Ghost Rider wrote:It's massive for Bioware, true. As the RPGs or choices, it's kinda meh, with the point of why I disliked the gifts in this particular. Basically you could in one moment go "Yeah, so I her die for her worthless bastard child...and? Oh here's a bouquet of flowers. Let's fuck.". It is a better step but I wish Bioware would actually have it truly have some effect rather then letting you fuck them over but as long as you can bribe them they love you as much as the dog does. Really, gifts broke DA more for me, but the dialogue/choices and what it affected were better.
Another note is your point of it was less BAD or GOOD is a forward point. You made choices on what you believed were good or bad but they were not black and white and at times very brutal even for what some could call the good choice. As you said about the Dwarven ascension. Neither of them are really good choices and in fact one choice is slightly better for their future, but isn't the one you think it is. With ME, it didn't matter a whit if you went around "FUCK ALIENS!!!" and let the council get turned into Reaper chow.
I am hoping perhaps some future game they will have you stand behind your dialogue, and no backroads to have your characters all love your avatar. I dare a party not all love you and each other. But hey, I can dream
Since it's not your reasoning - only the 'good' or 'bad' choice you make - it's partiuclarly annoying. You can make the 'good' choice for totally selfish reasons or while being a horrid cunt, and you can do a 'bad' thing reluctantly for the best reasons. Bioware doesn't care because their writing and convo scripting is primitive; you can pick the 'but it was a danger to the galaxy' option all you want, you're not getting rid of the bad karma. Either they're retards who see the universe in black or white (the option I personally consider likely) or they're cynically exploiting simpleminded nerd fantasies.
Stofsk wrote:I actually found ME's renegade/paragon system better than DA's gift system. I mean c'mon, Sten bags the shit out of you, questions your leadership and so on, then you give him a couple paintings and suddenly you're best of buddies and he's telling you about his goddamn honour blade or whatever. At least ME's system doesn't affect Shepherd acting like a hero, unlike say KotOR where the choice is literally between being good or evil. True, none of the choices you make in ME have any effect outside of their particular plot climax, however that's what the sequel is for, so I'm hoping things like saving the Rachni Queen, or killing her, or saving the colony on Feros or killing the Batarian slavers on BDTS or letting them go - and of course, whether Wrex lives or dies or who you choose to save between Ash or Kaidan, as well as the Council - I hope things like this are addressed in ME2.
This is why ME's system fails. There is no reason to do one thing over another aside from 'going for Paragon achievement' or 'going for Renegade achievement'. I don't even remember any times where the most primitive benefit is available down one path; loot. Games did THAT with choices in 1983. DA didn't wait till two years later in a paid sequel to have consequences.
While it'd be nice if the import from the first game is very granular, to be frank I'd be surprised if more than Council, Wrex and Virmire were considered relevant.