I do get the feeling that the lead designer was definitely a huge fan of the original and I think he's genuine when he says he's aiming to build a game that
feels like the original XCOM did back in the day. By the sound of things he went through a number of iterations, one of which being almost a copy of the original, but it wasn't enjoyable.
I've been on their main forums, and it's funny seeing some of the reactionary posts. A lot of people were really unhappy that you don't buy the ammo and personally place it on the Skyranger, for instance. While now you don't handle that little piece of minutia, but you
do have to find time to reload in combat which is actually a factor now that the weapons don't have enormous capacities anymore.
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KNIGHTS ASTRUM CLADES: I am a holy knight! Or something rhyming with knight, anyway...