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Post by Raxmei »

His Imperial Majesty Kaiser Tisrec is alarmed at the arms races that loom as ever larger threats to peace. As an attempt to curb the hazards of uncontrolled military buildups, the Kaiser asks that all nations sign this naval arms limitation pact. All signatories must agree to limit their fleets to a total of 400 major combatants. A major combatant is here defined as self-propelled vessel mounting capital-grade beam weapons or a large number of capital-grade missiles or a squadron or more of fighters. The treaty does not apply to numbers of lightly-armed vessels or to immobile defenses.

As an incentive, the Kaiser will open trade to all signatories to whom we have already done so. Additionally, he requests that all signatory nations create a jointly-held fund to pay for the demolition of of ships voluntarily decommisioned to be in compliance with the pact.

This agreement is voluntary and applies only to signatories. There are no penalties for not signing other than being recognized as a danger to galactic peace. The terms are subject to debate and amendment both now and as technology advances. Amendment requires no less than a 2/3 majority.

ooc: pm me to join and I'll edit your name onto the list. Post a response only if you want to debate the terms
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

The Kokand Empire cannot support such a treaty as this time and in these conditions. It urges fellow NBA treaty members to also reject such an agreement.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Quickly, quietly, the Roman Emperor, in the utter private of his palace, wrote orders.

They traveled just as quickly, just as quietly, carrying promises of prestige, glory...and loot.

Privateers from around known space were issued this orders, these requests. Promised a large percentage of the take, they began to cruise the spacelanes, patrolling, searching for the freighters and merchant ships of the Oceania Union, hunting them down one by one.

Meanwhile, another order was whispered, and the Lupi cruisers scattered, traveling in threes and fours, escorting large convoys and keeping an ever-vigilant watch for hostile threats.
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Post by Lord of the Farce »

TO: President Teghon Be'rtt
CC: The Council of Twelve
FROM: Captain M. le Fey, RTS Paradox
SUBJECT: Diplomatic Mission Report

It it with great honour that I, acting as your proxy, had the honour of establishing our first official ties with the Human's major powers. As you will have already received the relevant documents of, we are now signatories of the Alliance for Democracy as well as the Anti-Slavery Alliance, though our application for the membership into the Interstellar Trade Alliance is still waiting for approval.

Also of note, during this mission, some of my crew has spoken with their counterparts from some of the major Human powers that had also participated in the above tready signings has brought in a wealth of information (apparently Humans has a signifigantly lower alcohol tolerance compared to us). Although most of this information would no doubt be so-called "bullshit", some of it may very well be accurate and useful, and I will pass this information onto the nearest Depot to be send back by couriers.

In the meantime, the Paradox will remain at border patrol until further notice.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Attention: New Beijing Alliance Members, New Roman Empire
From: Kokand Executive branch
Subject: Roman privateers

The Kokand Empire feels that the liberation of slaves by the Oceania Union was a just and moral act, especially considering that the vessel its self was not seized. But now the New Roman Empire has deployed privateers against the legal commerce of the Oceania Union. These ships operate under the flag of the New Roman Empire and constitute little less then a declaration of war. Kokand is prepared to stand by its ally, we ask that the rest of the alliance do so as well.

Speaking solely on our own behalf, Kokand will offer the New Roman Empire the following conditions to avoid serious consequences for its actions.

[1] Recall all privateers and commerce raiders and cease there activates
[2] Pay full reparations to the Oceania Union for any losses so far incurred
[3] Emancipate all slaves within the New Roman Empire
[4] Provide these slaves will full reparations and cede colonies for them to live on, these will be placed the guardianship of the Kokand Empire and NBA until ready for independence.
Last edited by Sea Skimmer on 2003-05-05 10:03am, edited 1 time in total.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

FROM: Department of State, DE
RE: Recent hits on Oceania Union Convoys

In recent days our intel reports have registered a 20 percent increase in pirate hits on Oceania Union trade convoys. This comes rather suspiciously considering recent events.

We would advise all nations to uard their convoys, and to follow the policy of safety in mumbers. We would also advise putting up a web of sensors in your territory to pick up any pirate vessels moving through your territory.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

The People's Voice (TPV)

Following the recent political tensions between the New Roman Empire and the Oceania Union, President Frank Li today announced that the PIR fully supports the actions undertaken by the OU and will provide military aid to the OU should it come to war with the NRE.
However Li also said that a peaceful solution would be preferable and that he supports the Kokand Empire's initiative.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

FROM: Alyrium Denryle DE Head of State
RE: Acts of piracy

We are appled and disgusted that the NRE woud stoop to such underhanded tactics as hirig privateers to do their dirty work.

This act is nothing less than a declaration of war. And it is a war you cannot win. The Kokands stand by them, the New Bejing Alliance I am sure stands by them, WE stand by them. Frankly you will be outnumbered and outgunned. We would suggest that you recall your pirates before we hunt down and destroy every last one of them. We would also suggest that you release your trade in slaves, and free those that are bound in servitude. We would also suggest hat you pay monetary reparations t the Oceania Union for the legal cargo yourships have siezed. Such actions I am sure would avoid unfortunate bombardmet of your military facilities, and would prevent the need for thousands of me and women in your navy to sacrifice themselves.
Last edited by Alyrium Denryle on 2003-05-05 10:09am, edited 1 time in total.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by Stormbringer »

[Vahalla System - Asgard Imperial Palace]

"We have gotten reports back from the fleet, Your Majesty. The news is excellent. The opening phases of Bright Star have been a resounding sucess. Better than we hoped actually."

The Emperor nodded, he had been a naval officer as heir and was intimately familiar with the navy.

"That is excellent news, Admiral, welcome news indeed." He paused a second. "And what of our recent shipping losses among the convoys?"

"Only a few ships so far, but troubling. We do have good news though; an armed merchant, Mauritania, managed to force her would be pirate into surrendering when she turned out to outgunned."

The Admiral gave the Emperor a grave look. He didn't relish delivering this news.

"It was a privateer operating under a Roman Letter of Marque. They've been issued against OU vessels for sure. We're not sure whether he simply got greedy or whether we've been included on the target list. We have been a spearhead against the NRE on the slavery issue."

"Clearly we'll have to deal with this. We'll have to step up escort of our merchants and expedite the completion of our new cruisers. Thank god we signed the ITASF measures!"

The two men called in other ministers from State and Trade and began a discussion on the appropriate response. They bickered for several hours running deep into the night. When it was finally solved none were terribly happy.

[Valhalla Fleet Yards]

Secure Couriers boats were prepped and began flying out. They headed to all the Asgard worlds and to the embassies on friendly soil. The diplomats would be very busy dealing with this.
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Post by Companion Cube »

OANN The Outworlds Alliance News Network

Newsreader: Tensions between the major interstellar powers have increased today, following increased incidences of piracy against convoys from the Oceania Union. Spokepeople for the Kokand Empire and the OU have recently voiced suspicions that the attacks are the work of the New Roman Empire. But what does this mean for the lesser powers in intergalactic politics? With me here today is Mr. Abdul Sharif, of the Department of Defence.

Sharif: Frankly, the situation is currently very volatile, and I wouldn't be surprised to see some fairly aggressive political posturing on both sides of the...conflict. What's more, I-

Newsreader: I'll have to interrupt you for a moment, Mr Sharif, because we have just recieved some fairly startling breaking news. A pirate vessel in international space has been boarded by an armed merchant vessel of the Asgard Empire, and has been found to be carrying an NRE letter of Marque....

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Post by Stormbringer »

[AIN - Imperial Palace Correspondent, Gretchen Moore reporting]

A press release from the Imperial Palace was delivered earlier this afternoon. It back claims of Roman chartered privateers which have been hitting convoys recently. Several Asgard-flag merchants have been on the list of ships lost to the Roman privateers. The press release accusses the NRE of warmongering and piracy.

To quote: "The NRE has engaged in the systematic pirating of vessels in defense of it's despicable slaving industry. It's privateers have struck the vessels of several nations. The Asgard Empire finds such provocation alarming and will defend ourselves. We are reluctant to go to war but it is clear that the NRE is both belligerent and barbaric. We hope the NRE would agree to the Kokand's proposal immediately as the consequences of this continued provocation would be regrettable."
Last edited by Stormbringer on 2003-05-05 10:31am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

The meeting had been shorter then expected. The ambassador of the Asgard spoke with the Kokand secretary of state for under an hour, before returning to an embassy , which already sported additional security in the form of a mechanized infantry company. The secretary of state then made a few equally brief calls to the President and secretary of war. More meetings and conversation followed for some time into the dawn hours. Finally a single order was issued, and across the Empire commanders opened there safes to remove seal packages.

In space high above the Osalon system training worlds activity came to a halt for a brief moment. Craft locked in mock combat rolled wings level. Warships throttled back there engines. And then they resumed maneuvering, but now with new far more serious goals in mind. Even as the first drop ships headed down to the planets surface to reembark what ground forces had been landed a sentence was on every solders mind.

“Command directs all forces to cease current operations and prepare for new deployments.”
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

DEN Broadcasting

A DE merchant ship was attacked by NRE privateers today. Here is the last we heard from their distress call

Under attack, I repeat under attack. This is DES merchant ship Tildaran We are under attack by Roman pirates *explosion* *in background* HULL BREACH!......................................

This cmes as a shock to all in the DE government. We recently intrview the DE head of state

"How do you feel about the recent attac on ou shippig lanes by the NRE"
"This is an outrage. If such attacks cotinue we will be forced to go to war"

Thhis is Linda Vetath signing off
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by Companion Cube »

[Aleikum System-OAN Fleet HQ]

"Can we survive it?" The startled analyst looked up sharply, staring at the source of the query. His expression betrayed a sincere wish that he had been paying attention a few seconds earlier.

"Excuse me sir?" The Admiral repeated his question, speaking as if to a small child.

"Can we survive a Pre-emptive attack by the NRE?" The analyst blinked, and moved his gaze to the tactical display showing a good chunk of the Outworlds Alliance Navy, floating in orbit around Aleikum.


"In short, no, but-"

"But there is no reason for the NRE to attack? Consider this, Lieutenant: One of the largest sources of opposition to the NRE's...'interesting' record on sentient rights is the ITA, of which we are a prospective member. A relatively quick, painless victory against a much smaller, weaker power which is portrayed as being in opposition to the Roman way of life would certainly have a positive effect on New Roman morale."

"But sir, wouldn't this have the effect of bringing members of the ITA into the conflict?"

"We're not part of the ITA, Lieutentant. They have no obligation to help us."

"But wouldn't the Major powers use this an excuse to attack the NRE anyway?"

"The way I see it, a war is already inevitable, and the only thing that should matter to us is what side we get caught on..."
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Post by Thirdfain »


Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

The small OU armed merchant vessel 'Starlight Express' raced towards the Mao-class battleship PRS 'The Republic's Pride', closely followed by a corvette-sized vessel named 'Defiant'. The merchant had manadged to damage the Defiant's long-range sensors during the engagement, and as such, the crew didn't see the 6km long warship dead ahead.

Captain Fu studied the sensor readouts on his personal viewscreen.
He was intrigued by the small vessel, for it didn't attempt to flee at the sight of his ship but continued the chase.
"Forward missile batteries, prepare for long-range attack. Lock on target, and set missiles for proximity detonations. Don't kill, only disable it."

Onboard the defiant, an alarm klaxton sounded. Captain James Kelly turned towards his second-in-command, who was known only as Barney.
"What's that sound?"
Barney punched a few buttons on a console. "Oh fuck! PIR Mao-class battleship dead ahead, 1/2 ls distance! They're launching missiles!"
"Brace for impact!"
The missiles slammed into the shields which were quickly overwhelmed, and detonated near the hull. The hull was breached in many places and main power failed, the ship lay dead in space.


Attention: Oceania Union and NBA members
From: Frank Li, President of the People's Interplanetary Republic
Subject: NRE privateer raids on OU merchants
After an attack on a OU merchant ship near the F-system, PIR forces have disabled and captured the raider and taken prisoners. Interrogations have revealed they were indeed hired by the NRE. Although several died due to unfortunate icidents during their imprisonment, we offer the remaining 32 to the Oceania Union.
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Post by NecronLord »

Aboard the CSS Minister Gladstone somewhere in neutral space.

"Admiral" said the lieutenant. Admiral Kreshka turned from the serene view on the screen.
"Yes lieutenant?" she said.
"ID have discovered evidence of NRE privateers attacking OU ships Ma'am."
"So..." she paused in thought for a moment, "they've begun."
"Yes Ma'am"
"Relay this data to central command. Then set course for the fringes of their empire. If nothing else we can run down a few of their pirates."

The officer saluted and walked off to the control stations. The command ship and its fleet jumped to warp speed.

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Post by Thirdfain »

FREECAST FROM: Jeffery Il Jong (BoMa/Za/130004578)- Executive Office: Free Republic of Zarathrustra

ATTN: ALL Freeman/Bondmen/Lovebound of the Free Floater Republics
SUBJ: Freedom of the Void Violations by the NRE

"Brothers and Sisters- I speak to you today to address the issues which weigh so heavily on our hearts and minds. I speak to you today to reveal the corruption which seeps into Known Space, and I speak to you today to bring all Freemen/Bondmen/Lovebound of the Republics together, for a single purpose."

"Once again, we find the basic rights inherent in the condition of sentience attacked. Once again, we find heavies violating the Peace of Space and the Freedom of the Void. We find heavies who ignore the right of all to Be, Do, and Own. These heavies see men and women as mere pawns, sources of power for their corrupt beuracracies. These heavies use terrorist tactics, hiring pirates to do their dirty work for them. These heavies break every tenet we hold dear."

"But the strange thing about this occurence, Brothers and Sisters, is that these Heavies are not targetting our vessels and people- rather, they are acting against their fellow heavies. We, the people of the Free Republics, need to acknowledge that all sentients, Floater and Heavy alike, are inherently free. We need to take a stand against those who would discard these principles for personal gain!"

"The time has come for all of the Unbound to stand together, to stand with our allies who are bound only in the sense that they live in a gravity well- these heavies are NOT bound at all- they merely enjoy their freedom in a manner different than we do- and work to end the flagrant violations of human principle His Imperial Highness of the New Roman Empire perpetrates!"

"This being the case, I ask you, the Freemen/bondmen/lovebound of the Free Floater Republics, to give the Council of the Four Republics temporary authority. We must unite, and fight for what we hold dear!"

----------------------------------------------> Movement placed before Great Cluster. Final results:

Support Bondman Jeffery Il-Jong, Executive Office of the Free Republic of Zarathrustra:
3.1 Bi 002 Mi 936 Th 8 Hu 12

Oppose Bondman Jeffery Il-Jong, Executive Office of the Free Republic of Zarathrustra:
366 Th 1 Hu 88

Legislature Passed, by vote of Great Cluster. Assignation of power to the Council of Four Republics in effect immediatly. They will meet via Great Cluster link, in meetings before the entirety of the Great Cluster.

The Floater Republics now stand united!

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by NecronLord »

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Post by Stormbringer »

[AIN Fleet - Operation Bright Star - Flagship- AIS Vampyre]

The formation of 8 Superdreadnaughts, 15 Carriers, 30 Battlecruisers, and 50 escorts hurled through the black void of space. They approached their target at .8c running at maximum stealth. Their brutaly fast hyper transition had been unnoticed and they were sneaking into the heart of the system undetected.

"Are you running plots on all the ships in system?"

"Yes, sir Admiral, we'll be able to fire as soon as the word is given. I'm keeping the plot as up to date as possible."


Vice Admiral Layton was nervous, Bright Star was his first major operational command. It's success would be a major feather in his cap, the consequences of failure tremendous. They would reach firing range soon and so far it was a complete suprise.
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Post by phongn »

The operation by the SBS was smooth, efficient and above all, deadly. A long-range patrol sweep by the NAU Star Navy had uncovered a few privateers operating Q-ships from one of many anonymous, barren planets that littered the galaxy. There had been no warning or no quarter granted to those who would prey on the legitimate trade. Only death.

The first broadsides from the light cruiser Abliene shattered the enemy's defensive screen while several assault transports from the special-forces Q-ship M/V Orion landed at the base. Those elite troops from the Special Boat Service swiftly took down the opposition and entered the base. Follow-on personell from the Federal Security Agency then went to work on downloading the information. Decryption could take place later.

The SBS left the base, but it was left intact. It could be useful in the future for operations needing plausible deniabiity...

It would take almost two days for the information to be decrypted. Something was up: the data indicated that the pirate group had been approached by the New Roman Empire with letters of marque, but this group had declined it. Instead, another group had offered them even larger cuts of the bounty and even a small salary. They merely had to hit convoys from other, non-slave abiding powers allied with the OU.

Somewhere, someone wanted a war, but who?
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Post by HemlockGrey »

The New Roman Empire will severely punish any privateers who have attacked ships not of the Oceania Union and will pay compensation to any nation other than the OU that has been damaged by them.

However, we will not recall our privateers until a public apology has been issued. Our sovereignty will not be violated for any reason, or it will be war!
The End of Suburbia
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"The Wire" is the best show in the history of television. Watch it today.
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Post by Companion Cube »

[Salaam System-On the edge of OA space]

The Saladin class picket floated silently through the void, it's sensors ranging far and wide, searching for any threat to the Alliance. The 200 metre ship was covered with hastily attached metal plates and pieces of superstructure, which had been added to alter the ship's appearance to something approaching that of a merchant vessel.

The plan was simple. The picket ship, which was not honoured by a name, simply being designated Picket 136, was the bait a trap that involved a trio of Mujahadeen class frigates a little less than a light-year away. The warships were running with minimal activity, with most systems powered down, so as not to alert any potential prey...

Suddenly, alerts shrilled to life on board the frigates, as the 'merchant' ship broadcast a distress call. A pirate ship had dropped into space close to the scout ship, and was preparing to attack.

After a quick jump to FTL, the warships fell upon the pirate ship like hounds on a fox. Particle beams flared in the void, and the pirate ship was enveloped by light. Another succesful operation.

As the rapidly cooling debris scattered, Picket 136 lowered it's shields, and prepared to dispatch a squad of marines, equipped with space suits, to sift through any wreackage they could find.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

TPV news report

Today 250000 Red Army soldiers were deployed against a pirate base as part of the galaxy-wide campaign against privateers hired by the cowardly New Roman government to attack helpless Oceania Union merchant ships.
"The operation was a sucess" tells us General Peng, commander of the ground operation. "Our spaceships quickly destroyed the pitiful resistance of the privateers who fielded outdated frigates and destroyers against the PIR's powerful cruisers. After that, we began the landing operation. The resistance we met was insignificant, and so we only lost five thousand men."
Meanwhile, President Frank Li has announced that he wants to discuss the recent developments with the other members of the New Beijing Alliance in an extraordinary meeting as soon as possible, including the question wether the attacks on OU merchant ships are to be considered an act of war.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

The Imperial Fleet was put on high alert. The bulk of the Octavius fleet, over two hundred warships, went to full standby. Weapons were continually hot, shields running at maxium strength.

Orbiting the myriad Roman planets the hulking defense stations warmed up their guns. Ready to meet any advance from the Empire's hostile neighbors with an innumerable swarm of deadly missiles, the commanders of the fleet had scattered satillities and tracking beacons all over the system. Commercial traffic were escorted to and fro by the Gusti patrol craft.

The Admiral Decimus waited patiently onboard one of the massive space-forts, awaiting the slightest twitch of movement. The alert beacons had been scattered thick from the fringes of Roman space to the very heart of the system.

If anyone was out there, the fleet would know. Decimus' hand twitched on the firing switch.
The End of Suburbia
"If more cars are inevitable, must there not be roads for them to run on?"
-Robert Moses

"The Wire" is the best show in the history of television. Watch it today.