Compared to the Japanese?wautd wrote:
I can see the Japanese work and including the Brits is a no brainer, but won't the Italian tech tree be very short and underpowered compared to the other factions? The best tank I know would be the P40 but even that will be comparable to a Sherman/Panzer IV at best. Which experimental designs of them could compete with the upper tiers?
Would be cool to have armored cars included as well though. Italy had pretty good 'uns afaik.
Gee do I want the Ha-go with the default 25mm gun? Or the top of the line 37mm cannon! Or maybe the Ha-Hi with Chi-ha 57mm turret bolted on. Well the Japanese do have an open topped 150mm gun "tank", a mainstay tank with a 47mm gun close to what the Italians had (Which was itself a copy of another gun) and then what? The Chi ha was the best produced Japanese tank unless you count "experimental" tanks that mounted guns all the way up to 75mm!. Yeah... The best the Japanese can offer is a much less armor Sherman copy which was slow as hell. After that your not even talking about experimentalist but the pure flights of fancy like the O-I super heavy tank that supposedly built with 105mm gun and 37mm rear arc defense turrets. The Italians by contrast had nothing the biggest tank purposed was the Sahariano which was a Crusader style tank copy to be armed with the 75mm. Supposedly there was plans for a Italian 90mm tank but I've never even seen an artist rendering of a 90mm in a turret of any kind on any chassis.