I spent the last few minutes looking through the Event and Country files and I can tell you that the Soviet Purge doesn't seem to exist as an event or law, and the arbitrary penalty to Soviet Ground Defence Efficiency doesn't exist either. Both of those mainly existed in HoI2 to prevent Russia, with its huge stacks of manpower, IC, and one front to throw them at, from steamrolling Europe, but here it's more flexible and is likely represented by the Soviets remaining un-mobilized until the German invasion thanks to their high neutrality, and having low leadership so that they won't have many officers or good practical/ theory values for their troops. Or at least, that's how it'll work after a few months and patches. For now I have no idea what the fuck will go on, aside from the roll-of-the-dice Consumer Goods bug potentially eating all of your industry.Vympel wrote: I bet they've got their bullshit Soviet purge penalty from HoI & HoI2 still there too.
EDIT: Wait, I've actually found the file for the National Decision for the Officer Purge now, and... It actually makes a bit of sense. By choosing to purge, you gain a bit of dissent and kill a few ministers and a ton of leaders, but you also get a shitload of National Unity. (Unlike events, National Decisions are not either/or - you can just choose to enact one or not when the triggers are right. In this case, if it's 1937 and Stalin is alive and in your government, you can purge.) And that's it. If you don't choose to purge, you just carry on your merry and less bloodthirsty, paranoid way without absurd penalties.