SSTGOD - The Gnome Wars

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Darth Garden Gnome
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

*the fighter drops out of hyperspace, 0X-1 in sight*

"All GIA craft, stay in hyperspace and circle our location. RougeIce and I will go in and find Ice. With any luck, their fleet will surrender then. If not, we'll use the confusion of Ice's capture to allow the GIA fleet to come in and clean up."

*the ship maneuvers silently beyond Ice's blockade and descends into the planet's atmosphere, moving as quickly as possible to avoid detection*

"Seems like Ice has let his defenses lax a bit too much. Sneaking in should be a cinch. RougeIce, let's make this as quick and brutal as possible. If we can throw them into confusion finding Ice will be much easier. Ready?"

*DGG's ejector seat activates, and the Midget fighter--carrying a payload of L/AL bombs--flies into a command structure housing Ice and his commanders. The fighter nails hte tower, and explodes in a brilliant fashion, opening a hole for RI and DGG to assualt through*

*lands safely, a few hundred yards from the blast site, and arms gridfire rifle*

"Lock 'n' Load, gentlemen."

Somewhere, in the far rescesses of DGG's mind a faint voice from things that have not yet come to pass eminates...

"All vessels pull up! IT'S A TRAP!"......
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Fisher fleet is traveling through hyperspace when they hear the word that DGG is about to launch his attack. Fisher's fleet arrives at their destination, the main base for the MAGE NAVY.

Thousands of Ghost commandos storm the the shipyards capturing some and killing most of the rest. Within minutes the shipyard is secure.

The three ghosts that were captured and truned by the Mages, go to complete their mission. They walk up to the building were Fisher has set up a command post.

They walk into the command room.

There are five other men there with Fisher, who is in his ghost gear.

Fisher is bending over some maps.
[ooc red will be the ghost who betray and white will be normal troops, green is my voice.]

We do this for Cyran

With those words they bring up their guns and fire.

"CHEIF!! LOOK OUT!" yells one of the men as he leaps into the path of the bullets and is killed instantly.

The remaining soldeirs as well as Fisher open fire killing those soldiers who betrayed them.

What the Hell was that about.

The traitors bodies are clear out.

All right, I want us to take as many ships as we can and destroy the rest.

With that the rest of the GIA forcesthen leave the base after destroying anything that was left behind.

The new fleet sets course for the system where DGG is about to attack.
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Post by Rye »

Rye sits in awe as he watches the vast omega naranja fill up his vision. Hundreds of tentacles spread out from the bizarre gothic structure, forks of a lightning-like effect zigzag between the spines. Lava-like rivers run all over the ebon surface, lighting the surface an unsettling dark orange.

The bright blue sheltered "eye" of the monstrosity scans the Orange Star and the small support fleet, and then closes.

The tentacles change position and vast white helical energies burst from the tentacles and coil into large balls.

Rye: "Excellent. The other naranja units will be here soon. Then we can really put it to the test."
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Darth Garden Gnome
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

*a purple ray blows through layers of walls and DGG advances steadily, annihilating the suspiciously weak guards inside the complex*

"I hope RougeIce is doing alright. He should be hitting the shield generator soon. When the GIA fleet shows up they'll be able to assualt the planet directly. He takes too long in getting it down and we'll lose the entire fleet."

*blasts through more armored plating effortlessly, clearing out entire defensive positions with ease*

*grabs a wounded soldier*

"Where is Ice? Tell me and I'll spare you."

Guard: "Thirteenth floor, center office. He should still be there, since the emergency escape vessels were vaporized in the ship impact."

"Excellent." *drops trooper to the floor and leaves him to wither and die*

Several Floor Later...

*a bomb explodes against the Bioarmor/Gnominium/Magic reinforced door of Ice's office, but does nothing. DGG unsheathes his sword and in one clean swipe eviserates the door down the middle. He spots Ice--whom is strikingly similar to RougeIce in many respects--standing at the opposite end of the room. He begins speaking (text red)*

"I've been expecting you, oh great leader."

"Oh have you now?"

Oh yes. I know all about your Orange friends and their secret plans, along with secret fleet ready to strike in orbit. Add on that my 'other' self is moving to take down the shield generator, and you have your battle strategy in a nutshell."

" did you kn-?"

"It is irrelevent. Right now all you need to know is that you are in far over head. This is beyond SEGNOR, Mages, even the Multiverse itself! I've been expecting you since the begging, and here you are, right where I want you."

"Have you been expecting this too!"

*lashes out at Ice with broadsword; Ice nonchalantly grabs DGG's wrist and uses it to flign him across the room into a nearby bulkhead*

"Perhaps we'll see how well the rest of your Gnomes fight with you out of the picture!

*Ice fires a mysterious blue energy beam at DGG. He attmepts to counter with his sword, but fails as the energy engulfs him and sends him spiralling into unconsiousness*

"Put him in my ship. If they want him, they'll have to go through me first."

*DGG is hauled away to Ice's command ship. Little does the RI know his attempt at the shield generator is a trap, as is the incoming GIA fleet*
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

All of the GIA Fleet including Fisher detachment and the home gaurd drop out of Hyperspace.

RogueIce do you have the sheild down yet. DGG can you hear me?

After receiving no answer, Fisher thinks out loud I dont like this something is wrong. All ships begin to pull out something is very wrong.
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Post by Rye »

Rye looks at what the Omega Naranja projecty has just a matter of minutes, they have made a veritable fleet of orange stars, and multiplied the reserve ships a hundred fold. Copying each and every subatomic particle and converting random hyperspace particles into fully working stations, ships and personnel, all the clones have a fanatical allegience to the original Rye, and the vast omega stations are still churning out more.

Rye allowed himself a wry smile, knowing full well the irony of the words, and how they were pronounced the same.

They'd just turned their primary battlestation into 50, and the escort fleet's numbers were in the thousands. This was godlike power, to copy and paste any existing configuration of matter and to do it quickly.

This black project was definately worth the rather sizable amount of the orange homeworld's and surrounding colonies' economies. The omega platforms had another sinister weapon, in that they could deconstruct any matter within range, and had one supercitruslaser each, and were covered in armoured cities and citruslaser batteries.

It all seemed perfect...perhaps too perfect....only time would tell. But gnomes were dying. Time was of the essence.

Rye: "Computer, notify the gnomish forces they have a new fleet on their side, notify me as soon as any distress signals are picked up, Orange stars 19 and 24, rendezvous with GIA fleet and notify me of further developments. Don't blow up any planets unless it's absolutely necessary."

2 large oranges break from the pack of orange spheres and minute support ships, and slide out into the depths of hyperspace.

The two moon sized battle stations and support fleet slip out of hyperspace on the opposite side of the planet, everything is dead calm. No radio chatter coming from anywhere.

A build up of energy was registered on the ground and a citrussuperlaser, coupled with some kind of gridfire tech and thaum based tech tore through orange star 19, and arced through space for orange star 24.

OS 24 quickl;y slipped into hyperspace and returned on the other side of the planet, citrussuperlaser already charged and cl batteries blazing.

The planet's shield flared brilliantly from the traingulated cl fire, and the csl blasted the point that the batteries were focussing on.

The planet flared into super caustic metroid matter and scattered at high fractions of lightspeed. The vast machine hid under the planet's surface was revealed and self destructed taking the damaged orangestars with it.

"That's bizarre," interdicted one of the communication officers. "orange stars 19 and 24 have stopped reponding..something about a planetary trap"

Rye was alarmed, but calm. "That's a shame. But no great loss, did they say about the GIA fleet?"

"No sir...sir...something's wrong...there are now NO communication lines open apart from between the orangestars...we can't reach homeworld, nor gnome space, not even HABspace. There isn't even any static."

"What....the....hell....?"asked Rye, not fully comprehending. The comm officer couldn't supply anything more than a shrug.

Rye: "Stay in a group, keep the omega narajas at full capacity though"

Science officer: "Sir, the Omegas...they've just...died."

Rye: "i seems the logical courses of all our leads have dissapeared would be to tow the omegas back home, or wait here for more news...i say we wait here, send 4 stations to tow the omegas home"

Comm: "yessir"

Rye: "What the hell is going on DGG?"
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Post by Agent Fisher »

A small GIA DELTA-class fighter/shuttle emerges from Hypersapce and opens com lines with Rye


The message just repeats itself.

After transmitting this message the DELTA-class fighter/shuttle turned around and returned to Hyperspace
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Post by Lonestar »

Lonestar Bourbonbuck's phone went off. He looked around the empty pub, wondering where everyone else was. The voice in his head chuckled, he ignored it.


"BourbonBuck, this is the Grand Vizer. Dink Dink."

"Hail Gnomage." Lonestar said automatically. "Need another shipment of bourdon sir?"

"No, we need your to help corral the rogue Ice. He is holding our leader hostage."

There was a tightening in Lonestar's stomach.

"You want me to call upon my Kree-Hobbit counterpart from the microverse? You know he's gone mad."

Do it. The voice in the head Hissed. You know my cosmic awareness gives SEGNOR an advantage over Ice.

"I'm afraid so..."

Lonestar sighed, lowered the phone, and slamed the Nega-Bands togather. There standing, was the Mad Kree-Hobbit Lonestar-vell.

Lonestar-vell picked up the phone.

"Don't worry, I'll get rid of Ice for you. I cannot guarenntee DGG's safety though." He hung up, ignoreing the squawking from the Grand Vizer.

Lonestar-vell smiled. His Day was here.

"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Darth Garden Gnome
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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Do you hear that, Gnome?

Hear what?

It is the sound of inevitability...

*DGG came to in his cell, stripped of weaponry and comm units. He took a short gander around--no way out. Figures, he thought*

"Hello?" *silence*

*The door begins to creak open, and two armed soldiers come in. If they were going to say anything, they were cut off as DGG tackles them to the ground as delivers fierce killing blows. He runs down the multiple hallways of labyrinth-like starship*

"Gotta find the comm station..."

*after a few more minutes of wandering (and several more dispatched guards) DGG discovers a comm station, and quickly eliminates its residences. He notes a viewscreen replaying the destruction of the Orange Stars. More and more fall victim as they futiley advance towards 0X-1*

"No!" *reaches for comm unit*

"All craft pull up! IT'S A TRAP!"

*the message booms across all channels friend and foe alike. Then an alarm goes off after detecting the unauthorized message, and dozens of guards armed with weapons similar to that Ice used earlier and stun the Gnome once again*

It is the sound of your death...
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Post by Tasoth »

*the Dwarven Frigate Omigawd!Killit!!! slips out of shadow space, a full squadron of Black dragon class fighters launching for support*

{This DAFr Omigawd!Killit!!!, what can we do for you gentlegnomes today?}
I've committed the greatest sin, worse than anything done here today. I sold half my soul to the devil. -Ivan Isaac, the Half Souled Knight

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Post by Agent Fisher »

Fisher realizes that they cannot let Ice hold DGG any longer.

Fisher asks for volunteers to rescue DGG. 150 Ghosts set out to rescue DGG.
[OOC will commence the rescue tomorrow. have to get off now.]
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Post by Agent Fisher »

The 150 ghosts sneak into the base where Ice is holding DGG.

They are sneaking through the complex when they run into a patrol. A samll firefight breaks out and all the patrol is killed. However 10 ghosts were killed in the crossfire.

As they set out again, alarms start blairing.


As the ghosts run down the corridors, they exchange fire with automated weapons and live guards.

When they finally reach the cell where DGG is being held, they are down to 50 ghosts left.

They exchange fire with guards as they open the cell door. The ghost in charge steps into the cell.

"Sir, I am Major McPherson. We are hear to rescue you. Hear is a rifle and lets get out of hear."

"All right. Lets go."

As the troops set out again, they come under fire once again.

They are down to ten men when they almost reach the hangar.

They turn a corner when they see a huge mass of hostile troops. The enemy opens fire.

The ghosts fall back but not before 5 are killed.

"Sir, run go a different way around to the ship. It is set to take you back to gnome space. We will cover you. Please sir, go let our deaths have some meaning. GO!!."

DGG runs around a corner as the remaining ghost unleash a hellish torrent of fire into the guards. At least 30 guards fall dead from the fire before the guards returned fire.

The ghosts were holding their own very well, when a platoon of enemy troops snuck up behind them and killed them.

But before the last ghost died he pulled the pin on a satchel charge which wiped out another 50 troops.

All this time DGG had been taking a back route to the ship. He had just come into the hangar when the explosion occured.

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Post by RogueIce »

As DGG ran to find an alternate path to the escape ship, he bumped into a new figure. A very familiar, and comforting, figure.

"RI!" he yelled! "You survived!"

"Yes, yes I did. Quick, come with me, sir."

And together they ran, and ran, until they bumped into a platoon of guards.

"RI, I'll take the ones on the left, you...what?!" Shocked and confused, he turned see the body of RogueIce, but the head of Ice behind him.

"How do you like my disguise, Gnome?" He pulled the trigger, and DGG knew only blackness.

Meanwhile, aboard the Deep Freeze, command ship of RogueIce, Grand Vizier of the SEGNOR, the ersatz Captain sent out a call to Agent Fisher of the GIA, asking him to come to the system immediately. It was an emergency. Agent Fisher acknowledged, and went to join the Deep Freeze with a pair of GIA Battlecruisers.

Back on OX-1, Ice made a call to Rye, disguised once more as RogueIce.

"Rye, quickly..." the transmission was breaking up, and full of static. "It was a trap! He knew of your Omegas, from the future, when you used them against the Mages in his original timeline! He set you up, Rye! make will have...flaw...and it..." with this, the transmission broke up a final time.

Content, Ice leaned back in his command chair, and smiled to himself.

In the dank, dark dungeons of Ice's base, RogueIce woke up. He then saw his leader next to him.

"Sir?" he nudged DGG, and slowly, DGG came to.

"Wha...YOU!" With that, he punched RogueIce in the jaw. "You TRAITOR!"

RogueIce warded off another blow, and then quickly tried to calm his boss. "No! Sir, it was Ice! He can duplicate me now, in full color! That's how he got me... He showed up, behind me, and it was ME! I was so shocked, I was too slow bringing my weapon up, and he stunned me."

DGG digested that. "This is not good. He can imitate you...and he even fooled me with his tricks...and with me and you captured like this, and SEGNOR knows we're here...he can issue commands to SEGNOR units, and they'll think it's you!"

RogueIce nodded, accepting the logic in that. And knew it was going to get much, much more difficult for the Gnomish forces long before it got easier.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by Jaded Masses »

"Contact the head of the gnomish fleet." I ordered my comms officer. seconds later the Admiral appears on my personal screen. "This is the chief of IARD forces, authorization is coming. I need your fleet to go in full force and fire every thing its got at the defense ships to allow my transport vessels to divulge their loads. Then my ground forces will attempt to rescue our leader and assassinate Ice. To do this I need your vessels to provide support for as long as it takes to get all my forces on the ground"
Last edited by Jaded Masses on 2003-08-07 10:47pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Fisher dispatches an a additional 4 battlecruisers with the 2 requested.

Fisher wanted to go with them but the funerals of the 150 ghosts that went to rescue DGG were on the same day he received the message and couldn't go.

At the funeral he gave this epilouqe.

These men gave their lives for a noble purpose. They would not want us to mourn them for long. They would not want us to question the mission they were on. For they did not question it and they beleived in it. And they would want us to beleive in it as well. I am here before yuo not as another Government worker or the Director of the GIA, but a fellow feild operative and agent. Their deaths will not be in vain. We will rescue DGG from the rebel Ice. I give you my word that I will die before giving up the chase.

After he had finished the funeral speech, he climbed into his Fighter/Shuttle and returned to GIA HQ.

Once he arrived there he went directly to the WAR ROOM to plan Ice's death. He was no longer following the mandate by RogueIce to capture the renegade alive.
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Post by Jaded Masses »

The admiral begins ordering his forces to attack as soon as my authority was confirmed. They jumped in and began firing at everything while throwing up as much ECM as possible. My transport fleet jumped in below them and launched troop transports of all sizes, then jumped out along with the fleet.

Large cones extended poles and force field emitters as they plummeted to precise coordinates, while shooting out debris that emitted huge amounts of noise rendering confusion at the enemy gunnery stations. As the poles on the large transports hit the ground they created craters. The force field emitters shaped the craters to be of a uniform and specific size. ramps folded down and tanks and IFVs rolled out by the tens. In the craters compartments opened along the sides of the lander and inflatable rooms began filling the crater with work shops and field hospitals.

In other areas drop ships carrying only one tank or IFV disgorged their loads at strategic positions and began flying air cover in the gunship role with one fire team in reserve to provide reinforcements any whare. ( think Republic attack gunship from SW).

Fire teams with AMRs took position on high ground to provide intelligence and suppress open vehicle movement of the enemy's.

Advancing under cover of a mobile theater shield and artillery; tanks and IFVs began an assault on the base.
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Post by Rye »

Rye sat nervously in his commanding chair, staring out into hyperspace, wondering why the omegas had just ceased working...thought it must be some kind of prototype fault that would have to be perfected with the new versions....if there were to be new versions....

Comm: "Sir! A Message from the grand vizier!"

Rye: "Put it on the main viewer."

The message was garbled and distorted and fragmented.

"Rye, quickly..." the transmission was breaking up, and full of static. "It was a trap! He knew of your Omegas, from the future, when you used them against the Mages in his original timeline! He set you up, Rye! make will have...flaw...and it..." with this, the transmission broke up a final time.

This was troubling news. This "Ice" was clearly the cause of it all and needed to be found. Urgently.

Rye told 10 orange stars to protect the disabled omegas and took the other 38 and support fleets with him in twos into mage space.

They decided to check the last known locations of the two dead Orange Stars and detected the remanants of a planetary mine of unknown configuration.

They would not surprise us again. IT was only a matter of time Ice, only a matter of time.

The orange star teams began to comb mage space, carefully avoiding mage ships...we didn't need a major interspatial incident here, just the fugitive ice.

Only a matter of time Ice.
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Post by RogueIce »

Unknown to the advancing forces, the ground beneath them served as cover for several Gridfiredoken cannons. As the enemy forces advanced, Ice sprung his trap.

Cannons sprang up, behind, in front of, to the side of, and even within the advancing forces. They then opened fire. The IARD forces fought well, and hard, but in the end it was hopeless; they were trapped by their own theatre shields, and surrounded, and cut off.

Meanwhile, L/UL powered missles slammed into the covering gunships, which were providing fire support against the cannons. The transports quickly fell. The missles then started detonating within the IARD formations.

Finally, the commander ordered the theatre shields destroyed, and with that, for his forces to fall back. He had barely 1/8th of his troops left when he finally reached a mountain pass and some semblence of safety from the assault.

He called for reinforcements, but his transmissions never made it off planet through the extensive jamming in place. Undeterred, he vowed to strike again. He knew it would only be a matter of time before additional forces were sent.

His men would not be left behind.

In the cell, RogueIce and DGG could her the very distant sounds of battle.

"Sounds like we're being rescued," said RogueIce, hopefully.

Several hours later, they couldn't hear any more sounds of battle. And reality sunk in.

"Don't worry, Rogue," said DGG. "They won't leave us here. They'll keep trying."

"I just hope they'll still have some soldiers with which to keep trying, sir."

DGG could think of no answer to that.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

As Jaded Masses troops attack. Another 150 commandos in Heavy Armor set out to resuce DGG. Fisher leads this attack.

They set off down the corridor and blast the first patrol they see.

When they finally reach the cell where DGG is being held they have only lost 30 troopers but have left a bloody trail throught the complex.

Fisher enters the cell and is startled to see the Grand Vizier there in the cell with DGG.

[ooc green=me,red=DGG,yellow=RogueIce]
Sirs we are here to get you out. here are weapons and lets go!

Thanks Agent, lets get the hell out of here!

Lead the way Fisher

As they run down the halls Fisher, DGG and RogueIce are in the middle of the formation.

RI, what are you doing hear? Weren't you going to bring down the sheilds. And if you are here then who ordered me to send the GIA battlecruisers to meet up with the DEEP FREEZE?

As they turn a corner they exchange fire with guards, killing all the guards but losing 10 Ghost troopers in the process.

When they reach the hangar bay, the have 20 Heavy Troopers and 30 Ghosts Troopers left.

As they begin boarding the THETA-CLASS COMMANDO DESTROYER they come under fire from a large contingent of Ice's troops. Another 20 men are killed before the ship anti-personnel cannons are brought online.

As the ship flies away from the enemy hangar, the men are cheering for their victory and successful rescue of their leaders. The second-on-command of the rescue op, Col. Blair, notices that Fisher is stare blankly at a wall with his arm held tightly against his side. Blair walks over to Fisher and sees he has been shot.


The medics rush over to Fisher and begin to administer medical aid to Fisher.

When the ship reachs GIA HQ, Fisher is rushed to the hospital section of GIA HQ. The doctors are not very hopeful.

[ooc Will Fisher live? and what will DGG and RogueIce do now that they are free? by the way I will decide if Fisher lives. don't worry it will be good
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Post by RogueIce »

Agent Fisher wrote:[ooc Will Fisher live? and what will DGG and RogueIce do now that they are free? by the way I will decide if Fisher lives. don't worry it will be good
[OOC: If you die, do we ask SotS to ban you? :) j/k]

As RogueIce, finally free, looks around, he makes a descision. "With your leave, sir, I'd like to get my ship back."

DGG nods, and adds, "Take two of our Destroyers with you."

"Yes sir."

Several days later, they arrive at the last reported position of the Deep Freeze and find only scattered wreckage.

"Pull in everything you can! I want it all analyzed!"

"Sir, Comm signal! It's a remote transmitter!"

"Lock on to it."

"Yes sir. It has a message, but it's encrypted."

RogueIce pondered that, and then decided it would be best to decrypt it now and stay in the area. It might be a plea for help.

"Decrypt it, and have it sent to me in my quarters. See to it personally, Commander."

"Aye aye, sir."

[OOC: I'll write the details of the message later. Too tired to do it right now. Suffice to say, it details the fate of the GIA ships and the Deep Freeze herself.]
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

OOC. no if I die no one will ask SotS to ban me don't worry it will be a good post
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

After many, many hours of surgery the verdict is in.

The wound was just too bad to fix. Fisher will die.

However thanks to the miracles of cloning and growth acceleration, GIA R&D scienctists are able to clone Fisher's body.

After 48 hours of brain transfer surgery, the operation is succesful. Fisher returns to his duties after attending his funeral, which was very weird for him.

Fisher learns that there has been no contact from the 6 battlecruisers that he sent to the DEEP FREEZE.

Fisher dispatch a whole battlegroup to meet with RogueIce at the DF last known location.
[ooc the GIA has 4 battlegroups and many smaller fleet groups]

4 Battlecruisers
16 Frigates
20 Theta-Class destroyers
40 squadorns of remote operated GAMMA-class fighters.
6 sqaudorns of Wizard scout/fighter ship
3 squadorns of WRAITH spy/scout/fighter ship
30,000 Clone Ghost Troopers
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Post by RogueIce »

"We have it decrypted, sir."

"Very well. Play it back."

Aye aye, sir."

[OOC: Yellow will be the transmission, any other comments will be in white.]

"This is the XO of the SEGNOR ship Deep Freeze to anyone who It was a trap, set up destroy us all."

"Commander!" RogueIce snapped. "Can you fix that, see who set them up?"

"I'm afraid not, sir. We did all we could."

Unsettled that there was possibly a new force at work here, RogueIce resumed the recording.

"Here follows a recording of the battle that took place."

The Deep Freeze sitting alone in space, waited for the GIA Battlecruisers to arrive. Finally, they did. There were six of them.

As the Captain of the Deep Freeze started to open up a channel to the new arrivals, out of nowhere, several GBMO destroyers appeared, and begin firing on the GIA ships. The R/AR tipped L/UL missles began slamming into the R/UR shields of the GIA warships, as they turned and began returning fire at the destroyers, to have it impact against the R/AR shields.

The Captain, watching this, was approached by the XO. "Sir, shouldn't we move to assist?"

"Negative, Commander."

"But, sir, why..." and then, seemingly, he understood. And then he understood why the GBMO ships were attacking the battlecruisers...but not them.

Silently, he drew his pistol, and shot the Captain in the back. He slumped over, dead. Over the surprised looks of his crew, he shouted, "Engage the GBMO warships, and let's help out those spooks!"

Finally, the Deep Freeze began moving. It was at first ignored by the GBMO ships, as they thought it was perhaps coming to assist. Under the relentless bombardment of the battlecruisers, they kept all of their potent R/AR shields facing ahead of them, leaving the rear unprotected.

It would prove a costly reminder in the pitfalls of overconfidence, as the XO was about to demonstarte to them, as he targeted several of the 20 destroyers.


Suddenly, Gridfire and L/AL missles shot out at ten of the GBMO ships. Strong as they were, with no shields, they were defenseless. They were quickly destroyed, and the Deep Freeze began tracking it's fire along the path of the other ships. Four were too slow to shift their shields back, and paid a terrible price. Six were quick enough, but were heavily damaged.

And then the GIA ships pressed their advantage. Having lost one of their number already, the other five focused on one of the six remaining ships. As their weapons were expended useless on the R/AR shields, the commander of the flotilla had a thought.

"Adjust the detonation of our missles. Have them explode just on the edge of their shields."

It proved to be a potent tactic. For, while the shields still withheld, having to deal with the blasts impacting on a wider area than before, and with much more force than the mere missles themselves, they could not simply make it vanish as they were designed to do. And the shields collapsed on the GBMO ship.

Aboard one of the GIA cruisers, already aflame from the serious damage inflicted, the CO sent new targeting data to the commander. The commander took the hint, and focused on one of the remaining five GBMO destroyers. The damaged cruiser, it's skipper knowing full well he and his crew were done for anyway, gave his crew one last chance to abandon ship before he rammed the GBMO menace.

Not a single crewman budged from their battlestation, as the cruiser slammed into the destroyer, taking them both with them.

With the combined firepower of the Deep Freeze and the four remaining battlecruisers, armed with this new tactic, they managed to finish off the remaining destroyers. However, the Deep Freeze and two of the cruisers were heavily damaged at the end of it all. Of the other two, only wreckage remained.

The XO again reappeared. "We won this battle, but only just barely. We have recorded it, and this new tactic, in the hopes that it will serve the fleet well. We will transmit this just as soon as --"

He was cut off by the sound of alarms. He turned, and just behind him in the viewscreens, three GBMO battleships were advancing. He had just opened his mouth, when they opened fire. He changed his mind as his ship shook beneath him, and he turned to his Comms Officer. "Save this to a remote transmitter and launch it, NOW!"

"Yes sir."

Then the screen went dark. RogueIce sat where he was, motionless. He had lost his ship. And a damn fine crew. And he would have to notify Fisher that now, more of his men had been lost.

There would be a lot of families to notify tonight. But he vowed their deaths would not be in vain.

He composed a message, detailing this new tactic, and appended to it the relevant portions of the battle transmission. He then sent it out, fleetwide, for immediate action.

With their sacrifice, those brave crews had given SEGNOR a new hope against the GBMO forces and their technology.

[OOC: How's that for fanfic style writing? :) ]
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Agent Fisher
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Post by Agent Fisher »

Once Fisher reached RogueIce he received the message.

The GIA BattleGroup preformed a burial at sea for the crews of the six battlecruisers that were lost.


Fisher realized that they would need more reinforcements so he sent for another BattleGroup and 2 fleet elements.

[ooc here is the compostion of a fleet element]
2 Battlecruisers
8 Frigates
10 Theta-Class destroyers
20 squadorns of remote operated GAMMA-class fighters.
3 sqaudorns of Wizard scout/fighter ship
2 squadorns of WRAITH spy/scout/fighter ship
and the apporite number of support craft.
20,000 Clone Ghost Troopers
also here is what a battle cruiser can carry
6 squadrons of Gamma fighter
5 squadorns of Wizards
6 Wraiths
10,000 troopers with dropships and suppport craft
a frigate can carry 3 sqauds of gammas
2 sqauds of wizards
2 wraiths
and 5000 troopers and support craft.
a theta class destroyer is used for air support and borading and policing actions
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Post by Mitth`raw`nuruodo »

fuck fuckedy fuck. I'm here now, but I'm gonna stay out of the TGOD, maybe watch a little. it's too late in the game for me to jump in, methinks.]
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