"We'll build a new base to cover the Asian Republic." Now that I had made a decision, I was ready to head back to bed.

In the morning, I found a new message waiting for me. It was from FaxModem, who had gone to the Chinese Republic to secure a facility for our use – he had gotten his hands on an annex to the Wenchang Spaceport. He cited good Chinese funding in addition to the location.
Personally, I think the base should have been farther north to cover Nippon, but apparently Fax thinks the base location will be good for the morale of the people stationed there.
Research indicates that particular island is a tourist trap in addition to having a military base and spaceport. I couldn't help but wonder if that affected FaxModem's decision making process.
The base was given a code-name for reporting purposes, and I will accept nominations for a proper name over the next day or so.
So, what shall we call our base? You can see my interim name in the picture above. Submissions will be selected from for poignancy and funny.
From the access point, the two grayed boxes to the right are hard stone that I can't utilize for base facilities. It just makes base construction harder.
Above the Access is the Radar – which will come online in seven days, and once the power station and Command center (to the left and right respectively) are built in 12 days.
09:00, 03 April 2084
Barracks, PHALANX HQ
Turkey, GEU
Hawkwings squealed in glee. “I HAZ AN ELECTROMAGNETIC RIFLE!”

00:01, 08 April 2084
Command Center, PHALANX
Turkey, GEU

I checked my e-mail one more time before headed off to sleep.
Code: Select all
From: SecGen, UN
To: Director, PHALANX
The Revolutionary Nations of South Africa are displeased with your inability to patrol their airspace and protect them from the alien menace.
Code: Select all
From: Director, PHALANX
To: SecGen, UN
CC: El Presidente, The Glorious Revolutionary Nations
Dear Secretary General:
Due to a limit to our funding this past fiscal month, we are unable to construct all the defensive bases that we wanted to. Therefore, in accordance with your directives on 21 March 2084, we are focusing on putting major population centers and industrial bases under our protective umbrella. We apologize to the Presidente for this, but we are doing the best we can with the limitations placed upon us.
This happens when there is alien activity in a nation and you don't respond to them. Shooting down UFO's, responding to alien attacks, having a base, and selling UFOs to them can raise the opinions of nations towards us.
07:04, 10 April 2084

Barnest2 leapt into the air, his interceptor screaming after the newly detected UFO – Xeno2. He was looking forward to his second Xeno kill.

“Oh, motherfucker ditched in the sea! Tell the ground team not to kill me, please?”
In the command center, I shook my head. “Almost.”
00:01, 12 April 2084
Command Center, PHALANX
Turkey, GEU

I checked my e-mail one more time before headed off to sleep.
Code: Select all
From: SecGen, UN
To: Director, PHALANX
The Asian Republic is displeased with your inability to patrol their airspace and protect them from the alien menace.
Code: Select all
From: Director, PHALANX
To: SecGen, UN
CC: Chairman, The Asian Republic
Dear Secretary General:
Due to a limit to our funding this past fiscal month, we are unable to construct all the defensive bases that we wanted to in a timely fashion. Therefore, in accordance with your directives on 21 March 2084, we are focusing on putting major population centers and industrial bases under our protective umbrella. We apologize to the Chairman for this, but we are doing the best we can with the limitations placed upon us. Our base in that nation should be online within 48 hours.
17:32, 12 April, 2084

“Xeno3 detected! It's bigger than #1 and 2! Headed due West... straight at us!”
“Put the base on alert!” I yelled out. “Get ready to evac if they get to within 100km of the base! Hold the Interceptor until they get closer!”

I watched the Geoscape as the Xeno ship kept a straight line, but due to the curvature of the Earth, would pass north of PHALANX HQ. “Send out the interceptor to shadow it. Alert the dropship to get ready. Something that big will have a larger crew.”

At 22:55, the Stiletto returned back to base. The enemy ship was too fast, and it left our radar coverage without ever getting close to the guns of our ship. Barnest2 was not happy in the least.
At 23:00, I received an emergency notification from Academia Nut. He requested that he brief everyone in at the Firebird hanger as his team had finished their research and autopsy on the aliens.
23:03, he started.

Just an experiment to see how screencapping a newly researched tech would look. Your opinions guys?
“And we have a followup on the alien apparatus we extracted during the autopsy.”

“With this in mind, I believe we can build a tool optimized to subdue and capture an alien alive. But we need your authorization to research it. Sir.”
Sorry guys, I cheated there for a moment. After conducting any alien autopsy, it opens the Alien Breathing Apparatus research item as a separate thing. I just jumped right into it as it's a very quick tech to get (It took me less than 12 hours), and leads to the next proper technology to open up.
I don't expect this to be much of a competition, but I have to offer it anyways. What do you want to research?
- Frikken Laser Beams
Alien Origins
Stun Rod
Alien Artifact – Kerrblade
Alien Artifact – Plasma Grenade
I'll warn you though, if Xeno3 lands to attack somewhere, it will probably be before I finish Stun Rod research and build a sample to use, so don't expect any captures in the next mission.