The most evil GM thing you have ever done...

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Post by LadyTevar »

SirNitram wrote:
The Slivers. The Slivers are interesting, because most have a special ability. This ability is immediately shared with all other Slivers. For instance, one is a particularly armour-plated one. Once in the region, all other Slivers instinctively grow more armour.
You're just upset because I won, even with you Wraith of God-ing the field. I only had 4 life left, but you three *still* couldn't beat me! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!

Oh... Shifting Sliver is the best one I've found. "All slivers gain the following ability: May not be blocked except by other slivers."

Of course, the Brood Silver is even worse. "All slivers gain the following ability: Whenever a sliver damages a player, put a 1/1 token into play. Token counts as a Sliver."

I had 21 tokens, and 7 actual slivers. Now... to just find my Sliver Queen again..........
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
BTW, The Dude on this bbs, was one of the players.

That was a fun campaign - I can't believe it lasted so long without the other PCs killing me.
It lasted that long because

1) You made sure everyone got a sweet ride, which is what 2/3 of the group really wanted.

2) You allowed them to challenge you if they were really pissed. Of course, the terms of one on one, unaugmented combat meant that any character who wasn't a Clan Elemental was at a severe disadvantage against the death machine that was your character. :D
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Post by Oni Koneko Damien »

Solauren wrote:Ever seen a character Vorpal off his own leg?

D&D Bloodright campaign. Our party was fighting a sand-giant in a dungeon. Rob goes, "I'll slice off his testicles with my next swing," and rolls a one.

"You miss, trip and fall, and cut off your own foot."

"Shit, I had magical boots on too."

After the giant was killed, there was still a pit trap in the room that needed to be sprung.

Malone: "I pick up the nearest object and throw it on the trap."

GM: "Rob, your magical booty just fell fifty feet onto a bed of poisonous spikes."

Rob: "Damnit Malone, get down there and get my magical booty! I want my goddamn magical booty back!!"

To this day, mention 'magical booty', and anyone who was in the campaign pretty much dies laughing.

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Post by Guy N. Cognito »

I think the I thwarted the evil a GM had planned for us. I was a Kobold monk. After a long tough fight, he has a giant come tromping over the hill towards us. We would have lost at least half the party in the fight due to our relative low hitpoints at that point in time, so I threw all of our remaining alchemist fires in a bag ran up behind the giant climbed up his back and swung the bag at it's head. 13D6 for two rounds downs a giant quickly. On a completely different note, it also burns the person swinging the bag quickly too....... I got out of the situation with -7 hp. Thank god for healers.
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Post by weemadando »

Playing Conspiracy X I generally try and enforce fairly strict operational procedures. Bug sweeps and all the other day to day stuff of the spook life becomes part of the game.

The amount of times that through their stupidity they've had to relocate from one base to another because of Black Book raids, FBI raids, PCs becoming supernaturally imbued god-like beings and being arc-lite'd...

I also strictly run a "you fuck up - you die" game world. This spreads across Con X, Call of Cthulhu, Stargate SG1 and Recon all of which I run fairly regularly.
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Post by Thunderfire »

One of my villains used "loudmouth stew" to feed the surviving characters in prison.
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Post by Kuja »

I was watching a game involving a couple friends of mine and their 20+ characters. The GM was trying to challenge them and they kept smacking down their the point where he was throwing Gold and Silver dragons at them without success. Finally, I popped and said: "Allright! Roll a d6! On a five or lower, you forget to breathe!"

He finally killed off the party through suffocation.
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Post by weemadando »

A really fun one of mine was a Recon game (you can find the game free online - it makes for a pretty fun distraction), Recon, in case you don't know is an almost completely randomly generated 'Nam game.

So what I'd generally do is draw a quick and dirty map showing LZs, Target and other "known" bits and pieces. The team would choose and LZ and away they'd go. For every 1cm on the map that they travelled I'd roll on the patrol tables. This is of course not including the LZ tables. So one mission went like this:

Going in to take out a known VC ville in the highlands - what follows is an account of what I recall coming up on the tables and the result.

6 Marine Force Recon boys go in via chopper and choose a circuitous route to the LZ.

Hot LZ - Chopper down! Pilot and Crew chiefs dead, co-pilot alive.

Scatter to the jungle, wait for VC/NVA investigation.

3 local VC turn up, promptly cut down by M-60 and M-14 fire.

Team leaves co-pilot behind after confirming pickup is on the way and makes for the ville.

They spot and avoid several traps.

Then run headlong into a mainforce VC patrol 12 men strong. Brutal firefight ensues, several team members wounded.

Avoid several more patrols.

Make it to the ville - ambush it at dawn after humping along the trail all night. Blow the fucking shit out of it - mucho WP and 40mm.

As they pull back to an alternative LZ they locate a large VC mainforce group (100-150 men) and are spotted by a patrol.

They hop on the radio and call for support - unfortunately their fire control skills fail them and they rain in the arty a touch TOO "danger close".

More injuries and a fatality. They start a breakneck run towards the LZ with one of their number being carried. The radio man is screaming for air support and that the chopper better fucking be there when they get there.

They reach the LZ just in time for me to roll another Hot LZ and they watch as their chopper is blown away by 37mm AA fire.

They fight a desperate holding action against the large VC force as time ticks down for the next chopper to arrive (oh and 2 of them have gone off to find the crash site and see if there are survivors).

The 2 that are patrolling run into the AAA location - take it out, but not before one of them is killed. The chopper is found with all but the co-pilot alive. The survivors leg it back to the LZ with another 2 corpses.

The radio man is having a better time with fire control this time and is bringing in the F-104s dead on target. The next slickcomes in with 2 gunships in escort.

Manages to land and they climb aboard while the chopper is taking fire.

They finally get away - every team member spent at least 1 month in hospital after that jaunt and all but 1 took a purple heart and a ticket home. The one who didn't? The radioman (career Marine - the character had wicked stats and was about 35), who was killed on the next mission by an NVA patrol.
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Post by LordShaithis »

This was actually in Ultima Online, but I was once dealing with a player character who had lost absolutely all of their memory. They could speak in a simple childlike way, but if you told them that grass is green because leprechaus come out at night and paint it, they'd believe you. With careful manipulation and some brainwashing via roleplayed mental powers, I quickly turned my friend's character into a cheerfully obedient murder-machine.

Them: *hacks up a peasant* Did I do good?

Me: Oh yes, very good.

Them: *goofy childish grin*
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
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Post by Tzeentch »

Most evil thing I did recently:

Good party is impersonating a (dead) evil wizard to get info from a powerful fiend, Mydianchlarus. The fiend requests two services from the party: he wants them to rescue a friend of his from execution by a kangaroo court on another plane, and he wants them to fulfill another contract the evil wizard previously made with some of the fiend's clients. The PCs think that these demands are reasonable, and the "evil wizard" (the good cleric) signs his true name to a new contract. In blood.

The party then finds out about their obligation to the previous contract. They need to capture a mage of truly pure heart, and deliver him/her to a demon to use in constructing an abyssal war machine.

Or the cleric's soul is forfeit.

Shoulda read the fine print. The look on their faces was priceless. :twisted:
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Tzeentch wrote:Most evil thing I did recently:

Good party is impersonating a (dead) evil wizard to get info from a powerful fiend, Mydianchlarus. The fiend requests two services from the party: he wants them to rescue a friend of his from execution by a kangaroo court on another plane, and he wants them to fulfill another contract the evil wizard previously made with some of the fiend's clients. The PCs think that these demands are reasonable, and the "evil wizard" (the good cleric) signs his true name to a new contract. In blood.

The party then finds out about their obligation to the previous contract. They need to capture a mage of truly pure heart, and deliver him/her to a demon to use in constructing an abyssal war machine.

Or the cleric's soul is forfeit.

Shoulda read the fine print. The look on their faces was priceless. :twisted:
Your players are idiots. Agreeing to fulfill a contract with a fiend? :wtf:
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

The contract was only to deliver a mage of pure heart to the demon. SO you "capture" an good mage(or tell him the situation and get him to come along) then you "deliver" the mage to the demon, with a full repetoire of banishment spells if applicable, or other spells if not.

contract is TECHNICALLY fulfilled
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Very slick Aly.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I just remember the guy who wished for a shitload of gold and stormbringer....

the dragon took one look at Elric and they decieded to let elric kill the PC after the dragon cast silence on him....

(basically player and Elric teleported to the dragon's lair, Stormbringer and the dragon's gold are teleported to the player's hand)
Last edited by The Yosemite Bear on 2004-12-01 02:24pm, edited 1 time in total.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Hotfoot »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:The contract was only to deliver a mage of pure heart to the demon. SO you "capture" an good mage(or tell him the situation and get him to come along) then you "deliver" the mage to the demon, with a full repetoire of banishment spells if applicable, or other spells if not.

contract is TECHNICALLY fulfilled
Assuming "deliver" means "bring to my home plane", which it should, then Banishment won't really do much.

Also, I'd imagine that the demon would be expecting the mage to resist, and probably has a method of restraining him once he has arrived. :P

I'd also wonder what mage would let himself be taken in such a manner that, if he failed in this one in a million shot of beating a demon one on one (and let's be honest, this is a fiend we're talking about, that's a tough bastard right there, especially if he's on his home plane), he would either die or be used in the creation of an abomination that would result in untold suffering. Why not stay at home, or attempt to raise an army against the fiend? Just because someone is good and pure, doesn't mean that they're going to be willing to throw their life away on a whim.

I liken this to the example of the fifth level paladin versus the Ancient Red Dragon with standard issue captured princess. The Paladin knows that the Dragon is going to kill the princess, in fact, he's watching from not-so-far away (hidden, either by magic or by skill) as the dragon gets ready to strike the killing blow on the bound princess.

According to some people, the Paladin should rush to her rescue, no matter the odds, because it is the right thing to do, never mind that they would both die anyway (and quite possibly take the party down as well). This is what I would like to call the "Stupid Good" argument. This argument is also applied to villians who do abysmally stupid things, like slaughter a town because, well, that's so EVIL.

However, I would argue that the Paladin should not have to throw his life away, and still be following the Paladin's code and his own alignment. He should know he stands no chance against the massively powerful dragon now, but he might make it his quest from that point on to slay that dragon, some day, and some day soon. So he pulls out all the stops, hunts for powerful artifacts of legend or lore that would help him in defeating this dragon, perhaps even amassing an army under his command.

So back to the wizard, truly pure of heart. He could be an archmage defending a nation against the forces of darkness, and without him, the nation's defenses would crumble, causing unimaginable death and destruction throughout the lands. Perhaps he is a parent, and is raising the next generation of archmages or heros. All of a sudden, a group of raggedy adventurers comes up and says, "Hey, yeah, you know, you've got a pure heart, right? How about coming with us to hell? See, we, uh, made a deal with a devil, and our souls are forfeit if we don't bring you down there."
"Are you mad?"
"Hey, just memorize some spells, and you'll be fine, you know? When you're done, you can just come back and everything's fine."
"And if I don't come back? What then? Will you raise my children? Will you keep my country safe? Or will you sell those to a devil as well?"
"Get out!"
"But we need you! The devil's building an abyssal war machine!"
"You want me to be a part of an abyssal war machine? Why should I not have you arrested right here and now?"
"Because, want to stop him."
"By giving him what he wants?"
"Sort of...yeah."
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The Realm of Confusion
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Post by Typhonis 1 »

Remeber kiddies that when granting wishes in a game Magic ,like water, will tend to take the easiest path. "I wish for castle!"

Alakazam!!!! "What the hell is this friging toy????" "your Castle master"
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

1. you don't get that old being pure of heart...

2. see that bag of hormoes trying to play with my staff of the archmagi?

send that, and a few others to the demon, don't worry I have them all fully charged...

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Hotfoot »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:1. you don't get that old being pure of heart...

2. see that bag of hormoes trying to play with my staff of the archmagi?

send that, and a few others to the demon, don't worry I have them all fully charged... take several artifacts of immense power that have never been used, throw them away in the hopes that some kids can break them before the Fiend tears them to shreds or stops them from moving at all. Assuming that any of the kids are mages truly pure of heart, the devil has what he needs, plus some extra bodies, and several artifacts. Don't worry, you'll see them all again, in the hands of his army's generals as they raze your pathetic material plane. :P
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Hotfoot wrote:
The Yosemite Bear wrote:1. you don't get that old being pure of heart...

2. see that bag of hormoes trying to play with my staff of the archmagi?

send that, and a few others to the demon, don't worry I have them all fully charged... take several artifacts of immense power that have never been used, throw them away in the hopes that some kids can break them before the Fiend tears them to shreds or stops them from moving at all. Assuming that any of the kids are mages truly pure of heart, the devil has what he needs, plus some extra bodies, and several artifacts. Don't worry, you'll see them all again, in the hands of his army's generals as they raze your pathetic material plane. :P
Why should we assume that this archmage has such obligations as a kingdom at war that will be destroyed if he is absent for a few hours? And who says he has to do it himself? "Deliver" the archmage... in the company of the party and the local chapter of the Knights of the Chalice. That demon wouldn't stand a chance in Hell. Convenient, since he's there already. :P
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

how about the easy box with stasis contents

portable hole lining the bottom, bag of holding on the top...

since the box has a statsis field up so long as the lid is closed,/box is intact, it's contents are indiscernable....

now you open the box......

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Hotfoot »

Rogue 9 wrote:Why should we assume that this archmage has such obligations as a kingdom at war that will be destroyed if he is absent for a few hours?
Not a few hours, the rest of his life. There is a distinct chance he will not be coming back, meaning his other obligations are being put aside for this asinine quest started by a damn fool of a Took. :P
And who says he has to do it himself? "Deliver" the archmage... in the company of the party and the local chapter of the Knights of the Chalice. That demon wouldn't stand a chance in Hell. Convenient, since he's there already. :P
Yes, because as we all know, Fiends can't possibly stand against anything a party could send at them. :roll: Unless the party, the mage, and those knights are epic level, they are going to get seriously boned. Check out what a Fiend is capable of on the Material Plane. It only gets worse on its home plane, where reinforcements are literally coming out of the walls.

Imagine, for the moment, that the Fiend fights as he is supposed to, intelligently. As the party brings the mage, they have to pass through wards which only let through the party and the mage...any other backup gets left behind, and if they try to take it down, all hell breaks loose, literally.

Then there's another barrier, one that only lets the mage through. The party is left behind, only able to watch as the Fiend springs a trap which binds the mage and keeps him from chanting, wiggling his fingers, or grabbing components. Now he's helpless, the backup has to break through a devil's ward and fight through hell, and the party is in only a slightly better position.

Honestly, Devils are supposed to be masters at manipulation and deception. You don't think that the Fiend would EXPECT some sort of double cross and put measures in place against such an event?
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The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
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Post by Hotfoot »

The Yosemite Bear wrote:how about the easy box with stasis contents

portable hole lining the bottom, bag of holding on the top...

since the box has a statsis field up so long as the lid is closed,/box is intact, it's contents are indiscernable....

now you open the box......
Stasis? Don't know that ability, got a page reference? You sure it blocks all manner of divination?

As for the bag of holding/portable hole trick, now it just creates tears or portals to the Astral Plane, it's only a temporary solution to the problem, and that's assuming the devil opens the box instead of the party. So many things can go wrong with these "gimmick" plans. If you want to actually outwit the devil, you have to be just as sneaky and crafty as they are. Nothing is foolproof in either direction, but in this situation, the devil has a major advantage.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Okay, so deliver the mage, he promptly plane shifts out. There is always a way. :P
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

My players would have either looked for an alternate information source or a way to grab the fiend by his cojones.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Rogue 9 wrote:Okay, so deliver the mage, he promptly plane shifts out. There is always a way. :P
Once again, this relies on the Devil being a dumbass and either not using his natural abilities, cunning, or home-field advantage. The second the mage shows up, the Devil can cast Power Word: Stun at will. No saving throw for the mage to try and resist, he can't do anything.

There is not always a way. Sometimes, players will do things that result in the loss of their characters. It's regrettable, but it happens. Giving players an easy way out cheapens the entire experience and gives them the impression that they can do foolish things with little consequence.

In this case, pretty much the only hope the party has is to either do the deed and give the Devil what he wants, or pray they've garnered enough extraplanar attention that they can get some sort of aid from patron gods, celestials, or very powerful dragons. Sure, they can try to pull one over on the devil in question, but it should be very, very tricky and rely heavily on roleplaying ability and being crafty as hell.

I still maintain that any wizard truly pure of heart would not be stupid enough to willingly set aside their other obligations and duties just to throw their lives away on such a fool's errand as this.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
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