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Left Behind the Game
Posted: 2006-11-09 01:18pm
by Faram
Intro or somthing
Well what I know of this game is that it is not worth stealing, also try and find my coment to that sorry mess.
Posted: 2006-11-09 02:30pm
by Alferd Packer
So, is it like the Sims Goes to Hell or something? I mean, what's the point?
Welcome to Left Behind, the game! Please choose one of the following
A) True Believer
B) Non-believer
C) God-Hater
You have chosen A! Correct, you go Heaven!
Posted: 2006-11-09 05:32pm
by DPDarkPrimus
There was a topic about this in SLAM not too long ago. The game is rubbish. It also reads like it was written by middle-schoolers.
Posted: 2006-11-09 05:47pm
by Stark
I thought the demo was HILARIOUS.

Posted: 2006-11-09 06:47pm
by Sam Or I
The trailer looks intresting enough, intresting concept. I have not seen the game or a demo myself so who knows. I am a post apocolypse fan, despite its christian basis it sounds like an intresting concept. Surviving in a world that your deity has let burn. I doubt the game itself is actually like that though.
Posted: 2006-11-09 06:53pm
by Sam Or I
This gives me an idea. What about a starcraft like game mixed with a hint of Black and White of the war in heaven. Take command as Michael or Lucifer. Even though I am not religious, I would find it cool.
Posted: 2006-11-09 08:33pm
by Darth Raptor
Done right, I would totally buy an RTS where I got to lead an army of vicious demons on a blood-soaked rampage through the campus of Liberty University.
Posted: 2006-11-10 01:34am
by Temjin
Did anyone else laugh when, after the guy explains armageddon, the "Coming Soon" popped up?
Oh, and I'll probably get this game just for shits and giggles. Of course, that'll be three of four years down the road when It's in the bargain bin. I don't want to give the assholes who made this game any more money than I have to.
Posted: 2006-11-10 02:24am
by Civil War Man
Eh, if I were in charge, I personally would have made it an MMO. Kinda like WoW, but instead of Alliance and Horde, you have The Believers and the Army of the Antichrist. Then I'd throw in an even more supernatural element where The Believers can have stuff like undead-smiting clerics and shit, and the Army of the Antichrist characters can be stuff like werewolves, vampires, Dawn of the Dead zombies-on-crack, etc.
Of course, eventually it would evolve to the point where it was World of Darkness: the MMO, which would be awesome if you could implement the Mage system properly.
Posted: 2006-11-10 04:36am
by InnocentBystander
I played the demo for an hour, and words fail me. I think the most telling thing about it was that after I finished a mission, the game tried to sell me music.

Posted: 2006-11-10 04:54am
by Dooey Jo
Uh, okay, apart from the music (goddamnit I used that piece in a game once), that trailer sucked ass.
I don't know anything about this game, but I see great potential for a great message in a game like this where you get to battle the forces of evil or whatever in a post-apocalypse setting. Of course, the evil would be the god that destroys the whole world because people don't believe in him, and the objective would be to banish him from the world. I suspect the objective of this game, however, is to fight "anti-christians" so that you too get free passage into heaven, or whatever. Of course, even if that's done right, perhaps people will see that maybe a god that let's the whole world die and only saves a few morons, because they believed in the right thing, isn't such a good person after all, and join the forces of darkness. That would however require the game not to be shit, so normal people would like to play it...
Also, I found your comment, Faram. What do I win?
Posted: 2006-11-10 06:47am
by Covenant
Alferd Packer wrote:So, is it like the Sims Goes to Hell or something? I mean, what's the point?
Welcome to Left Behind, the game! Please choose one of the following
A) True Believer
B) Non-believer
C) God-Hater
You have chosen A! Correct, you go Heaven!
I made a detailed analysis of the game after playing it and taking many screenies. Lemme just give you the ass-end of it though, it says it all. All I have to say is, finally, a game that rewards me for saying
God Hates Peace. Consider it the prequel to Mark of Chaos.

Posted: 2006-11-10 07:16am
by The Grim Squeaker
So its hippies vs Tanks and helicopters.

Don't the "bad" guys also have hard metal rockers for conversion?
Posted: 2006-11-10 07:28am
by Molyneux
Oh fuck! It's Christ-zombies!
...seriously, who is actually going to buy this game? Other than as something on which to heap scorn and derision, I mean? I was under the impression that most hardcore Christians are not the most technologically-inclined.
Posted: 2006-11-10 09:55am
by Yogi
DEATH wrote:So its hippies vs Tanks and helicopters.

Don't the "bad" guys also have hard metal rockers for conversion?
One guy in the cutscene says it's hard metal, while another implies that its rap. Who knows.
Posted: 2006-11-10 03:43pm
by Covenant
Molyneux wrote:Oh fuck! It's Christ-zombies!
...seriously, who is actually going to buy this game? Other than as something on which to heap scorn and derision, I mean? I was under the impression that most hardcore Christians are not the most technologically-inclined.
They were planning to distribute 100k copies of the thing for free in Megachurches.
Posted: 2006-11-11 01:56am
by Drooling Iguana
Dooey Jo wrote:Uh, okay, apart from the music (goddamnit I used that piece in a game once), that trailer sucked ass.
What's that song called, anyway? I remember they used it in Pinky and the Brain in the episode where Brain finally succeeded in conquering the world after convincing its entire population to move to Chia-Earth. Of course, he quickly got bored with ruling an empty planet and then regular Earth was hit by an asteroid and destroyed.
Posted: 2006-11-11 03:40am
by Battlehymn Republic
Sam Or I wrote:This gives me an idea. What about a starcraft like game mixed with a hint of Black and White of the war in heaven. Take command as Michael or Lucifer. Even though I am not religious, I would find it cool.
Just wait for the Diablo RTS game. It'll be made just after Universe of Starcraft and SC2.

Posted: 2006-11-11 05:55am
by Dooey Jo
Drooling Iguana wrote:Dooey Jo wrote:Uh, okay, apart from the music (goddamnit I used that piece in a game once), that trailer sucked ass.
What's that song called, anyway? I remember they used it in Pinky and the Brain in the episode where Brain finally succeeded in conquering the world after convincing its entire population to move to Chia-Earth. Of course, he quickly got bored with ruling an empty planet and then regular Earth was hit by an asteroid and destroyed.
It's from the fourth movement of Antonin Dvořák's 9th Symphony, "
From the New World".
Posted: 2006-11-12 03:50am
by Invictus ChiKen
I keep trying, but I can't get the demo to work on my computer...
Why am I not suprised?