Stark wrote:
You either have no taste or have never played a shooter before.
The shooters I have played are: Half Life 1 and 2, and 3 Halos, and the beginning of Bioshock.
Of course Bioshock didn't have the plot of Half Life, or the fun-arcady style action of Halo, but it developed good atmosphere, and the game was fun.
Yet more evidence you've never played a shooter before.
I played Halo 3 at a friend's house, and I personally thought Brawl was more fun with 3-4 people. It was easy enough that anyone could get started in a few seconds (a person can play Brawl by moving around with the control stick and mashing A). Compare that to Halo where you have to master two control sticks, a reload button, a melee button, a jump button, firing, grenades, dual wielding - before you can even play the game proficiently.
Although I do admit Halo co-op can be very fun.
You may also be blind. Even the fucking weather channel has jaggies EVERYWHERE. Fuckign WII FIT with TWO MODELS ONSCREEN has jaggies. Whether it has any impact on the game is arguable, but the whole point is that better graphics hardware is still hell cheap - you don't have to go to 360 level to get anti-aliasing.
Heh, I notice jaggies on a few gamecube games, but I don't really see them on melee - or on any Wii games.
Honestly, for the games that it's designed for (that involve huge cartoony characters in non-photorealistic fantasy worlds) Wii's graphics suffice. And Twilight Princess is gorgeous. (Yes as you may already see I am a Nintendo fanboy).
You have no idea what you're talking about. If you're so blind that you can't look at Twilight Princess and GTA4 and see the literally four/five years of differnce, you're crazy. Hint - look at the bland, smudged textures, and the constant staircasing on the edges of models. A $50 6600 doesn't do that. 4mb of texture memory does that. Anyone can live without the fancy bloom and post-processing effects modern games are built around, but the fact the Wii can't even run the fucking Mii Plaza without looking like a PS2 game is ridiculous.
The graphics always looked pretty good to me when I played it, although I guess they could be better. But to be honest I LOVED the graphics from the Wind Waker. I wish Twilight Princess would've looked like that.
But I've seen GTA4, and I must admit that it looked very expansive, and the graphics were smooth to say the least.
They're not even remotely comparable games. Is Cooking Mama better than Madden 09? lol!
Now that's hitting below the belt. Does this look like "Cooking Mama" to you: