Stavis and Benjamin:
Dr. Lennox reaches out with his mind to cause pain for the toadies. They find everything they do suddenly painful and difficult ((generally I don't bother rolling if you can roll a 1 and still have MoS >= 0)).
2 shots: Stavis vs. Toady 1 (1st of 2)
Difficulty: 20
AT: 12
Modifiers: +5 for point blank, -3 for aim, -1 for first action
Adj AT: 13
d10 rolls: 6 + 13 = 19, 9 + 13 = 22
MoS: -1, 2
General location: 4 (Legs)
Specific location: 6 (R. Thigh)
Damage: 5
The second shot catches the thug in the thigh, and apparently something vital in there doesn't work anymore because he collapses to the ground screaming.
2 shots: Stavis vs Toady 2 (2nd of 2)
DF: 20
Adj AT: 11
d10 rolls: 13, 14
The next two shots scare the young punk, but don't do anything beyond that.
As this happens, the punks return fire at Stavis with pistols. Toady #1 manages to get his shots off before the leg hit takes him down.
2 shots: Toady #1 vs. Stavis
DF: 20
Adj AT: 8
d10 rolls: 13, 11
2 shots: Toady #2 vs. Stavis
DF: 20
Adj AT: 7
d10 rolls: 9, 13
The punks are, as expected, pathetic shots who hold their guns sideways as they fire. With the pain they're feeling on top of it, none of their shots come close to hitting Stavis.
Meanwhile, the kindly looking old lady opens up with a warcry.
Full auto: old lady vs. Toadies #1 and 2
DF: 20
Adj AT: 6
d10: 12
Bullets spray everywhere because of her poor eyesight and inability to control the recoil. None of them hit their targets, but on the positive side they don't hit other passengers either.
Ernesto and Mikal: ((At this point, the plot moving forward has to wait for Stacy to arrive, so either talk amongst yourselves or do nothing, or do whatever
Dirk and Blaine: She follows the pair to the car. "Look, I don't expect you to do this out of the kindness of your hearts. I can offer top of the line weapons and upgrades. Let's talk about it more in the car. I need a ride to the Electric Nipple bar."
"I'm so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark." - Muhammad Ali
"Dating is not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a heart-pounding, stomach-wrenching, gut-churning exercise in pitting your fear of rejection and public humiliation against your desire to find a mate. Enjoy." - Darth Wong