Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:"... and Boss, do we have any Plexes? We could boresight a bunch of them, point them at the comm towers and dishes, then jury-rig them to fire on remote control so all of us can get in on the action... although this plan, like so many others, is going to suffer from the problem they ALL have in common - they're too good. Nobody but the zero-gee guys can touch us, maybe not even them, and I'll bet the turncoat bastards in their ranks know about us.
"Good point on the Plexes, we can probably find some in our vast store
that're untraceable to us, perhaps some of the older models the planetary
governments are dumping onto the market? With boresighting it wouldn't
matter how shitty the guidance systems are."
Perhaps we could disgusie ourselves as Rebel reinforcements activated when some pirate ship buzzes them, then infiltrate and penetrate, then shoot and loot and make it look like a case of... whaddyacallit, internal struggles? Would kriff up Rebel morale, knowing that bases like that can tear themselves apart, the bastards go on the magic carpet ride to hell, and we laugh all the way to the bank. 'Course, I'm just a medic, so what do I know?"
"Good points all, but this isn't a Political Gain Operation, just a simple
hit and run. We'll let the rebels wonder who the hell toasted their base,
and we'll have leads on whoever's supplying those MagPulses to the
Rebs, you may get your wish for a PGO pretty soon."