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More Microsoft Weirdness

Posted: 2006-11-02 06:29pm
by RThurmont
I'd post this in my other thread, except it would be off-topic. Microsoft has announced that they are [quote= ... terms.aspx]revising the Windows Vista licensing terms[/quote] to avoid alienating hobbyists who do multiple reinstalls, and Microsoft has also announced it is [quote=]considering leaving China[/quote] and other countries with "non-democratic" governments.

I am dumbfounded by this spate of unusual Microsoft announcements today. There is a massive degree of WTFness about this whole affair. It's like if Darth Wong decided to become a Zoroastrian and simultaneously donated his entire fortune to George W Bush.

Edit: I want to add that this event delights me, in that I'm now willing to get Vista for my personal, non-business use. If Microsoft doesn't screw up WGA the way I think they will, I might even get some Vista boxes for my business.

Re: More Microsoft Weirdness

Posted: 2006-11-02 06:37pm
by Dominus Atheos
RThurmont wrote:Edit: I want to add that this event delights me, in that I'm now willing to get Vista for my personal, non-business use. If Microsoft doesn't screw up WGA the way I think they will, I might even get some Vista boxes for my business.
Did Windows XP Pro Corp. ever have any problems with WGA?

Posted: 2006-11-02 07:15pm
by ThatGuyFromThatPlace
Good news.

BTW: You edited to add that you were now willing to buy Vista, but didn't fix those Linkies trying to be quotes...