((Short update now, in truth the below events happened almost immediately after the previous one, just didn't get to them till now.))
The blood was still wet on the ground as Marvin the infinitely ancient android trudged out through the main gate. A mighty iron +Battle ax+ in his metallic hand, the android lopped off to complete the all-important mind-sapping task of felling tees. Behind him a series of heavily armed Dwarfs watched him go from the inside gate, kobold gore still on the ground.
“That be one seriously depressed golem”
“Can golems get depressed Mr. Bean?
“Nar, I’d never think so, but that one be right round the bend.
“Well hopefully nothing else happens to it, the last thing we need is a mad Golem on our hands
Loomer spoke softly.
As if in accordance to universal laws of narrative, at that moment Ford Prefect, who had left the main gates just ahead of Marvin, felt an uneasy feeling that he was being followed. In a certain respect h was begin followed as he could see Marvin several paces behind him. But more to the point, he could see a distorted shimmering in the bushes next to him.
“Fetid Photons! Not another one of you little things!” Ford shouted as he leapt back, The grey lizard like thing seemed to fade into existence as it ran jabbering from the resident of Betelgeuse.
“Marvin! Watch out there! It’s headed your way!” Ford yelled as the android looked up into the onrushing kobold. The android, as it so often was, seemed to give little care to the situation.
“I don’t really see why I should devote any of my vast intellect to this, the creature seems armed with only the crudest of weapons and, while my own body has been blasted, scorched shot at and partially melted, I can safely calculate that there is virtually no chance of tit inflecting any serious damage to me” the android said as it stood its ground against the on rushing Kobold.
The Kobold, having only narrowly missed being discovered by the horde of deadly armed dwarfs, flung himself full force at what looked like a drab metal man. The small dagger he had thrust out impacted hard into Marvin’s side. There was a ghastly silence as Marvin looked down, noting with some surprise that the knife had managed to push between the smallest of dents along his left side, The dagger had poked through the metal and had nicked, if only just, all of the diodes.
The pain was excruciating.
Marvin flung his arms out wildly, the Android giving a strange gurgling noise as sparks flew from the wound., ghis fist moving with the age of millennia, impacted with a sickening “Squelch” sound into the kobolds facer before the creature suddenly found itself momentarily airborne.
The last thing the kobold through as it fly into the air was “That Android can through Hell’a far!”
A moment later and crisis had past. Trillian and Arthur had run out to Marvin as soon as the noise had started and soon he seemed to have calmed down.
“How very strange, I would say it bothered me that I was responsible for its death, but I am far too depressed to consider it at the moment. The pain in all the diodes down my left side is worse then ever.
“Back to your old self then Marvin?” Arthur said sarcastically as Trillian gave him a punch on the shoulder.
“Do be nice Arthur, Marvin has saved our loves countless times after all, and we really should take better care of him,
“Or we could just melt him down for scrap, it would make me feel better” Ford said passing them by. “At least that’s over with at last.” He said foolishly.
Less then ten minutes later, Marvin in the middle of hewing down a mighty Oak brought his ax down not into a tree but the shimmering blur that had been a goblin snatcher trying to sneak by.
Marvin looked down at the still twitching leg of the goblin thief.
“Oh no not again. Really can’t you just leave us alone? It would make things easier for you to go away.” The Android said as he reached out to push the blood gushing goblin away from his work area. This he did with tremendous success, perhaps far more then anticipated.
Behind him, Arthur and Trillain watched in amazement.
“I don’t suppose we should worry about him? I mean he’s never hurt anyone before, aside from fatally depressing other people.
“Why should we have anything to worry about Arthur, haven’t you treated him well after all? Trillian said with a smirk leaving behind a very thoughtful Arthur Dent.
((NOTE: once again the above events all took place within about 4 "days" of each other. which means I had four kolbold thieves and one goblin thief in the span of about 15min of game play. Also I have to say I have not altered Marvins stats in any way, largely I would not know how to do so on my computer, but I will say both times I conscripted him to fight off the thieves, without any special action on my part he seemed able to fling them a good distance across the map. Clearly he is not to be trifled with.