This is the accurate trait for DH second edition:White Haven wrote:With regards to sniper weapons, are these complaints regarding the inability to one-hit-kill being made by complete goddamned idiots who don't know how amazingly destructive the Accurate weapon trait is? I think they are. I really, really think they are. Because 'throw another couple d10s at the problem' with a good roll is most definitely capable of one-shotting a vast panoply of assholes.
There are no extra damage dice in second edition, and the damage rules have been changed.The weapon is crafted for precision attacks, with finely
crafted las lenses or finely honed steel. Attacks made with
this weapon gain a +15 bonus from each Aim action made
before the attack, instead of the normal amount.
The way damage works in DH2E:
- Calculate the damage done after toughness/armor.
- Take the damage done. Add +5 per wound, +10 per critical wound.
- Take that total and look at the wound effects chart for that damage type and location to see what happens.
- Target gains a wound. If you rolled righteous fury, it's a critical wound instead.
There are no instant death effects below 25 on the wound tables for I or E damage. Sniper weapons can deal 20 damage at most, and that is before the targets damage reduction.
There doesn't seem to be a hard limit on how many wounds you can take.