped off of a bank of snow presumably to land on top of a bunker, perhaps snipe enemy's in the prone from a difficult-to-see position. (it's from the snow-covered hill on the CTF version of the map where the Axis flag resides)

Anyway, he was dead before he hit the ground, as I put a bullet into his head at about the apex of his sprinting jump. It sounds so bland when I say it that way but this wasn't some engagement where I was flatfooted or hiding behind a bush with a sniper rifle taking careful shots, no, this was moving and shooting up the left side of the map, glancing to my right, and pulling off a snapshot to the head from about 100M. (that's a guess; the game really renders distance really oddly; when you DO have maps that say what the range is, you're like 'no way, that looks more like 200M at least!')

The best thing is that map had kill-cam, so if that guy wasn't impulsive, he saw just how screwed he was. :twisted:
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Post by Zablorg »

In Dwarf Fortress after the giant I was tracking had beaten my companion to a pulp, I killed ensured its death in one move by slashing out its throat.

I'm not sure weather that's badass or pussywillow.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I don't know, I've had STORMBRINGER in Nethack in the past....

yes, it exists. Yes, I was lucky beyond belief to steal it kill several guards and merchants, and otherwise become very evil with my character. The scariest part was that I killed the very nasty bad thing they sent after me for all of this very evil behavior, and then died from POISONED Tinned Meat.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Setzer »

Just today, I was playing Halo 3. It was the level where you're cutting your way to the Prophet of Truth. There was a Brute with a gravity hammer, and about a dozen drones. The drones chased one of my elite allies into a corner, and I blew up the whole swarm with one hit from a Brute Shot.
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