Thats really a shame that this seems to have degenerated into a big bitch fest thats going to culminate in a big bad slap down.
I really empaphise with the Centauri situation being that he got caught in the middle of a war that is now over, but where does that leave him - i mean he still has devestated systems.
For my part i've worked hard to get where i am and would really like to see resolution on various story threads most importantly being
- Narn / Dilgar war
- The military alliance that i was trying to build up in oposition to the light Block.
- The struggle for dominance over Earth Gov.
Those are the main points but i enjoyed building the basis for the central charactors of my government (even if their names are loosely pilferred from Far Scape) and am more than a little disappointed that all that work and about three months of slow build up is going to come crashing down.
One thing i will say, is that i've enjoyed the experience so far and hope that i've presented a race that has flair and a streak of crazyness to them.
And in all fairness Trogdor, i have to say that yours were definately some of the more enjoyble posts i read in the Rp thread. You managed to encapsulate the nervousness of someone in Londos' position whilst maintaining the flair of PJ which i highly enjoyed.
Stuck in the middle as i am though, i feel i'm about to be nibbled to death by cats.