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Shep gets Halo 1 and 2.
Posted: 2006-11-28 08:49pm
by MKSheppard
After the marvelous performance of Return to Castle Wolfenstein on my XBox in convincing me that console FPSes can actually work; I picked up both Halo 1 and 2 used for about $30; and will be playing through them. My impressions will follow.
Posted: 2006-11-28 08:52pm
by Stark
So, after whinging like an ignorant little bitch that you can't play FPSes on consoles you're now a convert? HILARIOUS.
Let me know if you can bear to get past 'the library' in Halo: it was so boring and repeditive I couldn't stand it and gave up. Mike got past it I think, but it turned many people off the game. Repeating the same level geometry a dozen times = suck.

Posted: 2006-11-28 09:00pm
by ThatGuyFromThatPlace
The Library sucked but the Maw (last level) was worth it for me.
And anyway multiplayer what its all about.

Posted: 2006-11-28 09:01pm
by Ghost Rider
Urgh...that and the last level. Honestly The Library was just repetitive, in both look AND objectives.
The final level...or actually the final obective and how to reach it was for me, just a finger to me. Sorry, driving is not the game's strongpoint.
Halo 2....sad to say was not bad storywise(for what it is), but I had more fun playing the secondary part then I did what the game was all hyped for.
Posted: 2006-11-28 09:38pm
by MKSheppard
Stark wrote:So, after whinging like an ignorant little bitch that you can't play FPSes on consoles you're now a convert? HILARIOUS.

Only if the title in question has auto-aim or allows PC style saving...anything else is just a blatant attempt by the developer to make the game seem longer by frustrating you.
Posted: 2006-11-28 09:43pm
by Stark
MKSheppard wrote:Only if the title in question has auto-aim or allows PC style saving...anything else is just a blatant attempt by the developer to make the game seem longer by frustrating you.
Grab the PC port from somewhere: they left the auto-aim AND the hopeless inaccuracy in, so you've got mouselook with guns that spread 5cm, but the bullets all angle themselves toward the target anyway...

Posted: 2006-11-29 02:01am
by weemadando
I don't like thumbstick aiming, but I'm getting better at it, especially after lots of GR:AW and GoW.
Posted: 2006-11-29 02:14am
by Vympel
I got used to it on various console FPS, but I must say, the only ones I ever finished were Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Red Faction + Red Faction II couldn't hold my interest- don't know why I bought them.
Posted: 2006-11-29 02:22am
by Darth Wong
Console FPS games still suck in terms of control compared to PC shooters, but I found the Halo games fairly enjoyable, despite a few absolutely atrocious levels.
Posted: 2006-11-29 02:26am
by Sephirius
Darth Wong wrote:Console FPS games still suck in terms of control compared to PC shooters, but I found the Halo games fairly enjoyable, despite a few absolutely atrocious levels.
I feel the shitty level design is worth it for the story/ fun gameplay.
Posted: 2006-11-29 02:30am
by Hotfoot
I was annoyed at Halo 1 for the shitty level design, the horrendous PC version, the fact that the motherfucking shotgun is impossible to find until long after the flood have descended upon you, and the fact that co-op was removed from the PC version (bah).
However, it was a reasonably fun game, all things considered, though by no means the revolutionary game I keep hearing people gush about over and over and over again. God I just want to smack some of them.
Posted: 2006-11-29 02:42am
by Stark
Sephirius wrote:I feel the shitty level design is worth it for the story/ fun gameplay.
A shooter is the wrong place to look for a story, buddy. People who play/love terrible games due to story make me wonder if they're the same guys that buy all that terrible anime 'for the story'.

Posted: 2006-11-29 10:35am
by Vendetta
Stark wrote:Let me know if you can bear to get past 'the library' in Halo: it was so boring and repeditive I couldn't stand it and gave up. Mike got past it I think, but it turned many people off the game. Repeating the same level geometry a dozen times = suck.

I think The Library was designed as the ultimate co-operative level. The level itself is so tedious you
have to have someone to talk to, just to stay sane.
Posted: 2006-11-29 11:49am
by General Zod
I picked up Halo a couple weeks ago for the PC and am on the Library level myself. It wouldn't really be that bad if it wasn't so fucking big and repetitive. It also seems like in some places you can wander around for an hour trying to find your way out of a stage in frustration, shut the game off, and then find the exit you were looking for within ten minutes. Might just be me.
Pretty entertaining game but the level design is aggravating at times. And no HUD map? What the shit? Even DOOM had a HUD map you could switch to that tracked where you've been. That's probably my biggest frakking complaint and the single thing that makes the game much harder than it ought to be.
Posted: 2006-11-29 12:31pm
by Rekkon
Hotfoot wrote:I was annoyed at Halo 1 for the shitty level design, the horrendous PC version, the fact that the motherfucking shotgun is impossible to find until long after the flood have descended upon you, and the fact that co-op was removed from the PC version (bah).
What difficulty are you playing? I know I got a shotgun just a few rooms after they intro the Flood. They change weapon availability somewhat on the easier settings, but on easy and normal, you could take out the Flood with a 2x4.
The Library sucks horribly though. I replay Halo on Legendary every so often, but almost always skip that level. No coop is a let down, but I was really ticked that Halo 2 made it seem like you could have 4 player coop at first. We need a game mode where you defend a base against wave after wave of AI Covenant troops.
Posted: 2006-11-29 12:52pm
by Shogoki
Vendetta wrote:Stark wrote:Let me know if you can bear to get past 'the library' in Halo: it was so boring and repeditive I couldn't stand it and gave up. Mike got past it I think, but it turned many people off the game. Repeating the same level geometry a dozen times = suck.

I think The Library was designed as the ultimate co-operative level. The level itself is so tedious you
have to have someone to talk to, just to stay sane.
I guess it succeeds at getting two people bored and annoyed at the same time.
Posted: 2006-11-29 01:26pm
by Vendetta
The biggest letdown of Halo 2 for me was no Live co-op. Halo 3 needs that.
Posted: 2006-11-29 04:56pm
by Stark
The library was WORSE because anyone with a brain could see it coming. It's not like the earlier levels were hugely original and never reused level geometry. If it wasn't outside on green hills, it was cut-and-pasted repeditive nonsense. The library was just a killer because by door 3, I calculated it'd take more than an hour to get past all 12 and thought 'fuck this gayhole shit' and never played the game again.
I hear it's a 10/10 perfect game and the best shooter ever, though.

Posted: 2006-11-29 05:34pm
by Enigma
Is there a PC port of Halo 2? I haven't seen one anywhere.
Posted: 2006-11-29 05:35pm
by General Zod
Enigma wrote:Is there a PC port of Halo 2? I haven't seen one anywhere.
It hasn't been released yet. Probably won't be until after Halo 3 is out on the 360.
Posted: 2006-11-29 05:37pm
by Enigma
General Zod wrote:Enigma wrote:Is there a PC port of Halo 2? I haven't seen one anywhere.
It hasn't been released yet. Probably won't be until after Halo 3 is out on the 360.
That sucks crap.
Posted: 2006-11-29 05:39pm
by Vendetta
Expect Halo 2 to come out roughly around the same time as Vista. Which will be required to run it. Don't expect Halo 3 until at least next summer.
Posted: 2006-11-29 05:41pm
by Stark
Enigma wrote:That sucks crap.
Buy an Xbox.
See how that works? It's BRILLIANT.

Posted: 2006-11-29 06:29pm
by Molyneux
Stark wrote:Enigma wrote:That sucks crap.
Buy an Xbox.
See how that works? It's BRILLIANT.

Oh, yes, shell out 200 dollars for a large brick.

Posted: 2006-11-29 06:30pm
by Stark
Err, it's the obvious MS ploy? Use their exclusive games to get people to buy their product and enter their market rather than buying the PC version?
You don't think it takes so long because it's hard, do you? It's clearly a deliberate marketing move.