New Star Trek Legacy Videos
Posted: 2006-11-22 08:42pm
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
Are you serious? Jesus.Course, it seems the game suffers from ship design-itis, with the thirty-odd Fed ships being more than half the roster.
I could barely hear what they were saying, on a laptop speaker. I assume on normal or hard mode, he could not have just sat around for ten minutes ignoring the mission objective and waited for 30 Valdores to swarm around and blown them up like Voyager taking out Kazon.Brian, at one point in the video one of the guys says it's on easy mode. But I do agree that the Romulan fleet seemed like too much of a non-issue.
Yeah, but it's still lame. Their site seems to suggest three Romulan designs in total, against all the Fedder designs. The SFC-esque fleshed out fleets at least gave you more options thatn 'one warbird' or 'two warbirds' or 'a warbird and a valdore'.SylasGaunt wrote:That and part of any design-itis problems are liable to be because the feds seem to change their ship roster more than anyone else I can remember from Trek.
FYI there are no Valdores.brianeyci wrote:
I could barely hear what they were saying, on a laptop speaker. I assume on normal or hard mode, he could not have just sat around for ten minutes ignoring the mission objective and waited for 30 Valdores to swarm around and blown them up like Voyager taking out Kazon.
Yeah, but that's because the enemy was on easy, and wasn't using their photons as much as a competent player would. I think the guy mentioned that he wasn't very good at the game.What I did hear was "shields down" half a dozen times, and none of his ships were blown up though some came close. That must be some nice adamantium they have there.
Warbirds have cloak, and that is shown in one of the three videos. It is not shown from the enemies perspective though, and the Romulan AI not using cloak probably has something to do with it being set to easy.I didn't see any Warbirds decloak. You've got to have some decloak in your face when you're fighting Warbirds, that's the whole point of them.
There are 80 ships, and quite a few romulan, klingon, and borg designs.Stark wrote:Yeah, but it's still lame. Their site seems to suggest three Romulan designs in total, against all the Fedder designs. The SFC-esque fleshed out fleets at least gave you more options thatn 'one warbird' or 'two warbirds' or 'a warbird and a valdore'.SylasGaunt wrote:That and part of any design-itis problems are liable to be because the feds seem to change their ship roster more than anyone else I can remember from Trek.
Where is this list you speak of!Kamakazie Sith wrote:There are 80 ships, and quite a few romulan, klingon, and borg designs.
I am looking at a four inch by four inch window playing from that link. I could barely see what kind of ships they were, and was assuming from the way they were going "Romulan ship destroyed" every two seconds, they were battling something less than a Warbird. I can't get any of the links to work, not even when I use IE, and I could only get the embed to work when I used IE instead of Opera.Kamakazie Sith wrote:FYI there are no Valdores.
Ships ListStark wrote:Where is this list you speak of!Kamakazie Sith wrote:There are 80 ships, and quite a few romulan, klingon, and borg designs.
I recommend you get to a bigger screen so you can really enjoy it.brianeyci wrote:I am looking at a four inch by four inch window playing from that link. I could barely see what kind of ships they were, and was assuming from the way they were going "Romulan ship destroyed" every two seconds, they were battling something less than a Warbird. I can't get any of the links to work, not even when I use IE, and I could only get the embed to work when I used IE instead of Opera.Kamakazie Sith wrote:FYI there are no Valdores.
... Why is it the best looking Trek / Wars games also have to be the most lazily researched? Reminds me of the Carrack-cruiser sized ISD's and World Devastators in the Rogue Squadron games. Lazy and criminal, I'd rather those be left out than included in drastically reduced sizes. JESUS, the Nebula is the fastest Trek ship! And not something with much, much less mass and inertia?Kamakazie Sith wrote:Ships ListStark wrote:Where is this list you speak of!Kamakazie Sith wrote:There are 80 ships, and quite a few romulan, klingon, and borg designs.
Disclaimer -
1 - This might be considered a spoiler by some so you've been warned.
2 - I'm 90% sure they are all playable. Note 90% sure...
3 - The large number comes from refits, for example TOS to TOS Movie designs.
*edit - Those stats don't really make any sense. I don't see how the designers could make the Warbird turn faster than the Defiant, and still have a straight face.
And don't forget you could take those ISDs out with a single fighter by hitting the 'shield domes'* and then firing on the bridge, which causes the ship to skew wildly off course and plumet into the planet below.SPC Brungardt wrote:Reminds me of the Carrack-cruiser sized ISD's and World Devastators in the Rogue Squadron games.
It should be noted that the ENT mirror universe episodes with the Constitution class USS Defiant had rear firing torpedoes so maybe they just took liberty with that.Stark wrote:What's this 'all fedder ships have aft torps' thingy?
Yes, she was a pre-refit.Stark wrote:Oh, really? Wasn't Defiant a pre-refit? Where are the torp tubes aft?
Or are we just blaming ENT and moving on?
Can you elaborate on the half assed job? It looks pretty good to me, and in what aspects does it look like they didn't improve over SFC? Legacy for all its faults does look a lot better than SFC.InnocentBystander wrote:To be honest, it doesn't look like that much of an improvement over Starfleet Command. I do like how they're trying to give wrath of khan style phasers on movie era ships. They obviously did a half-assed job, but its nice to know they didn't ignore it.
You mean in terms of gameplay then, and not graphics...I'd say this game is somewhere between Bridge Commander, and Starfleet Command; only with the nifty strategic view and more modern graphics.
It is available on the PC.I'm a fan of good trek space games, and this doesn't really do anything for me. I'd try it without paying for it, if it were available on the PC, but overall I'd say its a meh title. I've yet to see a game which can honestly re-create the fight from Wrath of Khan. Oh well.
I'm inclined to "blame ENT and move on".Stark wrote:Oh, really? Wasn't Defiant a pre-refit? Where are the torp tubes aft?
Or are we just blaming ENT and moving on?
"Shield domes" has been around for a loooong time. I don't think that meme is ever going away, at least not in the games, because as soon as someone pipes up with "you know, those are actually sensor domes" someone else is going to say something like "yeah but every other game has them as shield domes so if we change it people who played any other games are either going to be confused or they'll think we're stupid".atg wrote:And don't forget you could take those ISDs out with a single fighter by hitting the 'shield domes'* and then firing on the bridge, which causes the ship to skew wildly off course and plumet into the planet below.SPC Brungardt wrote:Reminds me of the Carrack-cruiser sized ISD's and World Devastators in the Rogue Squadron games.
*Said shield domes are what we know as the sensor domes and the powerplant bulge on the underside.
Why? TOS hinted at half a dozen launchers spread around the ship.I'm inclined to "blame ENT and move on".
There's room for one aft launcher in the black area where the neck meets the secondary hull.Also, refit doesn't even play into this because where the hell are the aft tubes on the refit model?