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Unwired ISP in Australia - anyone had experience with them?

Posted: 2006-11-03 04:19am
by weemadando
Sarah is looking at getting a wireless ISP now that she's in Melbourne - she's interested in their pricings etc. I'm wondering if anyone has heard one or way or the other about their reliability and other details.

Re: Unwired ISP in Australia - anyone had experience with th

Posted: 2006-11-03 06:46am
by Chris OFarrell
weemadando wrote:Sarah is looking at getting a wireless ISP now that she's in Melbourne - she's interested in their pricings etc. I'm wondering if anyone has heard one or way or the other about their reliability and other details.
My Sister is using it. I'll ask her about it when I see her. Hell I might go over to her place in the next few days, I'll put it through its paces if I do.

Posted: 2006-11-03 08:24am
by weemadando
Checked their plans - they seem fairly reasonable. Now its all about the reliability factor.

Posted: 2006-11-03 10:16am
by Darth Wong
weemadando wrote:Checked their plans - they seem fairly reasonable. Now its all about the reliability factor.
The forum server is hosted through a wireless ISP. It's pretty reliable.

Posted: 2006-11-03 05:49pm
by weemadando
Yeah, but REGULAR ISPs in Australia are horrifically unreliable. Thank you Telstra and the Federal Gov't for blocking infrastructure development.