Guild Wars and Expansions
Moderator: Thanas
They have real time price quotes for merchants, so I suppose they could do an auction house.
Right now trading is an "underground" economy though. You can just shut off general and trade and ignore it entirely if you want. I don't know how an auction house would work, never played WoW, but in my opinion it might make trading too easy. Right now if you're in the right place at the right time you might get a good deal, with an auction house which I suppose someone could list an item and bid for prices it would guarantee whoever could pay the most money got the item. Also I am sure fuckers would still use general to whore their wares, there's a trading channel and they don't use that so if there's a trading house I don't know if they'd use that. Unless there's something a trading house offers that a channel doesn't, like listing your shit, but then whoever has the most money gets it rather than being at the right place in the right time. It's not annoying to me because I never trade, but if I was to trade, I'd find skimming the text and zooming around districts and listening to people scream part of the fun, not really annoying. Haggling through pms, hunting for a good bargain would be part of the fun.
The only thing I'm worried about a trading house is it might change the fundamental nature of the game, like people who suggest GW should have non-instantiated zones. Trading channel's been around for years, people gather in two or three cities to do it, I don't see a problem with it.
Right now trading is an "underground" economy though. You can just shut off general and trade and ignore it entirely if you want. I don't know how an auction house would work, never played WoW, but in my opinion it might make trading too easy. Right now if you're in the right place at the right time you might get a good deal, with an auction house which I suppose someone could list an item and bid for prices it would guarantee whoever could pay the most money got the item. Also I am sure fuckers would still use general to whore their wares, there's a trading channel and they don't use that so if there's a trading house I don't know if they'd use that. Unless there's something a trading house offers that a channel doesn't, like listing your shit, but then whoever has the most money gets it rather than being at the right place in the right time. It's not annoying to me because I never trade, but if I was to trade, I'd find skimming the text and zooming around districts and listening to people scream part of the fun, not really annoying. Haggling through pms, hunting for a good bargain would be part of the fun.
The only thing I'm worried about a trading house is it might change the fundamental nature of the game, like people who suggest GW should have non-instantiated zones. Trading channel's been around for years, people gather in two or three cities to do it, I don't see a problem with it.
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6257
- Joined: 2005-06-25 06:50pm
- Location: New Zealand
Statwise, the only things you have to farm or trade with players for are weapon upgrades. But they could be easily handled by similar code to the code that runs the dye traders or other NPC traders. But every time someone suggested this on the various fan forums a lot of people would be against it because it would lower the value of those mods. Considering that the price of everything always seemed to be cheaper at 3rd party trading sites, I'm thinking that they are correct because the trader would both make selling them easier thus increasing supply (personally I threw away most weapon upgrades, even max ones, simply because it wasn't worth selling them) and it would also prevent some people from inflating the prices by simply yelling louder.brianeyci wrote:It'd be nice to know whether you're being ripped off buying a powerful item. But I don't really care since I usually turn off general and trade. I also do not trade, and don't buy stuff from people. I keep all my stuff, or give it away, or break it down, or sell it to the merchant. GW isn't about items, so it's not a necessity that there be an auction house, it'd just be a little nicer and I don't mind that there isn't. Most trade is in Kamadan or Lion's Arch.
With the current system, if you want a weapon upgrade thats not one of the more expensive ones (such as a specific elemental damage mod) you would quickly find that there is no-one selling it because its not worth trying to sell when 500 gold is a bit on the high side for them.
The only thing I'm aware that ANET ever said was that unspecified trade improvements were coming. The only thing that made people think that things were coming with factions was that the first town we saw in the factions preview was called "The Marketplace".Stark wrote:No really there should. There is no technical reason why there isn't one right now, and I though Factions was supposed to introduce new (less annoying) ways to trade.
I first saw them saw that improvements were coming was around when sorrows furnace went live, and I stayed with GW for over a year after that. In that time we got these poor excuses for trade improvements:
- Experience scrolls were made stackable. Apart from power leveling, I'm not aware of anyone who uses scrolls.
- The factions preview gave showed us a town called the marketplace. Once factions came out it turned out to be just another town.
- Any chat with WTS or WTB in it was moved from local into the trade channel. Strangely it took a few days for most of the trade spammers to realize that just putting a space in there got round the filter, even with other people spamming WT S for them to see, though I wouldn't be surprised if the trade spammers also turn local off before spamming into it.
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6257
- Joined: 2005-06-25 06:50pm
- Location: New Zealand
The problem is that with the current method, the only way to sell something in game is spamming WT S at the trade cities and hoping a buyer comes along. A large proportion of the spammers probably don't like doing that, but they don't actually have a choice if they want to sell a lucky drop they found.brianeyci wrote: Also I am sure fuckers would still use general to whore their wares, there's a trading channel and they don't use that so if there's a trading house I don't know if they'd use that.
Playing eve online I've noticed quite a few people that still spam WTS, even though eve online has a trading system that works extremely well most of the time. Especially in Jita. So I doubt it would remove all the spamming, though you wouldn't have to actually look at the spam when trying to buy something. Nor would you have to spam in order to sell things. If your buying or selling with the trade spam only system, expect to spend several hours trying. With an actual trading system you spend a few minutes setting it up, then go spend those hours actually playing the game.
If you don't do any trading then you can just avoid the trading towns and you won't have any problems, unless your wanting to find a group of players for a quest out of that town (from what I saw of the heroes and henchmen controls in nightfall, this shouldn't be an issue).The only thing I'm worried about a trading house is it might change the fundamental nature of the game, like people who suggest GW should have non-instantiated zones. Trading channel's been around for years, people gather in two or three cities to do it, I don't see a problem with it.
If you play the game it shouldn't be necessary to trade except if you want perfection. Most of what you said I know rope.
It's pretty easy to force people to use an auction house--make trading gold between players impossible, dropping gold impossible. But that'd change the nature of the game too, make paying runners impossible and so on.
It isn't such a serious mark on GW, since GW isn't about items. It's just something extra that might change something basic about the game, and I'd prefer they didn't. Yelling and taking hours for selling discourages trading except for the die hards, and I kind of like that.
It's pretty easy to force people to use an auction house--make trading gold between players impossible, dropping gold impossible. But that'd change the nature of the game too, make paying runners impossible and so on.
It isn't such a serious mark on GW, since GW isn't about items. It's just something extra that might change something basic about the game, and I'd prefer they didn't. Yelling and taking hours for selling discourages trading except for the die hards, and I kind of like that.
- Ar-Adunakhor
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 672
- Joined: 2005-09-05 03:06am
I find it a massive pain in the ass. For as long as it takes me to sell high-end golds for a reasonable price, I could have been out getting three more good items. It's a horrible system.brianeyci wrote:It isn't such a serious mark on GW, since GW isn't about items. It's just something extra that might change something basic about the game, and I'd prefer they didn't. Yelling and taking hours for selling discourages trading except for the die hards, and I kind of like that.
Also, the AH didn't remove ripping people off from WoW, it just institutionalized it.
Well it's not a problem to me, because I believe you should play the game to get cool stuff. But you're our guild's pawn dude so you go ahead and sell stuff I give you... you take a cut of course.
Stark you should join our guild so we can pvp practise, 1v1. Tomorrow Ad, you die
EDIT: I would like to say I do not believe you should play for hundreds of hours to be competitive. GW doesn't have this problem. 12% compared to 15% and 12's drop everywhere... perfection should take hunting and farming, so I have no problem. If you want to pvp only, get a pvp account and get all skills and all items unlocked, save yourself the hassle IMO.
Stark you should join our guild so we can pvp practise, 1v1. Tomorrow Ad, you die

EDIT: I would like to say I do not believe you should play for hundreds of hours to be competitive. GW doesn't have this problem. 12% compared to 15% and 12's drop everywhere... perfection should take hunting and farming, so I have no problem. If you want to pvp only, get a pvp account and get all skills and all items unlocked, save yourself the hassle IMO.
On Gate of Madness, second last mission.
If there's anybody out there who beat this mission with heroes and henchmen, could they share their secrets. Or pm me if you don't want your builds to get out.
Our guild's still small but moving along nicely. Should beat Nightfall in a few days, if I'm not stuck on this mission forever. Might have to call in serious help, if anybody is on mission 19 please pm me. I have died 20+ times. Evidently you require a lot of skills not in Nightfall or classes like assassin to beat the boss easily, otherwise it's a pain in the ass.
EDIT: I've taken a closer look at GW forums and there seem to be two camps, the whiners about this mission and the people who wing it and say it's easy even with heroes. Well up to now every mission in the entire game's been easy and has never required me to look at a particular bosses's skills and bring certain other skills to disable them. The worst I had to say was "enemy is spellcaster, bring interrupt." Now I actually have to think. Excellent. I expect it to take two weeks or more given I've got real life to deal with, but I'll figure out a hench and hero build. Finally a real challenge, one that requires me to build my heroes and myself specifically to beat a boss, not just tag onto any random group and survive with some generic do-it-all build.
If there's anybody out there who beat this mission with heroes and henchmen, could they share their secrets. Or pm me if you don't want your builds to get out.
Our guild's still small but moving along nicely. Should beat Nightfall in a few days, if I'm not stuck on this mission forever. Might have to call in serious help, if anybody is on mission 19 please pm me. I have died 20+ times. Evidently you require a lot of skills not in Nightfall or classes like assassin to beat the boss easily, otherwise it's a pain in the ass.
EDIT: I've taken a closer look at GW forums and there seem to be two camps, the whiners about this mission and the people who wing it and say it's easy even with heroes. Well up to now every mission in the entire game's been easy and has never required me to look at a particular bosses's skills and bring certain other skills to disable them. The worst I had to say was "enemy is spellcaster, bring interrupt." Now I actually have to think. Excellent. I expect it to take two weeks or more given I've got real life to deal with, but I'll figure out a hench and hero build. Finally a real challenge, one that requires me to build my heroes and myself specifically to beat a boss, not just tag onto any random group and survive with some generic do-it-all build.
Yea! I can actually play again!
As I suspected, there was no rule in the packet shaping software used by the university, so instead of getting a 'normal' priority, which is the same level as other games, as well as the resident's www connections, I was getting the default 'very low' priority, which is lower than resident's bit torrent connections.
But life is once again good, and with my 150-300 ping during the day, I should be able to play during the evening with pings under 200, when programs with 'very high' priority won't be running.
As I suspected, there was no rule in the packet shaping software used by the university, so instead of getting a 'normal' priority, which is the same level as other games, as well as the resident's www connections, I was getting the default 'very low' priority, which is lower than resident's bit torrent connections.
But life is once again good, and with my 150-300 ping during the day, I should be able to play during the evening with pings under 200, when programs with 'very high' priority won't be running.

My niece: "Yeah, from the fridge!"
Jalten Denvalk (WN) is my primary right now. I also started a WMo named Tanvelth Vekmore, but he hasn't gone through the searing yet.
I also have an AEl from the Factions free weekend last year, but since I haven't paid for Factions yet, I can't use her.
I also have an AEl from the Factions free weekend last year, but since I haven't paid for Factions yet, I can't use her.

My niece: "Yeah, from the fridge!"

Hahahaha after all the whining on message boards about how people were stuck there months I expected it to take me weeks and it took me two days even though I am/was sick as hell and on antibiotics. What a joke.
Dunkaroo, Talkhora both equipped the same way: Monk/Elementalist. Glyph of Lesser Energy, Aegis, Protective Spirit, Guardian, Dismiss Condition, Remove Hexes, Zealous Benediction, Resurrect (but Dunk with Rebirth in case he needed to save the whole party.)
Koss equipped with Wild Blow, Distracting Blow, Barbarous Slice, Gash, Power Attack, Final Thrust, Watch Yourself, and Shields Up.
Anyway good luck peeps, and join our guild because it kicks ass. Or will soon.
EDIT: The only reason why it took me two days too was because I had no idea how to make a proper warrior, and had Koss with a whole bunch of bullshit skills. And I went in with Koss on avoid combat the whole time, with a 10 damage sword. That was the same day I made a build with four classes haha, man was I high. But now that I feel better, I got to Shiro easy and killed him the first time I faced him, ever (I never reached him the other two times.) Hahaha.
Oh thanks for the offer, but I'm far too stubborn to be in a guild unless I'm an officer or otherwise exempt from people questioning my strange skill/party builds all the time.
Anyway, the triple green weekend is a blessing, I've got a nice combination of domination mesmer wand and focus for my hero, and I've camped the Eternal Grove for a bunch of Scar Eaters, a Shatterstone, a Jayne's Staff and a Time Eater, and a nice gold 15^50 gothic axe from a chest. I still need one of the two Rit items that drop in the area neither have dropped for me yet. Will try again tonight, so if anyone wants to join on boss farm runs then they're welcome.

Anyway, the triple green weekend is a blessing, I've got a nice combination of domination mesmer wand and focus for my hero, and I've camped the Eternal Grove for a bunch of Scar Eaters, a Shatterstone, a Jayne's Staff and a Time Eater, and a nice gold 15^50 gothic axe from a chest. I still need one of the two Rit items that drop in the area neither have dropped for me yet. Will try again tonight, so if anyone wants to join on boss farm runs then they're welcome.
Stubborn as ever - Let's hope it pays off this time.
What, you mean people steal your builds or think your builds suck?
IMO, PvE builds are not a big deal at all, why not let people know about them. Unless they're so good you're afraid Anet would nerf them.
Officer is this guild is more responsibility than fun, as it should be in any good guild. Everybody wants to be a king but doesn't realize kings do a lot of work on the side to make the peons happy.
IMO, PvE builds are not a big deal at all, why not let people know about them. Unless they're so good you're afraid Anet would nerf them.
Officer is this guild is more responsibility than fun, as it should be in any good guild. Everybody wants to be a king but doesn't realize kings do a lot of work on the side to make the peons happy.
They think my builds suck, just because it isn't standard template #28934.
I'm not into PvP at all, most of the time I just solo some PvE content.
I'm in a crap guild right now full with noobs, but at least they don't dare to whine about my builds. Unfortunately, at least 75% of the green/gold items I find go to the noobs in the guild, or whining noobs in the streets that claim they want to buy them and then tell me they only got 100g and a few blue trash items. I've got a problem saying no, heheh.
I'm not into PvP at all, most of the time I just solo some PvE content.
I'm in a crap guild right now full with noobs, but at least they don't dare to whine about my builds. Unfortunately, at least 75% of the green/gold items I find go to the noobs in the guild, or whining noobs in the streets that claim they want to buy them and then tell me they only got 100g and a few blue trash items. I've got a problem saying no, heheh.
Stubborn as ever - Let's hope it pays off this time.
You beat Nightfall yet? Need someone who knows what to do to help farm Domain of Anguish later.
Who cares if they think it sucks, it's just a game ohhhh they're good at a game big deal. I can't be into PvP at all until I get a new computer, < 10 fps here, so it'll probably be months. Join our guild, we don't have whiners or beggars or immature kids. Except me. You'll keep your greens and golds, or at the very least give it to people who don't beg for them. We need a skill guy for our hall still. We're small but smaller's better if you solo a lot.
Who cares if they think it sucks, it's just a game ohhhh they're good at a game big deal. I can't be into PvP at all until I get a new computer, < 10 fps here, so it'll probably be months. Join our guild, we don't have whiners or beggars or immature kids. Except me. You'll keep your greens and golds, or at the very least give it to people who don't beg for them. We need a skill guy for our hall still. We're small but smaller's better if you solo a lot.
I beat nightfall in less then 2 days after release, done it all at master with hench. Call me if you need help.
Oh and I'd advise you to take the Domain of Secrets (from gate of secrets) for farming Lightbringer instead. Margonites... They die in seconds, and there's a whole castle full of them. And you also get 1-3 chests.
I was max ( rank8 ) Lightbringer in a week.
Oh and I'd advise you to take the Domain of Secrets (from gate of secrets) for farming Lightbringer instead. Margonites... They die in seconds, and there's a whole castle full of them. And you also get 1-3 chests.
I was max ( rank8 ) Lightbringer in a week.
Stubborn as ever - Let's hope it pays off this time.
Day-amn. You were quick.
As for questioning builds, fuck the template builds. If you are too stupid to devise an effective build without referencing a website to do it, then you should be called on it. Also, as head of the guild brian is trying to pimp to you, I could careless what you run. It's more about having fun.
As for questioning builds, fuck the template builds. If you are too stupid to devise an effective build without referencing a website to do it, then you should be called on it. Also, as head of the guild brian is trying to pimp to you, I could careless what you run. It's more about having fun.
I've committed the greatest sin, worse than anything done here today. I sold half my soul to the devil. -Ivan Isaac, the Half Souled Knight
Mecha Maniac
Mecha Maniac
- Sith Acolyte
- Posts: 6257
- Joined: 2005-06-25 06:50pm
- Location: New Zealand
I'm thinking about returning to guild wars. The only thing that is actually making me think about it is two changes in the patch notes:
Jan 19:
Permanent Change:
* The "evade" mechanic has been removed from the game. All skills that used this mechanic have been changed to use "block" instead.
and then on Jan 22:
* Added the evade mechanic back into the game. This was listed as a permanent change in the last update notes but has been added back into the game pending further analysis.
The main things that I'd like to know about it is if ANET is planning to remove evade again, if so why, and how it effected skills like Sun and Moon Slash
Jan 19:
Permanent Change:
* The "evade" mechanic has been removed from the game. All skills that used this mechanic have been changed to use "block" instead.
and then on Jan 22:
* Added the evade mechanic back into the game. This was listed as a permanent change in the last update notes but has been added back into the game pending further analysis.
The main things that I'd like to know about it is if ANET is planning to remove evade again, if so why, and how it effected skills like Sun and Moon Slash
Heheh. I like being fast. If there's something new which can be solo'ed, you can bet on it that I'll race through it. Like this. ... 060928.php
The block/evade thing made me go WTF too, especially since a lot of warrior abilities are affected by it, sun and moon slash is only the beginning, there are a bunch of attacks that do something bad to the user or the target if its either blocked OR evaded as well.
And this one will give quite paradoxal results if Block and Evade were to be combined
I really appreciate the guild invitation but I think I'll only get myself into trouble like I always do. ... 060928.php
The block/evade thing made me go WTF too, especially since a lot of warrior abilities are affected by it, sun and moon slash is only the beginning, there are a bunch of attacks that do something bad to the user or the target if its either blocked OR evaded as well.
And this one will give quite paradoxal results if Block and Evade were to be combined

I really appreciate the guild invitation but I think I'll only get myself into trouble like I always do.
Stubborn as ever - Let's hope it pays off this time.
Is there another SDN guild floating around, besides the Knights of Absolution? I am resuming regular play of GW and KoA seeme to be DOA.
My character is Edwyrd Nigma. A level 14 W\R.
My character is Edwyrd Nigma. A level 14 W\R.
"Whilst human alchemists refer to the combustion triangle, some of their orcish counterparts see it as more of a hexagon: heat, fuel, air, laughter, screaming, fun." Dawn of the Dragons
"Whilst human alchemists refer to the combustion triangle, some of their orcish counterparts see it as more of a hexagon: heat, fuel, air, laughter, screaming, fun." Dawn of the Dragons
Can you send me an invite. I've left KoA.Tasoth wrote:Well, we can make you a member Ed, not a problem.
"Whilst human alchemists refer to the combustion triangle, some of their orcish counterparts see it as more of a hexagon: heat, fuel, air, laughter, screaming, fun." Dawn of the Dragons
"Whilst human alchemists refer to the combustion triangle, some of their orcish counterparts see it as more of a hexagon: heat, fuel, air, laughter, screaming, fun." Dawn of the Dragons
Knights of Absolution was never really busy, and died completely once I stopped playing hahaha at least as far as I can tell since I was the only one spending 20+ hours a week.
The only thing in my opinion that's going to stop this from happening to this guild is PvP. I can't imagine playing ten hours a week forever, but I can imagine one or two hours a week, eventually once the single player gets stale, with the pvp. Beating up on kid punks won't ever get old. Scheduled hours.
The only thing in my opinion that's going to stop this from happening to this guild is PvP. I can't imagine playing ten hours a week forever, but I can imagine one or two hours a week, eventually once the single player gets stale, with the pvp. Beating up on kid punks won't ever get old. Scheduled hours.